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for-diabetes/ - 75 words
http://diabetes.ygoy.com/2008/07/01/pumpkin-for-diabetes/ - 350

Pumpkin for Diabetes
f you have been really frustrated injecting insulin into your body, then here is a solution for you take PUMPKN.Pumpkin
contains compounds which are helpful for diabetics and effective in lowering down the high blood glucose levels. So
consuming pumpkin will surely bring down the number of insulin injections per day which make many diabetics frustrated. A
recent research conducted in East China Normal University on diabetic rats reveals that the extract of pumpkin helps to
regenerate the pancreatic cells which were damaged and boosting the levels of beta cells which produce insulin. n this
experiment the rats were having type diabetes, but the scientists believe the extract of pumpkin will be equally beneficial for
type diabetics as well.
The effectiveness of pumpkin against diabetes is attributed to a molecule D-chiroinositol and the antioxidants present in
pumpkin which regulate the insulin activity. ncreasing the insulin levels reduces the blood glucose levels and this in turn
reduces the oxidative oxygen species which damage the beta-cell membranes preventing further damage and allowing
regeneration. However some of the beta cells in the rats couldn't be repaired as the damage was beyond repair.
According to World Diabetes Foundation more than 230 million people are affected by diabetes. This is almost 6% of the
total population of the world. This result from the experiment gives a lot of hope to the diabetics who are frustrated from
diabetes and insulin injections.
s Pumpkin good for diabetics?
The Glycemic ndex of pumpkin is 75 which can make you reluctant to take it. But we will calculate its Glycemic Load
to find its effect on the blood sugar.t has been found that 80 gm of pumpkin contains 4 gm of carbohydrates.To get
the GL value, multiply the G with the carbohydrate amount and divide with 100.
GL = G*Amount of carbohydrate/100
So GL of pumpkin = (75*4)/100 = 3.
So you see that GL is very low and hence it will have a negligible effect on the blood sugar level. Therefore it can be
concluded that pumpkin is a good vegetable for diabetics.

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