Empire Army List by Border Princes

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The Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, the Games Workshop logo, Games Workshop, Warhammer, Greatsword, Helblaster Volley Gun, Helstorm Rocket Battery, Knights of the Blazing Sun, Knights Panther, Knights of the White Wolf, Reiksguard, Steam Tank, Sigmar, Teutogen, Wolf-Kin, Ulric, Outriders and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either , TM and/or Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 19962009, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

Written by Adrian Cord Binko, Tomasz Ismael Dorszyski, Jacek Czopek Drob, Jarosaw SaH Gopek, Ba ej Blaesus Kapciuch, Tomasz Argoth Korzeniowski, Aleksander Toni Milievi, Piotr Pelcu Pelc, ukasz Sa!nt Pieni ek, Marcin Wilqu Ryszkiewicz, Marek Myth Skowerski, Maciej Niglafar lifirski, Marcin BabyIon Szelewicki, ukasz Grand Admiral Thrawn Szubarczyk Illustrators John Blanche, Alex Boyd, Paul Dainton, Wayne England, Karl Kopinski, Mikoaj Ostapiuk and Adrian Smith Special thanks to the authors of the original books and army lists Alessio Cavatore, Andy Hall, Ian Hawkes, Graham McNeill, Jake Thornton and Mat Ward


Soldiers of the Empire
State Troops Militia Elite State Troops Knightly Orders Battle Wizards The Imperial Gunnery School The School of Engineers Warrior Priests of Sigmar Warrior Priests of Ulric Flagellants Wolf-Kin Steam Tank The Empire Bestiary

5 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 11

Empire Armoury Heirlooms of Magic

Common Magic Items Magic Weapons Magic Armour Talismans Arcane Items Priest Items Enchanted Items Magic Standards

12 13
13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16

Army List
Lords Heroes Core Units Special Units Rare Units

18 19 21 23 26


General Captain M 4 4 WS 5 5 BS 5 5 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 3 2 I 5 5 A 3 3 Ld 9 8

Special Rules Commanding Presence: Generals and Captains are tried and tested veterans of many battles, who understand the craft of soldiering better than anyone. Training and fighting together with their soldiers, these characters are able to give their orders in the midst of battle. Unit of State Troops that includes a General or a Captain may reform and hold as a charge reaction when charging unit is far than half of its charge move. Halberdier Spearman Sergeant Swordsman Duellist Handgunner Crossbowman Marksman M 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 WS 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 BS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 A 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 Ld 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Special Rules State Troops: State troops can be used as independent units, parent units or detachments. See the detachment rules in the Empire Army Book. Moreover one unit of Core state troops may have a magic banner worth up to 25 pts. Regulars: It takes a lot of training to become a professional soldier in Empire. Practicing in Empire Martial Academy, soldiers learn to use their weapons in the most efficient way. Due to that, they are able to take a better advantage of bonuses and benefits the common weapons give. Therefore: Halberdiers: Empire soldiers are learned how to hit harder from the first rank and how to strike from the rear. This means that in addition to normal +1 Strength bonus the halberd gives, their blows are armour piercing. What is more, when not charging, they may fight with one extra rank to the front, and although they do not receive a Strength bonus to attacks made from the second row, armour piercing bonus still apply. Spearmen: Empire soldiers are learned to make a wall of spears in front of their enemies. They may fight with one extra rank to the front, when not charging. This means they normally fight in three ranks or two in a turn that they charge.

Archer/Huntsman Marksman Free Company Sergeant M 4 4 4 4 WS 3 3 3 3 BS 3 4 3 3 S 3 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 1 I 3 3 3 3 A 1 1 1 2 Ld 7 7 7 7

Special Rules Militia: Militia units can be used as independent units or detachments, but may not be parent units. See the detachment rules in the Empire Army Book. Skirmishers: Archers are skirmishers, as described in the Warhammer rulebook. Huntsmen: Archers upgraded to Huntsmen have the scout special rule. Scout: as described in the Warhammer rulebook. Skirmishers: as described in the Warhammer rulebook.


Greatsword Counts Champion M 4 4 WS 4 4 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 2 Ld 8 8

Special Rules Stubborn: Greatswords are stubborn, as described in the Warhammer rulebook. State Troops: Greatswords can be used as independent units or parent units, but never as detachments. See the rules in the Empire Army Book.

Pistolier Outrider Warhorse

M 4 4 8

WS 3 3 3

BS 3 4 -

S 3 3 3

T 3 3 3

W 1 1 1

I 3 3 3

A 1 1 1

Ld 7 7 5

Special Rules Fast Cavalry: Pistoliers are Fast Cavalry, as described in the Warhammer rulebook. Fusillade: In the first turn of each combat, Pistoliers can attack with both their pistols (or with a sword and repeater pistol), just like models on foot. In subsequent turns they will revert to the normal rules and the rider will have only one Attack at his basic Strength. Outrider Outrider Champion Warhorse M 4 4 8 WS 3 3 3 BS 4 5 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 3 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 7 5

Special Rules Fast Cavalry: Outriders are Fast Cavalry, as described in the Warhammer rulebook.

Templar Grand Master Knight Preceptor Warhorse M 4 4 4 8 WS 6 4 4 3 BS 3 3 3 S 4 3 3 3 T 4 3 3 3 W 3 1 1 1 I 6 3 3 3 A 4 1 2 1 Ld 9 8 8 5

Special Rules Master of Battle: Templar Grand Masters are Immune to Psychology. In addition, if a Templar Grand Master joins a unit of Knights of his own Order then they too are Immune to Psychology so long as he remains with the unit. Legendary Orders: Templar Grand Masters and Knights of the Inner Circle can be customized by giving them advantages to represent the most powerful Knightly Orders in the Empires history. They are as follows: The Grand Order of the Reiksguard (Reiksguard Knights) Emperors Guard - For all Leadership tests, including break tests, roll 3 dice and choose the lowest 2 scores. The Knights of the White Wolf - Crush the Weak - Re-roll wounds in charge. Knights Panther - Splendour - Use finest warhorses from best Imperial stables No movement penalty because of barding. Knights of the Blazing Sun - Blessing of Myrmidia - Weapons count as magical. Teutogen Guard First Knight M 4 4 WS 4 4 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 2 Ld 8 8

