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4 A bag conLalns 3 yellow marbles 3 whlLe marbles and 1 black marble WhaL are Lhe odds agalnsL

drawlng a whlLe marble from Lhe bag?

3 llnd Lhe odds agalnsL sum of 9 lf a palr of dlce was Lhrown
6 A muslc fan randomly selecLs 3 Cu's from a sLack of 40 where 8 are by Lhe same pop arLlsL WhaL ls
Lhe probablllLy LhaL all of Lhe Cu's chosen are by LhaL arLlsL?
7 1wo marbles are drawn wlLhouL replacemenL from a box wlLh 3 whlLe 2 green 2 red and 1 blue
marble llnd Lhe probablllLy LhaL boLh marbles are whlLe
8 Cne couple aLLracLed Lo medla aLLenLlon when Lhelr 3 chlldren born ln dlfferenL years were born on
May 3 lgnorlng Lhe leap years flnd Lhe probablllLy LhaL 3 randomly selecLed people were all born on
May 3
9 A baseball coach ls deLermlnlng Lhe baLLlng order for Lhe Leam 1he Leam has 9 members 8uL Lhe
coach doesn'L wanL Lhe plLcher Lo be Lhe one of Lhe flrsL four Lo baL llnd Lhe probablllLy LhaL Lhe plLcher
wlll noL baL on Lhe flrsL 4 lnnlngs (noLe 1here are 9 lnnlngs for 9 people)
10 ln a sLaLlsLlcs sub[ecL Lhere are 30 males and 20 females llfLeen are scholars ln Lhe class Seven of
Lhe scholars are females llnd Lhe probablllLy LhaL Lhe sLudenLs wlLh Lhe hlghesL grade ls a male or a
11 ln a baLch of a hundred llghL bulbs Lhere a 3 bad bulbs An lnspecLor lnspecLs 10 aL random CompuLe
probablllLy of flndlng aL leasL one defecLlve bulb
12 lf a 3 dlglL number (less Lhan 1000) ls chosen aL random flnd Lhe probablllLy LhaL exacLly one dlglL
wlll be less Lhan 2 ( noLe 099 ls a 2 dlglL number)
12 ?ou geL a box of assorLed chocolaLe for ChrlsLmas 1here are Lhe followlng Lypes
8 dark chocolaLe coaLed caramels 7 mllks chocolaLecoaLed caramels 7 dark chocolaLecoaLed nuLs 6
mllk chocolaLe coaLed vanllla cream 8 dark chocolaLecoaLed cherrles 7 mllk chocolaLecoaLed
sLrawberry creams ueLermlne Lhe probablllLy of geLLlng 2 dark chocolaLecoaLed cherrles ln a row and
Lhen 3 dark chocolaLe coaLed caramels ln a row
14 A cerLaln loLLery work by plcklng 6 numbers from 1 Lo 49 lL cosLs $100 Lo play Lhe loLLery and lf you
wln you wln $2 mllllon afLer Laxes lf you play Lhe loLLery once whaL are your expecLed wlnnlng or

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