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1he agr|cu|tura| and food |ndustry |s Denmark's |argest |ndustry and |nnovat|on sector emp|oy|ng
over 1S0000 peop|e or 11 of the tota| |abour force
AgrIcuIturaI productIon accounts Ior 3Z oI Denmark`s CDP. Two thIrds oI productIon Is exported.

AgrIcuIture accounts Ior 12Z oI overaII DanIsh exports, and Ior 20Z when agroIndustrIaI exports are
ndIa ranks 2
In AgrI based exports
ndIa Is 6
Iargest In CoIIe productIon
WorId`s Iargest cttIe productIon(281 mIIIIons)
t Is 2
Iargest In cabbage, cotton, cashew productIons
ndIa accounts 10Z oI worId`s IruIt productIon

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