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Autosys - Computer Associates (CA)

Job Scheduling and Troubleshooting

Introduction System Components How it Works Defining Writing Jobs Box Jobs Running JIL Troubleshooting Handy Aliases CA Abbreviations Autosys CheatSheet

Autosys Configuration



man autosys

Calulate AutoSys time man time0 Check system status man autoflags man autoping man autosyslog man chase
man chk_auto_up Check install status man as_info Convert cron to JIL man cron2jil Define jobs or machines man jil Define calendars man autocal_asc Event commands man sendevent

Command-time0 Command-autoflags Command-autoping Command-autosyslog Command-chase Command-chk_auto_up Command-as_info Command-cron2jil Command-jil Command-autocal_asc Command-sendevent Command-get_auto_event Command-autodwp

man get_auto_event Generate an AutoSys virtual machine man autodwp Maintain database

man archive_events man autoaggr man autotrack man clean_files man job_delete man xql

Command-archive_events Command-autoaggr Command-autotrack Command-clean_files Command-job_delete Command-xql Command-zql Command-as_safetool Command-autosec_test Command-autosys_secure Command-autotimezone Command-monbro Command-autosyslog Command-auto_svcdesk Command-job_depends Command-autorep Command-autostatad Command-autostatus Command-monbro Command-eventor Command-as_server

man zql Manage security man as_safetool man autosec_test

man autosys_secure Manage time zone table man autotimezone Monitor jobs man monbro

man autosyslog Open a Unicenter Service Desk ticket man auto_svcdesk Report job dependencies and conditions man job_depends Report job status man autorep man autostatad man autostatus
man monbro Start Scheduler man eventor Start Application Server man as_server


Command Lines Check Servers Status Command-unisrvcntr Command-astail Monitoring TGPROD Jobs Monitoring TGPROD Logs Backups


CA::AutoSys - Interface to CA's AutoSys job control CA AutoSys Workload Automation CA AutoSysWorkload Automation r11

Autosys - A Job Scheduling tool IT Automation Autosys Connection

Autosys Introduction

Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (JM) is an automated job control system for scheduling, monitoring, and reporting. These jobs can reside on any Unicenter AutoSys JM -configured machine that is attached to a network. A job is any single command, executable, script. Each job definition contains a variety of qualifying attributes, including the conditions specifying when and where a job should be run. The question is how to define a job? The two methods you can use to create job definitions are as follows: Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI). The GUI lets you interactively set the attributes that describe when, where, and how a jobbshould run. You create job definitions using the GUI Control Panel and the dialogs you can launch from it. The fields in the GUIs correspond to the AutoSys JIL sub -commands and attributes. Using the Job Information Language (JIL) through a command -line interface.JIL is a specification language, with its own syntax, that is used to describe when, where,and how a job should run. When you enter the jil command, you get the jil command prompt, at which you can enter the job definitions one line at a time using this special language. When you exit the jil command -line interface, the job definition is loaded into the database. Alternatively, you can enter the definition as a text file and redirect the fileto the jil command. In this case, the jil command activates the language processor, interprets the information in the text file, and loads this information in the database.

Autosys System Components

Autosys Scheduler has a Server/Client Architecture and requires a 3rd Party Database or the bundled version of Sybase.

Event Server The database containing the job definitions and events. Event Processor The daemon which reads from the Event Server and sends thejob stream to the Remote Agent Remote Agent The Remote Agent is the client component of AutoSys and will execute the command as defined and write the result back to the Event Server. Shadow Processor The daemon running on the server which takes over from the Event Processor if it is interrupted. 3rd Machine An AutoSys Remote Agent that acts as the tie breaker if the EventProcess and Shadow Process lose connectivity with each other.

Autosys How it Works

Starting a job (that is, executing a command) on a client machine.

Working through this example will be very helpful for understanding how Unicenter AutoSys JM processes jobs. Note: Typically, the event processor and the event server are installed on the same server machine (along with a required remote agent), and other remote agents are installed on separate client machines. The event processor scans the event server for the next event to process. If no event is ready, the event processor scans again in five seconds. The event processor reads from the event server that an event is ready. If the event is a STARTJOB event, the job definition and attributes are retrieved from the Event Server, including the command and the pointer (full path name on the client machine) to the profile file to be used for the job. In addition, for jobs running on Windows machines, the event processor retrieves from the database the user IDs and passwords required to run the job on the client machine. The event processor processes the event. If the event is a STARTJOB, the event processor attempts to establish a connection with the remote agent on the client machine, and passes the job attributes to the client machine. The event processor sends a CHANGE_STATUS event marking in the event server that the job is in STARTING state. On a UNIX machine, the inetd invokes the remote agent. On a Windows machine, the remote agent logs onto the machine as the user, defined as the jobs owner, using the user IDs and passwords passed to it from the event processor. The remote agent sends an acknowledgment back to the event processor indicating that it has received the job parameters. The socket connection is terminated. At this point, the event processor resumes scanning the event server database, looking for events to process. The remote agent starts a process and executes the command in the job definition. The remote agent issues a CHANGE_STATUS event marking in the event server that the job is in RUNNING state. The client job process runs to completion, then returns an exit code to the remote agent and quits. The remote agent sends the event server a CHANGE_STATUS event corresponding to the completion status of the job and passes back an exit code, using the communications facilities of the database. If the return status is SUCCESS, the remote agent deletes the log file in its temporary file directory (usually tmp) on the client machine (if so specified in the AutoSysconfiguration file on UNIX). The remote agent quits

Autosys Defining Writing Jobs

Once you are done with your job definition, you can submit it to the Autosys database using the following two methods1.

Using GUI2. Using JIL The second method was shown here. Submit the job by redirecting a JIL script file to the jil command, for example:
o o jil < jil_script

Let us start with a job template and explanation with line by line
------------------------------start of Sample job----------------------------insert_job: template job_type: c box_name: box1 command: ls -l machine: localhost owner: user@machine permission: gx,ge,wx,we,mx,me date_conditions: 1 days_of_week: all start_times: "15:00, 14:00" condition: s (job1) description: "description field" n_retrys: 12 box_terminator: 1 job_terminator: 1 std_out_file: /tmp/std_out std_err_file: /tmp/std_err min_run_alarm: 5 max_run_alarm: 10 alarm_if_fail: 1 max_exit_success: 2 profile: /tmp/.profile ------------------------------end of sample job -------------------------------

Line by line explanation for the above job template:

The first line is to define the job name and type of the job Box_name: is to have this job in a box with other jobs. This box job can able to run all the jobs defines in it. Command: is the action which you want the Autosys job to perform Machine: where you want to execute the job Owner: with what user you want the job execution on the machine Permissions: permissions for the job Date conditions: like any condition on the date to run the job Days of week: on which days of the week you want the job to execute . All is for all days of the week Start time: the time at which the job should run Condition: when the job should start (like after success of another job) Description: description like what the job is doing N_retrys: no of the times the job should try before exit/fail Std_out_file: output of the job messages. You can define a custom location

Std_err_file: errors messages of the job . You can define a custom location Min_run_alarm: to give an alarm if the job runs less than that time Max_run_alarm: to give an alarm if the job runs more than that time Alarm_if_fail: to give an alarm if job fails for any reason Profile: where you can define the variables used in the job

Job Status Dependencies

You can define a starting condition for a job so that it starts when another job returns a specific status. For example, you might specify that JobB starts when JobA returns a SUCCESS status and JobC starts when JobB returns a SUCCESS status. To define a starting condition based on a job's Unicenter AutoSys JM status, use the following format in the condition attribute: o status(job_name) o status - Specifies one of the following: o Done - Indicates that the job you are defining may run when job_name's status is SUCCESS, FAILURE, or TERMINATED. o Failure - Indicates that the job you are defining may run when job_name's status is FAILURE. o Notrunning - Indicates that the job you are defining may run when job_name's status is anything except RUNNING. Set status to notrunning to keep the dependent job from running at the same time as job_name. o Success - Indicates that the job you are defining may run when job_name's status is SUCCESS. o Terminated - Indicates that the job you are defining may run when job_name's status is TERMINATED. A status of TERMINATED means the job was killed. These statuses are internal Unicenter AutoSys JM settings, so you need not know their actual values. You can use the max_exit_success attribute to control the value of the SUCCESS status for a specific job. When you define the max_exit_success attribute, a job that exits with an exit code less than or equal to the specified value is treated as a success. FAILURE means the job exited with an exit code higher than the max_exit_success value. All other status settings are internally defined and you cannot control them. You can use either uppercase or lowercase characters to define conditions. However, you cannot mix case.

Autosys Box Jobs

What is a box or logic behind it

Use boxes to group jobs with like scheduling parameters, not as means of grouping jobs organizationally. For example, if you have a number of jobs that run daily at 1:00 a.m.,you could put all these jobs in a box and assigning a daily start condition to the box. However, a variety of account processing jobs with diverse starting conditions should not be grouped in the same box.

How box logic works?

Jobs run only once per box execution. Jobs in a box will start only if the box itself is running. As long as any job in a box is running, the box remains in RUNNING state; the box cannot complete until all jobs have run. By default, a box will return a status of SUCCESS only when all the jobs in the box have run and the status of all the jobs is SUCCESS By default, a box will return a status of FAILURE only when all jobs in the box have run and the status of one or more of the jobs is FAILURE Unless otherwise specified, a box will run indefinitely until it reaches a status of SUCCESS or FAILURE. Changing the state of a box to INACTIVE (via the sendevent command) changes the state of all the jobs in the box to INACTIVE.

What Happens when a Box Runs

As soon as a box starts running, all the jobs in the box (including sub-boxes) change to status ACTIVATED, meaning they are eligible to run. (Because of this, jobs in boxes do not retain their statuses from previous box cycles.) Then each job is analyzed for additional starting conditions. All jobs with no additional starting conditions are started, without any implied ordering or prioritizing. Jobs with additional starting conditions remain in the ACTIVATED state until those additional dependencies have been met. The box remains in the RUNNING state as long as there are activated or running jobs in thebox. If a box is terminated before a job in it was able to start, the status of that job will change directly from ACTIVATED to INACTIVE. Note: Jobs in a box cannot start unless the box is running. However, once the job starts running, it will continue to run even if the box is later stopped for some reason.

Time Conditions in a Box

Each job in a box will run only once per box execution. Therefore, you should not define more than one time attribute for any job in a box because the job will only run the first time. If you want to put a job in a box, but you also want it to run more than once, you must assign multiple start time conditions to the box itself, and define no time conditions for the job. Remember also that the box must be running before the job can start. Do not assign a start time for a job in a box if the box will not be running at that time. If you do, the next time the box starts the job will start immediately.

Example of a box job

# Example of Jobsinsert_job: Nightly_Download job_type: b date_conditions: yes days_of_week: all start_times: 02:00 insert_job: Watch_4_file job_type: f

box_name: Nightly_Download watch_file: /download/mainframe/sales.raw machine: gateway insert_job: filter_data job_type: c box_name: Nightly_Download condition: success(Watch_4_file) command: filter_mainframe_info machine: gateway std_in_file: /download/mainframe/sales.raw std_out_file: /download/mainframe/sales.sql std_err_file: /log/filter_mainframe_info.err insert_job: update_DBMS job_type: c box_name: Nightly_Download condition: success(filter_data) machine: gateway command: isql -U mutt -P jeff std_in_file: /download/mainframe/sales.sql

Autosys Running JIL

After a job definition has been submitted to the database, it will be started according to the starting parameters specified in its JIL script. That is, the event processor will continually poll the database and when it determines that the starting parameters have been met, it will run t he job. Manually starting the job: o sendevent -E STARTJOB -J job_name

Job Status Codes

While the job is running it goes through different states and can seen if you are monitoring the job, the job state codes and meanings are given in the following table.

Job State - Status

INACTIVE - The job has not yet been processed. Either the job has never been run, or its status was intentionally altered to turn off its previous completion status. ACTIVATED - The top-level box that this job is in is now in the RUNNING state, but the job itself has not started yet. STARTING - The event processor has initiated the start job procedure with the remote agent. RUNNING - The job is running. If the job is a box job, this value simply means that the jobs within the box can be started (other conditions permitting). If it is a command or file watcher job, the value means that the process is actually running on the remote machine.SUCCESSThe job exited with an exit code equal to or less than the maximum exit code for success.By default, only the exit code 0 is interpreted as success. However, a range of values up to the

maximum exit code for success can be reserved for each job to be interpreted as success. If thejob is a box job, this value means that all thejobs within the box have finished with thestatus SUCCESS (the default), or the Exit Condition for Box Success evaluated to true. (These exit conditions are discussed further in later sections.) FAILURE - The job exited with an exit code greater than the maximum exit code for success. By default,any number greater than zero is interpreted as failure. If the job is a box job, a FAILURE status means either that at least one job within the box exited with the status FAILURE (the default), or that the Exit Condition for Box Failure evaluated to true. Unicenter AutoSys JM issues an alarm if a job fails. TERMINATED - The job terminated while in the RUNNING state. A job can be terminated if a user sends a KILLJOB event or if it was defined to terminate if the box it is in failed. If the job itself fails, it has a FAILURE status, not a TERMINATED status. A job may also be terminated if it has exceeded the maximum runtime(term_run_time attribute, if one was specified for the job), or if it was killed from thecommand line through a UNIX kill command. Unicenter AutoSys JM issues an alarm if a job is terminated. RESTART - The job was unable to start due to hardware or application problems, and has been scheduled to restart. QUE_WAIT - The job can logically run (that is, all the starting conditions have been met), but there are not enough machine resources available. ON_HOLD - This job is on hold and will not be run until it receives the JOB_OFF_HOLD event. ON_ICE - This job is removed from all conditions and logic, but is still defined. Operationally, this condition is like deactivating the job. It will remain on ice until it receives the JOB_OFF_ICE event.

Autosys Troubleshooting
Steps to be followed if a job failed:

Give autorep j job_name This gives the job status Give autorep j job_name q Gives you the job definition. Check the server name and user under which the job is running Login to that machine as that user In the Autosys job definition check for the error log file (std_err_file column) Open that error log file and check what was wrong chk_auto_up - checks to see if event processor and the DB are both up. autoping -m machine - verify that both client & server are correctly configured. Check for the license on client machine

Changing job status after rectifying the error:

sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_name; - this force starts the job sendevent -E JOB_ON_ICE -J job_name; - to put job on ice

sendevent -E JOB_OFF_ICE -J job_name; - to take job off ice sendevent -E JOB_ON_HOLD -J job_name; - to put job on hold sendevent -E JOB_OFF_HOLD -J job_name; - to take job off hold.

Autosys Handy Aliases

Here are some handy aliases to use with autosys...
# Send Event alias -x se='sendevent -E' # Start Job alias -x fsj='sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J' alias -x sj='sendevent -E STARTJOB -J' # Job Report ar='autorep -w -J ' fsj='sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J' hold='sendevent -E JOB_ON_HOLD -J ' ice='sendevent -E JOB_ON_ICE -J ' jd='job_depends -c -w -J ' killjob='sendevent -E KILLJOB -J ' offhold='sendevent -E JOB_OFF_HOLD -J ' office='sendevent -E JOB_OFF_ICE -J ' se='sendevent -E' sj='sendevent -E STARTJOB -J' success='sendevent -E CHANGE_STATUS -s SUCCESS -J ' terminate='sendevent -E CHANGE_STATUS -s TERMINATED -J ' Display JIL (Job Instruction Language): autorep -w -J <jobname> -q Load JIL: jil < JIL_source Find unique commands currently being used: autorep -J PARTIALJOBNAME% -q | grep "command:" | awk -F: '{print $2}'|awk '{print $1}' | sort -u > /tmp/cmds.txt Find all command lines autorep -J job_TG% -q | grep "command:" | awk -F: '{print $2}' Meaning of AutoSys status: STATUS AUTOSTATUS Meaning RU RUNNING Running ST STARTING Starting SU SUCCESS Success FA FAILURE Failure TE TERMINATED Terminated OI ON_ICE On Ice IN INACTIVE Inactive AC ACTIVATED Activated RE RESTART Restart OH ON_HOLD On Hold QW QUE_WAIT Queue Wait RD Refresh Dependencies

RF Refresh Filewatcher Forecast report from date to infinity: job_depends -t -J ALL -F "mm/dd/yyyy" Display all jobs scheduled to run between these two dates: job_depends -t -J ALL -F 01/03/2009 10:01 -T 02/15/2009 19:01 Job Forecast Report for 1st February 2009 job_depends -t -J ALL -F 02/01/2009 00:01 -T 02/01/2009 23:59 check if the event procesor is up and running chk_auto_up Display list of available timezones: autotimezone -l Get version information: autoflags -a View Remote Agent log: autosyslog -J jobname AutoSys Unix xwindows GUI control panel autosc & Check Database connections: autoping -m machinename -D

Autosys CA Abbreviations
Computer Associates Abbreviations
Name CA JM etrust IAM eTrust AC Unicenter AutoSys JM Unicenter CA-7 Unicenter CA-Jobtrac Unicenter CA-Scheduler Unicenter DSM Unicenter EM Unicenter MCC Unicenter MP Unicenter NSM Unicenter SD Unicenter UUJMA Unicenter WCC Full description Computer Associate Job Management eTrust Identity and Access Management eTrust Access Control Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Unicenter CA-7 Job Management Unicenter CA-Jobtrac Job Management Unicenter CA-Scheduler Job Management Unicenter Desktop and Server Management Unicenter Event Management Unicenter Management Command Center Unicenter Management Portal Unicenter Network and Systems Management Unicenter Service Desk Unicenter Universal Job Management Agent Unicenter Workload Control Center


CA Integrated Common Communication Interface Job Information Language Command Line Interface

Unicenter AutoSys JM is an industry-leading job management system that provides unparalleled reliability to support your mission-critical applications, enterprise-wide. Designed for distributed environments, Unicenter AutoSys JM delivers event-driven scheduling, centralized real-time monitoring and programmable error recovery providing reliability and scalability to your production environment. eTrust - Embedded Identity and Access Management (eTrust IAM) lets you centrally manage user access privileges and quickly deploy pre-configured basic security policies. eTrust IAM makes sure that the right people have access to the right information. It actively secures access to data and applications on the system servers throughout your organization. Unicenter WCC is a Web interface that can be used to manage, schedule, and monitor Unicenter AutoSys JM jobs. A dashboard, Workload Control Center, provides all of the information you need about your jobs in one centralized location. You can create and manage jobs, box jobs, and job flows using Unicenter WCC. You can also easily verify the status of jobs and set up alerts.

AutoSys Cheatsheet
AutoSys: UNIX Cd to the "autouser" ($AUTOUSER) directory and "." (or source) the "ksh" file. Ex: ". ./autosys.ksh.machine" After installing AutoSys, first make sure that the DB is up and running. Check the installation by running the command chk_auto_up to verify connection to the DB and event processor. Enter the KEYS through "gatekeeper", add keys Run the "autosys_secure" command to set the AutoSys Edit and Exec Super users (and also to enter NT users/passwords) Start the Event Processor by running the command "eventor" Shutdown AutoSys: "sendevent -E STOP_DEMON" To start the AutoSys GUI set your DISPLAY and run the command "autosc &". NT: Start AutoSys from start->programs->AutoSys-> administrator ->Graphical User Interface ->Command Prompt Command Line Commands: 1. gatekeeper: Allows you to enter the License Keys which allow you to run AutoSys.

2. 3.

eventor [-M machine_name] : Starts the event processor. autorep -J [ALL | Job_name] [-q] [> file_name], -d (detail), -r (run number), -o (override), jil < file_na -G (global var report), -M -q for machine definitions. Ex: autorep -J job_name -d autorep -J job_name -d autorep -J job_name -q > file_name queries the DB & save job Dfn. Into a file vi file_name When you want a report of a box use the -L0 option Autorep -J job_name -l1 report on the job for the day -1 (prev day) sendevent -E STARTJOB -J job_name, sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_name, [JOB_ON_ICE, JOB_OFF_ICE, JOB_ON_HOLD, JOB_OFF_HOLD, SET_GLOBAL, STOP_DEMON. . . .] sendevent -E STOP_DEMON - to stop AutoSys (ex: sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "var_name=/home/mydir" to set a var) (ex: sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "var_name=DELETE" to delete a var)] chk_auto_up: checks to see if event processor and the DB are both up.