Special Rules Stubborn: Teutogen Guards are stubborn, as described in the Warhammer rulebook. Reiksguard on Foot Foot Knight M 4 4 WS 4 4 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 2 Ld 8 8

Wizard Lord Wizard M 4 4 WS 3 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 4 3 W 3 2 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 8 7

The Imperial Gunnery School

Great Cannon Crewman M 4 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 7 3 W 3 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7

A Great Cannon follows the rules for war machines that are presented in the Warhammer rulebook. Mortar Crewman M 4 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 7 3 W 3 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7

A Mortar follows the rules for war machines that are presented in the Warhammer rulebook and the Empire Army Book with the following exception:the Mortar is a blackpowder weapon so the saving throw modifier is -2.

Helblaster Crewman

M 4

WS 3

BS 3

S 3

T 7 3

W 3 1

I 3

A 1

Ld 7

How to fire a Helblaster: 1. Align Helbalster on target and measure range. 2. Roll the Artillery dice for the first barrel. Halve the score at over half range (12-24). This indicates the number of hits. Proceed to the second and then to the third barrel. 3. If the Artillery dice is MISFIRE refer to Misfire Chart, then... 4. Work out hits. Under half range at S5, -3 save mod. Over half range at S4, -2 save mod. Helblaster Misfire Chart D6 Result 1-2 Destroyed! The Helblaster is destroyed and its crew slain. Remove it and its crew. 3 Malfunction. Any remaining shots are wasted plus the Helblaster cannot fire in its next turn. 4 Jammed. Any remaining shots are wasted. You may fire as nornal in the next Shooting phase. 5 Dud. This shot is wasted. However, you can continue to fire any remaing barrels as normal. 6 KA-BOOM! The barrel you were rolling for and any remaining barrels in this deck all score 10 hits (5 at long range). You can fire normally in the next Shooting phase. Helstorm Crewman M 4 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 7 3 W 3 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7

A Helstorm Rocket Battery follows the rules presented in the 7th ed Empire Army Book.

The School of Engineers

Master Engineer M 4 WS 3 BS 5 S 3 T 3 W 2 I 3 A 1 Ld 7

Special Rules Master of Ballistics: A Great Cannon or a Mortar (but not a Volley Gun or a Rocket Battery) which has been joined by a Master Engineer may re-roll either one Scatter dice or one Artillery dice per turn (not the roll to determine distance bounced by the cannonball). Note that if the Engineer uses his re-roll ability he will not be able to shoot with his own missile weapon in the same shooting phase. Extra Crewman: An Engineer can also replace one crew member of a machine he joins (including Volley Guns and Rocket Batteries), but if he is operating the machine, the Engineer cannot fire his own missile weapon. If a machine with an Engineer attached to it misfires and explodes, the Engineer will be killed with the rest of the crew if he replaced a crewman or used his re-roll ability that turn. Artillery Specialist: A Great Cannon and a Mortar can re-roll a result on the Misfire chart.

Trainee Engineer

M 4

WS 3

BS 4

S 3

T 3

W 2

I 3

A 1

Ld 7

Special Rules Extra Crewman: An Engineer can also replace one crew member of a machine he joins (including Volley Guns and Rocket Batteries), but if he is operating the machine, the Engineer cannot fire his own missile weapon. If a machine with an Engineer attached to it misfires and explodes, the Engineer will be killed with the rest of the crew if he replaced a crewman or used his re-roll ability that turn. Artillery Specialist: A Great Cannon and a Mortar can re-roll a result on the Misfire chart. Champion: acts as a unit Champion for all game purposes.

Warrior Priests of Sigmar

Arch Lector Warrior Priest M 4 4 WS 4 4 BS 3 3 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 3 2 I 4 4 A 2 2 Ld 9 8

Special Rules Blessings of Sigmar: Follows the rules in the Empire Army Book. Righteous Fury: Follows the rules in the Empire Army Book. Prayers of Sigmar: Follow the rules in the Empire Army Book with the following exceptions Hammer of Sigmar, Armour of Contempt and Unbending Righteousness last untill next Empire magic phase. The War Altar Warhorse M 8 WS 3 BS S 5 3 T 5 W 5 I 3 A 1 Ld 5

Special Rules The Power of Sigmar: Follows the rules in the Empire Army Book. The Golden Griffon: Follows the rules in the Empire Army Book.

Warrior Priests of Ulric

High Priest Warrior Priest M 4 4 WS 5 4 BS 3 3 S 4 4 T 4 4 W 3 2 I 4 4 A 3 2 Ld 9 8

Special Rules Blessing of Ulric: The presence of the Priest of Ulric adds one dice to the Dispel pool of the army. The High Priest of Ulric adds two Dispel dice. Crush the Weak: The Priest and any unit he joins can re-roll wounds when charging. This does not affect characters. Prayers of Ulric: works the same as Prayers of Sigmar with the exceptions of the prayers themselves Battle Howl: As long as the Battle Howl is in effect, the Priest and any unit he leads add D6 to their charge moves. If the charge is failed, the extra movement is wasted; make a normal move towards the target as normal. Lasts until next Empire magic phase. Destruction: Cast only on Priest himself. Place a small 3 round template on the Priest. Every enemy model under the template (those with partly covered base too) receive one S5 hit with no armour save allowed. Daemons, Undead and Forest Spirits have one S6 hit with no armour save allowed. Winters Chill: Cast only on Priest himself. Enemy unit engaged in close combat suffer a 1 to roll to hit until end of the turn. If they break in this turn, they suffer 1 to the flee roll. Fury of Ulric: Cast only on Priest himself. The Priest and the unit he leads become immune to Panic, Fear and Terror. Lasts until next Empire magic phase. Blessing of the Wolf: Can be cast on Priest himself or on any character or unit champion within 12" of the Priest. The model gets Killing Blow special skill and a 5+ ward save against any non magical attack. Lasts until next Empire magic phase.

