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ITT420 Network and System Administration

Tutorial Exercise 1 Answer the following questions. 1. State the function of the following fields: a. b. c. d. e. Version Time-to-live Type of service Fragmentation Offset Protocol (10 marks) 2. An IP datagram has arrived with the following information in the header (in hexadecimal): 45 00 07 E4 12 AB 00 00 0E 11 00 00 D3 10 12 0A 00 00 00 11 a. Are there any options? (2 marks) b. Is the packet fragmented? (2 marks) c. What is the size of the data? (2 marks) d. How many more routers can the packet travel to? (2 marks) e. What is the identification number of the packet? (2 marks) f. Calculate the checksum for this packet. Show your calculation. (5 marks) 3. Assume the IP packet from the previous question is entering an X.25 network environment with MTU of 576 bytes. Show the value of the following fields in an IP datagram format for each of the resulting fragments. Assume that the fragments (all but the last one) have the maximum possible size. a. b. c. d. e. f. Total length Identification More Fragments flag Fragmentation offset First byte Last byte (12 marks) 4. A host with IP address wants to use loopback testing. State the source and destination address. (2 marks)

Nor Adora Endut/CTN/FSKM/UiTM/September2011

ITT420 Network and System Administration

5. A router with IP address and Ethernet MAC address A46EF45983AB has a packet to send to a host with IP address Show the ARP request packet encapsulated in Ethernet frames. (10 marks) 6. Given a fragmented offset of 110, how can you determine the first and last byte number? (3 marks) 7. Draw a diagram to show each situation of the window in three sequential events: a. In a TCP connection, the value of cwnd is 8000 and the value of rwnd is 8500, the next byte to be sent is 48000 and the previous acknowledgement number was 45001 b. It then receives a segment with acknowledgement number 47001 and window size advertisement of 10000 (6 marks) 8. Calculate the HLEN value if the total length is 1250 bytes, 1196 of which is data from the upper layer. (2 marks)

Nor Adora Endut/CTN/FSKM/UiTM/September2011

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