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Chiara Alexis David October 11, 2011

11120231 PERSEF

Reaction Paper on Enchanted and Love

What myths and fallacies about love do we tend to hold on to? How does this
influence our interpersonal relationships? What are different forms/kinds of love
relationships? What makes these relationships the same? different?

I Iind myselI in situations where love will turn your world upside down. It's because
people tend to believe in Iallacies and myths like the right guy will come to you, true love
waits or the ever popular, Iirst love never dies. Most girls tend to imagine and wish that their
love lives would be at par with those oI Iairytales. These make us trapped in an illusion and
in the long run, inIluence our relationships with others by trying to our own happily ever
aIters. II girls learn to understand love in the context oI reality, they would learn that Prince
Charming wouldn`t come to you. He might most likely be the least person you ever thought
to be your right guy.

Love doesn't always take the Iorm oI romanticism. It`s a misconception that love can
only be viewed as romantic. We Iail to recognize and appreciate other Iorms oI love and
acknowledge that these in Iact, exist. It diIIers on how you show it and to whom you show it.
Parents tend to become too controlling to their children so that they wouldn't be led to the
wrong path because they love themthis is known as security love. They continue to care
and nurture Ior their kids. This is the love that is essential to one`s being. Friends show their
love by having each other`s backs in dire situationsthis is Iriendship love. In this kind oI
love, there is an honest and open nature. Love Ior the nation comes along the lines oI
patriotism and nationalism. There is romantic love, which everybody knows and anticipates
in their lives. Lastly, unconditional lovethe most sincere and long lasting oI them all. This
is the kind oI love that will neither Ialter nor waver. It`s indestructible. It is by loving
someone together with his/her Ilaws with the strong belieI that together, you can surpass
every challenge.

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