6. 7. 8.

autoping -m machine: verify that both client & server are correctly configured. cron2jil -f cronfile [-d outdir] [-I incl_file] [-m machine] [-p prefix] jil <CR> To insert a job directly into the DB insert_job: job_type: c machine: machine_name command: echo testing jil [go | ;] (depending on the DB you are using) Template example: /* ----------------- template ----------------- */ insert_job: template job_type: c box_name: box1 command: ls -l machine: localhost owner: lyota01@TANT-A01 permission: gx,ge,wx,we,mx,me date_conditions: 1 days_of_week: all start_times: "15:00, 14:00" run_window: "14:00 - 6:00" condition: s (job1) description: "description field" n_retrys: 12 term_run_time: 60 box_terminator: 1 job_terminator: 1 std_out_file: /tmp/std_out std_err_file: /tmp/std_err min_run_alarm: 5 max_run_alarm: 10 alarm_if_fail: 1 max_exit_success: 2 chk_files: /tmp 2000 profile: /tmp/.profile job_load: 25 priority: 1 auto_delete: 12 autosyslog -e: same as tail -f autosys_log_file. This command must be run from the machine where the server resides if used with the -e option. Else it can be used with the -J option to see that job's run log. job_depends: -[c|d|t] -J jobname [-F "mm/dd/yy time"] [-T "mm/dd/yy time"] (Note: It will only print out the first occurrence found) monbro -n monitor_name: Allows you to run from command line monitor/browser programs previously created using the monitor/browser GUI.exec superuser: AUTOSYS superuser autocal_asc full_cal_name: prints, adds & deletes custom calendar definitions. global variable. Ex: autostatus -J job_name, -S instance

9. 10. 11.

12. 13. autostatus: Reports the current status of a specific job, or the value of an AutoSys 14. autotimezone -l : Allows additions, deletions, and queries to the timezones table
(-l provides list).

15. autotrack: Tracks & report changes to the AutoSys DB. Ex: autotrack -l 2 (level 2)
[sets the tracking level] autotrack -U sys -v (user sys: verbose) To start using the autotrack utility type: autotrack -u to set tracking level 1 or 2. By default it is set to 0. Autotrack -l will list the current tracking level. Options -[J, U, m, F, T, and t] are to request reporting on a specific Job, User, machine, time window (-F -T), and event type (t). Type is used in conjunction w/other parameters. autotrack w/no arguments retrieves information an all events omitting detail. -v option is for verbose. autosys_secure: to change edit, exec superusers, change DB passwd, change remote authentication method. chase [-A|E]: Makes sure that jobs claiming to be running in the client machine are running. The "-E" option restarts the job.

16. 17.

18. archive_events: to archive events in the DB which are older than x days to prev
DB from becoming full.

19. clean_files: Deletes old remote agent log files. It does it by searching the DB for
all machines which have had jobs started on them.

20. autostatad: to get the status of a PeopleSoft job. You can define one of the user
definable buttons to view PeopleSoft job: Autocons*userButton1Label: Adapter Status User definable buttons: There are user definable buttons in the operator's console. How to configure: Autocons*userButton1Command: /autosys/bin/autostatad -J $JOB -g & (which allows you to have a command button on the operator's console.) Dependencies: success (job) and s(job_b) failure(job_a) or f (job_b) notrunning (job) terminated(job) exitcode(job) > 5 and exitcode(job_b) != 10 value(global_name)=100 done(job) Hostscape: Schedule a job to run every x minutes & then go into forecasting. Make that job fail. Solid black line: Hostscape can communicate with the remote agent in the client machine. Solid red line: Hostscape can't communicate with the remote agent but it can communicate with the internet daemon (inetd) running on that machine.. Dashed red line: Hostscape can't communicate with the client machine at all. Client is probably down. Accessing a variable name: $$GLOBAL_VAR_NAME (unless used in dependency condition with a job definition. If used in the "command" field, you must use the $$) Tunable Parameters: $AUTOUSER/config.ACE $AUTOUSER/ /etc/auto.profile /etc/inetd.conf /etc/services Notify.Ace: The alarms to notify on are: (There is an example in $AUTOSYS/install/data/Notify.Ace). DB_ROLLOVER DB_PROBLEM EP_HIGH_AVAILABILITY EP_ROLLOVER EP_SHUTDOWN Where to go to find the Errors: $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV ($AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.ACE) Output from the job definition output & error files /tmp files created for job_run at client machine $AUTOSYS/out/DBMaint.out for DB problems $SYBASE/install/errorlog_$DSQUERY when event server will not start. NT: AutoNuTc\lib/X11\app-defaults\xpert AutoSys Maintenance: DBMaint @$AUTOSYS/bin Once a day the Database goes into a maintenance cycle. Every day at 3:00am it runs a program called DBMaint. This is user configurable. The program runs DBstatistics which is found in $AUTOSYS/bin. app-defaults file: /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults directory. Autocons, Xpert, etc.. ( or: /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults, /autosys/bin/X11/app-defaults) Environment file: /etc./auto.profile C programs: $AUTOSYS/code Where to change AutoSys screen fonts: /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults Where to look for troubleshooting: Chapter 15 Summary of commands: Appendix C

$AUTO_JOB_NAME: when naming a file dynamically using as prefix AutoSys's job name. $AUTORUN: unique identifier for the run of that job $AUTOPID: unique identifier for that job's run number (PID) $JOID: DB identifier for a job. To extract from the DB: select joid from job where job_name=" " Creating a Virtual Machine: insert_machine: virtual type: v /* default, not required */ machine: real_1 machine: real_2 max_load: 100 factor: 0.5 /* used to describe the relative processing power of a machine. Usually between 0.0-1.0*/ machine: real_2 max_load: 60 /* this is designed to limit the loading of a machine */ Load Balancing, Queuing, priorities: insert_job: test_load machine: localhost command: echo "Test load balancing" job_load: 50 priority: 1 /* this only affects queues */ Note: For 5.0 we will be using information from ServerVision's towards our load balancer which is composed of 26 categories such as i/o usage, disk usage, CPU usage, etc. Testing: zql zql -U autosys -P autosys NOTES: When a job is stuck in the starting condition this means that the event processor communicated with the remote agent and passed all the information the remote agent ran the job but was not able to communicate to the DB. Once testing is done with AutoSys one should change the default refresh interval for AutoSys. This is so there is less querying to the DB. When AutoSys goes from dual mode to single mode, always run the autobcp command before bringing AutoSys back to dual mode/High Availability. Default behavior for stdout is to always appends. If you want to overwrite the file enter the following, no spaces: ">file.out" Box Logic Use boxes to group jobs with like scheduling parameters, not as means of grouping jobs organizationally. For example, if you have a number of jobs that run daily at 1:00 a.m., you could put all these jobs in a box and assigning a daily start condition to the box. However, a variety of account processing jobs with diverse starting conditions should not be grouped in the same box. Default Box Job Behavior Some important rules to remember about boxes are: Jobs run only once per box execution. Jobs in a box will start only if the box itself is running. As long as any job in a box is running, the box remains in RUNNING state; the box cannot complete until all jobs have run. By default, a box will return a status of SUCCESS only when all the jobs in the box have run and the status of all the jobs is "success." Default SUCCESS is described in Default Box Success and Box Failure on page 5-13. By default, a box will return a status of FAILURE only when all jobs in the box have run and the status of one or more of the jobs is "failure." Default FAILURE is described in Default Box Success and Box Failure on page 5-13. Unless otherwise specified, a box will run indefinitely until it reaches a status of SUCCESS or FAILURE. For a description of how to override this behavior, see Box Job Attributes and Terminators on page 5-6. Changing the state of a box to INACTIVE (via the sendevent command) changes the state of all the jobs in the box to INACTIVE. When you Should Not Use a Box The fact that all jobs in a box change status when a box starts running has lead some to use boxes to implement "job cycle" behavior. Be aware that placing jobs in a box to achieve this end may bring with it undesired behavior due to the nature of boxes. Avoid the temptation to put jobs in a box as a short cut for performing events (such as ON_ICE or ON_HOLD) on a large number of jobs at once. You will most likely find that the default behavior of boxes inhibits the expected execution of the jobs you placed in the box.

Likewise, you should not place jobs in a box solely because you want to run reports on all of them. When you run autorep on a box, you will get a report on the box and all the jobs in the box (unless you use the -L0 option). In addition, if you use wildcarding when specifying a job name, you could get duplicate entries in your report. For example, suppose you have a box named "acnt_box" containing three jobs named "acnt_job1", "acnt_job2", and "daily_rep". If you specify acnt% as the job name for the autorep report, the report will have an entry for the box "acnt_box" and an entry for each job in the box. Then autorep will continue searching for all job names matching the wildcard characters and, thus, will list "acnt_job1" and "acnt_job2" a second time. What Happens when a Box Runs As soon as a box starts running, all the jobs in the box (including sub-boxes) change to status ACTIVATED, meaning they are eligible to run. (Because of this, jobs in boxes do not retain their statuses from previous box cycles.) Then each job is analyzed for additional starting conditions. All jobs with no additional starting conditions are started, without any implied ordering or prioritizing. Jobs with additional starting conditions remain in the ACTIVATED state until those additional dependencies have been met. The box remains in the RUNNING state as long as there are activated or running jobs in the box. If a box is terminated before a job in it was able to start, the status of that job will change directly from ACTIVATED to INACTIVE. Note o Jobs in a box cannot start unless the box is running. However, once the job starts running, it will continue to run even if the box is later stopped for some reason. Time Conditions in a Box Each job in a box will run only once per box execution. Therefore, you should not define more than one time attribute for any job in a box because the job will only run the first time. If you want to put a job in a box, but you also want it to run more than once, you must assign multiple start time conditions to the box itself, and define no time conditions for the job. Remember also that the box must be running before the job can start. Do not assign a start time for a job in a box if the box will not be running at that time. If you do, the next time the box starts the job will start immediately. The following example illustrates a scenario that would not work properly if placed in a box. "job_a" is defined to run repeatedly until it succeeds. "job_report" has one starting condition-the success of "job_a". How Job Status Changes Affect Box Status If a box that is not running contains a job that changes status, as a result of a FORCE_STARTJOB or CHANGE_STATUS event, the new job status could change the status of its container box. A change of status of the box could trigger the start of downstream jobs that are dependent on the box. If a box contained only one job, and the job changed status, the box status would change.

Autosys Configuration

Autosys Unix Configuration File

cat $AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV cat /etc/auto.profile

Autosys Agent Log files

ll /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM/agent/out cat /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM/agent/out/univagent.out cat /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM/agent/out/auto_rem.*

Autosys Event Log files

ll $AUTOUSER/out

cat $AUTOUSER/out/as_server.PRD cat $AUTOUSER/out/DBMaint.out cat $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.PRD cat $AUTOUSER/archive

echo $AUTOSYS /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM/autosys echo $AUTOSERV PRD echo $AUTOUSER /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM/autouser.PRD ls -lrt $AUTOUSER total 60 -rw-r--r-1 autosys config.PRD -rw-r--r-1 autosys -rw-r--r-1 autosys autosys.ksh.abtgqdb -rw-r--r-1 autosys autosys.env.abtgqdb -rw-r--r-1 autosys autosys.csh.abtgqdb -rw-r--r-1 autosys autosys.bash.abtgqdb drwxr-xr-x 2 autosys drwxr-xr-x 2 autosys

other other other other other other other other

8435 Mar 2944 Mar 3240 Mar 3238 Mar 3238 Mar 3225 Mar 512 Mar 512 Mar

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 archive 2009 out

Oracle connection
cat $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora

Man Autosys
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME autosys, AutoSys, Autosys - Introduction AutoSys Job Management (JM) commands to 1 autosys(8) Unicenter

DESCRIPTION This man page lists the Unicenter AutoSys JM commands in alphabetical order and provides a brief description. Following the alphabetical list is a task-oriented list, where the commands are listed by Unicenter AutoSys JM task. To view the man page for any of these commands, type man command_name. Also, typing just the command at the command line prompt displays the usage statement for that command.

Refer to the Unicenter AutoSys JM Reference Guide plete information on using Unicenter AutoSys JM.



LIST OF COMMANDS archive_events Removes old information from the Unicenter AutoSys JM database and optionally archives the data before deleting it. as_info Lists information about the Unicenter AutoSys tallation. as_safetool Maintains Unicenter AutoSys JM authentication cates. JM ins-


as_server Starts a Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server on instance.


auto_svcdesk Open a Unicenter Service Desk helpdesk ticket on behalf of an existing Unicenter AutoSys JM job or on behalf of some action that occurred within the Unicenter AutoSys JM environment. autoaggr Aggregates Unicenter AutoSys JM data into periodic tables, which tables are then used by other programs. autocal_asc Starts the command-line Unicenter AutoSys facility autoflags Lists information about Unicenter AutoSys system configuration. autoping Verifies the connectivity of server and client machines. Unicenter JM calendar






autorep Reports information from the database about Unicenter AutoSys JM jobs, including run information, overrides, and global variables. autosec_test Simulates a call to the security subsystem issued by a Unicenter AutoSys JM application for a given secured asset. autostatad Retrieves the current status of Unicenter ment (JM) Adapter jobs. Job Manage-

autostatus Reports the current status of Unicenter AutoSys JM jobs or global variables.

autosys_secure Maintains the AutoSys Edit and Exec Superuser ownerships, as well as the AutoSys database password and the remote authentication methods. autosyslog Displays Unicenter AutoSys JM scheduler and files. agent log

autotimezone Maintains the Unicenter AutoSys JM ujo_timezones table. autotrack Tracks changes to the Unicenter AutoSys JM database. chase Verifies the environment. status of the Unicenter AutoSys JM

chk_auto_up Verifies status of the Unicenter AutoSys and database.



clean_files Removes Unicenter AutoSys JM agent log files. cron2jil Translates UNIX crontab files into Unicenter AutoSys JM JIL format. dbstatistics Generates statistics for the Unicenter AutoSys JM database. DBMaint Performs maintenance on the Unicenter AutoSys JM base. eventor Starts the Unicenter AutoSys JM scheduler. jil Runs the Unicenter AutoSys JM Job Information Language (JIL) processor to add, update, and delete Unicenter AutoSys JM jobs and machines from the command line. ujo_job_delete database data-

job_delete Cleans a Unicenter AutoSys JM table. job_depends Reports on Unicenter AutoSys JM conditions.




monbro Runs a Unicenter AutoSys JM monitor or report (browser) previously registered in the database. sendevent Sends an event to Unicenter AutoSys JM for a variety of purposes, including starting or stopping Unicenter

AutoSys JM jobs, stopping the scheduler, Unicenter AutoSys JM global variables. time0 Calculates the Unicenter AutoSys JM time. xql zql Provides access to the Sybase database. Provides access to the Oracle database.



TASK LIST Task ______________________________________ Calulate AutoSys time Check system status

Command ______________________ time0 autoflags autoping autosyslog chase chk_auto_up as_info cron2jil jil autocal_asc sendevent autobwp archive_events autoaggr autotrack clean_files dbstatistics DBMaint job_delete xql zql as_safetool autosec_test autosys_secure autotimezone monbro autosyslog auto_svcdesk job_depends autorep autostatad autostatus monbro

Check install status Convert cron to JIL Define jobs or machines Define calendars Event commands Generate an AutoSys virtual machine Maintain database

Manage security

Manage time zone table Monitor jobs Open a Unicenter Service Desk ticket Report job dependencies and conditions Report job status

Start Scheduler Start Application Server

eventor as_server

TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autobwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Time 0
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME 1 time0(8) time0 - Calculates the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (JM) time

SYNOPSIS time0 [-A auto_time] [-O date_format] [-S] DESCRIPTION Calculates the internal Unicenter AutoSys displays it in MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss format. JM time and

When you use time0 with no arguments, the current Unicenter AutoSys JM time and date information (auto_time) are displayed. OPTIONS -A auto_time Converts the internal Unicenter AutoSys JM date and time information to MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss format. You cannot specify -A auto_time if you specify -T date_time. -O date_format Specifies a format with which to MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss format. You date_format in quotation marks ("). -S Displays the internal Unicenter AutoSys ture. override the must enclose JM tm struc-

-T date_time Identifies a date and time to convert to the internal Unicenter AutoSys JM format. You cannot specify -T date_time if you specify -A auto_time. EXAMPLES time0 Display the date and time in Unicenter AutoSys JM auto_time format. The output resembles the following: CAUAJM I 50096 Current AutoTime(internal): 1121265931 time0 -A 1121265931 Convert the internal Unicenter AutoSys JM date and time information to MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss format. The output resembles the following: CAUAJM I 50097 External Time: 07/13/2005 07:45:31 TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), xql(8), zql(8)


Man Autoflags

1 autoflags(8) and

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME

autoflags - Print Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (JM) system configuration information SYNOPSIS autoflags [-a] [-d] [-h] [-i] [-n] [-o] [-r] [-v] DESCRIPTION Print information about Unicenter AutoSys JM and the configuration. OPTIONS


-a -d -h -i -n -o -r -v

Displays all information. Displays the database type: ING for Ingres Source, SYB for Sybase, or ORA for Oracle. Displays the host ID. Displays the Unicenter AutoSys JM tape ID number. Displays the hostname. Displays the operating system type. Displays the Unicenter AutoSys JM release number. Displays the Unicenter AutoSys JM version number. r3 Open

EXAMPLE autoflags -a Display all Unicenter AutoSys JM and system tion information. configura-

TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Autoping
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME 1 autoping(8) AutoSys autoping - Verifies the connectivity of Unicenter Job Management (JM) server and client machines

SYNOPSIS autoping [-m machine|ALL] [-A] [-D] DESCRIPTION Verifies that the server and client machines are properly configured and communicating successfully. Also, the Remote Agent data connectivity is verified. In dual-server environments, both databases are checked. Optionally, alarms are raised if problems are detected.

When autoping is executed, the server (the machine from which autoping is issued) establishes a connection with the client machine, which starts a Remote Agent on that machine, and the server waits for the Remote Agent to respond. If successful, the following message is displayed on standard output at the server: AutoPinging Machine [target_machine_name] AutoPing WAS SUCCESSFUL! OPTIONS -m machine|ALL the name of the machine to be verified. machine must be a valid host name and must be listed in the /etc/hosts file on the machine from which the command is issued. ALL checks all machines. To use ALL, machines must first be defined to the database using the JIL insert_machine subcommand. Failure to define a machine before using ALL will result in the following message being displayed: Could not get list of machines from Database. -A -D send an alarm if problems are detected. check the database connections on the specified machine(s). Both databases are checked in a dual server environment.

EXAMPLES autoping -m columbus Checks whether the machine columbus is properly configured for Unicenter AutoSys JM, and that its Remote Agent can function properly. autoping -m ALL -D Checks all machines and verifies their database access. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Autosyslog
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME 1 autosyslog(8) (JM) autosyslog - Displays Unicenter AutoSys Job Management log files

SYNOPSIS autosyslog [-e|-J job_name|-s] [-p] DESCRIPTION Displays the scheduler or agent log file for the specified job. The agent and the scheduler write diagnostic messages to their respective logs as part of their normal operations and in response to detected error conditions. The scheduler log contains a timestamped history of each event that occurs. Viewing this log is an alternative to monitoring all jobs and all events. Because the scheduler logs all events it processes and provides a detailed trace of its activities, autosyslog provides valuable information for troubleshooting, and should always be used early in the troubleshooting process. Using autosyslog to view the scheduler log is issuing the following command: the same as

tail -f $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV The last 10 lines of the scheduler log file are displayed when you issue autosyslog. The log file is updated continually as processing occurs. To terminate the display of the log, press Ctrl+C in the display window. autosyslog can be a useful diagnostic tool when jobs fail. This command, when provided with the name of a job, displays the log of the jobs most recent run. Although the agents log file is automatically deleted by default after a successful job run, the log file is not deleted at job completion if the job ended with a FAILURE status. OPTIONS -e Indicates that the event scheduler log is to be monitored. When in this mode, in order to terminate the command, you must press Ctrl+C. To view the scheduler log, you must execute this command on the machine that is running the scheduler, or on a machine that can access the same $AUTOUSER file system. Also, the $AUTOUSER and $AUTOSERV environment variables must be set the same as it was when the scheduler was run. -J job_name Displays the agent log for the job job_name. If you do not run this command on the machine where the job ran,

autosyslog generates the following error: *** No remote job_name*** agent files found for job_name

To view the agent log, you must execute this command from the machine on which the specified job ran last. -s Indicates that the application server log is to be monitored. When in this mode, in order to terminate the command, you must press Ctrl+C. Specifies to append messages to the output file if anything in the profile file failed, if commands were not executed, or environment variables or definitions were not set. For example, if the profile file tried to execute a command (e.g., date) but could not find it, the output file would contain the line: /bin/sh: date: not found The -p option is required when you specify -J job_name. Note: If the CleanTmpFiles parameter in the configuration file is on, Unicenter AutoSys JM removes the agent log file upon successful completion of the job. In this case, autosyslog cannot display the log contents of jobs that completed successfully because they do not exist.. EXAMPLES autosyslog -e View the scheduler log. (Issue the command on the system where the scheuler is running, or where it ran last.) autosyslog -J test_install View the last run of the test_install job (Issue the command on the machine where the test_install job ran.) autosyslog -j job_name -p Display the log file first, appending the profile output, if there is any. If no profile output file exists, the profile output section is empty. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8),


autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)


Man Chase
the Unicenter AutoSys

1 chase(8) Job

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME chase - Verifies the status of Management (JM) environment SYNOPSIS chase [-A] [-E]

DESCRIPTION Verifies the status of jobs that the database indicates running and checks the associated agents.


