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Speakin g
Photo work: Comparing and contrasting Extension: A class debate

Speaking function: Asking for and giving instructions

1 Listen and read.

Jessica: Ryan: Jessica: Ryan: Jessica: Ryan: Jessica: Ryan: Jessica: Ryan: How do I change my profile photo on this website? First of all, move the cursor over the photo. Youll see the words Change photo in the corner. OK got it. Next, click on Change photo. OK. Now, do you want to upload a new photo from your computer? Yes, please. OK, so now you need to click on Browse and find the photo you want. Right. Done that. Now what? Click on Make this your profile photo. Thats it! Useful phrases: Asking for and giving instructions How do I ? OK got it. Done that. Now what? First of all, ... / Next, ... OK, so now you need to ... Thats it!

Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the intonation.

3 4 Practise the dialogue with a partner. Then swap roles and practise it again. Now invent your own dialogue and act it out. Use the Useful phrases in the box. You can use one of these situations or your own ideas.

Photo work

Uploading photos from a digital camera Buying something online Uploading songs to an MP3 player

Compare and contrast the photos. Use the questions to help you.

You are going to take part in a class debate on the following motion: Social networking is a bad influence on young people. One group will be for the motion. Another group will be against the motion. 6 7 8 9 10 Choose one person in your group to write. In your group, think of as many arguments as possible and write them down. Now choose the five best arguments. Give examples where possible. Your teacher or chairperson will start the debate. One person in your group will give a speech to present your arguments. He / she should talk for about three minutes. When both groups have finished their speeches, you can respond to each others arguments. At the end of the debate, the teacher or chairperson will ask you to give a speech to conclude your arguments.

What do you think the people use technology for? How do they feel about it? What effect do computers have on their lives?

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