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******************************************************* Accounting related books links ******************************************************* CRM:: 1.

CRM at the Speed of Light, Fourth Edition: Social CRM 2.0 Strategies, Tools, a nd Techniques for Engaging Your Customers 2.The CRM Handbook: A Business Guide to Customer Relationship Management by Jill Dych (Aug 19, 2001) 3. 4.Customer Relationship Management, Second Edition by Francis Buttle (Oct 28, 20 08) 5.Data-Driven Marketing: The 15 Metrics Everyone in Marketing Should Know by Mar k Jeffery (Feb 8, 2010) . 6.Working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 7.Programming Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 (Pro-Developer) by Mike Snyder, Ji 8.Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework 9 Handbook of CRM: Achieving Excellence through Customer Management 10.The Ultimate CRM Handbook : Strategies and Concepts for Building Enduring Cus tomer Loyalty and Profitability 11.A Practical Guide to CRM by Janice Reynolds 12.CRM Fundamentals by Scott Kostojohn, Mathew Johnson and Brian Paulen 13.SugarCRM Developer's Manual: Customize and extend SugarCRM: Learn the applica tion and database architecture of this open-source CRM and develop and integrate your own modules and custom workflows 14.Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Cases 15. ******************************************************* Warehouse management::::: 1.Warehouse Management: A Complete Guide to Improving Efficiency and Minimizing Costs in the Modern Warehouse by Gwynne Richards (Jul 28, 2011) 2.Warehouse Management Handbook by James A. Tompkins (Oct 1998) 3.Warehouse Distribution and Operations Handbook (McGraw-Hill Handbooks) by Davi d E. Mulcahy (Sep 1, 1993) 4.Excellence in Warehouse Management: How to Minimise Costs and Maximise Value b y Stuart Emmett (Jul 18, 2005 5.Inventory Accuracy: People, Processes, & Technology by David J. Piasecki (Mar 2003) 6.Integral Warehouse Management: The Next Generation in Transparency, Collaborat ion and Warehouse Management Systems 7.Essentials of Inventory Management by Max Muller (Apr 25, 2011) 8.Crisp: Basics of Inventory Management: From Warehouse to Distribution Center ( Crisp Fifty-Minute Books) by J. David Viale (Jul 30, 1996) 9.Integrated Models in Production Planning, Inventory, Quality, and Maintenance 10.World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling by Edward Frazelle (Sep 18, 200 1) ******************************************************* Financial management ******************************************************* Material requirements planning::: 1.MRP: Integrating Material Requirements Planning and Modern Business 2.Planning Stability in Material Requirements Planning Systems by Gerald Heisig (Mar 22, 2002) 3.Materials Management: An Executive's Supply Chain Guide by 4.Handbook of Material and Capacity Requirements Planning 5.MRPII - Making It Happen: The Implementers Guide to Success with Manufacturing Resource Planning by Thomas F. Wallace (Dec 1990) *******************************************************

Production planning 4.Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management by F. Robert Ja cobs, William Berry, D. Clay Whybark and Thomas Vollmann (Mar 29, 2011) 5.Systems for Planning and Control in Manufacturing (IIE Core Textbooks Series) by D. K. Harrison and D. J. Petty 6.Inventory Management and Production Planning and Scheduling, 3rd Edition 8.Operations Management (Operations and DecisiBusiness Intelligence Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle for Decision-Support Applications by Larissa T. Moss and Shaku Atre (Mar 7, 2003) on Sciences) ******************************************************* Scot Wingo and George Shephard's MFC Internals (Addison Wesley) ementation details. MFC impl

Mike Blaszczak's The Revolutionary Guide to Win32 Programming Using Visual C++ ( WROX Press) MFC usage and other Visual C++ product information. Adam Denning's ActiveX Controls Inside Out, Second Edition (Microsoft Press) Develop MFC-based ActiveX controls using COM technology. Frank Crockett's MFC Developer's Workshop (Microsoft Press) Solutions for co mmonly-encountered coding problems: interface elements, ActiveX controls, databa ses, and more. David J. Kruglinski's Inside Visual C++ (Microsoft Press) . Mastering MFC Development (Microsoft Press) MFC fundamentals

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