The database is also inspected to determine which jobs are in the STARTING or RUNNING state, and on which machine. For each client, chase passes a list of jobs that are supposed to be running there to an agent. The agent then verifies that the processes are running. For Command jobs running on a UNIX machine, the agent also checks for the pid of the UNIX process. When verifying that the agent is running, chase checks that the agent has a lock on the agent log file. This is more reliable than checking the agent process ID. Note: If you disable file locking on the client, chase cannot verify if an agent is running. Therefore, ensure that the directory specified by the AutoRemoteDir parameter in the configuration file is on a file system that has file locking enabled. When the scheduler is started (with the eventor command), chase is automatically invoked. Because chase uses the same mechanism as the scheduler to communicate with the agent machines, it gives an accurate picture of the system state. Note: The scheduler does not have to be running while runs, but the database must be available. chase

When chase detects errors, the client sends them to standard output. Optional parameters used with chase further determine the actions to take for error conditions. The -A option sends an alarm to alert the user that problems were found. When the -E option is specified, chase forces a FAILURE of jobs that should be running but are not. When the n_retrys attribute is defined, this triggers an automatic restart of the job. The scheduler must be running for chase to automatically restart jobs. Note: When chase cannot connect to an agent machine, it cannot determine the reason. To prevent jobs from being restarted when they may already have run, chase does not change

the status of jobs in this case, even when you run it with the -E option. The chase command does not automatically restart jobs that are stuck in the STARTING state. Instead, it writes a message to standard output that manual intervention may be required. Jobs stuck in the STARTING state should not be automatically restarted -- it is possible (for example, due to network problems) that the job may already have run, and its state was not yet communicated to the database. Verify the actual status of these jobs before they are restarted and their status is changed. It is a good idea to run chase automatically at regular intervals to track problems on the network. For example, if a machine becomes unreachable while running a job, chase will detect that the machine is down and send an alarm. If a user has a monitor running, they are also alerted to the problem. OPTIONS -A -E Sends alarms when errors occur. Puts a job in FAILURE status when the job and its agent are not running on the client but the database indicates they should be. In this case, the job restarts if the job definition includes the n_retrys attribute. Note: When you run chase with no options, Unicenter AutoSys JM performs all chase activities and writes the results to standard output, but sends no alarms or job restart events. EXAMPLE If a job is running longer than expected and you suspect it may have abnormally ended (but still shows as running ), you should run chase. To verify that the job is running, receive an alarm if there is an inconsistency, and restart the job if necessary, enter this: chase -A -E TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Chk Auto Up

AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME chk_auto_up - Verifies status of the Scheduler and database 1 chk_auto_up(8) Unicenter AutoSys JM

SYNOPSIS chk_auto_up [-Q] [-r value] DESCRIPTION Determines if the Event Server (database) and the scheduler are running. Because the Event Server and the scheduler must both be running for a job to start, chk_auto_up is the first utility you should run when troubleshooting why events or jobs are not processing as scheduled. chk_auto_up uses the product environment variables to locate the configuration file $AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV, and uses the information to determine the data server and database names. If chk_auto_up completes successfully, the product environment variables and the configuration file are set up correctly. The chk_auto_up command looks for schedulers defined in the database. If you are running a Shadow Scheduler or Dual Event Servers, chk_auto_up also reports the state of these objects. OPTIONS -Q Returns the exit code without any descriptive message. This makes the command useful for inclusion in shell scripts. In this case, the return code is sufficient to indicate status. If you omit the -Q option, the command also returns a descriptive message.

-r value Checks one or more of the Unicenter AutoSys JM components. Using this option the status of the Event Server and/or the Application Server and/or the Scheduler can be checked. The value specified for the -r option determines the component to be checked. The value can be one of the following: 1 Returns the status of the Event Server(s). 10 Returns the status of the Scheduler(s). 11 Returns the status of the Event Server(s) and the Scheduler(s). This is default if -r is not specified. 100 Returns the status of the Application Server. 101 Returns the status of the Application Server and

110 111

the Event Server(s). Returns the status of the Application the Scheduler(s). Server and

Returns the status of the Application Event Server(s), and Scheduler(s).


Running chk_auto_up with no arguments returns one of the following return codes. 0 1 2 10 No Scheduler is running and running. no Event Server Server is is Dual

No Scheduler is running, but the Event running.

No Scheduler is running, but the Primary and Event Servers are running.

The Scheduler is running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Scheduler and the Event Server are running. The Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are ning. run-

11 12 20

The Shadow Scheduler running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Shadow Scheduler and the Event Server are running. The Shadow Scheduler and the are running. Dual Event Servers

21 22 30

The Primary and Shadow Schedulers are running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Primary and Shadow Schedulers Server are running. The Primary and Shadow Schedulers Event Servers are running. and and the the Event Dual

31 32 40

The Tie-Breaker Scheduler is running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if

the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. 41 42 50 The Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Event Server are running. The Tie-Breaker Scheduler Servers are running. and the Dual Event

The Primary Scheduler and Tie-Breaker Scheduler are running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Primary Scheduler, Tie-Breaker the Event Server are running. Scheduler and and

51 52 60

The Primary Scheduler, Tie-Breaker Scheduler the Dual Event Servers are running.

The Shadow Scheduler and Tie-Breaker Scheduler are running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Shadow Scheduler, Tie-Breaker the Event Server are running. Scheduler and and

61 62 70

The Shadow Scheduler, Tie-Breaker Scheduler the Dual Event Servers are running.

The Primary Scheduler, Shadow Scheduler and TieBreaker Scheduler are running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Primary Scheduler, Shadow Scheduler, TieBreaker Scheduler and the Event Server are running. The Primary Scheduler, Shadow Scheduler, TieBreaker Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are running. The Event Server is running but the agent(s) Scheduler machine(s) are not responding. on



81 82

The Dual Event Servers are running but the agent(s) on Scheduler machine(s) are not responding.


One of the following has occurred: * One or more of the following environment variables is not set or is set incorrectly: AUTOSYS, AUTOSERV, AUTOUSER. You issued ments. chk_auto_up with invalid argu-

* *

Application Server is not running or not configured correctly.

Running chk_auto_up with the -r argument can result in the application exiting with one of the following return codes: Exit codes when using -r 1 (Check the Event Server): 0 1 2 No Event Server is running. Event Server is running. Dual Event Servers are running.

Exit codes when using -r 10 (Check the Scheduler): 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 No Scheduler is running. Primary Scheduler is running. Shadow Scheduler is running. Primary and Shadow Schedulers are running. Tie-Breaker Scheduler is running. Primary and Tie-Breaker Schedulers are running. Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers are running. Primary, Shadow running. and Tie-Breaker Schedulers are and

Exit codes when using -r 11 (Check the Scheduler Event Server): 0 1 2 10 No Scheduler is running and running. no Event

Server Server

is is Dual

No Scheduler is running, but the Event running.

No Scheduler is running, but the Primary and Event Servers are running.

The Scheduler is running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able

to connect to Event Server. 11 12 20 The Scheduler and the Event Server are running. The Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are ning. run-

The Shadow Scheduler running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Shadow Scheduler and the Event Server are running. The Shadow Scheduler and the are running. Dual Event Servers

21 22 30

The Primary and Shadow Schedulers are running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Primary and Shadow Schedulers Server are running. The Primary and Shadow Schedulers Event Servers are running. and and the the Event Dual

31 32 40

The Tie-Breaker Scheduler is running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Event Server are running. The Tie-Breaker Scheduler Servers are running. and the Dual Event

41 42 50

The Primary Scheduler and Tie-Breaker Scheduler are running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Primary Scheduler, Tie-Breaker the Event Server are running. Scheduler and and

51 52 60

The Primary Scheduler, Tie-Breaker Scheduler the Dual Event Servers are running.

The Shadow Scheduler and Tie-Breaker Scheduler are

running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. 61 62 70 The Shadow Scheduler, Tie-Breaker the Event Server are running. Scheduler and and

The Shadow Scheduler, Tie-Breaker Scheduler the Dual Event Servers are running.

The Primary Scheduler, Shadow Scheduler and TieBreaker Scheduler are running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Primary Scheduler, Shadow Scheduler, TieBreaker Scheduler and the Event Server are running. The Primary Scheduler, Shadow Scheduler, TieBreaker Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are running. The Event Server is running but the agent(s) Scheduler machine(s) are not responding. on



81 82

The Dual Event Servers are running but the agent(s) on Scheduler machine(s) are not responding. One of the following has occurred: * One or more of the following environment variables is not set or is set incorrectly: AUTOSYS, AUTOSERV, AUTOUSER. You issued the chk_auto_up invalid arguments. command with


* *

Application Server is not running or not configured correctly.


Exit codes when using -r 100 (Check the Application 0 100 No Application Server is running. Application Server is running. Application

Exit codes when using -r 101 (Check the Server and Event Server): 0

No Event Server is running, no Application is running.


1 2 100 101 102

Event Server is running, no Application Server running. Dual Event Server Server is running. is running, no


Application is is

Application Server is running, no Event Server running. Event Server is running. running, Application Server

Dual Event Server is running, is running.



and Scheduler): Exit codes when using -r 110 (Check the Server 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 100 110 120 130 140 150

Application is

No Scheduler is running, no Application Server running. Primary Scheduler Server is running. is running, no


Shadow Scheduler is running, no Application Server is running. Primary and Shadow Schedulers Application Server is running. Tie-Breaker Scheduler is running, Server is running. are no running, no


Primary and Tie-Breaker Schedulers are running, no Application Server is running. Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers are running, Application Server is running. Primary, Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers running, no Application Server is running. Application Server is running. running, no Scheduler no are is

Primary Scheduler is running, is running.



Shadow Scheduler is running, Application Server is running. Primary and Shadow Schedulers are running, cation Server is running. Tie-Breaker Scheduler Server is running. is running, Appli-

Application are running,

Primary and Tie-Breaker Schedulers Application Server is running.

160 170

Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers Application Server is running.


running, are

Primary, Shadow and Tie-Breaker Schedulers running, Application Server is running.

Exit codes when using -r 111 (Check the Application Server, Scheduler and Event Server): 0 1 2 No Scheduler is running, no Event Server ning, no Application Server is running. No Scheduler is running, Event Server is no Application Server is running. is run-


No Scheduler is running, Primary and Dual Event Servers are running, no Application Server is running. The Scheduler is running, Event Server is not running, no Application Server is running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Scheduler and the Event Server are running, no Application Server is running. The Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are ning, no Application Server is running. run-


11 12 20

The Shadow Scheduler running, the Event Server is not running, no Application Server is running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Shadow Scheduler and the Event Server are running, no Application Server is running. The Shadow Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are running, no Application Server is running. The Primary and Shadow Schedulers are running, the Event Server is not running, no Application Server is running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Primary and Shadow Schedulers and the Event Server are running, no Application Server is running.

21 22 30



The Primary and Shadow Schedulers and the Dual Event Servers are running, no Application Server is running. The Tie-Breaker Scheduler is running, the Event Server is not running, no Application Server is running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Event Server are running, no Application Server is running. The Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are running, no Application Server is running. The Primary Scheduler and Tie-Breaker Scheduler are running, the Event Server is not running, no Application Server is running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Primary Scheduler, Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Event Server are running, no Application Server is running. The Primary Scheduler, Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are running, no Application Server is running. The Shadow Scheduler and Tie-Breaker Scheduler are running, the Event Server is not running, no Application Server is running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Shadow Scheduler, Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Event Server are running, no Application Server is running. The Shadow Scheduler, Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are running, no Application Server is running. The Primary Scheduler, Shadow Scheduler and TieBreaker Scheduler are running, the Event Server is not running, no Application Server is running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Primary Scheduler, Shadow Scheduler, Tie-


41 42









Breaker Scheduler and the Event Server are running, no Application Server is running. 72 The Primary Scheduler, Shadow Scheduler, TieBreaker Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are running, no Application Server is running. The Event Server is running but the agent(s) on Scheduler machine(s) are not responding, no Application Server is running. The Dual Event Servers are running but the agent(s) on Scheduler machine(s) are not responding, no Application Server is running. One of the following has occurred: * One or more of the following environment variables is not set or is set incorrectly: AUTOSYS, AUTOSERV, AUTOUSER. You issued the chk_auto_up invalid arguments. command with




* * 100 101 102

Application Server is not running or not configured correctly. is runrun-

No Scheduler is running, no Event Server ning, Application Server is running.

No Scheduler is running, the Event Server is ning, Application Server is running.

No Scheduler is running, but the Primary and Dual Event Servers are running, Application Server is running. The Scheduler is running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server. The Scheduler and the Event Server Application Server is running. are running, run-


111 112 120

The Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are ning, Application Server is running.

The Shadow Scheduler running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server, Application Server is running. The Shadow Scheduler and the Event Server are running, Application Server is running.


122 130

The Shadow Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are running, Application Server is running. The Primary and Shadow Schedulers are running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server, Application Server is running. The Primary and Shadow Schedulers and the Event Server are running, Application Server is running. The Primary and Shadow Schedulers and the Dual Event Servers are running, Application Server is running. The Tie-Breaker Scheduler is running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server, Application Server is running. The Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Event Server are running, Application Server is running. The Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are running, Application Server is running. The Primary Scheduler and Tie-Breaker Scheduler are running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server, Application Server is running. The Primary Scheduler, Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Event Server are running, Application Server is running. The Primary Scheduler, Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are running, Application Server is running. The Shadow Scheduler and Tie-Breaker Scheduler are running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server, Application Server is running. The Shadow Scheduler, Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Event Server are running, Application Server is running.

131 132


141 142







The Shadow Scheduler, Tie-Breaker Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are running, Application Server is running. The Primary Scheduler, Shadow Scheduler and TieBreaker Scheduler are running, but the Event Server is not running. This could happen if the database password was changed in configuration file but Application Server was not restarted. chk_auto_up prints a detailed error message if it is not able to connect to Event Server, Application Server is running. The Primary Scheduler, Shadow Scheduler, TieBreaker Scheduler and the Event Server are running, Application Server is running. The Primary Scheduler, Shadow Scheduler, TieBreaker Scheduler and the Dual Event Servers are running, Application Server is running. The Event Server is running but the agent(s) on Scheduler machine(s) are not responding, Application Server is running. The Dual Event Servers are running but the agent(s) on Scheduler machine(s) are not responding, Application Server is running.






EXAMPLES chk_auto_up determines whether the Event Server and Scheduler up and displays the results on your monitor. chk_auto_up -r 111 Determines whether the Event Server, Application Server, and Scheduler are up and displays the results on your monitor. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8) are

Man As Info
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME 1 as_info(8) as_info - List Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (JM) installation information

SYNOPSIS as_info [-a] [-c] [-d] [-f] [-i] [-l] [-p] [-s] [-v] DESCRIPTION List information about the Unicenter AutoSys JM installation. By default, the product components, version, install log locations, configured instances, and status are printed. OPTIONS -a -c -d -f -i -l -p Print all installation information and for Unicenter AutoSys JM. List the Unicenter AutoSys installed on this machine. JM current status are



Print information about the database. Print the custom (or default) Unicenter AutoSys JM component installation specifications. Print all configured Unicenter AutoSys JM instances. Print the name and directory path AutoSys JM installation log files. of the Unicenter

List the PIF (Product Interchange File) and RPM packages that were installed as part of this installation. This option uses the RPM Package Manager and the CA lsm utility to retrieve the list, and therefore, takes a few moments to return the information. Print the current status of the Unicenter AutoSys JM components. This option uses the CA unifstat utility to retrieve the status. Print the version of the Unicenter AutoSys JM product, the date and time of the install, and the installation directory.



EXAMPLES as_info -vsi Print the version, install date, install directory, current status, and configured instances of the Unicenter AutoSys JM product. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Cron2jil
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME 1 cron2jil(8) cron2jil - Translates crontab files into JIL format

SYNOPSIS cron2jil -f crontab_file [-d output_directory] [-i include_file] [-m machine] [-p prefix] DESCRIPTION Converts each line in a UNIX crontab file to a corresponding JIL script (*.jil file) and, if necessary, a run calendar file (*.cal file). Because cron2jil cannot comprehensively address all job processing requirements, you should use it as a first step in converting from cron to the environment. The second step requires editing the newly created JIL and calendar files to ensure the desired job processing. When cron2jil reads a crontab file, it assigns job names by combining the base name of the jobs command and the line number of the file. For example, the following crontab entries would result in the job names cp_1 and mail_2 respectively. >>0,59 0,23 * * 0,6 /bin/cp /etc/passwd /etc/passwd.bak >>0,59 * * * 0,6 /usr/ucb/mail root@support1 < /tmp/errorLog After conversion, cron commands involving pipes and I/O redirection perform just as they did in the cron environment. If run calendars are created, cron2jil only generates calendars with a one year duration. After conversion, pipe and I/O redirections may not take full advantage of the fault tolerance mechanisms of Unicenter AutoSys JM. For example, the exit code of a failed command in a pipe may not result in the failure of the complete command expression. Because of this behavior, you should edit converted JIL scripts and split pipes into separate jobs with the appropriate conditions and job control. With this approach, problems can be detected and reported at the point of failure.

cron2jil does not generate JIL files for jobs that are defined in crontab to start every minute; for example, with an asterisk (*) specified in the first field of the cron listing. In the environment, this is a special case and should be remedied by defining the successful completion of the job as a starting condition for the same job. Note: After the *.jil or *.cal files are generated, you must submit them to the database using the jil and the autocal_asc commands, respectively. OPTIONS -f crontab_file Specifies the name of the crontab formatted file. -d output_directory Specifies the directory to which the *.jil and *.cal files should be written. The default is the current working directory. -i include_file Specifies the name of a file containing JIL statements that are to be included in every generated *.jil file. This file must be created before the conversion, and it can contain any default JIL statements. -m machine Specifies the name of the machine on which the translation should occur. If no machine is specified, the default is localhost. -p prefix Specifies a prefix that should be inserted before each job name. For example, if a prefix of AUTO is specified, the jobs cited in the example above would have the following names: AUTOcp_1 and AUTOmail_2. EXAMPLES cron2jil -f daily Translate a crontab file with the name daily. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Jil
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands 1 jil(8)

NAME jil - Command line interface to define Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (JM) jobs and objects SYNOPSIS jil [-q] [-S autoserv_instance] [-V none|job|batch|syntax] DESCRIPTION Runs the Job Information Language (JIL) processor to add, update, and delete jobs, machines, monitors, and browsers (reports) and to insert one-time job overrides. When you invoke jil, Unicenter AutoSys JM verifies user permissions as follows based on the subcommand or attribute used: * * * * Create access is required to insert_machine subcommands. use the update_job or

Write access is required to use the update_job mand. Delete access is required to delete_machine subcommands. Execute access is required exclude_calendar, group, run_calendar attributes. to use the



use the machine,

application, owner, and

You can use the jil command in two ways: * To automatically submit job, machine, monitor, and browser definitions to the database by redirecting a JIL script file to the jil command. A JIL script file contains one or more subcommands (such as insert_job). To interactively submit job, machine, monitor, and browser definitions to the database by issuing the jil command only and entering JIL subcommands at the provided prompts. To exit interactive mode, enter exit at the prompt, or press Ctrl+D. a

SYNTAX RULES You must follow these rules when using JIL subcommands in script file or at the command line: * Each subcommand uses the following form: sub_command: job_name where: sub_command specifies one of the following JIL subcommands: insert_job update_job delete_job

delete_box override_job jobname indicates the user-specified name of the job to create, update, delete, or override. * Follow each subcommand with one or more attribute statements. Attribute statements can occur in any order, and are applied to the job specified in the preceding subcommand. A subsequent subcommand begins a new set of attributes for a different job. Attribute statements use the following form: You can enter multiple attribute statements on the same line. You must separate each attribute statement with at least one space. You must define a box job before you can it. You must define a machine to the can define a job to run on it. database put jobs in you

* * * *


When defining a virtual machine, you must first all machines it contains.


