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Puttern/Shupe ChuIIenge

Drow o penfogon ond drow in oII fhe diogonoIs (Iines joining fhe verfices nof incIuding
fhe edges of fhe penfogon). How mony diogonoIs is fhis7 This is coIIed o penfogrom.

How mony diogonoIs ore fhere in o hexogrom, hepfogrom, ocfogrom, nonogrom,
decogrom efc. up fo o Z0 sided shope. Does ony poffern occur when Iooking of fhe
number of diogonoIs7 Why is fhis so7 Con you find o ruIe7

Puttern/Shupe ChuIIenge

Drow o penfogon ond drow in oII fhe diogonoIs (Iines joining fhe verfices nof incIuding
fhe edges of fhe penfogon). How mony diogonoIs is fhis7 This is coIIed o penfogrom.

How mony diogonoIs ore fhere in o hexogrom, hepfogrom, ocfogrom, nonogrom,
decogrom efc. up fo o Z0 sided shope. Does ony poffern occur when Iooking of fhe
number of diogonoIs7 Why is fhis so7 Con you find o ruIe7

Puttern/Shupe ChuIIenge

Drow o penfogon ond drow in oII fhe diogonoIs (Iines joining fhe verfices nof incIuding
fhe edges of fhe penfogon). How mony diogonoIs is fhis7 This is coIIed o penfogrom.

How mony diogonoIs ore fhere in o hexogrom, hepfogrom, ocfogrom, nonogrom,
decogrom efc. up fo o Z0 sided shope. Does ony poffern occur when Iooking of fhe
number of diogonoIs7 Why is fhis so7 Con you find o ruIe7

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