Glee Complete Song Lists

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SLarred (*) songs have never been released as slngles songs

wlLh Lwo sLars (**) were cuL from Lhe eplsode or were never
lnLended Lo be parL of an eplsode
1hls lncludes vocal performances (eg songs played by
Lhe Mcklnley Plgh band and danceonly songs llke Slngle
Ladles or Callfornla Curls were lefL ouL)
1x01 lloL
1 Where Is Le?* Pank Saunders
2 espect* Mercedes !ones
3 ,r Cephae* kurL Pummel
4 I k|ssed A G|r* 1lna CohenChang
3 , achel 8erry
6 |t D #re ck|# 1he 8at* new ulrecLlons
(orlglnal 3 achel Mercedes kurL ArLle and 1lna)
7 Ca#t I|ght 1h|s Iee|g llnn Pudson
8 L|# 1ch|# eez|#* young llnn and uarren
9 #re 1he e 1hat I Wat* new ulrecLlons (orlglnal
6 achel llnn kurL Mercedes 1lna and ArLle)
10 ehab vocal Adrenallne
11 Lea|g A Iet ae Jlll SchuesLer
12 D#t tp 8e|e|# new ulrecLlons (orlglnal 6)

1x02 Showmance
13 Le Ireak* new ulrecLlons (orlglnal 6)
14 Gd D|gger new ulrecLlons (orlglnal 6) and Jlll
13 A 8 ,se* Lmma lllsbury
16 sh It new ulrecLlons (orlglnal 6)
17 I a A L|tte raer Culnn labray SanLana Lopez and
8rlLLany lerce
18 1ake A 8 achel Mercedes and 1lna

1x03 Acafellas
19 Ir ne#s A I Gd Ie* Jlll Poward 8amboo
ken 1anaka and Sandy yerson
20 1h|s Is n We D It* Acafellas (orlglnal Jlll
Poward ken and Penrl SL lerre)
21 |s* Acafellas (orlglnal)
22 ,erc vocal Adrenallne
23 8st r W|ds Mercedes Lhe Cheerlos
24 I Waa ex Up Acafellas (new Jlll ken llnn
and uck)

1x04 reggers
23 1ak|g Chaces achel
26 1|ght* 1lna

1x03 1he hodes noL 1aken
27 D#t tp 8e|e|#* new ulrecLlons (orlglnal 12
mlnus achel solos sung by Culnn)
28 ,abe 1h|s 1|me Aprll hodes and achel
29 Cabaret* achel
30 Ae Aprll and Jlll
31 Last Name Aprll and new ulrecLlons
32 mebd 1 Le new ulrecLlons

1x06 vlLamln u
33 It#s , L|e ] Cess|s art II llnn uck ArLle
kurL Mlke and MaLL
34 na ] Wak|g sh|e achel Mercedes 1lna
Culnn SanLana and 8rlLLany

1x07 1hrowdown
33 nate ,e Mercedes (AreLha") 1lna (Aslan")
SanLana ArLle (Jheels") kurL (Cay kld") Mlke
(CLher Aslan") and MaLL (ShafL")
36 |de W|t ,e* new ulrecLlons
37 N A|r achel llnn Culnn uck and 8rlLLany
38 keep ,e nag|# Culnn Lhe Cheerlos
39 keep nd|g new ulrecLlons

1x08 Mashup
40 8st A ,e Jlll and new ulrecLlons
41 1hg g Jlll
42 What A G|r Wats* achel
43 eet Car|e uck
44 I Cd nae Daced A N|ght Lmma

1x09 Jheels
43 Dac|g W|th ,se ArLle
46 De|g Gra|t achel and kurL (dueL verslon)
47 De|g Gra|t** achel (solo verslon)
48 De|g Gra|t** kurL (solo verslon)
49 rd ,ar new ulrecLlons

1x10 8allad
30 dess Le Jlll and achel
31 I# tad 8 llnn
32 D#t tad Cse 1 ,e ] g G|r Jlll
33 Crsh achel
34 %#re) na|g , 8ab llnn
33 Lea ,e new ulrecLlons (mlnus llnn Culnn and

