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Table 2.

Perceptions of Gender Inequality by Age Group 78 years 910 years 1112 years 1315 years Power question Women have more 4 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 4 (1) Equal 67 (16) 61 (14) 46 (11) 25 (6) Men have more 29 (7) 39 (9) 54 (13) 71 (17) Status question Women have more 5 (1) 4 (1) 8 (2) 4 (1) Equal 90 (18) 61 (14) 54 (13) 42 (10) Men have more 5 (1) 35 (8) 38 (9) 54 (13) Note: The values represent percentages, with frequencies given in parentheses. Due to rounding error, percentages may add up to more than 100 percent.

. Describe what comes to mind when you are asked to describe the typical woman. This can be jobs, clothing, figure, personality, anything that comes to mind. 1. Who were your major role models in your household? (choose all that apply)
Who were your major role models in your household? (choose all that apply) Mother Father Brother Sister Grandmother Grandfather None

Positive factor in chossing career Factors # of Students % of Students Male (%) Female (%) Wages Benefits (health care, pension) Job stabili Variety and exciteme Year round full-time work Flexible work hours Leisure time Opportunity to travel High quality family life Opportunity for promotion Professional certification Working outside Live in own community Prestige/status Working inside Requires physical labou Influence on decision

Influencer Parents Friends Brothers and sisters Media (i.e. movies, television, newspaper, Teachers School guidance counsellor Parents were indicated as the WHERE YOU SEEK INFORMATION WHEN MAKING A CAREER CHOICE Internet Other people Career fairs Government department/ agency School poster TV commercials Educational videos Community cable channels SKILLS NEEDED FOR A CAREER Skills # of Students % of Students Male (%) Female (%) Teamwor Navigational skills Mechanical training Leadership Communication Computer automation

Planning/organizing Management skills Interpersonal skills Minimum level of education High school graduate Public college Bachelors degree Private college certificate/ diploma Some high school Masters or higher Completed Grade 9lueprint reading

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