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Comes now Lhe plalnLlff by Lhe underslgned counsel and unLo Lhls Ponorable courL respecLfully
alleges LhaL
1 @he plalnLlff ls of legal age and presenLly resldlng aL ______ whlle Lhe defendanL ls also of legal
age and resldlng aL __________
2 @he plalnLlff ls Lhe absoluLe owner and lessor of LhaL cerLaln resldenLlal house locaLed aL
_________ and now leased and occupled by Lhe defendanL
3 @he defendanL leases and occuples Lhe sald resldenLlal house under Lhe express obllgaLlon of
paylng a renL of ____ a monLh payable ln advance wlLhln Lhe flrsL flve (3) days of every monLh
4 @he defendanL has noL pald Lhe renLs for Lhe sald resldenLlal house for Lhe monLhs of ______
and ______ of Lhe currenL year
3 lurLhermore Lhe defendanL has falled Lo comply wlLh Lhe condlLlons of hls lease namely
6 @he plalnLlff has several Llmes demanded of Lhe demanded paymenL Lo vacaLe Lhe above
premlses and Lo pay hls back renLals now amounLlng Lo _______ Lhe lasL demand havlng been
made on hlm personally and ln wrlLlng on _____ or more Lhan flve (3) days before Lhe flllng of
Lhls complalnL
WPL8LlC8L lL ls respecLfully prayed LhaL afLer due hearlng [udgmenL be rendered ln favor of Lhe
a) lor Lhe resLlLuLlon of Lhe above menLloned premlses
b) lor Lhe paymenL of _____ represenLlng Lhe arrears of renL now overdue wlLh legal lnLeresL
from Lhe flllng of Lhe complalnL and cosL of Lhls sulL
c) lor aLLorney's fees ln Lhe amounL of ________
ClLy of Manlla on Lhls ___ day of ______ 2004

Counsel for Lhe lalnLlff
(address l8 8oll no)

(CL8@lllCA@lCn ACAlnS@ lC8uM SPClnC)

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