1x11 Palrography
36 8t|c|s !ane Addams Clrls Cholr
37 D#t ,ake ,e er Mercedes
38 #re 1he e 1hat I Wat* llnn and achel
39 apa D#t reach Culnn
60 na|r]Craz I Le new ulrecLlons
61 Imag|e Paverbrook ueaf Cholr and new ulrecLlons
62 Imag|e** new ulrecLlons only
63 1re Crs new ulrecLlons

1x12 MaLLress
64 m|e (Llly Allen) llnn and achel
63 Whe #re m||g* achel
66 Imp new ulrecLlons
67 m|e (Charlle Chaplln) new ulrecLlons

1x13 SecLlonals
68 Ad I Am 1e|g I#m Nt G|g Mercedes
69 Ad I Am 1e|g I#m Nt G|g* !ane Addams
Clrls Cholr
70 rd ,ar* !ane Addams Clrls Cholr
71 D#t tp 8e|e|#* Paverbrook ueaf Cholr
72 D#t a| , arade achel
73 Ca#t Aas Get What Wat new ulrecLlons
74 , L|e Wd ck W|tht new ulrecLlons

1x14 Pello
73 ne I Le llnn
76 G|es ne achel
77 ne achel and !esse SL !ames
78 ne Aga|* Jlll
79 n|gha 1 ne vocal Adrenallne (fL !esse)
80 ne Gdbe new ulrecLlons
81 ne 1ee ne 1h|rtee ne Le** achel and

1x13 1he ower of Madonna
82 xpress rse achel Mercedes 1lna Culnn
SanLana and 8rlLLany
83 8rder|e]pe r neart llnn and achel
84 Ige Sue SylvesLer
83 L|ke A I|rg| achel !esse llnn SanLana Jlll and
86 ,|tes kurL and Mercedes
87 What It Iees L|ke Ir A G|r llnn uck ArLle kurL
Mlke and MaLL
88 L|ke A raer new ulrecLlons (orlglnal 12 + !esse SL
89 8r|g Up** !esse

1x16 Pome
90 I|re Jlll and Aprll
91 A nse Is Nt A nme kurL and llnn
92 e Less 8e 1 Aser]A nse Is Nt A nme Jlll
and Aprll
93 8eat| new ulrecLlons and Lhe Cheerlos
94 nme Aprll and new ulrecLlons
93 Ierga|c|s** kurL and Mercedes

1x17 8ad epuLaLlon
96 Ice Ice 8ab Jlll and new ulrecLlons
97 U Ca#t 1ch 1h|s ArLle 1lna kurL Mercedes and
98 hs|ca Sue and Cllvla newLon!ohn
99 Ie achel !esse llnn uck SanLana and
1001ta c|pse 1he neart achel !esse llnn and uck

1x18 LarynglLls
1011he C|mb* achel
102Iess|e#s G|r llnn
1031he Lad Is A 1ramp uck and Mercedes
104|k nses* kurL
1031he 8 Is ,|e Mercedes and SanLana
106se#s 1r kurL
107e new ulrecLlons and Sean lreLLhold

1x19 uream Cn
108Dadream 8e|eer* young 8ryan yan and unnamed
sophomore slnger
109|a ,a* Jlll and 8ryan
1108|g peder* unnamed woman audlLlonlng for ,
111Dream Jlll and 8ryan
1121he aet Dace ArLle
113I Dreamed A Dream achel and Shelby Corcoran
114Dream A L|tte Dream ,e ArLle
1131he Impss|be Dream %1he est)** Jlll

1x20 1heaLrlcallLy
116I G|r Shelby
1178ad mace 1lna Mercedes kurL SanLana Culnn
8rlLLany and achel
118ht It t Ld llnn uck ArLle Mlke and MaLL
1198eth llnn uck ArLle Mlke and MaLL
120ker Iace achel and Shelby

1x21 lunk
121Ather e 8|tes 1he Dst vocal Adrenallne
1221e ,e meth|g Gd Jlll
123It#s a ,a#s ,a#s ,a#s Wrd Culnn
124Gd I|brat|s uck llnn and Mercedes
123Lser uck llnn Sandy Poward and 1errl SchuesLer
126G|e Up 1he Ik new ulrecLlons

