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Weekly Input Emotion & Mood

Introduction The chapter emotion and mood talks about the types and category of emotions and mood and shows its implication in work place. Emotion and mood affects the work of an employee in the organization, it can be positive again on the other hand it also can be negative. Emotion: The part of consciousness that involves feeling. Intense feeling that are directed towards something or someone. Mood: It is a state of mind or emotion.

There can be both positive and negative effect of emotion and mood. Positive effect is that consist of specific positive emotions such as excitement, self-assurance and cheerfulness and negative effect which consists of specific negative emotion such as stress, anxiety, anger or nervousness. Both effects have its own affect in an employees work life. Positive effect can cause better performance and can achieve what is required, again on the other hand negative effect can cause all sort of disturbance in work life. For example, consider yourself as a call center agent of an organization where positive attitude and behavior is very important to handle a critical situation. Now you are very much upset and it is very obvious that you cannot handle your temperament and attitude to handle calls perfectly. This is very much common is organizations we see. So the impact of emotion and mood is very significant. Sources of Emotion & Mood Personality Weather Stress Social Activities Sleep Exercise Age Gender

Management to Influence Mood Arranging games and pleasant work shops Appreciation and employee recognition Positive attitude towards employees Select team members with good mood

Conclusion The effect of emotion is very significant for an employees work life so for the organization. By creating and maintaining a good environment in the work place the negative effects of emotion can be reduced. Again the organization cannot fully eliminate the personal disturbance of an employee. The management or the managers can play a role to reduce the disturbance for a better work life.

Weekly Input Emotion & Mood

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