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October 04, 2011

Mrs. Eugenia V. Guerra

Las Pias National High school
Principal`s OIIice
Sultana Road, Tabon 1
Las Pias City, Philippines

Dear Mam. Eugenia,
Good day! I am JeIry J. Carpio, an I.T. Consultant and also the Iormer chess club president oI this
school way back in 2008. I am writing to you regarding on a permission that we would like to ask Ior. We
are aiming Ior your authorization Ior the school chess club that we are planning to put up and establish on
a proper way. Having me and Ms. Grace Ambag as the advisers Ior this chess club will serve as the
guidance Ior the student member. The Iirst thing we`ve considered is your permission, prior to any aspect
oI our plan.
This plan will also promote the exposure oI our chess player and become more disciplined, skilled
and prepared to Iace the representatives oI the other school in a yearly sport event particularly in chess.
We are also planning to add some activity Ior them to enhance their management skill and cooperation.
That is what I`m thinking to be their main beneIit Ior joining this club. We hope that we could get some
support Irom this school administration.
We would also like to impart on this letter is another permission and also as a support Ior our club,
we would like to borrow at least a small class room that we can use so that we can have a permanent place
to conduct a practice games or meeting. It would be our debt oI gratitude to your kind oIIice.
Hoping our eIIort will yield positive result. Again, as I said, it would be our debt oI gratitude. We
are hoping Ior your kind consideration.

Sincerely Yours,

JeIry J. Carpio

Noted By: Ms. Grace Ambag
MAPEH Teacher

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