Meeting 1

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koundtab|e SLudenLs' Councll (20112012)

Students' Counc|| Meet|ngs

Dubo| Modern Educot|on Schoo|
Students' Counc|| 2011-2012

neods Meetinq #1

fLe Sundf november 27 2011
number of pfrLlclpfnLs 6
1lme 1120 M
LengLh 40 mlnuLes (sub[ecL Lo chfnge)

Slnce Lhe elecLlons were done on nov 23 fnd nov 24 Lhe new four resldenLs of Lhe
SLudenL's Councll hfve been chosen 1hls ls Lhe flrsL refl meeLlng beLween Lhe members
of Lhe 20112012 SLudenLs' Councll fnd efch resldenL ls sLlll unprepfred fs of now

1) Mrs Wflff Ahmfd
2) 8eem 8el[fflf
3) Shelkhf AlSfllfl
4) Mohfmmed Al8fnnfl
3) Mohfmmed Cendeel
6) Cmfr Mohfmmed

f Choose Lhe resldenL of Lhe whole SLudenLs' Councll
b eclde wheLher vlceresldenLs should fLLend hefd meeLlngs
c lscuss second Lerm plfns / revlew lfsL efr's plfns
d Clfrlf Lhe Lfsks of efch poslLlon ln Lhe SLudenLs' Councll
e lscuss membershlp reglsLrfLlon
f lscuss membershlp recognlLlon merchfndlse
g SeL f flxed schedule for hefd meeLlngs
h SeL flxed schedules for normfl meeLlngs beLween resldenLs fnd Lhelr members
l 1fke ln suggesLlons

8 Lhe end of Lhe meeLlng we should hfve covered fll Lhe ob[ecLlves fs Lhe fre fll lmporLfnL fnd wlll sfve us f
good fmounL of Llme lf exfmlned properl

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