Legal value settings can include upper and lowercase letters, numbers, colons (if the colon is escaped as explained in the next rule), and the at symbol (@). Because JIL parses subcommands based on the keyword/colon combination, you must properly escape colons used in an attribute statements value with quotation marks (") or a backslash (\). For example, to specify the time to start a job, specify "10:00" or 10:00. Use one of the following methods to indicate comments in a JIL script file: To comment an entire line, put a pound sign (#) in the first column. To comment part of a line or to specify comments that span multiple lines, begin the comment with /* and ending it with */. For example: /* This is a comment.*/


Runs the command in quiet mode so that it only outputs error messages. This is useful when entering a large number of jobs, so that you can easily see errors. Default: Output error messages and status messages that indicate the success or failure of the JIL subcommands. This information is very useful and should typically be allowed to print out.

-S autoserv_instance Specifies the three-character instance identifier (for example, ACE).If you do not specify the instance name, the command uses the value of the $AUTOSERV environment

variable. -V none|job|batch|syntax Specifies whether the JIL processor should verify the validity of the job definitions and that jobs specified in the job dependency conditions actually exist in the Unicenter AutoSys JM database. Set this value to one of the following: none Specifies that the JIL processor should perform no job dependency verification. job Specifies that the JIL processor verifies job dependencies on a job-by-job basis when the jobs are submitted to the database. Verifies job dependencies in the database the JIL file is entirely processed. after


syntax Verifies the validity of the job definition without verifying job dependencies or writing the job definitions to the database. EXAMPLES jil < job1 Redirect a text file named job1 containing ments into jil. jil < job1 -V none Redirect a text file named job1 containing JIL statements into jil and prohibit the JIL processor from verifying the existence of specified jobs in its job dependencies. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8) JIL state-

Man Autocal Asc

AutoSys 1

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME

autocal_asc(8) Job

autocal_asc - Starts the command-line Unicenter AutoSys Management (JM) calendar utility

SYNOPSIS autocal_asc [-D|-E export_filename] [-c cycle_name|-e extcal|-s stdcal] | -I import_filename | -l | -l[c|e|s] | -x | - | -? DESCRIPTION Provides a text-based command line mechanism for adding, deleting, printing, exporting, and importing calendars. Unicenter AutoSys JM uses calendars to schedule the days on which jobs should run. Each calendar has a unique name and contains a list of days on which jobs may run or are excluded from running. Limits: The calendar names are up to 30 characters in length and can only include the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 09, period (.), underscore (_), and hyphen (-). The autocal_asc command can manipulate three types of calendars: Standard Calendars, Extended Calendars, and Cycles. Standard Calendars A standard calendar lists user-specified dates. Each entry in a standard calendar consists of a date and (optionally) a time. Extended Calendars An extended calendar uses rules to generate a calendar containing a list of dates. Cycles A cycle is a list of one or more date ranges used when cycle keywords are present in an extended calendar definition. Unicenter AutoSys JM uses the following rules to verify user permissions based on the activity selected: When you invoke autocal_asc with eTrust IAM security enabled, * * * * Read access is required to print the sion number or to export a calendar. autocal_asc verstandard

Create access is required to add or import a new calendar or cycle. Write access is required to modify an existing calendar or cycle. Delete access is cycle. required to delete a calendar or

After creating a calendar, you can use one of the methods to reference it in your job definitions: * *

following or the

With jil, enter a calendar name in the run_calendar exclude_calendar attribute. In the Unicenter WCC GUI, enter a calendar name in appropriate field.

When you update a calendar, Unicenter AutoSys JM recalculates the starting times for all jobs that use the updated calendar. You must regenerate an extended calender to reflect the changes made. OPTIONS -I import_filename Imports calendars import_filename.





-E export_filename Exports the calendar or cycle specified by -c cycle_name, -e extcal, or -s stdcal to the file defined in the export_filename. To export an extended calendar definition, combine -E export_filename with -e extcal. This exports the extended calendar definition. To export the list of dates generated by an extended calender, combine -E export_filename with -s stdcal. This output file resembles a standard output. To export a cycle, combine -E export_filename with -c cycle_name. Alternatively, you can specify the parameters as -c cycle_name -E export_filename. To export a standard calendar, combine -E export_filename with -s stdcal. Alternatively, you can specify the parameters as -s stdcal -E export_filename. To export all calendars of a specific type, use the ALL keyword: -E export_filename followed by -s ALL, -e ALL, or -c ALL. -c cycle_name Defines a cycle to export or delete. To export a cycle, combine -c cycle_name with -E export_filename. Alternatively, you can specify the parameters as -E export_filename, -c cycle_name. To delete a cycle, combine -c cycle_name with -D. Alternatively, you can specify the parameters as -D -c cycle_name. -e extcal Defines an external calendar to export or delete. To export an external calendar, combine -e extcal with -E export_filename. Alternatively, you can specify the

parameters as -E export_filename, -e extcal. To delete an external calendar, combine -e extcal with -D. Alternatively, you can specify the parameters as -D -e extcal. -s stdcal Specifies a standard calendar to export or delete. To export an standard calendar, combine -s stdcal with -E export_filename. Alternatively, you can specify the parameters as -E export_filename, -s stdcal. To delete an standard calendar, combine -s stdcal with -D. Alternatively, you can specify the parameters as -D -s stdcal. -l Lists all defined extended and standard calendars. -lc -le -ls -D Lists all cycle calendars. Lists all extended calendars. Lists all standard calendars.

Deletes the calendar or cycle specified by -c cycle_name, -e extcal, or -s stdcal from Unicenter AutoSys JM. Reads menu selections from standard input. Prints the autocal_asc version number.


EXAMPLES autocal_asc -I federal_holidays.txt Imports the calendars federal_holidays.txt file. defined in the

autocal_asc -s federal_holiday -E federal_holidays.txt Exports the standard federal_holiday federal_holidays.txt file. calendar to the

autocal_asc -c REPORT_PERIOD -E report_cycles.txt Export the cycle calendar report_cycles.txt. REPORT_PERIOD to the file

autocal_asc -D -e FIRST_MONDAY_OF_MONTH Deletes the extended calendar FIRST_MONDAY_OF_MONTH. autocal_asc -lc Lists all cycle calendars. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical sup-

port is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Sendevent
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME sendevent - Sends events to Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (JM) SYNOPSIS sendevent -E [-G [-J [-M [-q [-S event [-A alarm] [-B "global_name=value"] [-I application] job_name] [-k signal_numbers] max_send_trys] [-N machine] [-P priority] job_queue_priority] [-s status] instance] [-T "time_of_event"] [-U] 1 sendevent(8)

DESCRIPTION Sends events to start or stop jobs, stop the scheduler, put a job on hold, set global variables, bring a real machine online or offline, cancel a scheduled event, and so on. Issuing sendevent is the only method of externally sending most events. You can also use sendevent to communicate with any instance, provided the machine on which the command runs can connect with the databases associated with that instance. The sent event is written to the database. The scheduler continually polls the database and reads and processes the event on receipt. Note: To issue sendevent for a job, you must have execute permission for that job. Only alarms, comments, and set global can be sent without regard to permissions. You cannot issue a MACH_ONLINE or MACH_OFFLINE event virtual machine. for a

When you invoke sendevent, Unicenter AutoSys JM verifies user permissions as follows based on the command options: * * Create access is required variable. to add a new global

Write access is required to change the value of an existing global variable or to send the

CHANGE_PRIORITY event. * Execute access is required to send the following events: CHANGE_STATUS, COMMENT, FORCE_STARTJOB, JOB_OFF_HOLD, JOB_OFF_ICE, JOB_ON_HOLD, JOB_ON_ICE, KILLJOB, SEND_SIGNAL, SET_GLOBAL, STARTJOB, and STOP_DEMON. Delete access is require to delete a global able or to send the DELETEJOB event. vari-

OPTIONS -E event Specifies the event to be sent. This option is required. Any one of the following values may be specified: ALARM - An informational event that invokes no action on its own. This event typically indicates the occurrence of one of the specific alarms described in the Alarms section of the Unicenter AutoSys JM Reference Guide. An alarm is typically an internal event, but you can also use this event to send alarms directly to operators. The -J option is optional with this event. CHANGE_PRIORITY - Modify the job queue priority of the specified job (-J)to the priority specified in the -q option. Queue priority is the relative priority of all jobs in the queue. The lower the number, the higher the priority; 0 means to run the job immediately. When the job is in QUE_WAIT status, the CHANGE_PRIORITY event changes the job priority immediately and may start the job. When the job is not yet in QUE_WAIT status, the CHANGE_PRIORITY event changes the priority only for the next run of the job. To permanently change a jobs priority, you must edit the job definition. CHANGE_STATUS - Change the specified job status to the status defined in the -s option. When the scheduler processes this event, it initiates any actions that are dependent upon the job status. You should not typically use the CHANGE_STATUS event, because Unicenter AutoSys JM manages job state changes internally. To send this event, you must also define the -s status option. When you send a CHANGE_STATUS event, you are changing the status of the job in the database; this event does not affect the current run of the job. That is, if you change the status to RUNNING, the status changes in the database but the job does not run. You must change the status to a termination state before the job can run again. For more information, see the Status section of the Unicenter AutoSys JM Reference Guide. COMMENT - An informational event that attaches a mes-

sage to the specified job. When used with the -J option, the COMMENT event attaches the message to the job for a specific run. When used with the -C option, the COMMENT event writes a comment directly to the scheduler log. The COMMENT event is a method for generating comments at runtime and associating them with a specific job run. DELETEJOB - Delete the job specified in job_name from the database. If job_name is a box, the box and all the jobs in the box are deleted. FORCE_STARTJOB - Start the job specified in job_name, regardless of whether the starting conditions are satisfied or not. Because multiple instances of the same job can be started using this command, it is recommended that the FORCE_STARTJOB event be used only in extreme situations. JOB_OFF_HOLD - Take the job specified in job_name Off Hold. If the starting conditions are met, the job will be started. JOB_OFF_ICE - Take the job specified in job_name Off Ice. This is like reactivating the job description. Jobs that are taken Off Ice will not start until the next time their starting conditions are met. JOB_ON_HOLD - Put the job specified in job_name On Hold. When a job is On Hold, it will not be started. A box will not be considered done if a job within it is ON_HOLD, and downstream dependent jobs will not run. If the job is already STARTING or RUNNING, you cannot put it ON_HOLD. JOB_ON_ICE - Put the job specified in job_name On Ice. On Ice is the functional equivalent of deactivating a job definition. For example, the starting conditions for jobs downstream from JobA, which has been put On Ice, will evaluate as shown below. Evaluation of Dependent Jobs Conditions Job Condition _________________ success (JobA) failure (JobA) terminated (JobA) done (JobA) notrunning (JobA) exitcode Will Evaluate to ___________________ TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE

While a job status is RUNNING or STARTING, Unicenter AutoSys JM will not allow the job be put On Ice. KILLJOB - Kill the job specified in job_name. action depends on one of the following job types: Command Jobs - Kill the process that is The


running and all the processes that it has spawned; i.e., the process group. It will not kill orphan processes. It sends a signal to the process, waits five seconds, then sends a second signal, if the process is still there. The default kill signals to be sent are specified in the Unicenter AutoSys JM configuration file with the KillSignals parameter, and typically the signals are SIGINT and SIGKILL. This enables the application programmer to program commands that will react intelligently to the KILLJOB event. For UNIX processes, specific signals can be specified, or default signals can be overridden using the -k option. Box Jobs - Change the status to TERMINATED. No more jobs within the box will be started. Jobs that are already running will continue to run to completion. File Watcher Jobs - Kill the File Watcher job changes the status to TERMINATED. and

Do not force start a job in QUE_WAIT state because jobs in QUE_WAIT state are already started and are waiting for machine resources to become available to run. If you want a job in QUE_WAIT to start running immediately, change the job queue priority to 0 (using the CHANGE_PRIORITY event). If a job fails inside a box and the problem is fixed manually, you would use FORCE_STARTJOB to rerun the job. If you force start a job, Unicenter AutoSys JM will start the job right away on the machine specified in the job definition, regardless of the current load on the machine or the job load specified for the job. MACH_OFFLINE - Instruct the scheduler to put the machine specified by the -N option offline and puts jobs scheduled to start on it in PEND_MACH status. When a machine with running jobs goes offline, the product generates an error. This event can be manually or automatically generated. MACH_ONLINE - Instruct the scheduler to put the machine in the -N option online, remove jobs scheduled to run on that machine from PEND_MACH status, and starts those jobs. This event can be manually or automatically SEND_SIGNAL - Send a UNIX signal to a running Unicenter AutoSys JM job. For processes running on UNIX systems, the -k option must be used when this event is sent; it specifies the exact number(s) of the signal. The -J option must also be used. A SEND_SIGNAL event is ignored if the Unicenter AutoSys JM job is running on a Windows machine. SET_GLOBAL - Set a Unicenter AutoSys JM global variable. This event is sent with a high priority so that the scheduler will process the variable before it is

referenced by any jobs at runtime. The -G option must be used with this event to specify the global variable s name and value. The -J option must not be used. STARTJOB - Start the job specified in job_name if the starting conditions are satisfied. That is, a STARTJOB event ignores time and date conditions, but it does not ignore dependencies on other jobs. This command can be used only for starting top level jobs. Jobs in boxes inherit the starting conditions of the box they are in; as a result, they will be started when that box is started. STOP_DEMON - Stop the event demon. This is the only way to stop the scheduler. However, this does not stop the RDBMS(s). -A alarm Specifies the name of the alarm to send. This option is only used when you specify -E ALARM. -B group Defines the group for which to run the command. When you also define -I application, the specified command affects only items that match both -I application and -B group. -C comment Specifies a comment of up to 255 alphanumeric characters in length (entered as a single line) to attach to the event. The product does not use this comment except as documentation. For example, you can use this option to document why you sent a KILLJOB event, in which case it is attached to the KILLJOB event and is viewable in an autorep report. When you use this option with -E COMMENT, it specifies a standalone comment that is posted to the event log. When this value contains spaces, you must enclose it in quotation marks ("). -G "global_name=value" Specifies the name and value of the global variable to use when you specify -E SET_GLOBAL. global_name and value can each up to 30 characters in length. The product ignores leading and trailing spaces in value. When you set a global variable, jobs can use the syntax for the indicated job attributes in the following table to reference the variable at runtime. Attributes and Global Variable Syntax Job Attribute _______________ condition command Global Variable Syntax __________________________________ VALUE(global_name)operator "value" $$global_name or $$(global_name)

std_*_file watch_file

$$global_name or $$(global_name) $$global_name or $$(global_name) set it

To delete a global variable from the database, with a value of DELETE, like: sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "global_name=DELETE"

Note: Global variables are stored in the database; they are not set in the environment. Therefore, you cannot reference them in the default(etc/auto.profile) or the jobs defined Unicenter AutoSys JM profile. -I application Defines the application for which to run the command.When you also define -B group, the command affects only items that match both -I application and -B group. -J job_name Identifies the job to which to send the specified event. This value can be up to 64 alphanumeric characters in length and is required for all events except STOP_DEMON, COMMENT, ALARM, and SET_GLOBAL. -k signal_numbers It specifies the signal numbers that the application is watching. This value can contain a comma-delimited list of signals to send to the process. The agent sends the first signal, sleeps for five seconds, then sends the next signal, and so on. This option is valid only with -E SEND_SIGNAL KILLJOB, and is required for -E SEND_SIGNAL. For KILLJOB events, this option overrides any nals specified in the configuration file. or -E


To send signals to an entire process group, precede the appropriate signal_numbers values with a minus sign (-). -M max_send_trys Specifies the maximum number of times sendevent should attempt to send the event to the database. You can specify any number of attempts. If all the specified send attempts result in failure, sendevent finishes with an exit code of 1. Default: 0 (sendevent will try indefinitely) -N machine Identifies the target real machine for the MACH_OFFLINE and MACH_ONLINE events. This value can be up to 80 alphanumeric characters in length. You cannot issue a MACH_ONLINE or MACH_OFFLINE event for a virtual machine. -q job_queue_priority Specifies the new queue priority to assign to the job. The value can be a number in the range 0 to 99, where 0

is the highest priority (indicating to start the job immediately) and 99 is the lowest. This option is only used and is required when you specify -E CHANGE_PRIORITY. -P priority Assigns a priority to the event. Assign a high priority if the event must be processed immediately (for example, to put a job that is about to start in ON_HOLD status). This value can be a number in the range 1 to 1000, where 1 is the highest priority and 1000 is the lowest. Default: 10 -s status Specifies the status to which to change the job specified in -J job_name. You can set the job to one of the following statuses: RUNNING, STARTING, SUCCESS, FAILURE, INACTIVE, and TERMINATED. Note: Changing the status to RUNNING does not cause the job to run. It only changes the status of the job in the database. Changing the status of a box to INACTIVE also changes all the jobs in the box to INACTIVE. This option is only used specify -E CHANGE_STATUS. and is required when you

-S instance Specifies the three-character Unicenter AutoSys JM instance (e.g., ACE) to which the specified event should be sent. If not specified, sendevent will use the value of the environment variable named $AUTOSERV. -T "time_of_event" Specifies the date and time at which to process the event, in "MM/dd/[yy]yy hh:mm" format. You must enclose this value in quotation marks ("). When you enter a two-digit year, Unicenter AutoSys JM saves the setting to the database as a four-digit year. If you enter 79 or less, the product precedes your entry with 20; if you enter 80 or greater, the product precedes your entry with 19. Default: Process the event immediately. -U Cancels the event specified by -E event when the specified event has not yet processed. If you do not define -T "time_of_event", the cancels all events that satisfy the specified When multiple future events exist, you can use -T "time_of_event" to cancel a specific event. duct does not delete canceled events from the -- it changes their status. EXAMPLES sendevent -J test_install -E STARTJOB product options. -U with The prodatabase

Start a job named test_install that has no starting conditions specified (and therefore must be started manually). sendevent -J wait_job -E FORCE_STARTJOB-C "tired of waiting, force it" Force a job to start named wait_job, which is waiting on the completion of another job, and explain the reasons for your action. sendevent -J ready_to_run -E JOB_ON_HOLD -P 1 Change the status of a job called ready_to_run to ON_HOLD to prevent its execution, and assign sendevent a high priority so it will be sent immediately. sendevent -J ready_to_run -E JOB_OFF_HOLD Run the job specified in the previous example. sendevent -J lock_out -E JOB_ON_HOLD -T "11/08/1997 11:00" sendevent -J lock_out -E JOB_OFF_HOLD -T "11/08/1997 14:00" Prevent a job called lock_out from running between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. (These same sendevent commands can be placed in a job that is run daily to perpetuate this condition on a regular basis.) The first sendevent puts the job on hold at 11:00 a.m. The second sendevent takes the job p.m. off hold at 2:00 late

sendevent -E COMMENT -C "have not received EOD files again" Write a comment into the schedule log file. sendevent -E STOP_DEMON -T "11/09/2005 for upgrade" 02:30" -C


Stop the scheduler at 2:30 a.m. on November 9, 2005 (it is always a good idea to attach a comment to this event). sendevent -J resource_hog -E CHANGE_PRIORITY-q 10 -M 5 Change a job called resource_hog to a lower priority (it is currently at 1 and is not yet running), and to only issue sendevent 5 times, rather than letting it try indefinitely. Notice that this will only change the job queue priority for the next run of the job. sendevent -J wrong_job -E KILLJOB -S PRD Kill a job named wrong_job which is running on Unicenter AutoSys JM instance called PRD. sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "today=12/25/2005" another

Set a global variable named today 12/25/2005.




sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "today=DELETE" Delete the global variable named today. sendevent -E SEND_SIGNAL -j RunData -k 1 Send the UNIX signal number 1 to a job named RunData. sendevent -E JOB_OFF_HOLD -j RunData -u Cancel all unprocessed JOB_OFF_HOLD events named RunData. for a job

TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)


Man Get Auto Event

Unicenter AutoSys Job

Unicenter AutoSys JM Tools NAME get_auto_event - API to (JM) Scheduler Events

get_auto_event(8) Management

SYNOPSIS #include <autosys_api.h> int get_auto_event(event, polling_freq) struct event_api *event; int polling_freq; DESCRIPTION get_auto_event() loads the structure pointed to by *event with the data about an event. The events are returned in the order in which they are posted to the database. Events may be reported to the API before they are processed by the Event Processor. The event_api structure is defined in the header file: autosys_api.h as: struct event_api { oid joid;


char job_name[NAMELEN+1]; char box_name[NAMELEN+1]; char eventtxt[NAMELEN+1]; char statustxt[NAMELEN+1]; char alarmtxt[NAMELEN+1]; char event_time[DATETIMELEN+1]; int exit_code; int run_num; int ntry; char machine[NAMELEN+1]; char comment[256];

If a field is not used for a given event it will be defined as a NULL terminated string. The only field that is guarenteed to be present is eventtxt. The value polling_freq instructs the API how often to inspect the Database for a new event. After finding an event get_auto_event() returns to the calling program. RETURN VALUES get_auto_event() returns 0 if it got an event, DB_DEAD if the Database dropped the connection, or is unavailable, and -1 if it failed. The ability to reconnect to the Database is controlled by the calling program. get_auto_event() will itself attempt to reconnect one time if an existing connection is dropped, and then if still unable, to return with DB_DEAD. SEE ALSO Example programs can be located in $AUTOSYS/code/test_api.c. NOTES To link get_auto_event.o library must be linked in. successfully, the Sybase `C'

TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Man Autodwp
Job Management (JM)

1 autodwp(8) Dynamic

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME autodwp - Unicenter AutoSys Workload Placement Utility

SYNOPSIS autodwp [-n virtual_machine_name] -f machine_conditions_file [-p] [-q] [-u] DESCRIPTION Utility for the maintenance of Unicenter AutoSys JM machine definitions. Dynamically generates or refreshes a virtual machine definition for virtual machine virtual_machine_name with machines selected by the search criteria specified in file machine_conditions_file. The criteria in

machine_conditions_file may be based on Unicenter AutoSys JM machine attributes or on asset data collected by Unicenter Network and System Management (Unicenter NSM) or both. Virtual machine definitions created by autodwp using criteria based on Unicenter AutoSys JM machine attributes will only comprise existing Unicenter AutoSys JM machines. Virtual machine definitions created by autodwp using criteria based on asset data collected by Unicenter NSM may comprise existing Unicenter AutoSys JM machines as well as new machine definitions created by autodwp for machines not previously defined. If virtual_machine_name is not specified and machine_conditions_file contains critertia based on asset data collected by Unicenter NSM, autodwp will create new machine definitions for machines not previously defined. OPTIONS -n virtual_machine_name Identifies the name of the virtual machine to define or update. If this option is not specified, then all machines that meet the specified conditions (in machine_conditions_file) and that have not been previously defined will be inserted into the AutoSys database as AutoSys machines. -f machine_conditions_file Identifies the fully-pathed name of the file to retrieve the search criteria for determining which machines to include in the virtual machine. This parameter is required. The syntax of the search criteria within the file is: (expression) [boolean_expression (expression) ...] expression Consists of a parameter, operator, For example: MachineName=machine1 Each item in an expression is described below. parameter Identifies the name of the machine item to search. There are two areas, or types, of machine items: assets and machines. The asset type searches for machine assets from MDB tables found in non-AutoSys databases. The machine type searches for machines defined in the AutoSys database, based on machines attributes found in the ujo_machine table. The asset conditions and machine attributes are identified with the following XML-style meta tags: <CA_ASSET_QUERY> asset_conditions... <\CA_ASSET_QUERY> <MA_ATTRIB_QUERY> machine_attributes... <\MA_ATTRIB_QUERY> and a value.

