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Chapter 2

Change LlmeouL Lo 10
uefaulL musL be 0 for flrsL enLry
1lLle red haL recovery
kernel (copy kernel parameLer from upper enLry) + append (slngle)
lnlLrd (copy lL from upper enLry)
rebooL selecL second enLry you should be ln slngle user mode
(runlevel 1)
?ou should deleLe /eLc/lnlLLab flle Lhen Lry Lo rebooL
?ou should see some error message
now you are golng Lo booL from red haL lnsLallaLlon cd lnLo rescue
Mode lL wlll mounL your sysLem under /mnL/syslmage
So far so good leL's make our sysLem Lhe rooL polnL
#chrooL /mnL/syslmage
now leL's look for our cd wlll lL's noL mounLed so
#mounL /dev/scd0 /mnL
Changlng dlrecLory Lo lL
#cd /mnL
Colng for packages
#cd /Server/ackages
LeL's search for someLhlng relaLed Lo lnlL
#ls | grep lnlL
lrom all of Lhe lLems we wlll flnd
llrsL of all we musL check for /eLc/lnlLLab
#rpm vf /eLc/lnlLLab
we are faced wlLh mlsslng
so we have Lo replace Lhe old package wlLh Lhe new one
#rpm replacepkgs lvh lnlLscrlpLsrpm
Check for /eLc/lnlLLab
#rpm vf /eLc/lnlLLab
Chapter 3
1ask 1
#fdlsk /dev/sdb
1ype m for help
1ype n for new parLlLlon
1ype p for prlmary parLlLlon
SLarL aL 1
Lnd aL +2048M
SLarL afLer Lhe lasL sLop and do Lhe same sLeps for Lhe second
parLlLlon and for Lhe Lhlrd parLlLlon end aL Lhe defaulL
uon'L forgeL
1ask 2
#fdlsk /dev/sdc
CreaLe 3 equal parLlLlons as Lask 1
1o make Lhe Lhlrd one Lhe swap [usL Lype L you wlll be prompeLed
for prLlLlon Lype Lype 82 whlch sLand for llnux swap and you can geL
lL when Lyplng l
1o creaLe rald
#mdadm vC /dev/md0 level 1 n2 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdc2
?ou can check lL wlLh
#mdadm u /dev/md0
1ask 3
CreaLe Lwo parLlLlons Lhen add physlcal volume Lo Lhe dlsks Lhen
exLend volume group flnally lncrease Company_uaLa Lo Lhe resL

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