Flagellant Prophet of Doom M 4 4 WS 2 2 BS 2 2 S 3 3 T 4 4 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 2 Ld 10 10

Special Rules Unbreakable: Flagellants are unbreakable, as described in the Warhammer rulebook. Crazed!: Flagellants are subject to the Frenzy rules and will never lose it, even if beaten in combat. The End is Nigh!: Follows the rules presented in the Empire Army Book.

Wolf-Kin Wolf Brother M 4 4 WS 4 4 BS 3 3 S 4 4 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 2 Ld 8 8

Special Rules Stubborn: Wolf-Kins are stubborn, as described in the Warhammer rulebook. Skirmish: Wolf-Kins are skirmishers, as described in the Warhammer rulebook.


Steam Tank
Steam Tank Engineer Commander M S WS BS 4 S 6 T 6 W 10 I A S Ld 10

Special Rules The Steam Tank follows the rules listed in the Empire Army Book with the following exceptions: Building up Steam Points: If you declared 1 or more SP, roll a D3 and add to the number of steam points youve decided to generate. If the total is equal to or less than the Steam Tanks remaining Wounds, all is well. Movement phase: 1 Steam Point = 1" moving backward Close Combat phase: The commander himself is not eligible as a target - he usually keeps his head down and only appears over the rim of his armoured command turret to shoot his weapon. In effect he is treated as an integral part of the Steam Tank and counts as this machine's crew. Additional rules: There are no victory points for a Steam Tank if it is reduced to half or less of its original starting number of Wounds. You may only include one Empire Steam Tank for every full 2,000 points in your army.

The Empire Bestiary

Griffon Pegasus Warhorse M 6 8 8 WS 5 3 3 BS S 5 4 3 T 5 4 3 W 4 3 1 I 5 4 3 A 4 2 1 Ld 7 6 5

Special Rules Fly: Griffons and Pegasi have wings that enable them to fly. Terror: Griffons cause Terror and are large targets as described in the Warhammer rulebook.


Empire Armoury
Full Plate Armour: Gives a 4+ armour save.


Cavalry Hammer (aka White Wolf Hammer): When a mounted model is using it, the Hammer gives +2 Strength bonus in first turn when charging and +1 Strength the rest of the time. On foot the hammer is wielded differently, and so counts as a halberd instead. In either case the weapon requires two hands to use.

Empire Handgun Maximum range: 24; Strength: 4. Rules: Move-or-fire; armour piercing. First Volley: Add D6 to the max range first time firing (short range not affected).


Hochland Long Rifle Max range: 36; Strength: 4. Rules: Move-or-fire; armour piercing. Scientific Precision: The shooter may pick any target he can see that is not in hand to hand combat (including characters or champions within a unit, a war machines crew, on a chariot, riding a monster etc.), but if he uses this special ability he will suffer a -1 to his penalty. The normal -1 modifier for shooting at a single Man-sized target does not apply (but other modifiers do) and a character/champion cannot benefit from the Look out Sir! rule. The shooter may choose a different target from the one chosen by the unit he is with. Repeater Handgun Max range: 24; Strength: 4. Rules: Move-or-fire; 3 x multiple shots; armour piercing. Repeater Pistol Max range: 8; Strength: 4. Rules: 3 x multiple shots (4 if combined with a pistol); armour piercing; always stand and shoot. Strength 4 and armour piercing in the first turn of combat. Grenade Launching Blunderbuss Max range: 16; Strength: 6. Rules: Move-or-fire; armour piercing.


Heirlooms of Magic
Common Magic Items
Sword of Striking: Weapon; +1 to hit. Sword of Battle: Weapon; +1 Attack. Sword of Might: Weapon; +1 Strength. Biting Blade: Weapon; -1 armour save. Enchanted Shield: Armour; 5+ armour save. Talisman of Protection: Talisman; 6+ ward save. Dispel Scroll: Arcane; one use only; Automatically dispel an enemy spell. Power Stone: Arcane; one use only; +2 dice to cast a spell. Staff of Sorcery: Arcane; +1 to dispel. War banner: Banner; +1 combat resolution. 15 points 15 points 15 points 5 points 10 points 15 points 25 points 20 points 35 points 25 points

Magic Weapons
Runefang: (General of the Empire only) All hits from a Runefang wound automatically and allow no armour saves. Lance of Glory: (Grand Master only) Lance; +2 Attacks. 75 points

65 points

The Mace of Helstrum: 60 points The bearer can forfeit all of his normal Attacks to make only one Attacks to make only one Attack. Roll to hit normally. If this one Attack hits, the hit resolved at Strength 10 and cause D6 wounds. The Bright Sword: 50 points This magic sword casts a Flaming Sword of Ruin spell at the beginning of each players turn (the opponent cannot stop this at all). The spell can be then dispelled normally in each players magic phase, but that just temporarily quenches its fire and the sword automatically burst into new flames at the beginning of the next turn. There are no cumulative effects with spell Flaming Sword of Ruin. Moreover, The Bright Sword has a bound spell of Fireball (Power Level 4). Sword of Sigismund: 45 points The wielder of this sword strikes with +1 Strength and benefits from the always strikes first special rule in close combat. Sword of Fate: 40 points At the beginning of the battle, nominate one enemy character or monster. The sword counts as a magic weapon with no particular bonuses against any other opponent, but attacks directed against the designated target will wound it on a 2+ and cause D3 wounds, with no armour saves is allowed. Sword of Power: The sword confers +2 Strength to all close combat attacks made by the character. Scythe of Morr: Great weapon; Killing blow. Winters Bite: On a roll to hit of 6, Winters Bite wounds automatically with no armour save possible. 40 points

25 points

25 points

Hammer of Judgement: 25 points Models hit by this hammer must take a Toughness test for every hit suffered. If the test is failed, the hit wound automatically and with no save of any kind. If the test is passed, roll to wound and take armour saves as normal. Dragon Bow: 25 points The Dragon Bow has a range of 36 and Strength 6. The number of wielder's attacks indicates the number of shots allowed in each shooting phase. Any hits from this bow count as magical.