Valid asset_condition identifier names are: CaAssetHostName The host name of the machine which the asset is found. on

CaAssetSoftware The software installed based on the machine asset. This information is retrieved by reading the ca_discovered_software and ca_software_def MDB tables. CaAssetVendor The vendor of the asset. This information is retrieved by reading the ca_discovered_hardware MDB table. CaAssetOS The operating system of the asset. This information is retrieved by reading the ca_class_def MDB table. CaAssetNetwork The primary network address of the asset. This information is retrieved by reading the ca_discovered_hardware MDB table. CaAssetSoftwareAlive Whether the software is active and running. This information is retrieved by reading the tng_managedobject MDB table. There is no value associated with this identifier. If it is specified, the search will be successful if the software is in active state. CaAssetHardwareAlive Whether the machine is turned on and running. This information is retrieved by reading the tng_managedobject MDB table. There is no value associated with this identifier. If it is specified, the search will be successful if the machine is up and running. Valid machine_attribute identifier names are: MachineFactor The factor that the machine definition contains. The factor value indicates the relative processing power of the machine. MachineName

The real name of the machine definition. MachineQueName The name of the virtual machine to which the machine defined by the MachineName attribute belongs to. Used to distinguish between the definition of a real machine and the definition of the same machine listed in a virtual machine. MachineType The type are: r c l L n u v of machine. The values

Specifies a real UNIX machine. Specifies a Unicenter JM connect machine. AutoSys a

(Lower-case el) Specifies legacy (real) UNIX machine.

Specifies a legacy (real) Windows machine. Specifies machine. a real Windows

Specifies a NSM or Universal Job Management Agent machine. Specifies a virtual machine.

MachineMaxload The maximum load (in units, from 1 to 100) that the machine can reasonably handle. The maxload value is a parameter used when defining machines to Unicenter AutoSys JM using jil. MachineStatus The current status of the The values are: a o machine.

The machine is offline. The machine is online.

operator Identifies the mathematical operation to perform against the retrieved database data. Valid values are: >, <, =, !=, >=, and <=. value Specifies the value to compare against. The valid

boolean_expression Identifies the comparion type to make.

boolean expression values are: || and &&. -p Print the name of the virtual machine, even if -q is specified. Use of this option allows autodwp to be specified in the machine attribute of a job definition (via jil) as a batch command. (e.g. machine: `autodwp -n my_virtual_machine -f my_criteria_file -p`) Run the command in quiet printed. mode. No messages will be

-q -u

The machine list in the virtual machine will be updated according to the machine conditions. If this option is not specified, the virtual machine will be added.

EXAMPLE To select a machine by name, maxload, factor from ujo_machine where type!=w and (name like usbodev% or type=r), the machine_conditions_file contains the following records: <MA_ATTRIB_QUERY> (MachineName=usbodev% || MachineType=r) && MachineType!=w <\MA_ATTRIB_QUERY> the To select a machine asset using various search criteria,

machine_conditions_file contains the following records: <CA_ASSET_QUERY> (CaAssetHostName != usbo || CaAssetOS= Unix ) && ( CaAssetSoftware=Oracle || CaAssetSoftware=AutoSys) && ( CaAssetSoftwareAlive) <\MA_ATTRIB_QUERY> TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)


Man Archive Events

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME archive_events - Archives data from Job Management (JM) database the

archive_events(8) Unicenter AutoSys

SYNOPSIS archive_events [-A] [-B batch_size] [-C delimiter] [-d directory_name] [-D data_server:database|TNSname] [-I idletime] [-j num_days|-l num_days| -n num_days|-r num_days] DESCRIPTION Removes data that is older than the specified number of days from the Unicenter AutoSys JM ujo_proc_event, ujo_job_runs, ujo_audit_info, ujo_chkpnt_rstart, and ujo_audit_msg tables and archives it to a flat file. Use archive_events to prevent the database from becoming full. In Dual-Server mode, the data is archived from both servers at the same time. If information from these tables is not regularly purged from the database, the database can fill up, stopping all processing. It is recommended that you run archive_events during the database maintenance cycle. The DBMaint script, which runs daily archive_events as a part of its process. by default, to runs

The archive_events command archives table data files as follows:


ujo_audit_info Archives data from the ujo_audit_info table to files named, where indicates the month, day, year, hour, minute, and second at which the archive was created. The format of each record in the archived_audit_info.ING.* file is as follows: audit_info_num,entity,time,type For example: 4324,user@domain,1104868885,J Each audit event occupies one row in the archive. default, a comma (,) delimits each column. By

ujo_audit_msg Archives data from the ujo_audit_msg table to files named, where indicates the month, day, year, hour, minute, and second at which the archive was created. The format of each record in the archived_audit_msg.ING.* file is as follows: audit_info_num,seq_no,attribute,value,value2,is_edit For example:

4315,1,job_name,xxforcestart_jobs_inbox_test6,,N Each event occupies one row in the archive. By default, a comma (,) delimits each column. ujo_job_runs Archives data from the ujo_job_runs table to files named, where indicates the month, day, year, hour, minute, and second at which the archive was created. The format of each record in the archived_job_runs.ING.* file is as follows: joid,run_num,ntry,starttime,endtime,status,exit_code,runtim e,evt_num,machine For example: 11679,2508,1,1104442415,1104442417,4,0,2,33366,mach3 Each job run occupies one row in the archive. default, a comma (,) delimits each column. By

ujo_proc_event Archives data from the ujo_proc_event table to files named, where indicates the month, day, year, hour, minute, and second at which the archive was created. The format of each record in the archived_proc_event.ING.* file is as follows: eoid,joid,job_name,box_name,AUTOSERV,priority,event,status, event_time_gmt,exit_code,machine,pid,jc_pid,run_num,ntry,te que_priority,stamp,evt_num,que_status,que_status_stamp For example: ING0000oi100,11051,box_alarms_sleeper2,box_alarms_max_term, ING,0, 106,0,507,1104436975,0,localhost,0,0,2365,1,"Cannot TERMINATE Job: box_alarms_sleeper2 because its in the STARTING state- Try later", 0,30-dec-2004 15:02:55,1,2,30-dec-2004 15:02:55 Each event occupies one row in the archive. By default, a comma (,) delimits each column. ujo_chkpnt_rstart Archives data from the ujo_chkpnt_rstart table to files named, where indicates the month, day, year, hour, minute, and second at which the archive was created. The format of each record in the archived_chkpnt_rstart.ING.* file is as follows:

alarm, xt,

dest_machine,dest_app,as_evt_time,ubc_name,ubc_jobnumbr, ubc_sysid,ubc_date,ubc_time,ubc_procid,ubc_userid, ubc_compcode,ubc_jobname,ubc_setname,ubc_jobnumb,ubc_server ubc_from_sysid,enefill,ubt_cputime,ubt_errcod Each record occupies one row in the archive. default, a comma (,) delimits each column. By


Copies information to an archive file before deleting it. If you omit the -A option, the information is deleted without archiving.

-B batch_size (Optional) Specifies the number of events to archive at a time. This value can be a number in the range 1 to 50000. Default: 1000 Note: Use the default unless the database is dangerously full and the transaction log is likely to become full if 1000 events are archived at once. Because the database transaction file records each transaction (in this case, the deletion of a single event), and the transaction file shares file space with the actual data, you should only archive a few events at a time when the amount of available file space is low. If there is ample space in the transaction log file, a larger value may be specified to reduce the archival time. Limits: This value can be a number in the 50000. range 1 to

-C delimiter Specifies a character to use as a delimiter for columns in output archive files. This value can be one character in length. Default: Comma (,) -d directory_name Identifies the directory in which to store archived data. If you omit this option, the archive_events archives data to the default directory named $AUTOUSER/archive. -D data_source For Ingres r3 Open Source and Sybase databases, data_source is in the format data_server:database. It identifies the data server and database from which events are to be archived. For the Oracle database, data_source is in the format TNSname. It indicates the TNS alias name of the Oracle dataserver from which events are to be archived. -I idletime

Specifies the number of seconds to wait before timing out the SQL connection. This value is used only by Sybase (Oracle silently ignores it). When archiving large ujo_proc_event tables, set idletime to a large number to prevent your SQL connection from timing out. If the default setting is insufficient, increase it in 300 second increments. If idletime is larger than the DBLibWaitTime parameter value (in the configuration file), archive_events will use the new timeout for the current session only. Default: 300 -j num_days Deletes records older than num_days from the ujo_job_runs table. num_days indicates the number of days to leave events in the database. When a row in the table exceeds this value, it is deleted. -l num_days Deletes information older than num_days from the ujo_audit_info and ujo_audit_msg tables. num_days indicates the number of days to leave information in the database. When a row in the table exceeds this value, it is deleted. -n num_days Deletes records older than num_days from the ujo_proc_event table. num_days indicates the number of days to leave events and their associated alarms in the database. When a row in the table exceeds this value, it is deleted. -r num_days Deletes records older than num_days from the ujo_chkpnt_rstart table. num_days indicates the number of days to leave information in the database. When a row in the table exceeds this value, it is deleted. EXAMPLES archive_events -A -n 5 Copy all events in the events table older than 5 days to the default archive file, and delete it from the database. archive_events -A -d /my_archive -j 5 Copy all job_runs statistics older than 5 days to a specified archive directory, and delete them from the database. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved.

SEE ALSO as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Autoaggr
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME autoaggr - Aggregates Unicenter AutoSys Job Management data SYNOPSIS autoaggr [-d] [-h] [-m] [-w] [-x] DESCRIPTION Aggregates Unicenter AutoSys JM data into hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly tables. This data is used by other programs to generate timely reports. The benefit of autoaggr is that it can be run at non-critial workload times to collect and aggregate Unicenter AutoSys JM data. This significantly reduces the time to generate reports, since the data points for reports are readily available rather than generating them on demand. Note: When aggregation begins, lower aggregation is performed before starting the selected aggregation. For example, if -d (daily) is specified, hourly data is aggregated before starting daily. OPTIONS -d -h -m -w -x Aggregate daily data. Aggregate hourly data. This is the default. Aggregate monthly data. Aggregate weekly data. Display the version number of autoaggr. (JM) 1 autoaggr(8)

aggregator -w Collect and total weekly Unicenter AutoSys JM data. Hour and daily data will be aggregated before weekly data is aggregated. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical sup-

port is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)


Man Autotrack
to the Unicenter AutoSys

1 autotrack(8) Job

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME autotrack - Tracks changes Management (JM) database SYNOPSIS autotrack [-D [-J [-t [-U

data_source] [-F "from_time"] [-h] job_name|ALL] [-l] [-m machine] type] [-T "to_time"] [-u level] user_name] [-v]

DESCRIPTION Tracks changes to the database (for example, job definition changes, sendevent calls, and job overrides) and writes this information to the database. When you query for this information, autotrack prints a report to the screen, or you can use standard UNIX file redirection to save the output to a file. autotrack can track changes made to job definitions from JIL or the GUI. It cannot track changes made directly to the database through SQL commands. This command is especially useful in sites that require careful monitoring of the job definition environment or where multiple users have permission to edit job definitions or send Unicenter AutoSys JM events. To start tracking, use the autotrack -u command to set the tracking level to 1 or 2, depending on the amount of detail to track. By default, autotrack is set to level 0 (no tracking). autotrack -l displays the current tracking level. Note: Only the Exec or Edit Superuser can change the ing level. track-

Use autotrack with one or more query options (-J, -U, -m, -F, -T, and -t) to request reporting on a specific job, user, machine, time window, or event type. Specifying autotrack with no arguments retrieves information on all events,

but omits the detail. Unicenter AutoSys JM stores autotrack output in two tables: ujo_audit_info ujo_audit_msg By default, these tables reside in the same database (or tablespace) as all other Unicenter AutoSys JM tables. You can relocate these tables to another database (or tablespace) to insulate event processing from an auditing table overflow. If you frequently unload all your jobs from the database and reload, you should turn off autotrack temporarily to prevent the database from growing unnecessarily large. Running archive_events will help prevent the database from filling up with autotrack output. The archive_events -l num_of_days command archives information older than the specified number of days from the ujo_audit_info and ujo_audit_msg tables. OPTIONS -D data_source For Ingres r3 Open Source and Sybase databases, data_source is in the format data_server:database. It identifies the data server and database to search for the specified information. For the Oracle database, data_source is in the format TNSname. It indicates the TNS alias name of the Oracle dataserver to be searched for the specified information. Normally, autotrack consults the Unicenter AutoSys JM configuration file ($AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV) to determine to which database to connect. This option enables autorep to report on any Unicenter AutoSys JM event server on the network. -u level Updates the level of detail that autotrack writes the database. Set level to one of the following: 0 The default detail. setting, and writes no to


Tracks the following and condenses event to a one-line summary: * * *


tracked machine

Job, calendar, monitor, browser, and definition changes Job overrides autosys_secure, calls autotrack, and


Tracks the same information as level 1, but also writes the entire job definition for overrides and job definition changes. Level 2 is very database intensive and will significantly impair JIL performance.

-l -h -v

Displays the current tracking level (0, 1, or 2). Displays help for the command. Activates verbose autotrack reporting.

-F "from_time" Reports changes or events that occur from the specified date and time forward. Specify this value in MM/dd/[yy]yy hh:mm format. You must enclose this value in quotation marks ("). When you enter a two-digit year, Unicenter AutoSys JM saves the setting to the database as a four-digit year. If you enter 79 or less, the product precedes your entry with 20; if you enter 80 or greater, the product precedes your entry with 19. -T "to_time" Reports changes or events that occur up to the specified date and time forward. Specify this value in MM/dd/[yy]yy hh:mm format. You must enclose this value in quotation marks ("). When you enter a two-digit year, Unicenter AutoSys JM saves the setting to the database as a four-digit year. If you enter 79 or less, the product precedes your entry with 20; if you enter 80 or greater, the product precedes your entry with 19. -U user_name Reports changes or events initiated user. by the specified

-m machine Reports changes or events initiated from the machine.


-J job_name Identifies the job on which to report. To report on all jobs, enter -J ALL. You can use the percent (%) and underscore (_) characters as wildcards in this value. The SQL ESCAPE option is not supported for wildcards. -t type Reports a specific event. Set type to one of lowing: A B C Reports calls command. generated by the the fol-

autosys_secure changes generated genby

Reports Monitor/Browser definition erated by JIL or the GUI. Reports calendar definition changes

the autocal_asc command or the GUI. J Reports job definition changes, sendevent -J, or overrides to a specific job generated by JIL or the GUI. Reports machine definition JIL or the GUI. changes generated generated by by


Reports override definition changes JIL or the GUI.

Reports calls generated by the sendevent invoked through JIL or the GUI.


Reports calls generated by the autotrack command (for example, changes to the tracking level).

EXAMPLES autotrack -u 1 -J NightlyReport -v Requests level 1 verbose reporting about a job NightlyReport. Sample output is shown below: jane@taurus 11/21 10:04:54 job definition change :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: jane@taurus 11/21 10:05:49 job definition change command: date :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: jane@taurus 11/21 10:06:29 sendevent issued autotrack u -2 -J NightlyReport -v Requests level 2 verbose reporting about NightlyReport. a job named named

autotrack -F "11/12/2004 01:00" -J NightlyReport View all the changes that occurred to the job lyReport after 1 a.m. on November 12, 2004. Night-

autotrack -U sue -F "11/16/2004 01:00" -T "11/17/2004 23:59" View all changes made by user sue over the November 16 and 17, 2004. autotrack -t A -m gemini View all autosys_secure changes that occurred from the machine gemini. The output from this command would resemble the following: jane@gemini 11/05 19:08:12 autosys_secure change weekend of

EDIT Super-User: jane EXEC Super-User: jane password: ************** TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)


Man Clean Files

1 clean_files(8)

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME

clean_files - Removes Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent log files SYNOPSIS clean_files -d days DESCRIPTION Deletes old agent log files. clean_files searches the database for machines on which jobs were started, then sends a command to the agents on the returned machines to purge all log files from the machines agent log directory (specified by AutoRemoteDir in the configuration file). Agent log files are deleted automatically only when a job finishes normally, and when the CleanTmpFiles parameter in the configuration file specifies to delete log files at the end of each job. Because agent logs for failed jobs are not deleted and can use valuable disk space, it is recommended that you run clean_files daily as part of the regular DBMaint cycle. Note: If you experience problems running jobs successfully, the agent log files are very useful diagnostic tools. In this case, you should not run clean_files or remove the agent log files until the problem has been diagnosed and resolved. OPTIONS -d days Specifies that agent log files older than the number of

days will be removed. EXAMPLE clean_files -d 1 Delete all agent log files older than 1 day. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Job Delete

AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME 1 job_delete(8) (JM) job_delete - Cleans a Unicenter AutoSys Job Management ujo_job_delete database table

SYNOPSIS job_delete -N number_of_days DESCRIPTION Cleans the Unicenter AutoSys JM ujo_job_delete table during database maintenance. When you use either jil or jobdef to delete a job, job_delete inserts an entry that consists of the time at which the job was deleted and the ID of the user who deleted it in the ujo_job_delete table. The job_delete command removes all the entries older than the number of days specified in the -N number_of_days option. OPTIONS -N number_of_days Deletes records older ujo_job_delete table. EXAMPLES job_delete -N 7 Remove all entries that have been in the ujo_job_delete table for seven or more days. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact





Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)


Man Xql

1 xql(8)

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME xql - Provides access to the Sybase database

SYNOPSIS xql -U username -P password -S data_server -D database -C "command"|-f input_file [-d delimiter] [-h] [-T timeout_interval] [-w column_width] [-x] [-?] DESCRIPTION A Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (JM) utility that accesses the Sybase dataserver from any properly configured client. xql can be used in interactive mode to interface with the dataserver (like isql), as a command issued at the UNIX command line, or in a shell script (batch mode) to send requests to the server and output results. batch mode To execute xql in batch mode and send results to standard output, specify either the -C or -f option, or redirect standard input into xql. The -C option reads SQL input from the command argument. The -f option reads SQL input from the file specified in input_file. Batch mode is particularly useful for embedding SQL statements inside of shell scripts. (An example script is given below.) When using the -C option, you must enter "go" to mark the end of the SQL statement. interactive mode To execute xql interactively, omit the -C and The xql prompt looks similar to the following: 1> The second token in the prompt (AUTOSYSDB in this example) displays the name of the data_server to which you are connected. The third token is the name of the database that you -f options.

are currently in. At the xql prompt, enter commands in the form of Transact SQLSybases extended SQL language. The SQL can extend across multiple lines. To execute the SQL, enter go on a new line. For example: 1> select * from ujo_alamode 2> go Help is available in interactive mode by typing help at xql command prompt. the

There is a history feature which allows you to re-use past commands stored in the buffer. Also, an editing feature, which uses emacs or vi, is available to edit the buffer before sending it to the server. To exit xql, enter exit at <Return> or <Control+C>. the prompt and press either Use

xql is provided only for use with the Sybase zql to interact with the Oracle database.


