Applications of Fuzzy Logics in Power Systems

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Applications of fuzzy logics in power systems

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RAJAT RAWAT B.Tech (power systems) VII SEM


*Fuzzy logic is a problem-solving control system methodology


* provides a simple way to arrive at a definite conclusion based upon vague, ambiguous, missing input information. *implemented in systems *simple, small, embedded micro-controllers *large, networked, *multi-channel PC *workstation-based data acquisition control systems. * can be implemented in hardware, software, or a combination of both.


Representation methods for natural language statements, Models of uncertainty where statistics are unavailable or imprecise, as in say, intervals of probability, Information models of subjective statements (e.g., the fuzzy measures of belief and possibility) ,

Measures of the quality of subjective statements (e.g., the fuzzy information measures of vagueness and confusion) , Integration between logical and numerical methods, Models for soft constraints, Models for resolving multiple conflicting objectives, Strong mathematical foundation for problems


*Fuzzy logic was conceived as a better method for sorting and handling data *it mimics human control logic. *Can be used to built into anything from small, hand-held products to large computerized process control systems. *It uses an imprecise but very descriptive language to deal with input data more like a human operator. IF X AND Y THEN Z rules are used to describe the desired system response in terms of linguistic variables rather than mathematical formulas. The number of these is dependent on the number of inputs, outputs, and the designer's control response goals.

Use of fuzzy logics in power systems * Contingency analysis *Diagnosis/monitoring *Distribution planning *Load frequency control *Generator maintenance scheduling *Generation dispatch *Load flow computations *Load forecasting *Load management *Reactive power/voltage control *Security assessment *Stabilization control (PSS) *Unit commitment



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