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AudaclLy essay prevlew

ln Lhls pro[ecL abouL how Lo make a commerclal or sa l have learn how Lo uslng
AudaclLy and how Lo record sound by mlcrophone ln our group we have made a plan of
persuade people buylng shadow clone" buL as we go alone we change Lo hyper drlnk plan and
from Lhere we do lL well ln Lhe AudaclLy l have learn how Lo puL ln muslc Lrack and mlx lL We
also use mlcrophone Lo record our speaklng l have also learned how Lo make sound affecL and
whaL make a sa or a commerclal good l have also learned how Lo make Lhe muslc from loud
Lo small by presslng pro[ecL ln AudaclLy Also l have learned from Lhls pro[ecL ls whaL muslc ls
good for our commerclal or sa by uslng Lhe webslLe LhaL mrMlchael glve us for hlnL lor our
commerclal lnsLead of maklng Lo long l have learned how Lo spllL lL ln parL lor Lhe muslc l have
also learn how Lo mlx lL durlng we uslng mlcrophone and record lf l had Llme l would make a
provemenL abouL my pro[ecL
lf l have Llme l would check Lhe sound so lL ls maLch wlLh Lhe speech LhaL we are
speaklng l would make my radlo sound more professlonal and enLhuslasLlc wlLh up and down
sound noL borlng sounds l also make some sounder affecL lf lL doesn'L have much l would add
some more speech lf lL don'L have enough l also would check lf anyone goL a llne Lo speak for
Lhe AudaclLy My groups have work very well and everyone have a parL speak and everyone
have a [ob Lo do Also lf l have Llme l would make Lhe plcLure of our group beLLer or more

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