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O Physical environment.

The development oI India is unequal indeed we can Iind three Iaces to India there are well
developed part with major cities, rural part and slum.
India is a huge country approximately (3.29 million sq km). It is also a developing country
that`s why there are huge inequalities within the country. There is rich cities well developed
|DELHI (capital) 21.72 million; Mumbai 19.695 million; Kolkata 15.294 million; Bangalore
7.079 million) and poor cities (Madhubani, Jhunjhunu and Sehore)|.
There is concern in India about Ireshwater the needs oI water are increasing with the
population, the developing industry, and the increasing oI irrigation in Iarms. But most oI the
population has access to improved water especially in the urban zone (96)
Several type oI transport exists in Indian: the railway is one; it carried some 17 million
passengers in 2007.
The road; roads are the dominant mode oI transportation in India today; they carry almost 90
percent oI the country`s passenger traIIic.
The boat; India has 12 major and a lot oI minor ports along its more than 7500 km long
The plane; India has more than 100 airports, including 11 international airports. Indian
airports handled 96 million passengers in year 2006-2007.
But even iI they seem to be well developed in this sector there is still problems with
transports. For example cities are congested because oI the growth oI car ownership, the
capacity oI the rails is not big enough, the quality oI the roads is bad and rural area are not
easily accessible.
To conclude about the physical environment, India is a developing country that`s why
inIrastructures are not well developed it could be diIIicult Ior companies such as the Hot
Irishman to deliver their product all around India that`s why in such conditions it might be
better Ior them to Iocus their attention on big cities well developed and easy to access.

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