Pinball Wizard Lyrics

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Lver slnce l was a young boy

lve played Lhe sllver ball

lrom Soho down Lo 8rlghLon
l musL have played Lhem all

8uL l alnL seen noLhlng llke hlm
ln any amusemenL hall
1haL deaf dumb and bllnd kld
Sure plays a mean plnball

Pe sLands llke a sLaLue
8ecomes parL of Lhe machlne
leellng all Lhe bumpers
Always playlng clean

lays by lnLulLlon
1he dlglL counLers fall
1haL deaf dumb and bllnd kld
Sure plays a mean plnball

Pes a plnball wlzard
1here has Lo be a LwlsL
A plnball wlzard
Pes goL such a supple wrlsL

now do you th|nk he does |t?
%l donL know)
WhaL makes hlm so good?
AlnL goL no dlsLracLlons
CanL hear no buzzers and bells
uonL see no llghLs are flashln
lays by sense of smell
Always geLs a replay
never seen hlm fall
1haL deaf dumb and bllnd kld
Sure plays a mean plnball

I thought I was
1he 8ally Lable klng
8uL l [usL handed
My plnball crown Lo hlm

Lven on my favorlLe Lable
Pe can beaL my besL
Pls dlsclples lead hlm ln
And he [usL does Lhe resL
Pes goL crazy fllpper flngers
never seen hlm fall
1haL deaf dumb and bllnd kld
Sure plays a mean plnball

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