Magic Armour
Armour of Chamon: Full plate armour (armour save 4+) At the beginning of the owner's magic phase roll dice. 1-2 Commandment of Brass 3-4 Transmutation of Lead 5-6 Law of Gold The Armour of Chamon can cast the spell like bound spell with power level 4. 50 points

Armour of Ursun: 50 points The Armour of Ursun counts as full plate armour (armour save 4+). In addition, for each successful hit resolved against the wearer by his enemies in close combat, the character wearing Armour of Ursun can make an additional attack back after his enemies attacks have been resolved (assuming hes still alive!). He may make these bonus attacks even if he has already attacked that phase. Armour of Skoll: 40 points Counts as full plate armour. Attacks against the wearer in close combat suffer a -1 Strength penalty. This can affect the attacks save modifier. Wearer is immune to one Lore of Magic chosen before the roll for first turn. Dawn Armour: Full plate armour (armour save 4+). The model can re-roll any failed armour saves. 35 points

Armour of Tarnus: 35 points Light armour. The Armour of Tarnus confers a 5+ ward save to the wearer. Wizards can wear this armour and cast spells. Wolf Helm: 30 points Grants a 6+ Armour save that can be combined with other armour as normal. In addition, the wearer can take a Ld test at the start of every Close Combat phase. If passed, he gains +1 Strength for the duration of that phase. Armour of Meteoric Iron: This armour gives the bearer a 1+ armour save that cannot be improved by any means. 25 points

Shield of the Gorgon: 20 points Shield. The wearer can force one model in base contact to lose one Attack. In the case of model with different Attacks (eg. mounted models) the wearer chooses which Attack is lost. Special Attacks (like those of a Giant, impact hits and anything not included in the Attack value on models profile) are not affected. Golden Shield: Shield. Shots to the character and his unit suffer -1 penalty to hit. 20 points

Icon of Magnus: This item gives the bearer a 5+ ward save and magic resistance (2). Holy Relic: The Holy Relic gives its bearer a 4+ ward save. Heart of Valour: 5+ Ward save. Wearer gains +1 to their Weapon Skill. 50 points

45 points

40 points

Cloak of Molten Metal: 30 points The robe gives a 4+ ward save against any ranged attacks directed toward character and his mount. The White Cloak: 35 points This item gives a 5+ ward save to bearer and his mount; which is increased to 2+ against Flaming Attacks. Sigil of Ulric: 20 points The wearer has a number of additional Attacks equal to difference of Leadership between him and the enemy. Warrior Priests and Arch Lectors of Sigmar cant take this item. Sigil of Morr: 20 points Wearer is immune to Poison and Killing Blow. Warrior Priests and Arch Lectors of Sigmar and Ulric cant take this item. Sigil of Sigmar: 15 points The Sigil of Sigmar confers magic resistance (1). Can be taken several times like power stone or dispel scroll. Warrior Priests and Arch Lectors of Ulric cant take this item.


Arcane Items
Staff of Volans: 75 points Bearer knows one more spell. Immediately after rolling the dice to cast or to dispel, the player can add +1 to the result of one dice. This can cause an Irresistible Force or prevent a Miscast. Seal of Destruction: 45 points One use only. The Seal has the same effect as Dispel Scroll. In addition, roll a D6. On a result of 4+ the spell is removed from the casters mind and he can no longer cast it. Spells cast from a bound spell item will only be removed on a result of a 6. Can be taken several times like power stone or dispel scroll. Grey Wand: Gives +1 to the casting attempts made by the Wizard. 30 points

Rod of Power: 30 points At the end of each magic phase, you can save up to three unused own power/dispel dice and store them in the rod. At the beginning of each successive magic phase, roll a dice. If the result is equal or higher to the number of dice stored, add them to the power/dispel pool, if the result is lower than the number of dice stored, they are lost. Luckstone: 25 points One use only. The bearer can re-roll all of the dice rolled to cast or dispel a spell. The re-rolled dice can cause miscast or irresistible force as normal. Can be taken several times like power stones or dispel scrolls. The Firebrand Staff: This magic staff extends the range of all spells by 6. 20 points

Wizards Staff: 10 points The Wizards Staff allows the bearer to use one more dice than he is normally allowed to when casting a spell (eg. Wizard that can normally use up to two dice to cast spells will be able to use up to three).

Priest Items
Common Items (For Priests only) Amber Fang: In magic phase Priest can use one more Prayer than normally he could. 25 points

Power Dagger: 25 points The Priest bearing the Power Dagger may add the current rank bonus of the unit he accompanies to the Power level of his Prayers. Aura of Sanity: Priest add an additional Dispel Dice to Dispel Pool. Blessings of Sigmar (For Priests of Sigmar only) Aura of Obstinate: 30 points The character and unit he joins gains Stubborn special rule in the First Round of Close Combat. Aura of Courage: The character and unit he joins can re-roll fail rolls to Panic test. Aura of Unbending: The character and unit he joins cannot be outnumbered. Blessings of Ulric (For Priests of Ulric only) Aura of Wolf Fury: The character and unit he joins gains Frenzy special rule. Aura of Wolfs Pack: The character and unit he joins have no penalty for moving in difficult terrain. Aura of Wolf Speed: The character and unit he joins gains D3 to its march move. 30 points 25 points 15 points


