Synop Nokia Morph Final

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Seminar Guide-
Semester- Section-
Branch- Session-
Nokia morph is a joint technology concept, developed by nokia research center (NRC) and the
University oI Cambridge (UK). Fibril proteins are woven into three dimensional mesh that
reinIorces thin elastic structures. Using the same principle behind spider silk, this elasticity
enables the device to literally changes shapes and conIigure itselI to adapt to the task at hand.
NokIu's new MorpI concepL pIone wouId use nunoLecInoIogy Lo gIve IL u IIexIbIe body wILI
u LrunspurenL dIspIuy LIuL couId be re-sIuped dependIng on LIe user's needs, u Iur cry Irom
Loduy's soIId und cIunky devIces. Even LIe eIecLronIcs InsIde IL wouId be LrunspurenL und
IIexIbIe, so LIe wIoIe pIone muy be LwIsLed und sLreLcIed InLo bruceIeL sIupes or LubIeL
Iorm, und nunoLecI cIeverness meuns IL wouId even cIeun ILseII.
MorpI Is u concepL LIuL demonsLruLes Iow IuLure mobIIe devIces mIgIL be sLreLcIubIe und
IIexIbIe, uIIowIng LIe user Lo LrunsIorm LIeIr mobIIe devIce InLo rudIcuIIy dIIIerenL sIupes. L
demonsLruLes LIe uILImuLe IuncLIonuIILy LIuL nunoLecInoIogy mIgIL be cupubIe oI deIIverIng:
IIexIbIe muLerIuIs, LrunspurenL eIecLronIcs und seII-cIeunIng surIuces.

Signature oI Students Signature oI Seminar Guide

Signature oI Seminar Coordinator Signature oI HOD

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