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Marriage as a Sacrament How is Marriage a Sacrament? The key in understanding marriage as a sacrament is to understand what a sacrament is.

. To understand what a sacrament is to understand the reality of signs & symbols Traditionally, a sacrament is defined as a sign of a sacred reality To illustrate: A sign basically points to a reality other than itself. Example: A sign bridges the gap between the seen and the unseen Traffic signs are good examples. They point to certain realities understood commonly by commuters. a) b) A sign may either: just points to the reality it signifies, or makes present the reality signified. Signs that make present the reality they signify are called: Efficacious Signs or Symbols The term efficacious means, to effect or to make present Efficacious signs do not only point to the reality they signify, they also make present the reality signified. What is signified is also made present. Efficacious signs or symbols effect what they symbolize and symbolize what they effect. In short, they make present the reality they symbolize. Examples: Now, how is Marriage a sacrament? Love is the reality signified by the Sacrament of Marriage; The love that exists between the husband and the wife mirrors the love between God and His People; between Christ and His Church; The Marital Love of the Couple signifies Gods Infinite Love for His People; At the same time, the love that exists between the couple is made present every time they manifest trust and fidelity in their Marital Relationship. Whenever the couple manifests love and fidelity, the reality of Christs presence in their relationship is made present and concrete. The LOVE of the couple makes present the LOVE of Christ; The Children, on the other hand, make present the LOVE of their parents. Children then are products of the Couples Love. More than just a CONTRACT, Marriage is a Sacrament; The Sacrament of Matrimony is a Covenant which is more than just 50-50 partnership. It demands 100% giving.

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