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EEE 360

Energy Conversion and Transport

George G. Karady & Keith Holbert

Chapter 9
Introduction to Motor Control and Power Electronics
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Lecture 28


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics

9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter with Pulse Width Modulation


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics

9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

The amplitude of the harmonics can be reduced by using the pulse width modulation (PWM) technique. The basic concept of the PWM method is the division of the on-time into several on and off periods with varying duration. The rms value of the ac voltage is controlled by the on-time of the switches,.
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9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

The most frequently used PWM technique is sinusoidal pulse width modulation. This approach requires a bridge converter with IGBT or MOSFET switches shunted by an anti-parallel connected diode. The diode allows current flow in the opposite direction when the switch is open.


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics

9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

These freewheeling diodes prevent inductive current interruption This provides protection against transient overvoltage, which may cause reverse breakdown of the IGBT and MOSFET switches. The typical circuit diagram is shown in Figure 9.44.
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9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

Lload S1 S3 Idc



Vdc S4 S2

Figure 9.44 Single-phase voltage source converter.

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9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

During the positive cycle, S1 and S2 are switched by the high frequency pulse train shown in Figure 9.45. During the negative cycle, the pulse train switches S3 and S4. The load inductance integrates the generated pulse train and produces a sinusoidal voltage (Vac) and current wave, as shown in Figure 9.45.
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9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

The width of each pulse is varied in proportion to the amplitude of a sine wave. A typical PWM waveform is shown in Figure 9.45. The switches in this converter are controlled by gate pulses. The gate signal contains several pulses distributed along the half-cycle.
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9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

PWM Output Voltage

Load Current

Load Voltage

-400 0s I(V5)*10 10ms V(L1:1,VOUT-) 20ms V(V5:+,V5:-) Time 30ms 40ms 50ms

Figure 9.45 Gate pulse input signal, and ac voltage and current outputs of a pulse width modulation (PWM) converter.
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9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

The control circuit produces the gate pulse train by generation of a triangular carrier wave and a sinusoidal reference signal. The two signals are compared, and when the carrier wave is larger than the reference signal, the gate signal is positive.


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics


9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

When the carrier wave is smaller than the reference signal, the gate signal is zero.
This results in a gate pulse with variable width. Figure 9.46
(a) shows the carrier wave and reference sine wave; (b) depicts the resulting gate signal with variable width pulses. It has to be noted that several other methods are used for generation of PWM signals


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics


9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

Carrier wave

Reference signal


-1.0V 0s 5ms V(PWM_TRI1.E1:IN+) 10ms 15ms V(PWM_TRI1.Vtri:+) Time 20ms 25ms

(a) Triangular carrier wave and sinusoidal reference signal


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics


9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

Gate pulse with variable width


-1.0V 0s 5ms V(PWM_TRI1:s) 10ms Time 15ms 20ms 25ms

(b) Variable-width gate pulse signal Figure 9.46 Pulse width modulation (PWM) signals.
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9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

The frequency of the reference sine wave determines the frequency of the generated ac voltage. The amplitude of the ac voltage can be regulated by the variation of the reference signal amplitude.


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics


9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

The amplitude of the fundamental component of the ac voltage is:

Vcontrol Vac Vdc m Vdc Vcarrier

The modulation index is the ratio of the peakto-peak ac voltage (2Vac) to the dc voltage.


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics


9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

Freewheeling diode
The inverter interrupts the current several times each cycle.

The interruption of an inductive current would generate unacceptably high overvoltage.

This overvoltage generation is eliminated by providing freewheeling diodes connected in parallel with the switches.
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9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

Current when switches S 1 and S2 closed and S3 and S4 open Current when switches S 1 and S2 open and S3 and S 4 open

Freewheeling diode

R load

When the switches open, the current, if inductive, is diverted to the diodes, as shown in Figure 9.47 Figure 9.47 Freewheeling diode operation.
L load Idc S1 S3 V ac V dc S4 S2


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics


9.5.1 Voltage Source Inverter

Current when switches S 1 and S2 closed and S3 and S4 open Current when switches S 1 and S2 open and S3 and S 4 open L load S1 S3 Idc

R load

V ac

V dc S4 S2

Figure 9.47 Freewheeling diode operation.

The diagram shows the current path when switches S1 and S2 are closed, and switches S3 and S4 are open. When switches S1 and S2 open (now all switches are open), the current diverts through the diodes of switches S3 and S4. This current diversion prevents the interruption of inductive current.
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9.5.2 Line Commutated Inverter


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics


9.5.2 Line Commutated Inverter

The current source inverter operation requires both ac and dc sources In addition to an inductance that maintains the dc current constant or at least assures continuous dc current. The inverter operation requires a delay angle between 90 and 180.


