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Lymphoiu 0igans

Lab 2
iimaiy oi Seconuaiy
W rlmary Lymphold Crgans
W ma[or slLes of lymphocyLe
W produce a large reperLolre of
reacLlve cells and Lo ellmlnaLe self
reacLlng cells
W 1hymus and 8one Marrow
W econdary Lymphold Crgans
W provlde Lhe envlronmenL for Lhe
prollferaLlon and maLuraLlon of cells
lnvolved ln Lhe adapLlve lmmune
W for fllLerlng and Lrapplng anLlgens
W provlde Lhe envlronmenL for cellcell
lnLeracLlon and cyLoklnecell lnLeracLlon
W pleen Lymph nodes MAL1 CAL1 8AL1
eatuies of the Bone Naiiow
W producLlon of blood cells ln bone marrow beglns roughly 43
monLhs afLer concepLlon
W Lem cells lmmlgraLe from Lhe llver lnLo Lhe bone marrow
where Lhe mlcroenvlronmenL ls declslve for Lhe
developmenL of sLem cells
W 1hls sLroma conslsLs of endoLhellal cells faL cells osLeoblasLs
and flbrocyLes
W mature the 8 |ymphocytes
W sLlmulaLes Lhe prollferaLlon and dlfferenLlaLlon of Lhe
precursor cells
haiacteiistics of Thymus
W 1 cells also referred as 1 lymphocyLes
W largesL and ls ln acLlve sLage mosLly durlng pre
adolescenL sLage and neonaLal (chlldhood) sLage
W 1hymus commences aLrophy process of elLher
lncompleLe or compleLe expendlLure of body parLs ln
case of early Leenage ln such cases Lhymlc sLromal
cells are belng replaced by faL (adlpose) Llssues
W 3 grams durlng Lhe blrLh of chlld abouL
33 grams durlng puberLy sLage exacLly
23 grams ln adulL llfe as low as 3 grams
ln Lhe age of 60 and less Lhan 3 grams ln
Lhe age of 70
W commonly flsLshaped purple and abouL
4 lnches long
W acLs as a fllLer for blood as parL of Lhe
lmmune sysLem Cld red blood cells are
recycled ln Lhe spleen and plaLeleLs and
whlLe blood cells are sLored Lhere 1he
spleen also helps flghL cerLaln klnds of
W 1he mucosaassoclaLed lymphold Llssue
(MAL1) (also called mucosaassoclaLed
lymphaLlc Llssue) ls Lhe dlffuslon sysLem of
small concenLraLlons of lymphold Llssue found
ln varlous slLes of Lhe body such as Lhe
gasLrolnLesLlnal LracL Lhyrold breasL lung
sallvary glands eye and skln
W CAL1 (guLassoclaLed lymphold Llssue eyers
paLches are a componenL of CAL1 found ln Lhe
llnlng of Lhe small lnLesLlnes)
W 8AL1 (bronchusassoclaLed lymphold Llssue)
W lL ls exempllfled by Lhe lymph nodes and Lhe
lymphold folllcles ln Lonslls eyers paLches
spleen adenolds skln eLc LhaL are assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe mucosaassoclaLed lymphold Llssue

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