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Question no: 5 The Shouldice Hospital does not have enough capacity to meet the demand for their

services. Due to lack of space they have to turn away many of their patients which cut down the hospital's revenue. For this they have decided: increase hospital's capacity add Saturday operations establish new hospital

Increase hospital's capacity: To increase hospital's capacity, they should hire new surgeons and nurses to deal with the increase capacity. Teach new employees so that the high quality standards of the hospital are maintained. Also tell them about the shouldice methods and operating procedure. Add new floor of rooms and expand number of beds by 50% i.e. more 45 beds Add Saturday operations: Since the hospital was open for 5 days that's why they didn't meet their demand. To cover this they have to go to Saturday operations. It will increase the capacity by 20 %. But the staff was not pleased because they thought it will result in workload. Older doctors were opposed to it and younger doctors were supportive of it. Those who were opposed have to be motivated so that they have agreed to work on Saturday. Tell them about the advantages of it that it will control easily and no investment is needed for it. It will give profit. Also tell them about the change and give suggestions from them so that they easily adopt the change. Establish new hospital: They have to establish new hospital in Toronto or outside Canada or somewhere else which is near to customers. As Shouldice hospital has good image in medical care so it will not difficult for them to open another hospital. People trust them so they have visited the hospital when it will near to them. Although it will take much investment but in return it will also generate high profits as people know it.

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