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uear husband frlend companlon and faLher

wlLh hearLfelL love l congraLulaLe you on your confermenL as a lellow of Lhe nlgerlan
SocleLy of Lnglneers
l am convlnced LhaL Lhe Cood Lord wlll use Lhls as a sprlngboard Lo Lake you Lo greaLer
helghLs LhaL a hardworklng carlng humble and Codfearlng man llke you surely
May our Lord CCu granL you abundanL sLrengLh and wlsdom Lo conLlnuously conLrlbuLe
Lowards Lhe growLh and advancemenL of Lhe Lnglneerlng professlon ln nlgerla and Lhe
world over (amen) More grease Lo your elbow my darllng!
?our wlfe and chlldren

lC1u8L (lncludlng posL nomlnal/ LlLles)

lC1u8L (lncludlng posL nomlnal/ LlLles)

lC1u8L (lncludlng posL nomlnal/ LlLles)

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