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Nikita Kononchuk Economic Map Project: Kyrgyzstan Economic Data for Kyrgyzstan: GDP: $4.

62 Billion Growth Rate: -3% GDP per capita: $2200 Unemployment rate: 11.08% Population below poverty line: 33.7% Imports: $188.2 Exports: $2.042 National Debt: $2.7 Billion

Kyrgyzstan is a Central Asian country that is surrounded by chains of heavy mountains. It borders China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. In 1919 Kyrgyzstan became a part of Russian SFSR. In 1936 it became a full republic of the USSR as Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic. It became independent in 1991. The major sector of Kyrgyzstan's economy is agriculture. Industry and manufacturing sector roughly makes up 14% of the country's GDP at the moment even though manufacturing used to be highly developed during the USSR-era. Kyrgyzstan exports metals, minerals and woolen goods as well as other agricultural products. Economy of the country has been heavily affected by political instability and corruption (2005 Revolution and 2010 Riots).

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