15 points

15 points


Enchanted Items
Laurels of Victory: 55 points Each wound caused by a model wearing the Laurels of Victory (but not those caused by his mount) will count as 2 Wounds when working out combat resolution. Note that you do not actually cause double wounds on your victim. Rod of Command: 50 points One use only. Whenever the character (and the unit he is with) have to take a Break test, instead of rolling the dice, the player can declare he is using this item, If the player decides to do so, the character (and his unit) automatically roll double 1s (Insane Courage!) for the test, automatically passing regardless of modifiers. This item cannot be used by a character in a turn he refused a challenge or if he is hiding at back of the unit. Aldreds Casket of Sorcery: 35 points Bound Spell: Power Level variable. At the end of each of his movement phase, the bearer may remove and capture one randomly determined spell from an enemy Wizard within 12 of him on a roll 4+. The bearer can then cast the captured spell in any of his following magic phases by releasing it from the casket just like from bound item, whereupon the spell is then removed from the game. Any number of spells may be captured by the casket, and the bearer can cast each one once, either over several magic phase or all at the same time if he prefers. The power level of the spell cast by the casket will be equivalent to the normal casting value of the spell. The Orb of Thunder: 30 points Bound Spell: Power Level 5. Remains in play. When the Or of Thunder is in play, flying creatures on the battlefield cannot fly and must move on the ground, using their standard movement rate. Magic Resistance has no effect in attempts to dispel the effects of this item. Van Horstmanns Speculum: 30 points When the wearer fights a challenge he can swap his base Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness, Initiative and Attacks values with those of his enemy. He can choose not to use the mirror, but if he does he must swap all these characteristics for the duration of the challenge. So, the wearer fights with his enemys WS, S, T, I and A whilst his enemy fights with the wearers Ws, S, T, I and A. Bane of Craven: 30 points Neither the character that carries the Bane of the Craven nor any unit he charges may ever voluntarily flee as a charge reaction. They may use any other charge reaction they would normally be allowed. This applies to any unit the character is in. Doomfire Ring: 25 points Bound Spell. Power Level 3. The Doomfire Ring casts the Burning Head spell from the Lore of Fire (see the Warhammer rulebook). Icon of Magnus: 25 points The character and the unit he is with are immune to Fear. When faced with an enemy that causes Terror, the character and the units only suffer from Fear, not Terror. Alchemist Badluck Stone: 25 points 24" range, one use only. If the enemy wizard scores a 1 on any of the casting dice, Empire player can use this item to force auto mistcast on the caster. Ring of Volans: 20 points One use only. Bound Spell: Power Level variable. Choose any one of the eight magic lores in the Warhammer rulebook and randomly select one spell from that lore to be bound within the Ring of Volans. The power level of the spell cast by the ring will be equivalent to the normal casting value of the spell. The Silver Horn: 15 points One use only. All fleeing friendly units on the battlefield will rally automatically, regardless of number of models left.

Magic Standards
Imperial Banner: 100 points All units with at least one model within 12 of the Imperial Banner can re-roll any failed Terror, Fear, Panic or Rally test as well tests to avoid pursuing a fleeing enemy. Banner of Sigismund: 60 points The standard bearer and all models in his unit are Stubborn. Note that this bonus is also conferred to other characters within the unit.


Griffon Standard: 50 points A unit carrying the Griffon Standard counts double its rank bonus when it comes to working out combat results. The unit may never pursue a fleeing enemy but will always hold its ground, even if affected by a special rule that means it normally must do so. Regimental Banner: 50 points (State Troops Only) Whenever the unit engaged by the bearer of this standard is attacked from flank or rear, the side owning this item doubles the bonus for such attacks. If the unit is attacked on both flanks, the opponent gets the bonus for both of them (this is an exemption from the rulebook). Banner of the Daemonslayer: (Knightly Orders only) 50 points When declaring a charge against the enemy, the unit counts as being immune to psychology. What is more, it causes Fear (both effects last to the end of the player's turn). Banner of Middenheim: The unit carrying the banner is immune to fear and terror. 40 points

Standard of the White Wolf: (Knight of White Wolf only) 40 points All missile fire against the unit (including magic missiles) suffers a -1 penalty to its Strength. Other types of attacks, including spells that are not magic missiles, are unaffected. Banner of Valour: The unit is Immune to Panic. Standard of Arcane Warding: This banner confers magic resistance (2) on the unit that carries it. 30 points

30 points

Discipline Standard: 25 points No matter how many models were killed in close combat phase, all models from the first rank may strike back as if were not slain at all. Banner of Reloading: 25 points The unit may fire for a second time every friendly shooting phase with their ranged weapons. The shots can be resolved against different targets and suffer no penalty for multiple shooting. The banner has no effect on war machines. Banner of Warrior True: 25 points When the unit carrying this banner takes a Break test, they count as having lost the combat by D3 fewer points than they really did. If this reduces the margin of the loss to 0 or lower, they still count as having lost the combat but test on their unmodified Leadership. This has no effect on other friendly units in a multiple combat, which must test as normal. Steel Standard: (Knightly Orders only) 20 points The unit can add D3 to its charge move. If the charge is failed, the unit will move forward 7 as normal. Banner of Duty: The unit can re-roll any failed Rally test. 10 points


Points: 80 General Griffon Pegasus Warhorse


General of the Empire

M 4 6 8 8 WS 5 5 3 3 BS 5 S 4 5 4 3 T 4 5 4 3 W 3 4 3 1 I 5 5 4 3 A 3 4 2 1 Ld 9 7 6 5

Equipment: Hand weapon. Special Rules: Commanding Presence. ARMY ORGANISATION: Ancestral Heirloom: If your army is led by a General, one unit of State Troops (Halberdiers, Spearmen, Swordsmen, Handgunners, Crossbowmen) can have a magic banner worth up to 50 points. Bodyguards: If the army includes a General, one unit of Greatswords per General can be taken as his bodyguards and takes a Core slot choice instead of a Special. As long as the General is in this unit, he and the unit are immune to panic. OPTIONS: - May have a great weapon (+6 pts), an additional hand weapon (+6 pts), a pistol (+9 pts) and/or brace of pistols (+12 pts). - May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts). - May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts) or full plate armour (+12 pts). May also carry shield (+3 pts). - May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts) or a Griffon (+200 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+6 pts). - May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.

