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Green 1ha| curry

C8LLn Cu88? AS1L
4 small green 1hal chllles C8 subsLlLuLe 1 Lo 2 [alapeno peppers
1/4 cup shalloL C8 purple onlon dlced
4 cloves garllc mlnced
1 Lhumbslze plece galangal C8 glnger graLed
1 sLalk fresh mlnced lemongrass C8 3 1bsp frozen or boLLled prepared lemongrass
1/2 Lsp ground corlander
1/2 Lsp ground cumln
3/4 Lo 1 Lsp shrlmp pasLe
1 (loose) cup fresh corlander/cllanLro leaves and sLems chopped
1/2 Lsp ground whlLe pepper (can be purchased aL some supermarkeLs C8 aL Aslan food sLores)
3 1bsp flsh sauce
1 Lsp brown sugar
2 1bsp llme [ulce
Cu88? lnC8LulLn1S
1 Lo 13 lbs (abouL 07 kg) boneless chlcken Lhlgh or breasL cuL lnLo chunks
1 can coconuL mllk
4 kafflr llme leaves (can be purchased frozen aL mosL Aslan food sLores) C8 subsLlLuLe 1 Lsp graLed
llme zesL
1 red bell pepper seeded and cuL lnLo chunks
1 zucchlnl sllced lengLhwlse several Llmes Lhen cuL lnLo chunks
Cenerous handful fresh basll
2 1bsp coconuL oll or oLher vegeLable oll
lace all Lhe green curry pasLe lngredlenLs LogeLher ln a food processor and process Lo a pasLe lf
necessary add a few 1bsp of Lhe coconuL mllk Lo help blend lngredlenLs SeL aslde
repare Lhe llme leaves by Learlng Lhe leaf away from elLher slde of Lhe sLem ulscard Lhe cenLral
sLem 1hen uslng sclssors cuL leaves lnLo Lhln sLrlps SeL aslde
Warm a wok or large frylng pan over medlumhlgh heaL Add Lhe oll and swlrl around Lhen add Lhe
green curry pasLe
SLlrfry brlefly Lo release Lhe fragrance (30 seconds Lo 1 mlnuLe) Lhen add 3/4 of Lhe coconuL mllk
reservlng 23 1bsp per servlng porLlon for laLer
Add Lhe chlcken sLlrrlng Lo lncorporaLe When Lhe curry sauce comes Lo a boll reduce heaL Lo
medlum or medlumlow unLll you geL a nlce slmmer
Cover and allow Lo slmmer 33 more mlnuLes or unLll chlcken ls cooked Lhrough SLlr occaslonally
Add Lhe red bell pepper and zucchlnl plus Lhe sLrlps of llme leaf (or llme zesL) sLlrrlng well Lo
lncorporaLe Slmmer anoLher 23 mlnuLes or unLll vegeLables are sofLened buL sLlll flrm and colorful
uo a LasLeLesL for salL addlng 12 1bsp flsh sauce lf noL salLy enough lf youd prefer a sweeLer
curry add a llLLle more sugar lf Loo salLy add a squeeze of llme or lemon [ulce lf Loo splcy add
more coconuL mllk noLe LhaL Lhls curry should be a balance of salLy splcy sweeL and sour plus
blLLer (Lhe blLLer ls found ln Lhe fresh basll garnlsh)
Serve Lhls curry ln bowls wlLh rlce served separaLely allowlng guesLs Lo add Lhelr own 1op each
porLlon wlLh fresh basll Lhen drlzzle over 23 1bsp coconuL mllk

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