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IN1LkN'S ID NC I0864




1ab|e of Contents


Introduct|on of ressure Vesse|
2ASML Sect|on VIII D|v
3ASML Sect|on VIII D|v 2
4Ca|cu|at|on for Des|gn|ng of ressure Vesse|
SCa|cu|at|on for externa| |oad|ngs |n ressure Vesse|
6Loca| Load for ressure Vesse|
7Introduct|on of neat Lxchanger
81ypes Work|ng Iunct|on of neat Lxchanger
9Ap| 6S0620
0 Ap| 6S0 1ank ca|cu|at|ons
Compress Software Introduct|on
2 Work|ng on Compress software
3 Mak|ng of re I|ash 1ower on Compress
4 C|rcu|ars p|atform ca|cu|at|ons
S Des|gn of pressure vesse| w|th refractory ||n|ng
6 Ca|cu|at|on for des|gn of Supports 8aff|e



1he spec|a| thank goes to my he|pfu| superv|sor Mr Muhammad Uza|r Awan
1he superv|s|on and support that he gave tru|y he|p the progress|on and
smoothness of the |nternsh|p program 1he cooperat|on |s much |ndeed
My gratefu| thanks a|so go to both Mr Iarkuh and MrCwa|s kandawa b|g
contr|but|on and hard worked from both of you dur|ng the four week |s very
great |ndeed A|| pro[ects dur|ng the program wou|d be noth|ng w|thout the
enthus|asm and |mag|nat|on from both of you 8es|des th|s |nternsh|p program
makes me rea||zed the va|ue of work|ng together as a team and as a new
exper|ence |n work|ng env|ronment wh|ch cha||enges us every m|nute Not
forget great apprec|at|on go to the rest of Des|gn department's staff that he|p
me from t|me to t|me dur|ng the pro[ect 1he who|e program rea||y brought us
together to apprec|ate the true va|ue of fr|endsh|p and respect of each other



Cn the start|ng day of |nternsh|p they g|ven us br|ef |ntroduct|on on pressure
vesse| des|gn and g|ven us ass|gnment re|at|ve to theor|es app||ed |n the
pressure vesse| des|gn In the f|rst week we ass|gned to stud|ed the ASML code
SLCVIII DIv and |f we face any prob|em |n our study our superv|sor he|p us
and so|ve our d|ff|cu|t|es In second week we ass|gned the ca|cu|at|on on
pressure vesse| wh|ch |nc|udes ca|cu|at|ng pressure on pressure vesse| from |ts
th|ckness pressure vesse| head ca|cu|at|on nozz|e area ca|cu|at|on by g|v|ng
s|mp|e va|ue to we so|ve these prob|ems In th|rd week our superv|sor to|d us
how to make ||nk|ng formu|a sheets on the M|crosoft exce| we made n|ne to ten
sheets |n the who|e week and we a|so |ntroduced from the des|gn|ng of tank
based on AI 6S0 and we performed |ts ca|cu|at|ons In the |ast week we
perform pro[ect on the des|gn|ng software compress eg vert|ca| knockout
drum pre f|ash tower Cur superv|sor a|so gave us br|ef |ntroduct|on on heat
exchanger des|gn and the|r types



Introduct|on of ressure Vesse|
ressure vesse|s are conta|ners for f|u|d that are under pressure
Ma|n pressure vesse| components
rlmary componenL conLaln pressure
All pressure vessel shell musL be closed aL Lhe end by head
1o supporL pressure vessel on Lhe groun or sLrucLure supporL are used
SupporL are of followlng Lypes
l eg supporL
ll D SDC8
lll SAuu SDC81
lv SklrL supporL
yllndrlcal componenL LhaL peneLraLes Lhe shell or head of pressure vessel
llrsL we glven Lhe lnLroducLlon whaL ls pressure vessel whaL lLs maln componenL
and how lL works ln deLall so LhaL we undersLand lL deslgnlng

Study of ASML SLC VIII D|v 2


1o undersLand Lhe deslgnlng of pressure vessel lL was very necessary Lo know Lhe
codes on whlch Lhe deslgnlng of pressure vessel based lL lncludes Lhe sLudy of
eneral requlremenL for all meLhods of consLrucLlon and all maLerlal
D 16 eneral
D20 ueslgns LemperaLure
D 21 ueslgn pressure
D 22 oadlngs
D 27 1hlckness of shell under lnLernal ressure
D 28 1hlckness of shell under exLernal ressure
D26 lnlng
D40 lmlLs of relnforcemenLs
D41 SLrengLh of relnforcemenL
D23 orroslon
D99 SLandard hydrosLaLlc LesL
D103 nondesLrucLlve LesLlng
8equlremenLs of perLalnlng Lo class of maLerlal
DS23 Maxlmum allowable sLress values
DS66 MaLerlal
DS67 lmpacL LesL of weldlng procedure

