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COMPENSATION CLAIM FOR DAMAGES < name of bank Date: Ref: Subject: Fraudulent Sale of PPI (Fraud Act

2006) The PPI was mis-sold to me with fabrications that I was legible to claim upon it should the need arise. Your salesperson infact lied to me and therefore committed fraud under the Fraud Act 2006 Despite my numerous letters of complaint, your replies have always been negative and your constant denial became your standard answer. Despite my complaints which you did need not heed, you then placed yourself in breach of the Administration of Justices act whereby it is a criminal offence to harass a person when the account is in dispute You then proceeded to harass me with late payment charges and passing this to numerous debt collectors. You then attacked my credit file. All this because you sold me a fraudulent PPI. MY CLAIM: 1: Harassment commenced by you xxx 2: Damages for knowlingly damaging my credit file when the account was in dispute xxx TOTAL xxx



Please ensure I receive your cheque in full and final settlement of this claim within 14 days. Thereafter interest will be charged at 8% < your name and address

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