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JDS Assignment I

1] Java is a simple, secure, robust, architecture-neutral, portable, multithreaded, network-savy, object oriented programming language. Explain each feature of the Java Language mentioned above.

2] Write 30 Keywords in Java.

3] Explain Literals in Java with three examples for each kind.

4] List the various primitive data types in Java along with their typical size and range of values which it can store.

5] Explain operator precedence and operator assoviativity. Give the operator precedence and associativity chart of all the operators in Java.

6] What are escape sequences in Java? Give 4 examples.

7] Describe 2 operators from each of these in Java: Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Bit-wise Operators and Assignment Operators.

8] Explain the if-else if structure in Java with the help of an example.

9] Explain the switch-case structure in Java with the help of an example.

10] Explain the 3 Looping structures in Java with the help of an example for each.

11] Explain the following words:a) b) c) d) e) f) Bytecode JIT JVM JRE JDK Java Platform.

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