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CIeaning kits and tooIs is also necessary when repairing specially when working wet units, corroded or rusted

boards. Some cleaning tools may found at household or home products and not so hard to find and prepare it. here's;
some cleaning tools that may you find at home.

Brushes can help eliminate and wipe dust on PCB Components.Make sure that the brushes you may use have low
electrostatic ability.

A .otton .Ioth or sponge and .otton buds which help to wipe extra solvents, dust,rust and dirt.

nti Stati. Spray or liquids used to eliminate water residues and corrosive element in PCB component.

A Ia.6uer thinner is a substitute to anti static cleaner and commonly and widely used by many technician's.

An UItrasoni. CIeaner- A machine that cleans by using a fluid that is vibrated at 20,000 cycles per second. When
the vibration speed rises above the ultrasonic frequency level, bubbles explode and generate strong power, cleaning
the surfaces and cavities of hard-to-clean objects.

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