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EEE443DigitalSignalProcessing EEE443 Digital Signal Processing

Dr.ShahrelA.Suandi Dr. Shahrel A. Suandi Lecture#1 BriefIntroductiontoEEE443 B i fI d i EEE443

TextBook Text Book

DigitalSignalProcessing Principles, g pp AlgorithmsandApplications
Authors:JohnG.Proakis,Dimitris G.Manolakis Publisher: Prentice Hall Publisher:PrenticeHall Ordercompleted checkatUSMKoperasi

GradingScheme Grading Scheme

Coursework30%(20%:Test,10%:Assignment) k %( % % i ) andfinalexam70% Courseworkcontents:
Attendance Quiz Assignments Projects(hardwareandprogramming)

Fi l Finalexamcontents: t t
6questions(answer5) asusual

Topicstobecovered Topics to be covered

Ch t 1 U til Ch t 8 Chapter1UntilChapter8
Chapter1:Introduction Chapter 2: DiscreteTime Signals and Systems Chapter2:Discrete TimeSignalsandSystems Chapter3:TheZTransformandItsApplicationtothe AnalysisofLTISystems Chapter4:FrequencyAnalysisofSignalsandSystems Chapter5:TheDiscreteFourierTransform:ItsProperties andApplications and Applications Chapter6:EfficientComputationoftheDFT:FastFourier Transform(FFT)Algorithms Chapter7:ImplementationofDiscreteTimeSystems h l i f i i Chapter8:DesignofDigitalFilters

TeachingSchedule Teaching Schedule


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