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Microsoft Excel 2007 Skills Checklist:

Check off as you learn the following skills, if there is something you do not understand, do NOT check it off (Hint: Use Pencil). You should be VERY comfortable with each of these items by the end of our Excel Unit Study.

1. Validation & Verification of Data 2. Set & Apply Styles 3. Cell Formatting (Currency, Dates, Fractions, etc) 4. Conditional Formatting 5. Borders/Shading/Merging/Hide/Unhide 6. Sorting/Filtering/Searching 7. Displaying Formulae 8. Protecting Cells/Unprotecting Cells 9. Naming Cells/Naming Ranges/Adding Comments 10. Splitting Windows 11. Freezing & Unfreezing Panes 12. Concatenate & Join Strings/Convert Strings to Numeric Values 13. Extracting Data (Right/Left/Mid/Len) 14. Int/Value Functions 15. Transposing Cells 16. Creating an Absolute Reference 17. Indices/Absolute Value 18. Round/Subtotal Functions 19. Sum/Sumif/Average Functions 20. Min/Max Functions 21. Count/CountA/Countif Functions 22. If Function 23. Lookup/Vlookup/Hlookup Functions 24. Nested Functions/Formulae 25. Date Functions (Day, Month, Year, Weekday, Workday) 26. Time Functions (Hour, Minute, Second, Text) 27. Charts

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