OPTIONS -U username The name of the Sybase user to log in as, and can be any valid Sybase user. This is typically autosys for the AutoSys user, or sa for the system administrator. -P password The Sybase password for the specified username. -S data_server The name of the Sybase data server to be accessed. The default value is taken from the environment variable $DSQUERY. If no server is specified and $DSQUERY is not defined, xql terminates. -D database The Sybase database to be accessed. The value is taken from the $DSDB environment variable if no database is specified, If $DSDB is not defined, the default database for the identified user is taken from the user table in the master database. For the user sa, this is typically master; for autosys, it is normally autosys. -C "command" An SQL statement to be passed to Sybase and executed in batch, rather than interactive mode. The SQL statement must be wrapped in double quotes. Multiple lines of input, as well as multiple Sybase commands, can be entered in a single call. (See the examples below.) You must enter go to mark the end of the SQL statement. xql sends the command to the dataserver, and sends the results to standard output. This option is particularly useful for embedding SQL commands in shell scripts. SQL is not addressed in detail in this guide, please see the Sybase SQL Users Guide for syntax details. -f input_file A text file containing SQL statements to be passed to Sybase, to be executed in batch, rather than interac-

tive mode. xql sends this file of commands to the dataserver, and sends the results to standard output. -d delimiter The delimiter to be used for output, which is written to standard output. The default delimiter is the pipe symbol (|), which is placed between all output fields. This option is useful for creating a flat file of data that uses delimiters for processing at a later time. The delimiter is specified as a single character. Be sure not to use a character that your shell could mistakenly interpret, especially the asterisk symbol (*). -T timeout_interval Specifies a period of time, in seconds, after which terminates the session if no activity has occurred. number of seconds may be specified. To specify that should never terminate the session, specify 0. default is 60 seconds. -h Indicates that information. the output will not contain xql Any xql The


-w column_width Specifies the width of the columns to output. -x -? Displays the xql version information. Displays the xql usage statement.




EXAMPLES The following examples assume that the Sybase account and password are myauto and autopswd respectively. The examples also assume that the dataserver defaults to AUTOSYSDB, and the database defaults to autosys. To select the job ID and job name (the field names are assigned by AutoSys) from the job table in the default dataserver and database, enter the following: xql -Umyauto -Pautopswd Then, at the xql prompt, enter: 1> select joid, 2> job_name 3> from job 4> go Assuming that there are only three jobs, the output is: joid job_name ------------------------------------101tester 106test1

107domail.tibet To exit the interactive session, enter: 1> exit To obtain the same information in batch mode by the SQL statement at the command line, enter: specifying

xql -Umyauto -Pautopswd -C "select joid, job_name from job" The output, with the default delimiter, appears as follows: 101|tester 106|test1 107|domail.tibet TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), zql(8)

Man Zql
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME zql - Provides access to the Oracle database 1 zql(8)

SYNOPSIS zql -U username -P password -S system_identifier -c "command"|-f input_file [-d delimiter] [-b number] [-h] [-q] [-Q] [-x] [-?] DESCRIPTION A Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (JM) utility that accesses the Oracle database from any properly configured client. zql can be used as a command issued at the UNIX command line or in a shell script to send requests to the server and output results. To execute zql and specify send results to standard output,



the -c or -f option, or redirect standard input into

The -c option reads SQL input from the command argument. The -f option reads SQL input from the file specified in input_file. zql is provided only for use with the Oracle database. Use xql to interact with the Sybase database. OPTIONS -U username The name of the Oracle user to log in as, and can be any valid Oracle user. This is typically autosys for the AutoSys user, or SYS for the system administrator. -P password The Oracle password for the specified username. -S system_identifier The name of the Oracle system identifier as defined the tnsnames.ora file. in

-b number Specifies a number of rows that Oracle will work with at one time. For example, specifying -b 500 in conjunction with a statement to delete rows from the ujo_event table will delete 500 rows at a time. -c "command" An SQL statement to be passed to Oracle. The SQL statement must be wrapped in double quotes. Multiple lines of input, as well as multiple Oracle commands, can be entered in a single call. zql sends the command to the database, and sends the results to standard output. SQL is not addressed in detail in this guide, please see the Oracle SQL*Plus Users Guide and Reference for syntax details. -d delimiter The delimiter to be used for output, which is written to standard output. The default delimiter is the pipe symbol (|), which is placed between all output fields. This option is useful for creating a flat file of data that uses delimiters for processing at a later time. The delimiter is specified as a single character. Be sure not to use a character that your shell could mistakenly interpret, especially the asterisk symbol (*). -f input_file A text file containing SQL statements to be passed to Oracle. zql sends this file of commands to the dataserver, and sends the results to standard output. -h -q -Q Specifies the level of quietness in the output. For example, -Q discards all messages and column headings from sqlplus, leaving only data in the output. Indicates that information. the output will not contain header

-x -?

Displays the zql version information. Displays the zql usage statement.

EXAMPLES The following examples assume that the Oracle user and password are myauto and autopswd respectively. The examples also assume that the system identifier is orcl. To select the job ID and job name (the field names are assigned by AutoSys) from the job table in the orcl database, enter the following command from the UNIX command line: zql -Umyauto -Pautopswd -Sorcl -c job go" "select joid, job_name from appears

Assuming that there are only three jobs, the output as follows: 101|tester 106|test1 107|domail.tibet

TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8)

Man As Safetool
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME 1 as_safetool(8)

as_safetool - Maintain Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (JM) authentication certificates

SYNOPSIS as_safetool [-b hostname] [-f|-h|-q|-s|-S|-x] [-a username|-g username|-r username] [-c instance|-i instance|-u instance]

DESCRIPTION Unicenter AutoSys JM integrates with eTrust IAM, adding a comprehensive security layer around itself. Integrating with ETrust IAM results in consistent identity management, increased access security, comprehensive in-depth auditing, reduced application development costs and improved responsiveness to business and regulatory demands. With as_safetool authentation certificates can be generated, and security policies can be installed or removed. OPTIONS -a username Identifies the eTrust IAM server administrative account to connect to the eTrust IAM backend server. If -a username is not specified, the user EiamAdmin is used. -b hostname Identifies the eTrust IAM server host name. hostname is required for -c, -i, and -u. -c instance Generate an authentication certificate for the Unicenter AutoSys JM instance. instance identifies the Unicenter AutoSys JM instance name. -f Force the reinstallation of the instance policies if they are already installed. -f is used in conjunction with -i. privileges.

-g username Grant application instance administrative username identifies the user. -h Display the help for as_safetool.

-i instance Install the security policies for the Unicenter AutoSys JM instance. instance identifies the Unicenter AutoSys JM instance name. Use -f to force the security policies to be reinstalled. -q Quiet mode. Suppress display of status and error messages. This option is used in conjunction with -c, -i, and -u. privileges.

-r username Remove application instance administrative username identifies the user. -s -S

Show all instances with installed security policy. Show all application instance administrators.

-u instance Uninstall the security policies for the Unicenter AutoSys JM instance. instance identifies the Unicenter AutoSys JM instance name. If this is the last instance, the Unicenter AutoSys JM product is unregistered from eTrust IAM. -x Display the version of as_safetool.

NOTES ASSAFETOOLPW must be set to to the EiamAdmin user account password. For options -c, -g, -i, -s, -S, and -u, the environment variable EXIT CODES 2 The EiamAdmin user account password is invalid. 3 4 5 6 7 8 The Unicenter AutoSys JM failed. The Unicenter failed. The Unicenter failed. AutoSys AutoSys registration JM JM security security to eTrust IAM

policy policy

install uninstall

The Unicenter AutoSys JM unregistration from eTrust IAM failed. The environment variable ASSAFETOOLPW is not defined. The certificate generation failed.

TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)


Man Autosec Test

1 autosec_test(8)

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME

autosec_test - Obtain the access level of Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (JM) assets from the security subsystem SYNOPSIS autosec_test [CALENDAR resource| GLOBAL_VAR resource| JOB resource| MACHINE resource] [C|D|R|W|X] [username]

autosec_test [CYCLE resource| VIEW resource] [C|D|R|W] [username] autosec_test [APPL resource| CONTROL resource| GROUP resource| JOBLOG resource| LIST resource| OWNER resource] [username] autosec_test [STAT] DESCRIPTION Simulates a call to the security subsystem issued by a Unicenter AutoSys JM application for a given secured asset. Use autosec_test to test the basic communication between a Unicenter AutoSys JM secured application and the security subsystem as well as to verify the enforcement of the security policies for Unicenter AutoSys JM assets (job, calendars, machines, etc). If Unicenter AutoSys JM is running under an external security model, autosec_test will return a message indicating whether a security access check for a given resource to an operation (execute, write, read, create, or delete) passes or fails as governed by the security policy. If no username value is specified, the application issues a security check as the current logged-on user. OPTIONS APPL resource Issues a security check to test the execute access level of the specified job application resource. CALENDAR resource Issues a security check to test the given access of the specified calendar resource. autosec_test JOB good_test X Simulate a request made by the Unicenter AutoSys JM secured application to the security subsystem to determine if the current user has access to issue a STARTJOB event for job good_test. If the user has execute access to the job, the ing message is displayed: Security check passed! If the user does not have execute access the following message is displayed: Security check failed! autosec_test JOB good_test X Simulate a request made by the Unicenter AutoSys JM secured application to the security subsystem to determine if user can issue a STARTJOB event for job good_test. to the job, followlevel

If has execute access to the job, the lowing message is displayed: Security check passed!


If does not have execute access to the job, the following message is displayed: Security check failed! TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Autosys Secure

AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME autosys_secure - Maintain Unicenter AutoSys (JM) security features 1 autosys_secure(8) Job Management

SYNOPSIS autosys_secure [-a|-c|-d|-s] [-editu|-execu] [-h] [-host domain_or_host] [-o old_password] [-p password] [-q] [-u user@host_or_domain] DESCRIPTION Specifies the Edit Superuser, Exec Superuser, database password, and remote authentication method for Unicenter AutoSys JM. You can also use autosys_secure to enable eTrust security in Unicenter AutoSys JM and perform basic eTrust administration. Edit Superuser and Exec Superuser Two users have administrator privileges: Superuser and the Exec Superuser. the Edit to

The Edit Superuser is the only user with permission do the following:

* * *

Edit or delete any job, regardless of who owns and what permissions are set for it. Change the owner of a job.


Change the database password, remote authentication method, and Windows user passwords. to

The Exec Superuser is the only user with permission do the following: *

Start or kill any job, regardless of the execution permissions on the specified job. This user can affect how jobs run, typically by issuing the sendevent command. Shut down the scheduler (by sending the STOP_DEMON event).

Database Password The database password is used by the scheduler and command-line utilities to securely access the database (Event Server). By default, this password is stored in the database as autosys, but the Edit Superuser can change it using autosys_secure. Every Event Server in an instance must have the same database password. If you are running in dual-server mode, autosys_secure changes the password on both Event Servers. Note: If Unicenter AutoSys JM has rolled over to single-server mode, do not change the password until you have re-established dual-server mode. Remote Authentication Method Unicenter AutoSys JM uses remote authentication methods to verify the following: * * Whether a user has permission to start a job on client. Whether a scheduler has permission to start a on a client. a job

The remote authentication methods are stored in the database and are referenced when a client initializes. Running autosys_secure Before using autosys_secure to change the database password or the remote authentication method, you must shut down all processes that access the database (for example, schedulers, GUIs, and agents) and ensure that no jobs are running. Running autosys_secure in Interactive Mode When the Edit Superuser invokes autosys_secure, the

following menu displays: AutoSys Security Utility. Please select from the following options: [1] Activate EIAM instance security. [2] Manage EDIT/EXEC superusers. [3] Change AutoSys database password. [4] Change AutoSys remote authentication method. [5] Manage AutoSys User@Host users. [6] Get Encrypted Password for Adapters. [0} Exit AutoSys Security Utility. When a user other than the Edit Superuser autosys_secure, the following menu displays: invokes

AutoSys Security Utility. Only the AutoSys EDIT superuser has access to all options! Please select an action to perform: Options 1 thru 4 for superusers only [5] Manage AutoSys User@Host users. [6] Get Encrypted Password for Adapters. [0} Exit AutoSys Security Utility. Any user that knows an existing user ID and password combination can change the password or delete the user from the database. Running autosys_secure from the Command Line You can run autosys_secure from the command line to enter, change, or delete Windows user IDs and passwords. This option allows you to write interactive programs, scripts, or batch files to enter or modify large numbers of user IDs and passwords, if necessary. To do this, you can use any scripting language, such as Windows Batch or Perl (Perl is shipped with Unicenter AutoSys JM for Windows). OPTIONS -a -c Adds the user ID specified in the -u password specified in the -p option. option with the

Changes the existing password specified in the -o option for the user specified in the -u option to the new password specified in the -p option. Deletes the existing password specified in the option for the user specified in the -u option. Lists the existing users. -o

-d -s

-editu Defines the user specified by -u user@host_or_domain as an Edit Superuser. -execu Defines the user specified by -u user@host_or_domain as an Exec Superuser.


Displays help for the command.

-host domain_or_host Changes the host_or_domain value for the user specified by -u user@host_or_domain. To specify a NULL host_or_domain, set this option to -host -o old_password Specifies an existing password. To specify a NULL password, set this option to -o. This option is required when you use the -c or -d options. -p password Specifies a new password. To specify a NULL password, set this option to -p. This option is required when you use the -a or -c options. Windows passwords can be up to 14 characters in length. Passwords are case-sensitive and can contain any character except a space. -q Runs autosys_secure in quiet mode so it does not display messages. In quiet mode, use one of the following commands to check the return code to see if there were errors: csh echo $status sh or ksh echo $? When autosys_secure is successful, the return value 0; when it is unsuccessful, the value is 1. is

This parameter is only valid when you use the -c option with the -editu or -execu option. -u user@host_or_domain Specifies the Windows user whose credentials you are defining. Windows user names can be from 1 to 20 characters in length and can contain all characters except the following: * [ ] + : ; " < > . , ? / \ | EXAMPLES autosys_secure Start autosys_secure in interactive mode. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8),

auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Autotimezone
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME 1 autotimezone(8) Job Manageautotimezone - Maintains the Unicenter AutoSys ment (JM) ujo_timezones table

SYNOPSIS autotimezone [-a [-d [-q [-t

alias zone] [-c city alias|city] [-l] alias|city|timezone|sql_pattern] timezone]

DESCRIPTION Query, add, and delete entries in the Unicenter AutoSys JM ujo_timezones database table. The ujo_timezones table maps cities and common aliases to valid POSIX TZ environment variables. The table contains entries for all common time zones recognized by most operating systems, and for many cities. You can use the timezone attribute in JIL to specify entries from the ujo_timezones table in a job definition. The ujo_timezones table has three entry types: Zone, Alias, and City, as shown in the following excerpt from the ujo_timezones table: Entry ____________ US/Pacific US/Samoa UTC Vancouver Type ________ Zone Alias Alias City Zone _________________ PST8PDT Pacific/Samoa GMT+0 Canada/Pacific

All Alias and City Types are eventually resolved to Zone Types. The Zone Types resolved to TZ Variables (in the Zone column) that correspond to those recognized by the operating system for the machine on which the Event Server is running. For more information about the format of the TZ variable, see your system time, timezone, or environ man page. When processing a job definition that includes a time zone, Unicenter AutoSys JM tries to resolve the specified time zone with the zones known to the operating system. If it is not found there, Unicenter AutoSys JM looks up the zone in the ujo_timezones table. If the time zone specification is not a TZ variable, the product reads the ujo_timezones table

repeatedly until the specification resolves to a TZ variable. For example, assume a job definition included the attribute timezone:Berlin. The product resolves Berlin to Europe/Berlin the first time it reads the table. The second time the product reads the table, it resolves Europe/Berlin to METS-1METD, which is a TZ variable. If a time zone is not resolved after five lookups, the product considers it invalid and the job specifying the time zone fails. Important! If you change the ujo_timezones table, you must not change or delete entries that are used by pre-existing STARTJOB and other events that were scheduled using the old ujo_timezones table. OPTIONS -a alias zone Associates a name with a time zone and adds it to the ujo_timezones table as an alias entry. For example, you could add the alias US/Mountain for the time zone MST. The alias value can be up to 50 alphanumeric characters in length and can include slash (/), hyphen (-), and underscore (_) characters. The zone value must be a time zone operating system. recognized by the

Separate the city and zone values with a space. -c city zone Associates a city with a time zone and adds it to the ujo_timezones table as an alias entry. Entries added to the table with the -c option display as Type City in a listing of the ujo_timezones table. The city value can be up to 50 alphanumeric characters in length and can include slash (/), hyphen (-), and underscore (_) characters. The zone value must be a time zone operating system. recognized by the

Separate the city and zone values with a space. -t timezone Adds a time zone entry to the ujo_timezones table. A timezone value must be of the format of a valid POSIX standard timezone (TZ) environment variable. -d alias|city Deletes the entry associated with the or city from the ujo_timezones table. specified alias

-q alias|city|timezone|sql_pattern Queries the ujo_timezones table for the settings of the specified alias, city, or time zone. You can use the percent (%) and underscore (_) characters as wildcards in this value. -l Lists all entries in the ujo_timezones table.

EXAMPLES autotimezone -c San-Jose US/Pacific Add a city named San-Jose to the ujo_timezones table. autotimezone -d San-Jose Delete the city named San-Jose from table. autotimezone -q d% Query the ujo_timezones table for all entries beginning with the letter d. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8) the ujo_timezones

Man Monbro
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME 1 monbro(8) monimonbro - Runs a Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (JM) tor or report (browser)

SYNOPSIS monbro -N name [-B group] [-D [-I application] [-P poll_frequency] [-q] DESCRIPTION Runs a monitor or report (browser) that has already defined. Output from monbro goes to standard output. When you configure a monitor with sound on, the sound capabilities of the machine on ning. The sound clips must be pre-recorded, running monbro must have access to the directory. been

the monitor uses which it is runand the machine $AUTOUSER/sounds

The monitor or report definition must reside on the database for the instance you are accessing. monbro can connect to any database that the instance is configured to use.