Points: 145

Templar Grand Master

M 4 8 WS 6 3 BS 3 S 4 3 T 4 3 W 3 1 I 6 3 A 4 1 Ld 9 5

Templar Grand Master Warhorse

Mount: Barded Warhorse. Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour and either a lance and a shield or a great weapon. Special Rules: Master of Battle; Legendary Orders. ARMY ORGANISATION: You may only field a Templar Grand Master if your army contains a unit of Knights of the same Order. For each Templar Grand Master in the army, one unit of Knights of the Inner Circle can be included as a Core Units choice instead of Special. Options: - May have a cavalry hammer (+6 pts). - May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists. - May choose of the following Legendary Orders bonuses: Emperors Guard (+15 pts), Crush the Weak (+10 pts), Splendour (+5 pts), Blessing of Myrmidia (+10 pts).

Points: 125

Arch Lector of Sigmar

M 4 8 WS 4 3 BS 3 S 4 5 3 T 4 5 W 3 5 I 4 3 A 2 1 Ld 9 5

Arch Lector The War Altar Warhorse

Equipment: Warhammer (hand weapon). Special Rules: Blessing of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar. Options: - May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +6 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+6 pts). - May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts). - May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts). - May ride upon the War Altar (+150 pts). - May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists. Army organisation: He cannot join the following units: Teutogen Guard, Wolf-Kin and LO of the Knights of The White Wolf.


Points: 135 High Priest Warhorse

High Priest of Ulric

M 4 8 WS 5 3 BS 3 S 4 3 T 4 W 3 I 4 3 A 3 1 Ld 9 5

Equipment: Warhammer (hand weapon). Special Rules: Blessing of Ulric; Crush the Weak; Prayers of Ulric. Options: - May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +6 pts), a second warhammer if on foot (+6 pts), or a cavalry hammer (+6 pts). - May wear light armour (+3 pts), heavy armour (+6 pts). May also carry a shield (+3 pts). - May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts). - May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists. Army organisation: He cannot join the following units: LO of Reiksguard Knights, LO of Knights of the Blazing Sun and Reiksguard on Foot.

Points: 175 Wizard Lord Pegasus Warhorse

Wizard Wizard Lord

M 4 8 8 WS 3 3 3 BS 3 S 3 4 3 T 4 4 3 W 3 3 1 I 3 4 3 A 1 2 1 Ld 8 6 5

Magic: Level 3 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook. Equipment: Hand weapon. Options: - May be upgraded to a level 4 Wizard for +35 points. - May ride either a Warhorse (+15 pts), which can have a barding (+6 pts), or an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts). - May choose up to 100 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.

Points: 50 Captain Pegasus Warhorse

Captain of the Empire

M 4 8 8 WS 5 3 3 BS 5 S 4 4 3 T 4 4 3 W 2 3 1 I 5 4 3 A 3 2 1 Ld 8 6 5

Equipment: Hand weapon. Special Rules: Commanding Presence. Options: - May have a great weapon (+4 pts), a halberd (+4 pts), an additional hand weapon (+4 pts), a pistol (+6 pts) and/or brace of pistols (+10 pts). - May have a longbow (+10 pts) and/or a handgun (+10 pts). - May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts) or full plate armour (+8 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts). - May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts), an Imperial Pegasus (+50 pts). If mounted, he may have a lance (+4 pts). - May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists. Battle Standard Bearer: One Captain in the army can carry the battle standard for +25 points. He cannot be the armys general. He may have any magic banner (no points limit), but if he carries a magic banner he cannot carry any other magic items.

Points: 90

Warrior Priest of Sigmar

M 4 8 WS 4 3 BS 3 S 4 3 T 4 3 W 2 1 I 4 3 A 2 1 Ld 8 5

Warrior Priest Warhorse

Equipment: Warhammer (hand weapon). Special Rules: Blessing of Sigmar; Righteous Fury; Prayers of Sigmar. Options: - May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +4 pts), or a second warhammer if on foot (+4 pts). - May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts). - May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts). - May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists. Army organisation: He cannot join the following units: Teutogen Guard, Wolf-Kin and LO of the Knights of The White Wolf.


Points: 90

Ulric Warrior Priest of Ulric

M 4 8 WS 4 3 BS 3 S 4 3 T 4 3 W 2 1 I 4 3 A 2 1 Ld 8 5

Warrior Priest Warhorse

Equipment: Warhammer (hand weapon). Options: - May choose a two-handed hammer (great weapon +4 pts), a second warhammer if on foot (+4 pts) or a cavalry hammer (+4 pts). - May wear light armour (+2 pts), heavy armour (+4 pts). May also carry a shield (+2 pts). - May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts). - May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists. Army organisation: He cannot join the following units: LO of Reiksguard Knights, LO of Knights of the Blazing Suns and Reiksguard on Foot.

Points: 65 Wizard Warhorse

Battle Wizard
M 4 8 WS 3 3 BS 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 2 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 5

Magic: Level 1 Wizard. May choose from any one of the eight Lores of Magic described in the Warhammer rulebook. Equipment: Hand weapon. Options: - May be upgraded to a level 2 Wizard for +35 points. - May ride either a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts). - May choose up to 50 points of magic items chosen from the Common and Empire magic items lists.

Points: 65

Master Engineer
M 4 8 WS 3 3 BS 5 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 2 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 5

Master Engineer Warhorse

Equipment: Hand weapon. Special Rules: Master of Ballistics; Extra Crewman; Artillery Specialist. Options: - May wear light armour (+2 pts). - May ride a Warhorse (+10 pts), which can have a barding (+4 pts). - May have a repeater pistol (+10 pts), a Hochland long rifle (+15 pts), a repeater handgun (+12 pts), a grenade lunching blunderbuss (+10 pts), a Mancatcher (+2 pts) (which grants the Killing Blow ability) or a Hook Halberd (+2 pts) (counts as a halberd). - May choose magic items from the Common or Empire magic items lists, with a max total value of 50 pts. Army Organisation: Trainee Engineer: If the army includes at least one Master Engineer, the player may add a Trainee Engineer to any number of Great Cannons and Mortars on the battlefield. (NOTE: only ONE Trainee Engineer may be added to a machine). First Volley: If your army includes a Master Engineer, all models with handguns that are in the army benefit from the First Volley special rule.


