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Choco Mousse 1art

8 pleces M? San Crahams Choco Crackers crushed
3 Lablespoons buLLer or margarlne melLed
18 pleces chocolaLe pleces (ex llaL 1ops)
1/4 cup all purpose cream chllled

1 o CrusL Comblne crushed M? San Crahams and melLed buLLer ln a mlxlng bowl Spread and
press mlxLure on boLLom of LarL mold* lreeze for 10 mlnuLes
2 MLL1 chocolaLe pleces ln saucepan over low heaL use 1/3 of melLed chocolaLe and brush lL on
Lo crusL Chlll for 10 mlnuLes op ouL Lhe LarL from Lhe mold
3 o Mousse Whlp all purpose cream ln a bowl unLll sLlff Mlx remalnlng 2/3 melLed chocolaLe
lnLo whlpped cream
4 Spoon 1/2 Leaspoon of whlpped cream and chocolaLe mlxLure lnLo each LarLleL Chlll and serve

leellng LxperL Llp
lf no LarL mold ls avallable you can use an 8x8 pan buL lncrease proporLlon per 6 LarLs as follows 10
pleces of M? San Crahams ChocolaLe crushed 1/2 cup melLed buLLer 24 pleces chocolaLe 1/2 cup all
purpose cream

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