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Sub 8enamelromA1()

ulm Msg As SLrlng l As lnLeger

lor l 1 1o SheeLsCounL
lf SheeLs(l)8ange(A1)value 1hen
Msg SheeL l ( SheeLs(l)name ) has no value ln A1 llx sheeL Lhen rerun
Msg8ox Msg vbLxclamaLlon
LxlL Sub
Cn Lrror Co1o LrrSheeLname
SheeLs(l)name SheeLs(l)8ange(A1)value
Cn Lrror Co1o 0
Lnd lf
nexL l
LxlL Sub
LrrSheeLname Msg SheeL l ( SheeLs(l)name ) could noL be renamed Check lf name
already used
Msg8ox Msg vbLxclamaLlon

Lnd Sub

Sub 8enamelromA1()
keyboard ShorLcuL CLrl+ShlfL+?
ulm Msg As SLrlng l As lnLeger
ulm sname as SLrlng
lor l 1 1o SheeLsCounL
lf SheeLs(l)8ange(A1)value 1hen
Msg SheeL l ( SheeLs(l)name ) has no value ln A1 llx sheeL Lhen rerun
Msg8ox Msg vbLxclamaLlon
LxlL Sub
Cn Lrror Co1o LrrSheeLname
SheeLs(l)name SheeLs(l)8ange(A1)
Sname Mld(A19720)
Cn Lrror Co1o 0
Lnd lf
nexL l
LxlL Sub
LrrSheeLname Msg SheeL l ( SheeLs(l)name ) could noL be renamed Check lf name
already used
Msg8ox Msg vbLxclamaLlon

Lnd Sub

Sub 8enamelromL1()
ulm Msg As SLrlng l As lnLeger
lor l 1 1o SheeLsCounL
lf SheeLs(l)8ange(L1)value 1hen
Msg SheeL l ( SheeLs(l)name ) has no value ln L1 llx sheeL Lhen rerun
Msg8ox Msg vbLxclamaLlon
LxlL Sub
Cn Lrror Co1o LrrSheeLname
SheeLs(l)name SheeLs(l)8ange(L1)value
Cn Lrror Co1o 0
Lnd lf
nexL l
LxlL Sub
LrrSheeLname Msg SheeL l ( SheeLs(l)name ) could noL be renamed Check lf name
already used
Msg8ox Msg vbLxclamaLlon

Lnd Sub

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