Points/model: 5 Halberdier Sergeant

M 4 4 WS 3 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 2 Ld 7 7

Unit Size: 10+ Equipment: Hand weapon, halberd, heavy armour. Special Rules: State Troops; Regulars. Options: - Upgrade one Halberdier to a musician for +4 pts. - Upgrade one Halberdier to a standard bearer for +8 pts. - Upgrade one Halberdier to a Sergeant for +8 pts.

Points/model: 5 Spearman Sergeant


M 4 4

WS 3 3

BS 3 3

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 3 3

A 1 2

Ld 7 7

Unit Size: 10+ Equipment: Hand weapon, spear, heavy armour. Special Rules: State Troops; Regulars. Options: - Any unit can exchange their hand weapons for shields at +1pt/model. - Upgrade one Spearman to a musician for +4 pts. - Upgrade one Spearman to a standard bearer for +8 pts. - Upgrade one Spearman to a Duellist for +8 pts.

Points/model: 6 Swordsman Sergeant M 4 4 WS 4 4 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 4 4 A 1 2 Ld 7 7


Unit Size: 10+ Equipment: Sword (hand weapon), light armour and shield. Special Rules: State Troops. Options: - Upgrade one Swordsman to a musician for +4 pts. - Upgrade one Swordsman to a standard bearer for +8 pts. - Upgrade one Swordsman to a Duellist for +8 pts.

Points/model: 8 Handgunner Marksman

M 4 4 WS 3 3 BS 3 4 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 7

Unit Size: 10+ Equipment: Handgun, hand weapon. Special Rules: State Troops. Options: - Upgrade one Handgunner to a musician for +5 pts. - Upgrade one Handgunner to a standard bearer for +10 pts. - Upgrade one Handgunner to a Marksman for +5 pts. - Marksman may carry one of the following weapons instead of his handgun: Hochland long rifle (+20 pts); repeater handgun (+15 pts); brace of pistols (free).


Points/model: 7 Crossbowman Marksman

M 4 4 WS 3 3 BS 3 4 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 7

Unit Size: 10+ Equipment: Crossbow, hand weapon. Special Rules: State Troops. Options: - Upgrade one Crossbowman to a musician for +5 pts. - Upgrade one Crossbowman to a standard bearer for +10 pts. - Upgrade one Crossbowman to a Marksman for +5 pts. Points/model: 7 Archer Marksman


M 4 4

WS 3 3

BS 3 4

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 3 3

A 1 1

Ld 7 7

Unit Size: 10-20 Equipment: Bow, hand weapon. Special Rules: Militia; Skirmishers. Options: Promote one Archer to a Marksman for +5 pts. Army Organization: Huntsmen: A single unit of Archers may be upgraded to Huntsmen at a cost of +2 pts/model.

Unit Size: 5-15 Equipment: Longbow, hand weapon. Special Rules: Skirmishers; Scout.

Points/model: 4 Free Company Sergeant

Free Company
M 4 4 WS 3 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 2 Ld 7 7

Unit Size: 10+ Equipment: Two hand weapons. Special Rules: Militia. Options: - May be equipped with great weapons for +1 pt/model. - Upgrade one Fighter to a musician for +4 pts. - Upgrade one Fighter to a standard bearer for +8 pts. - Upgrade one Fighter to a Sergeant for +8 pts.

Points/model: 23 Knight Preceptor Warhorse

Knightly Orders
M 4 4 8 WS 4 4 3 BS 3 3 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 3 A 1 2 1 Ld 8 8 5

Unit Size: 5+ Mount: Barded Warhorse. Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knights may be armed with either a lance and a shield or a great weapon. Options: - Any unit may choose cavalry hammers for +2 pts/model. - Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts. - Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts. - Promote one Knight to a Preceptor for + 16 pts. - A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 pts.


Points/model: 10 Greatsword Counts Champion

M 4 4 WS 4 4 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 2 Ld 8 8

Unit size: 5+ Equipment: Two-handed sword (great weapon), hand weapon, full plate armour. Special rules: Stubborn; State Troops. Options: - Upgrade one Greatsword to a musician for +6 pts. - Upgrade one Greatsword to a standard bearer for +12 pts. - Upgrade one Greatsword to a Champion for +12 pts. - A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points.

Points/model: 10 Teutogen Guard First Knight

Guards Teutogen Guards

M 4 4 WS 4 4 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 2 Ld 8 8

Unit size: 5+ Equipment: Cavalry hammer, hand weapon, full plate armour. Special rules: Stubborn. Options: - Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a musician for +6 pts. - Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a standard bearer for +12 pts. - Upgrade one Teutogen Guard to a Champion for +12 pts. - A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points. Army Organisation: Knights of the Inner Circle: You may upgrade any unit of Teutogen Guards to be Inner Circle at a cost of +2 points per model. Such units have Strength 4 and Crush the Weak special rule.

Points/model: 10

Reiksguards Reiksguards on Foot

M 4 4 WS 4 4 BS 3 3 S 3 3 T 3 3 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 2 Ld 8 8

Reiksguard on Foot Foot Knight

Unit size: 5+ Equipment: Hand weapon, shield, full plate armour. Options: - Upgrade one Reiksguard to a musician for +6 pts. - Upgrade one Reiksguard to a standard bearer for +12 pts. - Upgrade one Reiksguard to a Champion for +12 pts. - A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 points. Army Organisation: Knights of the Inner Circle: You may upgrade any unit of Reiksguards on Foot to be Inner Circle at a cost of +3 points per model. Such units have Strength 4 and Emperors Guard special rule.


