Long Double Double

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1. What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h> void main() { char letter =`Z`; printf("\n%c",letter); } 2.

What is the output of the following arithmetic expression? 5+3*2%10-8*6 3. What is the output of the following statement? int a=4,b=7,c; c=a==b; printf(%i,c); 4. Which of the following special symbol allowed in a variable name?
a) b) c) d) * (asterisk) | (pipeline) - (hyphen) _ (underscore)

5. Which of the definition is correct?


b) char int;

int length;

c) int long; d) float double; 6. A long double can be used if range of a double is not enough to accommodate a real number a) True a) False 7. By default a real number is treated as a_______________ 8. Is the following statement a declaration or definition?_________________

extern int i;

9. What is identifier? 10. List some examples for following integer constants _____________ floating point constants _____________ character constants _____________
strind constants


11. Name and describe the four basic data types in C?

12. Expand ASCII _______________________________________ 13. What is a variable? 14. What is a bit? What is a byte? 15. Where was C originally developed and by whom?

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