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1 | P a g e Or a l s - Me t e o r o l o g y

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Q. What is atmospheric pressure? What is hPa and how is it related to millibar?
A. Atmospheric pressure is the pressure exerted by a column of earths atmosphere. It is the
force exerted by the column (given by: mg) per unit area. Atmospheric pressure is also known as
barometric pressure.
On average, this column weighs about 1.02 kg over an area of 1cm
. This is known as 1 bar.
Millibar (mb) is used for smaller values.
However as per SI units, mb is now being replaced by hPa. hPa stands for hecto Pascal and is
equal to 100 Pascals. (hecto means 100). Pascal is SI unit of pressure and is measured in N/m
Numerically, 1 hPa = 1 mb
How 1 hPa equals 1 mb?
1 hPa = 100 Pa = 100 N/m
1 bar corresponds to 1.02 kg column per cm

Or, 1 bar = 1.02 kg f/ cm
= 1.02 x 9, 81 N/cm

= approximately 10N/cm
= 100,000 N/m

Thus, 1 mb = 100 N/m
= 100 Pa = 1hPa

Q. What is dew point temperature and what is its significance to a mariner?
A. Dew point temperature is the temperature at which dew forms or water vapour present in the
air condenses. At this temperature, dry bulb and wet bulb thermometers have the same reading.
At this moment relative humidity is 100 % or is saturated.
It is significant on two counts:
1. It helps a mariner in deciding when and whether or not to ventilate cargo holds for
preventing possible damage to cargo due to cargo or ship sweat.
2. It is useful in knowing if vessel is likely to encounter sea (advection) fog. The
approximate time of meeting the fog can also be assessed.

Q. How should sea swell be recorded in log book?
A. Sea swell should be recorded in terms of its height and length. Length usually precedes
Height: Low: 0 2 m
Moderate: 2 4 m
Heavy: > 4 m
Length: Short: 0 100 m
Average: 100 200 m
Long: > 200 m
Examples: Short moderate swell, long heavy swell, average moderate swell etc.

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