Every Time

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[throughout eternity]

;ery time I see or think of you

my heart fust sings with foy'

Theres fust something di;ine about you n
it makes me feel like I was once your fa;orite toy'

I;e tried to figure out fust what it is
and thus far, this is what I see.

Sometime quite, quite long ago,
in ancient history,

You were the one I adored,
and pledged my allegiance to for all eternity.

Id asked God to make for me
a most perfect world and H made You for me

because I promised to trust in lo;e
and make true harmony as we walk thru eternity.

I lo;e you,
most di;ine inspiration of all'

2011 All rights reser;ed, Amelia

I write a poem for you each day
and hope, one day you will see

I think that you were hea;en-sent
by God to set me free'

I pray that you belie;e in hea;en
if not, I hope one day you do

`Cause then youll know what happened
at the moment when I fell in lo;e with you

The gates of hea;en opened
and poured out such an o;erflow of grace

that although I stood Behind you,
I could only see your face'

I heard the song of Angels, faintly, singing praises, far up on-high
as I felt the power of God entwine Your heart with mine

Such Indescribable Sensation, So Surreal, So Di;ine'
I thought Id died and gone to hea;en, only seeing You all that time

;er since that Indescribable Moment,
So Surreal, So Serene,

I pray that you know I e;ermore
Thank Hea;en For Your Being'

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