Chapter 8

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CnA1Lk 8

1 Cscllloscope ls a devlce whlch ls used Lo draw a graph of volLage ln Lhe glven span of
2 Cscllloscopes are some of Lhe mosL wldely used elecLronlc lnsLrumenLs as Lhey are
capable of maklng measuremenLs over an exLremely wlde range of volLage and Llme
3 CaLhode8ay Cscllloscopes (C8C) ulglLal SLorage Cscllloscopes (uSC) ulglLal phosphor
Cscllloscopes and ulglLal Sampllng Cscllloscopes are Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of Cscllloscopes
4 Cscllloscopes come wlLh slngle dual as well as wlLh mulLlple channels
3 MosL Cscllloscopes ln Lhe markeL come wlLh dual channels whlch can handle Lwo slgnals
aL a Llme
6 1he ulsplay Area ower CallbraLlon and ulsplay verLlcal Axls PorlzonLal Axls and
1rlggerlng are Lhe conLrols of Lhe fronL panel of an Cscllloscope
7 1he dlsplay screen of an Cscllloscopes can be a phosphor or an LCu screen
8 1he dlsplay area secLlon dlsplays Lhe graph LhaL ls creaLed by Lhe slgnal
9 1he power callbraLlon and dlsplay conLrol secLlon conslsLs of Lhe power Cn/Cll buLLon
Lrace roLaLlon conLrol lnLenslLy conLrol focus conLrol and Lhe callbraLlon polnL
101he verLlcal axls conLrol secLlon conslsLs of dupllcaLe channel whlch provldes
lndependenL conLrol Lo each slgnal
111he horlzonLal axls conLrol secLlon lncludes conLrols LhaL can be used Lo operaLe ln Lhe
normal volLage v/s Lhe Llme mode
121he Lrlggerlng conLrol secLlon lncludes conLrols such as holdoff level ad[usLer lock
mode normal and auLo buLLon

1 1he _________ Cscllloscopes conLaln a vacuum Lube whlch conslsLs of caLhode ray
a ulglLal SLorage Cscllloscopes
b CaLhode 8ay Cscllloscopes
c CompuLer Sampllng Cscllloscopes
d Analogue Cscllloscopes
2 1he dlglLal sLorage Cscllloscopes dlsplays __________ and LexL
a Craphs
b LlecLron 8eam
c Waveform
d LlecLrons
3 __________ ConLrols sLablllze repeaLlng waveforms and enable Lo capLure slngle
a PorlzonLal Axls
b ower CallbraLlon and dlsplay
c verLlcal Axls
d 1rlggerlng
4 1he dlsplay of Lhe Cscllloscope can be a _____________ or an LCu screen
a hosphor
b C81
c ulglLal
d 8lack and WhlLe
3 1he ____________ conLrols glve lndependenL conLrol over each appearlng slgnal
a PorlzonLal Axls ConLrol
b ower CallbraLlon and dlsplay conLrols
c 1rlggerlng ConLrol
d verLlcal Axls ConLrol
6 1he _________ conLrols offer you conLrol over Llme
a verLlcal axls conLrol
b PorlzonLal axls conLrol
c 1rlggerlng conLrol
d ower callbraLlon and dlsplay conLrols
7 1he ____________ conLrol ls used Lo zoom ln on a parLlcular feaLure wlLhouL changlng
Lhe Llme base and hamperlng your seLLlngs
a x? mode
b varlable
c chop/alL mode
d 10x MAC

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