1x22 !ourney
127Ia|th llnn and achel
128A Wa Wat It]L|# 1ch|# eez|# new
129D#t tp 8e|e|# new ulrecLlons
1308hem|a hapsd vocal Adrenallne
1311 |r W|th Le new ulrecLlons
132er 1he a|b Jlll and uck

2x01 AudlLlon

133mp|re tate ,|d new ulrecLlons
134er se nas Its 1hr* Sam Lvans
1338||a|re Sam uck llnn ArLle and Mlke
1361eephe achel and Sunshlne Corazon
137Gett|g 1 k * 1lna
138L|ste Sunshlne
139What I D|d Ir Le achel

2x02 8rlLney/8rlLLany
140I#m A ae U 8rlLLany
141,e Aga|st 1he ,s|c 8rlLLany and SanLana
142 8ab e ,re 1|me achel
143trger ArLle
1441x|c Jlll and new ulrecLlons
1431he xcept| achel

2x03 Crllled Cheesus
146 1he Gd D|e g uck
147I Lk 1 Mercedes Culnn and 1lna
148I Wat 1 nd r nad kurL
149Ls|g , e|g| llnn
130apa Ca near ,e? achel
1318r|dge er 1rbed Water Mercedes
132e Us new ulrecLlons

2x04 uueLs
133D#t G 8reak|g , neart llnn and achel
134|er Deep ,ta| n|gh SanLana and Mercedes
133Le Iazz nt kurL
136Lck Sam and Culnn
137W|th I#m 8r Aga|* llnn and achel
138|g! Mlke and 1lna
139Get napp]napp Das Are nere Aga| achel and

2x03 1he ocky Porror Clee Show
160c|ece I|ct|]Dbe Ieatre SanLana
161Dam|t Iaet llnn achel Culnn kurL and Mercedes
1621here#s A L|ght %er At 1he Irakeste| ace) llnn
achel new ulrecLlons
163eet 1rasest|te Mercedes
164What er nappeed 1 atrda N|ght? Carl Powell
1631cha 1cha 1cha 1ch ,e Lmma
1661|me Warp new ulrecLlons

2x06 never 8een klssed
167e Le %epe Get ead) uck and ArLle
1681eeage Dream 1he ualLon Academy Jarblers
169tart ,e Up]L||# A raer achel Mercedes
1lna Culnn SanLana and 8rlLLany
170tp! I 1he Name Le]Iree r ,|d llnn
uck ArLle Mlke kurL and Sam

2x07 1he SubsLlLuLe
171Irget Polly Pollday and new ulrecLlons
172,ake 'm Lagh Jlll
173Nadas]nt ne ag Polly and achel
174Umbrea]|g|# I the a| Polly Jlll and new

2x08 lurL
173h| Sue and uorls SylvesLer
176,arr new ulrecLlons
177a Jlll
178Ist 1he Wa Are llnn

2x09 Speclal LducaLlon
179D#t Cr Ir ,e Arget|a achel
180D#t Cr Ir ,e Arget|a kurL
1811he L||g ears 1he PlpsLers
182ne |ster ualLon Academy Jarblers
183%I#e nad) 1he 1|me , L|e new ulrecLlons
184Iaer|e new ulrecLlons
183Dg Das Are er new ulrecLlons

2x10 A very Clee ChrlsLmas
1861he ,st Wder Da 1he ear new ulrecLlons
187We Need A L|tte Chr|stmas new ulrecLlons
188,err Chr|stmas Dar|g achel
1898ab It#s Cd ts|de kurL and 8lalne
190Last Chr|stmas new ulrecLlons
191Wecme Chr|stmas new ulrecLlons
192#re A ,ea e ,r Gr|ch Jlll (feaL kd lang)

2x11 1he Sue SylvesLer 8owl Shuffle
193Need N uck and achel
194he#s Nt 1here new ulrecLlons boys Lhe fooLball
1938|s 8|s 8|s 1he Jarblers
1961hr|er]neads W| new ulrecLlons Lhe fooLball

