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ln18CuuC1lCn 1C 8uSlnLSS

Ans 1 lL ls Lhe baslc goal of a buslness Lo make proflL for lLs share
holders and lnvesLors buL ln Lhls case MlcrosofL ls faclng sulL and
penalLles from uS deparLmenL lf l am Lhe founder of MS Lhen lLs very
dlfflculL for me Lo ensure Lhe world LhaL l am dolng rlghL buL l Lry my
besL Lo [usLlfy my self by saylng LhaL we are dolng legal and movlng
forward as a responslble leader ln an lndusLry so lLs our rlghL Lo earn
proflL buL on Lhe oLher hand l know LhaL l am dlsLurblng Lhe whole
aLmosphere of global sofLware lndusLry by malnLalnlng a monopoly
wlLh lLs wlndow operaLlng sysLem
Ans2lL ls noL eLhlcal for MS whaLever lL ls dolng because lL adopLed a
very shrewd meLhod for Lhe growLh of lLs buslness MS ls [usL analyzlng
lLs compeLlLors sLrengLh and weaknesses lLs maln alm ls Lo earn proflL
and secondly Lo [udge Lhe markeL power of lLs compeLlLors
Ans3?es ofcorse Ms should change lLs buslness pracLlces Lo malnLaln
lLs goodwlll because such buslness pracLlces broughL Lhem under
lnvesLlgaLlon by uS deparLmenL of [usLlcssofLware develpors and even
cusLomers may beneflLed from such changes and MS wlll malnLaln lLs
goodwlll ln Lhe markeL
Ans 4 lL ls noL eLhlcal Lo noL provlde open llcense Lo lLs
browersbecause ln Lhls way mllllons of developers who depend ln Lhe
exlsLence of an open sofLware lndusLry wlll dlsLurb ln Lhls way MS
should adopL rlghL pollcy noL proflLable because share holders and
lnvesLors demand LhaL buslness should behave eLhlcally and legally

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