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Board of Selectmen Executive Session October 4,2004

Present: Arnold Wilson. Charles Blanchard. Doris Sosik. David Schmida. Also present: James Malloy. Town Administrator and Penny Dumas. ChaiL9.!19.,,9ther members of the Community Preservation Committee. The executive session was called to order at 9:15 PM. The Community Preservation Committee asked the Board of Selectmen to consider the purchase of 80 Route 15 and to authorize the Town Administrator begin negotiations with the property owner.


A. Wilson asked if the Community Preservation Committee was willing to use CPA funds for the appraisal report. which the Board had already authorized J. Malloy to obtain. P. Dumas indicated that Town Meeting appropriated funds for this purpose and the Community Preservation Committee would fund the appraisal from these funds. This appraisal would be used to determine the fair value. There was discussion regarding possible uses of the property as passive recreation or open space and trails. Use would be determined later. but was more likely as open space and trails. not recreation fields. There was also discussion regarding the town's long-term interest. development potential on the land and how the town should approach the property owner. Motion made by Doris Sosik. Seconded by David Schmida to authorize the Town Administrator to negotiate a purchase and sale agreement with Harold Shepard for 80 Route 15 up to $210.000.

Vote: A. Wilson. yes; C. Blanchard. yes; Doris Sosik. yes: David Schrnida, yes.
Motion made by Doris Sosik, Seconded by David Schmida to adjourn.

Vote: A. Wilson. yes: C. Blanchard, yes: Doris Sosik, yes: David Schmida. yes.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.


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