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Ingredients Imperial Metric

Italian risotto rice 12 oz 350 g
Onion 2 medium
Chicken breast and /or leg meat 1 lb 450g
Peas (Irozen or Iresh) 3 oz 100g
Fresh grated parmesan cheese 1 oz 40 g
Sweet red pepper
Chicken stock 1 pints 850 ml
White wine 1 glass
Butter 1oz 25g
Olive oil 3 tablespoons
SaIIron teaspoon
Garlic cloves 2 medium
Salt and pepper To taste
S NTES See our article on saIIron by clicking here.
1 medium Irying pan
A ladle iI possible but not necessary

Slice the chicken thinly
Finely chop the onion
Finely chop or crush the garlic
Finely grate the parmesan cheese
Wash the risotto rice in cold water
Cut red pepper in halI, remove seeds and pith then chop
Method For hicken Risotto
Add one tablespoon oI olive oil to the Irying pan, add
the chicken pieces and cook on a medium heat until the
chicken is cooked through. This should take about Iive
Stir the chicken whilst cooking to ensure it's evenly
cooked. When done, place the chicken to one side.

Add the remaining two tablespoons oI olive oil to the
pan and turn the heat to low. Add the onions, garlic and
sweet peppers.
Fry at a low heat Ior 10 minutes stirring the ingredients
Irequently. The idea is to soIten the onions and peppers
without burning them.

When the ingredients are soItened, add the cooked
chicken and Iry Ior a Iurther two minutes.
Now add the risotto rice and Iry Ior another two minutes
stirring constantly. Make sure the rice is coated with the
olive oil. Add the saIIron.

Add the wine and stir. When the wine has been absorbed
by the rice add a ladleIul oI the chicken stock. Each time
the stock is absorbed, add another ladleIul. When all the
stock has been added and absorbed, the rice should be
moist but will "stack up" as shown in the picture.
This process will take about 25 minutes.

Add the Irozen peas and continue cooking Ior 2
Now add the butter and parmesan cheee. Add salt and
pepper to taste and stir well Ior 30 seconds. Remove the
risotto Irom the heat and leave it to stand (covered with
a lid or plate).

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