8equlremenLs for pressure vessel fabrlcaLed by weldlng
DJ 3 Jelded [olnL caLegory



DJ9 uesgln of welded [olnLs
DJ10 osL weld heaL LreaLmenL
DJ11 8adlography
DJ12 !olnL efflclency
DJ26 generals
DJ30 nondesLrucLlve examlnaLlon
DJ31 8adlography examlnaLlon of welds
DJ32 SpoL examlnaLlon
Je sLudled Lhese Loplcs and Lry Lo undersLand d lf we flnd any problem ln lL we
made a quesLlon and our supervlsor explalned lL ln Lhe Loplcs we sLudled we goL
Lhe baslc ldea LhaL how code ls use ln deslgnlng of pressure vessel
Genera| and Deta|| draw|ng sheets
eneral and ueLall drawlng sheeLs of
ressure vessel
PeaL xchanger
Are glven Lo us Lo undersLand Lhe elevaLlon and orlenLaLlon vlews of drawlng and
Lo check LhaL Lhese drawlng are elLher fulflll Lhe crlLerla of deslgnlng or noL and
Lo famlllar wlLh Lhe Lerms used ln Lhe drawlng sheeLs lf we flnd any query abouL
anyLhlng our supervlsor help ln lL 8y Lhls pracLlce we wlll be able Lo undersLand
Lhe deslgn drawlngs
esigning of Pressure Vessel
alculaLlon of Lhlckness of shell from lnLernal pressure


alculaLlon for head
alculaLlon for deslgn and maxlmum allowable worklng pressure
External loadings in Pressure Vessel
nozzle area calculaLlon
8elnforcemenL ad calculaLlons
Local Load for Pressure Vessel

8y glvlng values and formulas Lask asslgned Lo solve Lhe unknwn uslg ASM code
1ables lormulas and Lhls pracLlce wlll help ln undersLand Lhe calculaLlon
procedure ln Lhe compress sofLware
L|nk|ng Sheet on M|crosoft exce|
lollowlng sheeL are made on Lhe excel
ressure vessel calculaLlons
Apl 630 1ank calculaLlon
lrcular plaLform calculaLlon
uesgln of supporL
ueslgn of baffles
8lng glrder
ueslgn of vessel wlLh refracLory llnlng
ocal loads for pressure vessel
verLlcal knockouL urum
8y maklng Lhese sheeL on compuLer flrsL we know how Lo llnklng ls done on Lhe
excel and secondly our concepL abouL deslgnlng of pressure vessel are more


We|d|ng Symbo| and the|r |ocat|on s|gn|f|cance
Je asslgned Lo read and undersLand Lhe weldlng symbols and keep remember
Lhese and lf we flnd any problem our supervlsor help us
asic |oints
orner [olnLs
8uLL [olnL
ap [oln
1hese weldlng symbols and Lhelr speclflcaLlon help us Lo undersLand Lhe weldlng
symbol and Lhelr speclflcaLlon used ln deLall drawlng of pressure vessel heaL
exchanger Lanks
ASML 86S |pe f|anges and f|anged f|tt|ng
%nS ZnS 24 meLrlc/lnch)
Je asslgned Lask Lo sLudy lL and Lold us by our supervlsor LhaL how approprlaLe
flange choose for Lhe nozzle from schedule glven ln Lhe ASM 816
Compress Software
AfLer Leachlng how Lo work on compress %deslgnlng sofLware for pressure vessel
and heaL exchanger)
Je asslgned falllng Lasks
v81l 8SSD8 vSS
8 lASP 1CJ8
My V|s|on of DLL


lLs greaL worklng experlence ln u a loL of learnlng from Lhe sLaff especlally
from our respecLed supervlsor Mohmmad Dzalr Awan nvlronmenL ls very
frlendly and l en[oyed very much worklng wlLh u and l hope nexL Llme you wlll
glve me chance Lo work wlLh you
kecommendat|ons]Area of Improvements
ueslgn deparLmenL shall be glven separaLe place because lL ls dlfflculL Lo work
wlLh concenLraLlon ln nolse produce by oLher deparLmenLs llke procuremenL and
pro[ecL managemenL

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