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics


9.5.2 Line Commutated Inverter

Figure 9.48 shows bridge circuit generated waveforms for 90 and 170 delay angles. (a) shows that the delay angle between the ac voltage The square-shaped ac current is 90 The average dc voltage is zero Because the magnitude and duration of the positive and negative segments of the dc voltage are identical.
200 160 Vac( t) V Vdc t V Iac t A 120 80 40 0 40 80 120 160 200 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 t deg 240 270 300 330 360

(a) Delay angle of 90

360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics


9.5.2 Line Commutated Inverter

Figure 9.48 shows bridge circuit generated waveforms for 90 and 170 delay angles.
(b) shows that the delay angle between the ac voltage and the square-shaped ac current is 170, The average dc voltage is negative Because the duration of the positive part of the dc voltage is almost non-existent (i.e., 10 out of 180). .
200 160 Vac( t) V Vdc t V Iac t A 120 80 40 0 40 80 120 160 200 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 t deg 240 270 300 330 360

(b) Delay angle of 170

This implies that the power flows from the dc to the ac side


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics

9.5.2 Line Commutated Inverter

The practical use of the line-commutated inverter requires the regulation of the dc voltage to maintain constant dc current. Figure 9.49(a) shows the bridge converter circuit that produces the voltages shown in Figure 9.48. Using the Thvenin equivalent, the converter can be replaced by a dc source and impedance, as shown in Figure 9.49(b). The average dc current in this equivalent circuit is:

I dc

Vdc_inv Vdc_source R
360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics 24

9.5.2 Line Commutated Inverter

The practical use of the line-commutated inverter requires the regulation of the dc voltage to maintain constant dc current. Figure 9.49(a) shows the bridge converter circuit that produces the voltages shown in Figure 9.48.
Voltage difference

Voltage difference



Vac AC






A) Circuit diagram

Figure 9.49 Single-phase line-commutated inverter

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B) Equivalent circuit

9.5.2 Line Commutated Inverter


The converter delay angle and the dc source voltage must be controlled simultaneously to maintain a constant voltage difference and dc current. In a practical circuit, the required voltage difference is generally small Consequently, both the inverter-produced voltage and the source voltage must be negative, as shown in Figure 9.50.



Voltage difference

Figure 9.50 Voltage difference during inversion.


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics

9.5.2 Line Commutated Inverter


The dc current can be maintained constant by keeping the voltage difference constant. Consequently, if the delay angle increases, Vdc_inv is reduced;


The maintenance of constant dc current and voltage difference requires the appropriate reduction of the Vdc_source.

Voltage difference

Figure 9.50 Voltage difference during inversion.


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics

9.5.2 Line Commutated Inverter

If the firing angle increases beyond 90,
Vdc_inv becomes negative; The maintenance of constant dc current and voltage difference requires the change of Vdc_source polarity.




Voltage difference

In this case, the power flows from the dc to the ac circuit,


Figure 9.50 Voltage difference during inversion.


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics

9.5.2 Line Commutated Inverter


The current and voltage have

the same direction in the dc source (generator) opposite directions in the inverter (load) as demonstrated


Voltage difference

Figure 9.50 Voltage difference during inversion.

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9.5.3 High Voltage DC transmission


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics


9.5.3 High Voltage DC transmission

High-voltage dc lines are used to transport large amounts of energy over a long distance.
A representative application is the Pacific DC Intertie, which interconnects the Los Angeles area with Oregon.

The voltage of the DC Intertie is 500 kV and the maximum energy transport is 3100 MW. More than one hundred dc transmission systems operate around the world, one of the oldest and most famous is the cable interconnection between England and France.
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9.5.3 High Voltage DC transmission

Transformer Inductance DC Line (+) Inductance Transformer

DC filter

DC filter

AC filter


DC Line (-)


AC filter

Figure 9.51 Concept of high-voltage dc transmission

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9.5.3 High Voltage DC transmission

Figure 9.51 show a simplified connection diagram for a high-voltage dc (HVDC) system. The major elements are two converter stations interconnected by a dc transmission line. The converter station can operate in both inverter and rectifier modes, which permits energy transfer in both directions. Each converter station contains two converters.
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9.5.3 High Voltage DC transmission

The two converters are connected in series at the dc side. The series connection node (middle point) is grounded. One of the converters generates the positive, and the other produces the negative dc voltage. The harmonics are filtered at both the ac and dc sides.


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics


9.5.3 High Voltage DC transmission

Each converter is typically supplied by a transformer. The HVDC system uses two different transformer types at each converter station.
One of the converters is supplied by a wye-wye transformer The other is connected to a wye-delta transformer.

This produces a 30 phase shift between the dc voltage outputs of the two converters. The phase shift produces a smoother dc output voltage.
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9.5.3 High Voltage DC transmission

Figure 9.52 shows the converters in a HVDC station.
Each converter contains six high voltage valves, with several hundred thyristors connected in series.

The valves are shielded by rounded aluminum electrodes as shown in the Fig 9.52
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9.5.3 High Voltage DC transmission

Figure 9.52 Valve hall of a DC converter station.


360 Chapter 9 Power Electronics


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