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Submitted papers must not have been previously presented or scheduled Ior presentation,
published or accepted Ior publication anywhere or in any Iorm.
2. The soIt copy oI the Paper should be typed on standard A4 pages using 12 point Times New
Roman typeIace.
3. The length oI the manuscript should not exceed 15 pages, inclusive oI tables, illustrations
and reIerences.
4. All margins should be 2.54 cm (1) and text should be single space with double space
between paragraphs.
5. To ensure an impartial reIereeing process, there should be no author identiIication aIter the
cover page, including in headers or Iooters. Please also ensure that any author identiIying
inIormation is removed Irom the Iile properties.
6. The cover page should include: Title oI paper, Name oI author(s), Employer/organisation,
address (surIace mail), telephone and Iax numbers, email address, abstract (not exceeding
200 words). The title should be bold-Iaced and centred in upper/lower case.
7. 0,/38
a) Major headings should be aligned to the left-hand margin. Capitalise captions.
b) Subheadings should be set in italics, bold and aligned to the left-hand margin of the column on
a separate line.
. Acknowledgements and inIormation on grant received should be given beIore the
reIerences. Important Iormulae (displayed), Iigures and tables should be numbered
consecutively throughout the manuscript.
9. Figures and Tables should be sized to scale and labelled with a caption centred under the
Iigure or table. It is preIerable to have the Iigures and tables included in the text.
10.Number all tables and Iigures with Arabic numerals e.g. 1,2,3 in the order in which the
tables are Iirst mentioned in text.
11.The charts and graphs must be centred and title should be at the top.
12.ReIerences should be listed in Iull at the end oI the paper using the Iollowing standard Iorm
(APA Style Iormat available at

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