By default, monbro inspects the environment variables $AUTOSYS, $AUTOUSER and $AUTOSERV to determine which database to connect to. Use the -D option to override this default. When you invoke monbro, Unicenter AutoSys JM verifies that you have read access to the jobs you are attempting to monitor. OPTIONS -N name Identifies the monitor or report to run. To run all monitors or reports, specify -N ALL. You can use the percent (%) character as a wildcard in this value. -B group Defines the group for which to run the command. When you also specify -I application, the specified command affects only items that match both -I application and -B group. -D data_source For Ingres r3 Open Source and Sybase databases, data_source is in the format data_server:database. It indicates the name of the database to connect to retrieve events and the monitor or report definition. For the Oracle database, data_source is in the format TNSname. It indicates the TNS alias name of the Oracle dataserver to be connected to retrieve events and the monitor or report definition.. -I application Defines the application for which to run the command. When you also specify -B group, the specified command affects only items that match both -I application and -B group. -P poll_frequency For monitors only, poll_frequency defines the (in seconds) at which to poll the database. Default: 10 -q Specifies that you want to display in JIL format. monbro definitions interval

EXAMPLES monbro -N mon1 Run a monitor called default database. monbro -N mon1 -q Run a monitor called mon1 which is defined in the default database and display the output in JIL format. Sample output with the -q option: mon1 which is defined in the

insert_monbro: xxx mode: m all_events: Y job_filter: a sound: N alarm_verif: N insert_monbro: xxx2 mode: b all_events: N alarm: Y all_status: N running: N success: Y failure: Y terminated: N starting: N restart: N job_filter: b job_name: box currun: N after_time: "02/05/2006 12:12" TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)


Man Autosyslog

1 autosyslog(8) (JM)

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME

autosyslog - Displays Unicenter AutoSys Job Management log files SYNOPSIS autosyslog [-e|-J job_name|-s] [-p]

DESCRIPTION Displays the scheduler or agent log file for the specified job. The agent and the scheduler write diagnostic messages to their respective logs as part of their normal operations and in response to detected error conditions. The scheduler log contains a timestamped history of each

event that occurs. Viewing this log is an alternative to monitoring all jobs and all events. Because the scheduler logs all events it processes and provides a detailed trace of its activities, autosyslog provides valuable information for troubleshooting, and should always be used early in the troubleshooting process. Using autosyslog to view the scheduler log is issuing the following command: the same as

tail -f $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV The last 10 lines of the scheduler log file are displayed when you issue autosyslog. The log file is updated continually as processing occurs. To terminate the display of the log, press Ctrl+C in the display window. autosyslog can be a useful diagnostic tool when jobs fail. This command, when provided with the name of a job, displays the log of the jobs most recent run. Although the agents log file is automatically deleted by default after a successful job run, the log file is not deleted at job completion if the job ended with a FAILURE status. OPTIONS -e Indicates that the event scheduler log is to be monitored. When in this mode, in order to terminate the command, you must press Ctrl+C. To view the scheduler log, you must execute this command on the machine that is running the scheduler, or on a machine that can access the same $AUTOUSER file system. Also, the $AUTOUSER and $AUTOSERV environment variables must be set the same as it was when the scheduler was run. -J job_name Displays the agent log for the job job_name. If you do not run this command on the machine where the job ran, autosyslog generates the following error: *** No remote job_name*** agent files found for job_name

To view the agent log, you must execute this command from the machine on which the specified job ran last. -s Indicates that the application server log is to be monitored. When in this mode, in order to terminate the command, you must press Ctrl+C. Specifies to append messages to the output file if anything in the profile file failed, if commands were not executed, or environment variables or definitions were not set. For example, if the profile file tried to execute a command (e.g., date) but could not find it, the output file would contain the line: /bin/sh: date: not found


The -p option is required when you specify -J job_name. Note: If the CleanTmpFiles parameter in the configuration file is on, Unicenter AutoSys JM removes the agent log file upon successful completion of the job. In this case, autosyslog cannot display the log contents of jobs that completed successfully because they do not exist.. EXAMPLES autosyslog -e View the scheduler log. (Issue the command on the system where the scheuler is running, or where it ran last.) autosyslog -J test_install View the last run of the test_install job (Issue the command on the machine where the test_install job ran.) autosyslog -j job_name -p Display the log file first, appending the profile output, if there is any. If no profile output file exists, the profile output section is empty. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Auto Svcdesk

AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME 1 auto_svcdesk(8) auto_svcdesk - Open Unicenter Service Desk helpdesk tickets

SYNOPSIS auto_svcdesk -G|-J jobname [-a attribute/value pair] [-d description] [-i impact] [-p priority] [-s severity] [-y summary] [-L url] [-U username -P password] [-C customer] [-?]

DESCRIPTION Allows Unicenter Service Desk helpdesk tickets to be opened on behalf of an existing job in the Unicenter AutoSys JM database or on behalf of some action which may occur within the Unicenter AutoSys JM environment. auto_svcdesk supplements the existing Unicenter Service Desk integration provided by the Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler component. OPTIONS -G Open a generic Service Desk ticket request on behalf of Unicenter AutoSys JM. -G and -J are mutually exclusive.

-J jobname Open a Service Desk ticket request on behalf of a specific job defined to Unicenter AutoSys JM. The jobname specified by this option must exist in the database. The current attributes of the job do not need to employ its Service Desk attributes to send a request using this command. The various options of this command can be used to set description, impact, priority and severity. If these options are not specified, they will be set based a predefined template which exists for Unicenter AutoSys JM within Unicenter Service Desk. -J and -G are mutually exclusive. -a attribute/value Defines Unicenter Service Desk request attributes and handle values to be set in the Unicenter Service Desk request. This flag is the behavioral equivalent of the svcdesk_attr job attribute. Refer to Chapter 3, JIL Definitions, in the AutoSys Service Desk Command Reference Guide for additional information. It should be noted, if this flag is specified for a jobname Service Desk request its value will override the svcdesk_attr job attribute value in the database. Use of this option requires advanced knowledge of Unicenter Service Desk. Please contact your Unicenter Service Desk administrator for assistance. -d description Defines the message or string to be set as the description field in Unicenter Service Desk request. This flag is the behavioral equivalent of the svcdesk_desc job attribute. Refer to Chapter 3, JIL Definitions, in the AutoSys Service Desk Command Reference Guide for additional information. It should be noted, if this flag is specified for a jobname Service Desk request its value will override the svcdesk_desc job attribute value in the database. -i impact Specifies the impact level to assign to the Unicenter Service Desk request. This flag is the behavioral equivalent of the svcdesk_imp job attribute. Refer to Chapter 3, JIL Definitions, in the AutoSys Service Desk Command Reference Guide for additional information. It should be noted, if this flag is specified for a jobname Service Desk request its value will override the svcdesk_imp job attribute value in the database. -p priority

Specifies the priority level to assign to the Unicenter Service Desk request. This flag is the behavioral equivalent of the svcdesk_pri job attribute. Refer to Chapter 3, JIL Definitions, in the AutoSys Service Desk Command Reference Guide for additional information. It should be noted, if this flag is specified for a jobname Service Desk request its value will override the svcdesk_pri job attribute value in the database. -s severity Specifies the severity level to assign to the Unicenter Service Desk request. This flag is the behavioral equivalent of the svcdesk_sev job attribute. Refer to Chapter 3, JIL Definitions, in the AutoSys Service Desk Command Reference Guide for additional information. It should be noted, if this flag is specified for a jobname Service Desk request its value will override the svcdesk_sev job attribute value in the database. -y summary Defines the message or string to set as the summary field in Unicenter Service Desk request. There is no job Service Desk attribute behavioral equivalent. The Scheduler component when interfacing with Unicenter Service Desk has a predefined summary it passes as part of the request. -L url Specifies the url of the Service Desk web server. If this option is not specified the url will be obtained from the Unicenter AutoSys environment (derived from the current Unicenter AutoSys JM integration settings). Please refer to Chapter 12, Unicenter Integration, in the Unicenter JM for UNIX User Guide for additional information on Unicenter AutoSys JM integration settings. -U username Specifies a valid login identifier to access the Service Desk web server. If this option is not specified the login identifier will be obtained from the Unicenter AutoSys environment (derived from the current Unicenter AutoSys JM integration settings). Please refer to Chapter 12, Unicenter Integration, in the Unicenter JM for UNIX User Guide for additional information on Unicenter AutoSys JM integration settings. -P password Specifies the password for the Service Desk login identifier. This option must be specified if the -U option has been specified. -C customer Specifies a valid customer identifier to access the Service Desk web server. If this option is not specified the customer identifier will be obtained from the Unicenter AutoSys environment (derived from the current Unicenter AutoSys JM integration settings). Please refer to Chapter 12, Unicenter Integration, in the Unicenter JM for UNIX User Guide for additional information on Unicenter AutoSys JM integration settings.


Output the command usage statement.

EXAMPLES To open a Unicenter Service Desk ticket for a job whose name is svcdesk_test enter: autosvc_desk -J svcdesk_test To open a Unicenter Service Desk ticket for a job whose name is svcdesk_test and set the priority to a value of 1 and the impact to a value of 4 enter: autosvc_desk -J svcdesk_test -p 1 -i 4 This command will override the impact if set in the database. jobs current priority and

To open a Unicenter Service Desk ticket for a job whose name is svcdesk_test and set the description to This is a test and urgency to a value of 5 enter: autosvc_desk -J svcdesk_test -d "This "urgency/urg:1104" is a test" -a and

This command will override the jobs current description impact if set in the database.

To open a Unicenter Service Desk ticket for a job whose name is svcdesk_test and direct it to a specific Unicenter Service Web server named unisvcdesk enter: autosvc_desk -J svcdesk_test -L http://unisvcdesk:8080/axis/services/USD_R11_WebService To open a generic Unicenter Service Desk ticket to identify a problem with a database rollover where the priority is 1 enter: autosvc_desk -G -y "Unicenter AutoSys JM DB_ROLLOVER" -d "Database rollover has occurred. Product currently running off secondary database. Primary needs to be investigated." -p 1 This request could be initiated from an ALARM message forwarded to Unicenter Event Management where the message action to be executed is the auto_svcdesk command. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8),

autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)


Man Job Depends


1 job_depends(8) Management

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME job_depends - Reports on Unicenter AutoSys (JM) job dependencies and conditions SYNOPSIS job_depends [-B [-F [-J [-T

group] [-c|-d|-t] [-D data_server] from_date/time] [-I application] job_name] [-L print_level] [-s] to_date/time] [-w]

DESCRIPTION Provides detailed reports about the dependencies and conditions of a job. You can use this command to determine the current state of a job, its job dependencies, and (for a box job) the nested hierarchies specified in the job definition, and to generate a report of what jobs will run during a given interval. When you invoke job_depends, Unicenter AutoSys JM verifies that you have read access to the jobs for which you are requesting information. OPTIONS -B group Specifies the group for which to generate a report. When -J job_name is also specified, autorep generates the report only for jobs that match both -J job_name and -B group. When -I application is also defined, autorep generates the report only for jobs that match both -I application and -B group. When both -J job_name and -I application are also specified, autorep generates the report only for jobs that match all three criteria (-J job_name, -I application, and -B group). You can use the percent (%) and underscore (_) ters as wildcards in this value. -c charac-

(Current job condition status) Returns the current state of the job and the names of any jobs that depend on it. (Job dependencies only) Returns the starting conditions for the job but includes no indication of its current


status. This option displays jobs in a box hierarchically. (Use the -L option to set how many levels of nesting to display.) -D data_source For Ingres r3 Open Source and Sybase databases, data_source is in the format data_server:database. It identifies the data server and database to search for the specified information. For the Oracle database, data_source is in the format TNSname. It indicates the TNS alias name of the Oracle dataserver to be searched for the specified information. Normally, autorep consults the Unicenter AutoSys JM configuration file ($AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV) to determine to which database to connect. This option enables autorep to report on any Unicenter AutoSys JM event server on the network. -F from_date/time Specifies the report start date and time (that is, the date and time of the first job in the report) in MM/DD/[YY]YY hh:mm format. When you enter a two-digit year, Unicenter AutoSys JM saves the setting to the database as a four-digit year. If you enter 79 or less, the product precedes your entry with 20; if you enter 80 or greater, the product precedes your entry with 19. -I application Specifies the report. application for which to generate a

When -B group is also specified, autorep generates the report only for jobs that match both -I application and -B group. When -J job_name is also defined, autorep generates the report only for jobs that match both -I application and -J job_name. When both -J job_name and -B group are also defined, autorep generates the report only for jobs that match all three criteria (-J job_name, -I application, and -B group). You can use the percent (%) and underscore (_) ters as wildcards in this value. charac-

-J job_name Identifies the job on which to report. To report on all jobs, specify -J ALL. You can use the percent (%) and underscore (_) ters as wildcards in this value. charac-

-L print_level Specifies the number of levels into the box job hierar-

chy about which to report. For example, when you specify -L 2, the report contains data for the specified job (a box) and the top two levels of jobs in the box. This value can be any number. To report on only the topmost level (that is, the box), set this value to -L 0. To report on all print_level value. levels in the box, omit the

This option is valid only when you specify the -d or -t options. Default: -L (report on all levels in the box) -s -t Sort the jobs in an order based on their next start time. This option is only valid with the -t option. (Time dependencies) Returns the starting conditions for a job; however, the top level of jobs (or boxes) reported are limited to those that will start during the interval specified by the job or box date conditions. When a box satisfies those date conditions, all of the jobs in the box are also returned (use the -L option to set how many levels of nesting to display). When you specify this option, job_depends does not calculate all complex job dependencies when reporting on the jobs and boxes that are scheduled to run. For example, JobB may have a date condition and depend on JobA. The date conditions for JobB may be met for a given day, while those for JobA are not. As a result, JobA does not run, nor does JobB. However, JobB appears on the job_depends report. Therefore, the starting conditions are also printed. For example, the following condition is reported for JobB: success(JobA) -T to_date/time Specifies the report end date and time (that is, the date and time of the last job in the report) in MM/DD/[YY]YY hh:mm format. When you enter a two-digit year, Unicenter AutoSys JM saves the setting to the database as a four-digit year. If you enter 79 or less, the product precedes your entry with 20; if you enter 80 or greater, the product precedes your entry with 19. -w Display all output columns in their widened format. -T on "12/26/2005 Christmas

EXAMPLES job_depends -t -J ALL -F "12/25/2005 00:00" 00:00" List the jobs that are scheduled to day, 2005. run

job_depends -c -J JobX Generate a report about the current condition status of the job JobX. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Autorep
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME autorep - Reports information about Management (JM) jobs Unicenter 1 autorep(8) AutoSys Job

SYNOPSIS autorep [[-G globalvar|ALL]|[-J job_name|ALL]| [-M machine|ALL]|[-X external_instance|ALL]] [-a] [-B group|ALL] [-D data_source] [-d|-o override_number|-q|-s|-w] [-f file_path] [-I application|ALL] [-L print_level] [-N retry] [-r run_number] [-t] [-x] [-Y job_type|ALL] [-z globalglob_name|ALL] DESCRIPTION Lists information about jobs (including boxes), machines, external instances, BLOBs, and global variables currently defined in the Unicenter AutoSys JM database. It can also list a summary of all currently defined jobs. autorep serves as a problem tracking tool by listing all relevant event information for the last run of any given job or box (the default), or a specified job run. It can also be used to display current machine load information and to export job definitions in JIL script format. have read access to the entities (jobs, machines, and global variables) for which you are requesting reports. When you invoke autorep, Unicenter AutoSys JM verifies that you the reports. Data archived with archive_events do not the reports. appear in

The autorep command retrieves data from the database to formulate indented to illustrate the hierarchy. When autorep reports on nested are jobs, subordinate jobs

One of the following options is required: -B group -G globalvar_name -I application -J job_name -M machine -X external_instance -Y job_type -z globalblob_name -J is mutually exclusive with -B and -I. version order. For example, the report of a job with three versions of an input BLOB would be similar to: If -q is used with -J, all input BLOBs for the job are listed in /* -- <job_name>:insert_blob # 1 -- */ insert_blob: <job_name> multi-lined]</auto_blobt> blob_input: <auto_blobt>[blob data may be as literal text -

/* -- <job_name>:insert_blob # 2 -- */ insert_blob: <job_name> multi-lined]</auto_blobt> blob_input: <auto_blobt>[blob data may be as literal text -

/* -- <job_name>:insert_blob # 3 -- */ insert_blob: <job_name> multi-lined]</auto_blobt> blob_input: <auto_blobt>[blob data may be as literal text -

value currently in effect. If -o override_number is 0, autorep will use the override_number that meet both values. In other words, this is treated as an AND

condition. If both -B and -I options are specified, information is retrieved The following types of reports can be generated: Summary When you specify -s to request a summary, autorep returns the current status (if the job is still running) or the status for a previous run. The summary report reflects the last status posted to the database. Detail When you specify -d to request a detail report, autorep returns all events in the database ujo_event table for the job. If the job is running, events for the current run are returned. If the job is not running, it returns events for the most recent run or for the specified run. Machine Definition and Status in the Database When you specify -M to request a machine report, autorep returns the current load, defined maximum load and factor, and current status for all machines or a specific machine defined in the database. The valid machine statuses are: Online Indicates that the machine is online and available to run jobs. Offline Indicates that an operator used sendevent to take the machine offline. Missing Indicates that, during proactive monitoring of machines, the scheduler determined that the machine is not available (for example, due to a crash). machines. environment variable to turn off proactive monitoring of Note: You can use the DISABLE_AUTO_OFFLINE

Job Overrides When you specify -o to request an override report, autorep returns the overridden job definition fields and user, time, and run information for a specified override, based on job name and override number. OPTIONS -a Indicates that the downloaded GLOB file is in ASCII format. This option is used in conjunction with -z. If -a is not specified, the downloaded format is binary.

-B group|ALL Identifies the group for which to generate a report. When -J is also specified, autorep generates the report only for jobs that match both job_name and group.

When -I is also specified, autorep generates the report only for jobs that match both application and group. When both -J and -I are also specified, autorep generates the report only for jobs that match all three criteria (job_name, application, and group). You can use the percent (%) and underscore (_) ters as wildcards in this value. charac-

-G globalvar|ALL Generates a global variable report. Lists the variable name, value, and last modification date. globalvar specifies the name of a global variable that has been set using the sendevent command or the GUI. Specify ALL to report on all global variables. You can use the percent (%) and underscore (_) ters as wildcards in this value. charac-

-J job_name|ALL Identifies the job on which to report. To report on all jobs, specify ALL. You can use the percent (%) and underscore (_) ters as wildcards in this value. charac-

-M machine|ALL Generate a report containing maximum load, current load, and factor information for the virtual or real machine identified by machine. To report on all machines, specify ALL. machine must be defined to Unicenter AutoSys JM. -X external_instance|ALL Identifies the external instance for which to generate a report. external_instance is the three-character identifier of the Unicenter AutoSys JM instance. You can use the percent (%) character as a wildcard this value. in

-D data_source For Ingres r3 Open Source and Sybase databases, data_source is in the format data_server:database. It identifies the data server and database to search for the specified information. For the Oracle database, data_source is in the format TNSname. It indicates the TNS alias name of the Oracle dataserver to be searched for the specified information. Normally, autorep consults the Unicenter AutoSys JM configuration file ($AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV) to determine to which database to connect. This option enables autorep to report on any Unicenter AutoSys JM event server on the network. -d Generates a detail report.

This report contains the following information: For jobs, the report covers all events from the most recent run of the specified jobs and contains the following data for each event: status, the date and time of the event, try number, event state, process date and time, machine, whether the job ran with an override, and the override number. For machines, the report contains the following data for each machine: machine name, maximum load, current load, and factor. For jobs currently running on each machine, the report also contains the following data: job name, machine, status, load, and priority. This option is ignored for global variable reports. -s Generates a summary report. When you do not specify a report type to generate, Unicenter AutoSys JM generates a summary report by default. This report contains the following information: For jobs, the summary report contains the and time, end date and time, current number, and priority. start date status, run

When you specify -r run_number, the report contains information for the specified run; when you omit -r, the report contains information for the most recent run. For a Job report, the following information is listed: Start date/time, End date/time, Current Status, Run Number, and Priority. Specify -r to report on a specific job run, otherwise, the most current job run is used. For machines, the summary report contains the name, maximum load, current load, and factor. machine

This option is ignored for global variable reports. -f file_path Specifies the name of the directory in which to download the BLOB or GLOB data files. This option is used in conjunction with -a and -z. The data file name is composed from the global variable name and concatenated with txt, if -a is specified. The -f option can also be used with -J -q. In this usage, the filename consists of file_path, version number, and the txt extention. The output of a job with two versions of an input BLOB looks similar to: /* -- <job_name>:insert_blob # 1 -- */ insert_blob: <job_name> blob_file: <file_path/job_name_1.txt> /* -- <job_name>:insert_blob # 2 -- */ insert_blob: <job_name> blob_file: <file_path/job_name_2.txt> -I application|ALL Specifies the application for which

to generate a report. When you also specify -B, the command affects only items that match both application and group. When you also specify -J, the command affects only items that match both job_name and application. When you also specify both -J and -B, the command affects only items that match all three criteria (job_name, application, and group). You can use the percent (%) and underscore characters as wildcards in this value. (_)

-L print_level Specifies the number of levels into the box job hierarchy about which to report. For example, when you specify -L 2, the report contains data for the specified job (a box) and the top two levels of jobs in the box. This value can be any number. To report on only the topmost level (that is, box), set this value to -L 0. To report on all levels print_level value. in the box, omit the the

Default: -L (report on all levels in the box). -N retry Specifies the number of times autorep should attempt to reconnect to the database before generating an error. Default: 3. -q Generates a query report, which contains the current job or machine definition in JIL format as it exists in the database. This option reports. is ignored for global variable

-o override_number Generates an override report, which contains the overrides for the jobs specified in -J that match the override number specified by override_number. Set override_number to 0 to report data for the most current override. This option requires that you use the -J option. -r run_number Generates a job report for the job by run_number. run specified

Use the minus sign (-) to specify a previous run relative to the most recent run for which to generate a report. For example, when you specify -r -2, Unicenter AutoSys JM generates a report for

the job run two runs back. When you omit this option or the run_number value is 0, the report contains information about the most recent job run. This option is only options. -t valid with the -s and -d

Includes the time zone (if one is specified in the job definition) in the report. The time zone appears in parentheses beneath the job name, and the Time column of the report is based on the time zone specified in the job. Reports untruncated job and machine names and uses the long form of job conditions.


