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Internet is a technology that is no need to be introduce.

It is a very useful
technology. Using the internet, we can search for information. It can be use for
studies. Today, it help a lot of students to do their job and homework.

The internet help student to find information easily and fast. Student just only
search on search engine such as Google Search or Yahoo Search. Lots of information
can be find to help the student in studying or do their homework.

The concept of the internet make the learning process more interactive and fun.
The word multimedia itself means multiple media that can be include such as video,
audio, picture, and animation. This combination can be use in education. When
students browsing the internet, they will found that the website or web portal that
they browse has a multimedia element. Information can be understand easily. It can
also be done interactively. The subject or learning material also can be made in a
CD format. This will let them to carry it easily everywhere.

The internet also let the students to interact with each other. Using this
technology, the students can exchange their idea and knowledge from a different
location in a same time. For example, using the video chat, the students in a
different places can discuss their homework with their friends from other location
without leaving their home. So, the studies can be done in a fun way, and yet
become easier.

The internet also help the teacher a lot. Using the website or blog, the
teacher can give the publish the homework or todays lesson on their blog. Teacher
can use the easy and ready made, free blog such as Blogspot or Multiply. So if the
students are absent in class, he / she can view the teachers blog for todays lesson
and homework. If they have any problem or question to ask, they can use the forum
column to discuss and exchange ideas. So this will make the learning process will
become easier and improve their studies.

The internet also let the students to be creative in studies. If they are having
problem in studies or too afraid to ask their teacher about the studies, they can look
for the information using the internet. The internet is a large and wide medium. So
the students can choose for what they want and what really suited with their
studies. This will make them to be more creative and yet improve their studies.

The internet is a very useful technology. The students should use this
technology wisely. Its capability will let the students to enhanced their studies, to be
more creative, and expand their knowledge besides letting them to interact with
each other. Combining all these benefits will help to improve the students studies.
“I began using the Internet in my teaching practices because...,” was that it offered students
more resources. Other common responses were that it offered students easier access to
information, that it motivated students to perform at a higher level, and that it provided
current information. In addition to these high-frequency responses, several other reasons
were mentioned. The opportunity for sharing with others around the globe, the fact that
students would need Internet skills in the workplace, and the inservice training they had
received were all factors that motivated some teachers. Individual teachers also mentioned
that the Internet shifts responsibility for learning to the student, and that it offers access to
experts. A special education teacher noted that Internet activities were effective with
learners with special needs.

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