Geography - Usa: Population Movement

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IMMIGRATION Immigration: from the outside the country // Migration: inside the country America is by definition a land of immigrants, melting pot (different from a salad bowl) of cultures and multicultural values. Main immigration waves: Indians 20 000- 15 000 BC Spanish + British (WASPS= White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) + French (17th) // Africans (slave trade) 18th // Europeans (Irish German Slavic Mediterranean) 19th = the old immigration. Asian, Hispanics 1970s to presents = the new immigration. Democracy, work attracts Illegal immigration 1 million a year estimated in the 21st century. Historical expansion: American pioneers spread west. (19th) Encouraged resettling Louisiana Purchase 1803 California Rush 1848/1849 Homestead Act 1862 (65 hectares for 10 Transcontinental Railway 1869 opens floodgates of benefiters. Blacks move North 1870/1970 (partially due to Jimmy Crowe laws 1850s) 1865 Emancipation 1920s booming industry in manufacturing belt of the NE post WW2 boom Blacks return South 1970/ today From NY and Chicago to Atlanta and Houston, following the new job opportunities: the Sunbelt drift. Ternary sector workforces are very dynamic; they are footloose, not linked to resources.

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