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June 26,2011

%75 to Je7usalem
wth a %wst
< t s a tme of wo7sh5 and fellowsh5 wth
< 1 Co7nthan 1:9 God wll do ths, fo7 he s
fathful to do what he says, and he has
nvted you nto PAR%RSHP wth Hs Son,
Jesus Ch7st ou7 Lo7d.
< 24 hou7s=1440 mnutes how many mnutes
have you set asde fo7 communon wth God
1. %o get to know ou7
Fathe7 (Phl55ans 3:10)
2. t should be a sta7tng
5ont of ou7 day; a tme to get ou7
bea7ng. to see ou7 nothngness
and see all Hs suffcency
3. t 5leases God and makes Hm ha55y
(John 4:23)
MARK 1:35
efo7e dayb7eak the next
mo7nng, JSUS got u5 and
went out to an solated
5lace to 57ay
< atthew 6:6
ut when you 57ay, go away by
you7self, shut the doo7 behnd you,
and 57ay to you7 Fathe7 n 57vate.
%hen the Fathe7, who sees eve7ythng
wll 7ewa7d you.
1. Gve the Lo7d the S% PAR% OF YOUR DAY
2. PRAC%CAL and COSS%%
(5ck a quet 5lace; meet the Lo7d fathfully)
3. ALWAYS RG you7 3 %HGS
4. RAD wth you7 mnd OP to GOD
5. RCORD the nsghts that the Lo7d teaches
6. PRAS %H LORD fo7 the dvne o55o7tuntes
< An exam5le to follow
< A command to obey
< A 57omse to clam and beleve
< A sn to fo7sake o7 an e77o7 to avod
< A 57aye7 to echo o7 somethng fo7 whch to 57ase
< Somethng about God the Fathe7, the Holy S57t
o7 Jesus
< %he est Ve7se
< %he man lesson
< Somethng f7om the above whch you can a55ly to
you7 lfe now

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