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Subject: CAD/CAM Subject Code: EAU701 Tutorial Sheet # 10 Q.

1 Which CAD/CAM technologies have been included in computer integrated manufacturing system? Ans. Computer numerical control (CNC) Direct numerical control (DNC) Computer process control Computer integrated production management Automated inspection methods Industrial robotics Q.2 Which factors are defined for processing requirements in the CIMS? Ans. Part size Part shape Part variety Product life cycle Definition of future parts Operation other than machine Q.3 What are the basic elements of CIM? Ans. Marketing Product Design Planning Purchase Manufacturing Engineering Factory Automation Hardware Warehousing Logistics and Supply Chain Management Finance Information Management Q.4 What do you understand by the secondary material handling system? Ans. It must be interface with the primary handling system It must be compatible with computer control It must permit temporary storage of workparts It must provide for parts orientation and location at each workstation

It should allow access to the machine tool for maintenance, tool changing and so on. Q.5 List the various machine tools and other equipmet that comprise a computer integrated manufacturing system. Ans. Standard CNC machine tools Special purpose machine tools Tooling for these machines Inspection stations or special inspection probes used with the machine tools. Q.6 Which objectives to be competitive in a global context in Manufacturing engineers? Ans. Reduction in inventory Lower the cost of the product Reduce waste Improve quality Increase flexibility in manufacturing to achieve immediate and rapid response to: Product changes Production changes Process change Equipment change Change of personnel Q.7 What are CIM hardware? Ans. Manufacturing equipment such as CNC machines or computerized work centres, robotic work cells, DNC/FMS systems, work handling and tool handling devices, storage devices, sensors, shop floor data collection devices, inspection machines etc. Computers, controllers, CAD/CAM systems, workstations / terminals, data entry terminals, bar code readers, RFID tags, printers, plotters and other peripheral devices, modems, cables, connectors etc.,

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