CH 1

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Effects of Classical Music on the Embryonic Development

of Pateros Ducks in the Gestation Period


Baron Clyde J. Calgo
Joshua Michael D. Lambino
John Michael M. Simon

Chapter One

Submitted to the Faculty oI the
Philippine Science High School CAR Campus
in partial IulIillment oI the requirements Ior
Science and Technology Research 1

November 15, 2011

CHAPTER ONE: The Problem

Statement of the Problem
This study was conducted to answer the Iollowing question:
'Would classical music have a positive eIIect on the eggs oI Pateros
Furthermore, there are certain questions this study can answer. Can music
have a biological eIIect oI an organism while it is still in its embryonic stage? Can
listening to music have an eIIect on the growth rate oI animals?
The soothing melody oI classical music was proven to have eIIects on animals,
both born and unborn. Also, this genre oI music was Iound to have a biological
eIIect on the Ietus oI animals. Classical music was also proven to have a positive
biological eIIect, because oI its calming air. This research aims to identiIy some
positive eIIects oI classical music on the embryonic development oI Pateros
The results oI this research are based on three criteria: the number oI eggs
produced, the incubation growth rate, and the anthropomorphic measurements oI
the eggs.
It is expected that by the end oI the research, results would show that
classical music would have positive eIIects on the embryo as it develops.

These assumptions are made while thinking through the research:
1. Embryos that were exposed to music will have a
Scope and Delimitation
We aim to study about how music and other sounds aIIect the gestation and egg
production oI Pateros ducks (Anas Platyrhynchos in the Philippines.

Importance of the Study
The Importance oI this study is to know iI there really is an eIIect in the embryonic
development oI Pateros ducks when they hear classical music.
Pateros ducks are used as meat and their eggs are cooked and eaten by people in
the Philippines. We call the egg oI the Pateros duck or Itik a Balut egg. A balut egg is
sold in the streets in the Philippines and is a street Iood Ior the Filipino people. A balut
egg is very popular in the Philippines. It is believed that the balut egg is an aphrodisiac.
The importance oI this study is to know how to make the Itik lay more eggs, most
probably in a day.
Pateros ducks are great layers oI eggs and are non-sitters which make them easy
to breed. II there are more balut eggs that are ready to be sold, then more Filipino people
will buy balut eggs. Also, having more balut eggs would mean that there would be more
eggs to be hatched as Pateros ducks. II that happens, there would be more Pateros ducks
to lay eggs and there would be continuous making oI balut eggs. Balut eggs and Duck
meat is a good source oI protein and Iat.
This study is important because Balut and the Itik is a necessary part oI the
Philippine liIe. It is one oI the delicacies oI our nation. It is important to increase the
population oI the Itiks so that there would be more balut eggs and duck meat to be used in
the Philippines. It is important to know iI music will have any eIIect on how many more
eggs it may lay than just simply letting it hear nothing.
Music is proven to have eIIects in the bodies oI animals. This study is important
because it will prove that music really does have an eIIect on the bodies oI animals,
especially in pateros ducks.
Definition of Terms


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