2x12 Sllly Love Songs
197Iat 8ttmed G|rs uck
1981 ArLle and Mlke
199Whe I Get Ae 1he Jarblers
200, I Iaet|e* 1lna
201I|rerk achel
202| Le gs 1he Jarblers

2x13 Comeback
2038ab Sam
204mebd t Le Sam uck ArLle and Mlke
2031ake ,e r Leae ,e achel and Mercedes
206I k What 8s L|ke Lauren Zlzes
207|g new ulrecLlons and Sue

2x14 8lame lL Cn 1he Alcohol
208D#t Wat ,e achel and 8lalne
2098ame It 1he Ach new ulrecLlons
210e 8rb e ctch e 8eer Jlll and Shannon
2111|k 1k new ulrecLlons

2x13 Sexy
212D Waa 1ch ,e Polly
213A|ma 1he Jarblers
214k|ss Jlll and Polly
213Lads|de Polly 8rlLLany and SanLana
216Ater De|ght Carl Lmma Culnn achel and uck

2x16 Crlglnal Song
217,|ser 1he Jarblers
2188ackb|rd kurL and Lhe Jarblers
2191rt ,th SanLana
2208|g Ass neart uck
221ne t the N Mercedes
222Cades 1he Jarblers
223a|se r Gass 1he Jarblers
224Get It |ght achel 1lna and 8rlLLany
223Lser L|ke ,e new ulrecLlons

2x17 nlghL of neglecL
2261r|g 1abes Polly
227A 8 ,se Sunshlne
228I I |ers 1lna
229A|#t N Wa Mercedes

2x18 8orn 1hls Jay
230mehere We k 1he Jarblers
231As I We Neer a|d Gdbe kurL
232I#e Gtta 8e ,e llnn
233I Iee rett]Uprett Culnn and achel
2348r 1h|s Wa new ulrecLlons

2x19 umours
233Dreams Jlll and Aprll
236Neer G|g 8ack Aga| ArLle
237gb|rd SanLana
238I D#t Wat 1 k llnn and Culnn
239, Name Is Apr| hdes* Aprll
240G r Wa achel
241D#t tp new ulrecLlons

2x20 rom Cueen
242|g | the Deep achel and !esse
243Is#t he Le ArLle
244Iar nearts achel
243Ir|da uck ArLle and Sam
246I#m Nt Ga 1each r 8r|ed n t Dace
W|th 8lalne 8rlLLany and 1lna
247Dac|g ee SanLana and Mercedes

2x21 luneral
248re Imag|at| kurL llnn 1lna and ArLle
249, ,a achel
2308ack t 8ack SanLana
2311r A L|tte 1ederess Mercedes
232me epe kurL

2x22 new ?ork
233, Cp 8rlLLany and ArLle
234Ne rk Ne rk ] I Le Ne rk new
233t| Gt 1|ght Jlll
236Ir Gd kurL and achel
2378ea Ntte uck ArLle Sam and Mlke
238eah! compeLlng glrls' cholr
239As Lg As #re 1here Sunshlne and vocal
260reted|g llnn and achel
261L|ght Up 1he Wrd new ulrecLlons

2x00 Songs whlch were never performed ln an eplsode
buL whlch were released durlng season 2
262D a 1h|k I#m ex** 1he Jarblers
263What k|d I** 1he Jarblers
264Deck 1he tp** new ulrecLlons
263Gd est e ,err Geteme** achel Culnn
SanLana 8rlLLany Mercedes and 1lna
266 Chr|stmas 1ree** Jlll
267I|ge 8es** llnn uck ArLle Sam kurL and Mlke
268Ages We nae neard n|gh** Mercedes
269 n N|ght** achel

1. "The Purple Piano Project"
270. We Got the Beat - ew Directions
271. Big Spender Sugar Motta
272. Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead Rachel and Kurt
273. It`s Not Unusual Blaine
274. Anything Goes/ Anything You Can Do Harmony/D
275. You Can`t Stop the Beat ew Directions

2. 'I m Unicorn
276. Something`s Coming
277. Somewhere
278. I`m the Greatest

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