Points/model: 26 Knight Preceptor Warhorse

Knights of the Inner Circle

M 4 4 8 WS 4 4 3 BS 3 3 S 4 4 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 3 A 1 2 1 Ld 8 8 5

Unit Size: 5+ Mount: Barded Warhorse. Equipment: Hand weapon, full plate armour. Knights may be armed with either a lance and a shield or a great weapon. Options: - Any unit may choose cavalry hammers for +2 pts/model. - Upgrade one Knight to a musician for +8 pts. - Upgrade one Knight to a standard bearer for +16 pts. - Promote one Knight to a Preceptor for + 16 pts. - A standard bearer may carry a magic standard worth up to 50 pts. Army Organisation: Each unit of Knights of the Inner Circle can be upgraded to one of the following Legendary Orders: - The Grand Order of the Reiksguard (Reiksguard Knights) - fight with lance and shield, Emperors Guard - For all Leadership tests, including break tests, roll 3 dices and choose the lowest 2 scores for +4 pts/model. - The Knights of the White Wolf - fight with Cavalry Hammer, Crush the Weak - Re-roll wound in charge for +4 pts/model. - Knights Panther - fight with lance and shield, Splendour - use finest warhorses from best Imperial stables suffer no movement penalty because of barding for +3 pts/model. - Knights of the Blazing Sun - fight with lance and shield, Blessing of Myrmidia - all their weapons count as magical for +3 pts/model.

Points/model: 18 Pistolier Outrider Warhorse M 4 4 8 WS 3 3 3 BS 3 4 S 3 3 3 T 3 3 3 W 1 1 1 I 3 3 3 A 1 1 1 Ld 7 7 5

Pis Pistoliers

Unit size: 5+ Mount: Warhorse. Equipment: Brace of pistols, light armour. Special Rules: Fast Cavalry; Fusillade. Options: - Any unit may swap their light armour with heavy armour for +2 pts/model (and still count as fast cavalry). - Upgrade one Pistolier to a musician for +7 pts. - Upgrade one Pistolier to an Outrider for +7 pts. - An Outrider may exchange one of his pistols for a repeater pistol for +10 pts.

Points/model: 21 Outrider Outrider Champion Warhorse


M 4 4 8

WS 3 3 3

BS 4 5 -

S 3 3 3

T 3 3 3

W 1 1 1

I 3 3 3

A 1 1 1

Ld 7 7 5

Unit size: 5+ Mount: Warhorse. Equipment: Repeater handgun, hand weapon, light armour. Special Rules: Fast Cavalry. Options: - Any unit may swap their light armour with heavy armour for +2 pts/model (and still count as fast cavalry). - Upgrade one Outrider to a musician for +7 pts. - Upgrade one Outrider to a Champion for +10 pts. - The Champion may carry one of the following weapons instead of his repeater handgun: repeater pistol and pistol (free), grenade launching blunderbuss (free), Hochland long rifle (+5 pts). - Outriders may equip their Warhorses with barding for +2 point per model (Outriders on barded Warhorses no longer count as fast cavalry).


Points/model: 100 Great Cannon Crewman Trainee Engineer

Great Cannon
M 4 4 WS 3 3 BS 3 4 S 3 3 T 7 3 3 W 3 1 2 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 7

Number of crew: 3 Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon. Options: - If you have a Master Engineer in your army you may add a Trainee Engineer, equipped with a hand weapon, who acts as a unit Champion in all respects at +10 pts. - The Trainee Engineer may be armed with an Empire Handgun at +5 pts and/or a brace of pistols at +5 pts. Special Rules: Extra Crewman; Artillery Specialist; Champion.

Points/model: 75 Great Cannon Crewman Trainee Engineer M 4 4 WS 3 3 BS 3 4 S 3 3 T 7 3 3 W 3 1 2 I 3 3 A 1 1 Ld 7 7


Number of crew: 3 Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon. Options: - If you have a Master Engineer in your army you may add a Trainee Engineer, equipped with a hand weapon, who acts as a unit Champion in all respects at +10 pts. - The Trainee Engineer may be armed with an Empire Handgun at +5 pts and/or a brace of pistols at +5 pts. Special Rules: Extra Crewman; Artillery Specialist; Champion.


Points/model: 10 Flagellant Prophet of Doom

M 4 4 WS 2 2 BS 2 2 S 3 3 T 4 4 W 1 1 I 3 3 A 1 2 Ld 10 10

Unit size: 5-30 Equipment: Flail. Special Rules: Unbreakable; Crazed!; The End is Nigh! Options: - Promote one Flagellant to a Prophet of Doom for +10 pts. Army organisation: If the army includes one or more Priests of Sigmar (Warrior Priests and Arch Lectors), one (and only one) unit of Flagellants can be included as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.

Points/model: 8 Wolf-Kin Wolf Brother


M 4 4

WS 4 4

BS 3 3

S 4 4

T 3 3

W 1 1

I 3 3

A 1 2

Ld 8 8

Unit size: 5-15 Equipment: Hand weapon. Special rules: Stubborn; Skirmishers. Options: - Any unit may be equipped with light armour (+1 pts/per model) and may also carry shields for +1 pts/per model. - Any unit may be equipped with additional hand weapons (+2 pts/per model) or great weapon (+2 pts/per model). - Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a musician for +5 pts. - Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a standard bearer for +10 pts. - Upgrade one Wolf-kin to a Wolf Brother for +10 pts. Army organisation If the army includes one or more Priests of Ulric (Warrior Priests and High Priests), one (and only one) unit of Wolf-Kin can be included as a Core Units choice instead of Rare.

Points/model: 125 Helblaster Crewman

Helblaster Volley Gun

M 4 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 7 3 W 3 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7

Number of crew: 3 Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.

Points/model: 115 Helstorm Crewman

Helstorm Rocket Battery

M 4 WS 3 BS 3 S 3 T 7 3 W 3 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 7

Number of crew: 3 Equipment: Each crewman carries a hand weapon.

Points/model: 300 Steam Tank Engineer Commander M S WS BS 4 S 6 T 6 W 10 I A S Ld 10

Steam Tank

Armour Save: 1+ Equipment: Main cannon and steam gun. The Engineer Commander carries a repeater pistol. Special Rules: Large Target; Unbreakable; Terror; Unit Strength 10. Army Organisation You may only include one Empire Steam Tank for every full 2,000 points in your army.


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