-Y job_type|ALL Prints job types and the associated binary/command for that type. To report on all job types, specify ALL. Specify the -q option to print the definition of job type. -z globalblob_name|ALL Downloads a GLOB data file, to the directory specified in the -f option. Specify -a to download the ASCII representation. Otherwise, the file is downloaded in binary representation. If -f is not specified, the file is downloaded to /tmp. The data file name is composed from the global blob name and concatenated with txt if -a is specified. autorep -J Test1 -d List detailed information on the last named Test1 on the default server. autorep -M ALL List all machines defined on the data server. autorep -G ALL List all global variables and their been set. autorep -J Box3 -s -L 2 List a summary report on the top two levels of boxes in the job Box3. autorep -J T%admin -d List a detailed report on all jobs with T and end in admin. autorep -J Test1 -o 0 List the current override for the job Test1. whose names begin values that have run of a job

autorep -J RunData -r -1 -d List a detailed report for a job named RunData for next to last run. autorep -X A50 Generate a report that identifies the Unicenter AutoSys JM components for external instance A50. autorep -z DailyBLOB -a Download the AutoSys global blob format, to /tmp. DailyBLOB, in ASCII its

TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Autostatad
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME autostatad - Retrieves the status of Unicenter ment (JM) Adapter jobs 1 autostatad(8) Job Manage-

SYNOPSIS autostatad -J job_name [-h] [-s] [-t] DESCRIPTION Retrieves the status of Unicenter JM Adapter jobs, such as Unicenter JM Adapter for SAP or Unicenter JM for PeopleSoft. The status is stored as a global variable in the Unicenter AutoSys JM database. When Unicenter AutoSys JM runs an Adapter job, the Adapter stores the jobs current status in the Unicenter AutoSys JM database as a global variable. The name of the global variable is the job name, and the value is the status of the job, and the date and time the status was written to the database. OPTIONS

-J job_name Specifies the name of the job. This parameter is required. You can use the percent (%) characters as wildcards in this value. -h -s -t -x Display the help for autostatad. Display only the status, without the job name labeling. This option is useful for scripts. or any

Display the date and time the status was written to the Unicenter AutoSys JM database. Display the version number of autostatad.

autostatad -J autoMB% -t Display the job name, status, and time-stamp of all Unicenter Adapter JM jobs starting with the string autoMB. The output looks similar to the following: Job: autoMB1 Status:completed Time: 10/13/04 09:09:00 Job: autoMB2 Status:aborted Time: 10/13/04 09:015:31 Job: autoMB3 Status:failed Time: 10/13/04 09:09:21 autostatad -J autoMB1 -s Display only the status with no labeling. This stripped output can be redirected to a file for use in a script. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)


Man Autostatus

1 autostatus(8) Job

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME autostatus - Reports the status of Unicenter Management (JM) jobs or global variables

SYNOPSIS autostatus [-J job_name|-G global_name] [-S instance]

DESCRIPTION Reports the current status of the specified job or the current value of a global variable to standard output. This command is especially useful in two circumstances: * * When one job needs to know the status of another. When complex starting conditions are required that are beyond those that can be easily specified in the job definition. For example, you may need to start a job when two out of a set of three jobs have completed successfully. You could handle these dependencies through the starting conditions, but the conditions would be very cumbersome to define. Instead, you could use autostatus to check the status of the three jobs and perform the appropriate action. When you invoke autostatus, Unicenter AutoSys JM verifies that you have read access to the entities (jobs and global variables) for which you are requesting information. OPTIONS -J job_name Identifies the job on which to status of the job is returned.




-G global_name Identifies the global variable for which to determine the value. The specified global variable must have been set with the sendevent command or the GUI. -S instance Specifies the three-character code of the Unicenter AutoSys JM instance to be queried. The default is the value of $AUTOSERV from the current environment. EXAMPLES autostatus -J test_install Check the current status of the job named test_install in the current instance of Unicenter AutoSys JM. The command writes the result to standard example: SUCCESS autostatus -G Today Check the value of a global variable named Today. jobs have where the job New_Stats is to run when all three of the least two output. For

Account_Run, Corp_Run, and End_Run have run, at

completed successfully, and it is not the 13th day of the month, do the following:

To use autostatus in place of a cumbersome statement, 1.


Create a job named New_Stats_Starter with the following job definition:

# # JIL for New_Stats_Starter # insert_job:New_Stats_Starter job_type:command machine:mombo command:new_stats_starter condition:done(Account_Run) and done(Corp_Run) and done(End_Run) 2. Create a Bourne shell script with the name new_status_starter to run for the job named New_Stats_Starter. This script will figure out whether or not to start the job New_Stats. It communicates its decision back to Unicenter AutoSys JM by exiting with a 0 (SUCCESS) or non-zero (FAILURE) exit code. The job named New_Stats bases its starting condition on that exit code. #!/bin/sh # Program to determine when to start New_Stats # Check for 13th of month - if it is, exit with 2 if [ `date +%d` -eq 13 ] then exit 2 fi # Add up the Number of SUCCESS endings SUCCESS=0 for JobName in Account_Run Corp_Run End_Run do if [ `autostatus -J $JobName` = "SUCCESS" ] then SUCCESS=`expr $SUCCESS + 1` fi done if [ $SUCCESS -gt 1 ] then exit 0 else exit 1 fi 3. Create the job named New_Stats and specify that it should start when the above job completes successfully. Use the following starting condition as its job definition: condition: success(New_Stats_Starter) TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a

complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)

Man Monbro
AutoSys Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME 1 monbro(8) monimonbro - Runs a Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (JM) tor or report (browser)

SYNOPSIS monbro -N name [-B group] [-D [-I application] [-P poll_frequency] [-q] DESCRIPTION Runs a monitor or report (browser) that has already defined. Output from monbro goes to standard output. When you configure a monitor with sound on, the sound capabilities of the machine on ning. The sound clips must be pre-recorded, running monbro must have access to the directory. been

the monitor uses which it is runand the machine $AUTOUSER/sounds

The monitor or report definition must reside on the database for the instance you are accessing. monbro can connect to any database that the instance is configured to use. By default, monbro inspects the environment variables $AUTOSYS, $AUTOUSER and $AUTOSERV to determine which database to connect to. Use the -D option to override this default. When you invoke monbro, Unicenter AutoSys JM verifies that you have read access to the jobs you are attempting to monitor. OPTIONS -N name Identifies the monitor or report to run. To run all monitors or reports, specify -N ALL. You can use the percent (%) character as a wildcard in this value. -B group Defines the group for which to run the command. When

you also specify -I application, the specified command affects only items that match both -I application and -B group. -D data_source For Ingres r3 Open Source and Sybase databases, data_source is in the format data_server:database. It indicates the name of the database to connect to retrieve events and the monitor or report definition. For the Oracle database, data_source is in the format TNSname. It indicates the TNS alias name of the Oracle dataserver to be connected to retrieve events and the monitor or report definition.. -I application Defines the application for which to run the command. When you also specify -B group, the specified command affects only items that match both -I application and -B group. -P poll_frequency For monitors only, poll_frequency defines the (in seconds) at which to poll the database. Default: 10 -q Specifies that you want to display in JIL format. monbro definitions interval

EXAMPLES monbro -N mon1 Run a monitor called default database. monbro -N mon1 -q Run a monitor called mon1 which is defined in the default database and display the output in JIL format. Sample output with the -q option: insert_monbro: xxx mode: m all_events: Y job_filter: a sound: N alarm_verif: N insert_monbro: xxx2 mode: b all_events: N alarm: Y all_status: N running: N success: Y failure: Y terminated: N starting: N restart: N job_filter: b mon1 which is defined in the

job_name: box currun: N after_time: "02/05/2006 12:12" TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)


Man Eventor

1 eventor(8) (JM)

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME eventor - Starts the Unicenter AutoSys Job Scheduler SYNOPSIS eventor [-f] [-n] [-q] [-G]

DESCRIPTION Starts the scheduler (also called the event demon) and, optionally, the shadow scheduler. By default, eventor runs in the background. It first confirms that another scheduler of the same instance is not running on the same machine (as determined by the $AUTOSERV variable), unless two schedulers are specified in the configuration file. It then runs chase, which inspects the database to determine which jobs should be running, and then checks each machine to verify that the jobs are there. If problems are detected, chase generates alarms or failure events for missing jobs. It then automatically attempts to restart the missing jobs. If the scheduler has been down for a long time, the -G option can be used to start it in Global AutoHold mode. This prevents the system from being flooded with jobs that were scheduled to run during the downtime. eventor writes log information to the file named $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV. chase writes its output to the same file. By default, eventor executes the tail -f command against the log file. This is useful for monitoring the execution of the

scheduler, particularly when there are problems with its startup. For example, if the machine from which eventor is issued does not have a valid license, the scheduler will not start. The only indication that this condition exists is a message output by the scheduler in its log file. To exit the tail command, use Ctrl+C in the window displaying the scheduler log. The shadow scheduler writes log information $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon_shadow.$AUTOSERV file. OPTIONS -f to the

Runs the scheduler in the foreground, and sends all of its output to the display from which the command was issued. Note: This option is not recommended for production use. The default behavior is to run the scheduler in the background, with all output going to the $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV file.


Specifies that eventor is not to run the chase on start-up.


The default behavior is to run chase -A -E and redirect output to the following file: $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV -q Runs eventor in quiet mode, meaning that after the scheduler starts, eventor should not execute the tail -f command on the scheduler log file. Starts up the scheduler in Global AutoHold mode. Global AutoHold is useful if you are restarting the scheduler after a period of down time. This prevents the system from being flooded with jobs that were scheduled to run during the downtime. When in Global AutoHold mode, the scheduler evaluates all jobs whose starting conditions have passed and are eligible to run, then puts the jobs in ON_HOLD status. This gives you the opportunity to decide which jobs should run by selectively starting them with the sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB command or the GUI. When Global AutoHold is on, displays after each timestamp: the following message


-------------< Date: 12/12 20:22:00 >--------------******* Global AutoHold IS ON ! *******

If Global AutoHold is on and you take a job OFF_HOLD (via the Operator Console or the sendevent command), the Event Processor will put the job right back ON_HOLD. The only way for a job to start when Global AutoHold is on is with the FORCE_STARTJOB event. When sent, this event will override the AutoHold mode (and nothing else

will). If you start a Shadow Event Processor with the -G flag, the Shadow Event Processor will also be in Global AutoHold mode. To turn off Global AutoHold, you must shut down the Event Processor, then start it up again without the -G flag. eventor Start the scheduler under normal circumstances. TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), as_server(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8), xql(8), zql(8)


Man As Server

1 as_server(8) (JM)

Unicenter AutoSys JM Commands NAME as_server - Runs the Unicenter AutoSys Job Application Server SYNOPSIS as_server -A autoserv DESCRIPTION Runs the Unicenter specific instance. AutoSys JM Application



OPTIONS -A autoserv Specifies the instance for which to start the tion Server. EXAMPLES as_server -A ACE Start the Unicenter AutoSys JM Application the instance ACE.




TECHNICAL SUPPORT For further technical assistance with this command, contact Technical Support at <> for a complete list of locations and phone numbers. Technical support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 CA. All rights reserved. SEE ALSO archive_events(8), as_info(8), as_safetool(8), auto_svcdesk(8), autoaggr(8), autodwp(8), autocal_asc(8), autoflags(8), autoping(8), autorep(8), autosec_test(8), autostatad(8), autostatus(8), autosys(8), autosyslog(8), autosys_secure(8), autotimezone(8), autotrack(8), chase(8), chk_auto_up(8), clean_files(8), cron2jil(8), DBMaint(8), dbstatistics(8), eventor(8), get_auto_event(8), jil(8), job_delete(8), job_depends(8), monbro(8), sendevent(8), time0(8) xql(8), zql(8)

Autosys Command Lines

Commands by Tasks
The following table shows commands used for specific tasks. Unless otherwise specified, all commands are for both Windows and UNIX. Task Command autoflags, autoping, autosyslog, chase, Check system status chk_auto_up, unisrvcntr Convert cron to jil (UNIX only) cron2jil Define jobs or machines jil Define calendars autocal_asc Event commands sendevent Maintain databases archive_events, autotrack, clean_files, job_delete Manage security autosys_secure Manage time zone tables autotimezone Monitor jobs monbro, autosyslog Report job dependencies and job_depends conditions Report job status autorep, autostatad, autostatus, monbro Start Unicenter AutoSys JM eventor (UNIX Only)

Start/Stop/Restart/Status CA-UAJM Scheduler

Restart CA-UAJM Scheduler on ABTGPDB
cd /etc/init.d sudo ./uajm_sched.PRD restart CA-UAJM Scheduler (PRD) stopped.

CA-UAJM Scheduler (PRD)


Verify CA-UAJM Scheduler on ABTGPDB

cd /etc/init.d sudo ./uajm_sched.PRD status CA-UAJM Scheduler (PRD) 29448 running

Start/Stop/Restart/Status CA-UAJM Application Server

Restart CA-UAJM Application Server on ABTGPDB
cd /etc/init.d sudo ./uajm_server.PRD restart CA-UAJM Application Server (PRD) stopped. CA-UAJM Application Server (PRD) [ OK ]

Verify CA-UAJM Application Server on ABTGPDB

cd /etc/init.d sudo ./uajm_server.PRD status CA-UAJM Application Server (PRD) 26179 running

Start/Stop/Restart/Status/Monitor UAJM_AGENT (agents: ABTGPOSS1, ABTGPSTMT, ABTGQDB)

cd /etc/init.d sudo ./uajm_agent stop CA-UAJM Agent stopped.

cd /etc/init.d sudo ./uajm_agent start CA-UAJM Agent [ OK ]

cd /etc/init.d sudo ./uajm_agent status CA-UAJM Agent 821 running

Start/Stop/Restart/Status/Monitor CA-CCS
cd /etc/init.d

sudo ./CA-CCS restart WV status Server is not running Executed CA-cauwvdmn stop........................................OK Stopping cci daemon. CAICCI_S_0046 Command completed successfully Executed CA-cci stop.............................................OK Stopping CA-diadna Stopping DIA DNA daemon... DIA DNA daemon stopped Executed CA-diadna stop..........................................OK Starting DIA DNA daemon... DIA DNA daemon started Executed CA-diadna start.........................................OK Executed CA-cci start............................................OK

CA Status Report on ABTGQDB (agent)

cd /etc/init.d sudo ./CA-CCS status CA Services Status Report Component Name -----------------------------------CA-diadna Server CA-CCI Server CA-CCI Remote Server CA-CCI Clean Up CA-CCI Legacy Proxy CA-WV Status Server Pid ------709 Status -------------running not active not active not active not active not active

Command Line
The following commands all require the use of the Autosys cmd prompt.

To extract a job or list of jobs from the Autosys db to a text file:

autorep -J [ALL | Job_name] [-q] [> file_name], -d (detail), -r (run number), -o (override), jil < file_na -G (global var report), -M -q for machine definitions. Ex: autorep -J job_name -d autorep -J job_name -q > file_name queries the DB & save job Dfn. Into a file that can be vewed When you want a report of a box use the -L0 option autorep -J job_name -l1


report on the job for the day -1 (prev

The following will get you the box you created as well as the job.
autorep -J %_TGPROD_% -q > Aleks.jil

To input a list of jobs from a text file into the Autosys db:
jil < aleks.jil

If you run this command right now, you get an error do to the jobs already existing. You can delete jobs this way as well. The following are a list of "JIL" commands that can be used:

insert_job - Adds a new command, box, or file watcher job definition to the database. update_job - Updates an existing command, box, or file watcher job definition in the database. delete_job - Deletes a specified command, box, orfile watcher job from the database. If the specified job is a box job, the box job is deleted and the jobs in the box become stand-alone jobs. delete_box - Deletes a specified box job and all the jobs in that box from the database. override_job - Defines a one-time override of specified attributes to apply to the next run of a job. insert_machine - Adds a new real or virtualmachine definition to the database. delete_machine - Deletes the specified realor virtual machine definition from the database. insert_monbro - Adds a new monitor or report definition to the database. update_monbro - Updates an existing monitor or report definitionin the database. delete_monbro - Deletes the specified monitor or report definition from the database. insert_job_type - Adds a new job type definition to the database. This is the only way to define a job type. update_job_type - Updates an existing job type definitionin the database. You can use this command to change the values of the command and description attributes. 146 User Guide JIL Subcommands delete_job_type - Verifies that no jobs are currently defined with the specified job type, then deletes the specified job type definition from the database. insert_xinst - Adds a new externalinstance definition to the database. update_xinst - Updates an existing externalinstance definition inthe database. delete_xinst Deletes the specified externalinstance definition from the database. insert_blob - Adds a new blob definition associated with an existing job. delete_blob - Disassociates a blob definition from an existing job and deletes the blob from the database. insert_glob - Adds a new glob definition referenced by a given name.

delete_glob - Deletes the specified glob definition from the database.Note: Blobs and globs can only contain the following characters: A-Z, a-z, and 0-9.

Autosys Check Servers Status

Check if event processor and DB are both up

Verify that both client and server are correctly configured

autoping -m ALL -A -D cd /etc/init.d/ uajm_sched.PRD status CA-UAJM Scheduler (PRD) uajm_server.PRD status CA-UAJM Application Server (PRD) uajm_agent status CA-UAJM Agent







CA Services Status Report

/opt/CA/SharedComponents/bin/ustat CA Services Status Report Component Name Pid Status ------------------------------------ ------- -------------CA-UAJM Application Server (PRD) 3710 running CA-UAJM Agent 27613 running CA-uwccuiframework Server 22883 running CA-uwccsched Server 23317 running CA-uwccmonitor Server 20124 running CA-uwcclauncher Server 23549 running CA-uwccjscservant Server 23758 running CA-uwccjsc Server 23984 running CA-uwccha Server 24224 running CA-uwccevent Server 24481 running CA-uwccconfig Server 24739 running CA-UAJM Scheduler (PRD) 28486 running /opt/CA/SharedComponents/ccs/cci/bin/caiccid does not exist

Set password

Process Status


Getting Installed CA Component Versions...

/opt/CA/SharedComponents/bin/ca_version Getting Installed CA Component Versions... ************************************************************* List of PIF packages installed: ************************************************************* ============================================================ CACommonComponents ============================================================ NAME : CACommonComponents VERSION : INSTALLATION_PATH : /opt/CA/SharedComponents INSTALLATION_TIME : 02/16/2009 22:24 ============================================================ UnicenterAutoSysJM ============================================================ NAME : UnicenterAutoSysJM VERSION : INSTALLATION_PATH : /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM INSTALLATION_TIME : 02/16/2009 22:27 ============================================================ ca-cs-eem ============================================================ NAME : ca-cs-eem VERSION : INSTALLATION_PATH : /opt/CA/SharedComponents INSTALLATION_TIME : 02/16/2009 21:52 ============================================================ ca-cs-etpki ============================================================ NAME : ca-cs-etpki VERSION : INSTALLATION_PATH : /opt/CA/SharedComponents INSTALLATION_TIME : 02/16/2009 22:27 ============================================================ ca-cs-jre ============================================================ NAME : ca-cs-jre VERSION : INSTALLATION_PATH : /opt/CA/SharedComponents INSTALLATION_TIME : 02/16/2009 21:52

============================================================ ca-cs-utils ============================================================ NAME : ca-cs-utils VERSION : 11.2.08221.0 INSTALLATION_PATH : /opt/CA/SharedComponents INSTALLATION_TIME : 02/16/2009 22:27 ============================================================ ca-lic ============================================================ NAME : ca-lic VERSION : INSTALLATION_PATH : /opt/CA/SharedComponents INSTALLATION_TIME : 02/16/2009 21:51 ============================================================ ca-uajm-agent ============================================================ NAME : ca-uajm-agent VERSION : INSTALLATION_PATH : /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM INSTALLATION_TIME : 02/16/2009 22:27 ============================================================ ca-uajm-asapi ============================================================ NAME : ca-uajm-asapi VERSION : INSTALLATION_PATH : /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM INSTALLATION_TIME : 02/16/2009 22:27 ============================================================ ca-uajm-client ============================================================ NAME : ca-uajm-client VERSION : INSTALLATION_PATH : /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM INSTALLATION_TIME : 02/16/2009 22:27 ============================================================ ca-uajm-common ============================================================ NAME : ca-uajm-common VERSION : INSTALLATION_PATH : /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM INSTALLATION_TIME : 02/16/2009 22:27 ============================================================ ca-uajm-scheduler ============================================================


: : : :

ca-uajm-scheduler /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM 02/16/2009 22:27

============================================================ ca-uajm-sdk ============================================================ NAME : ca-uajm-sdk VERSION : INSTALLATION_PATH : /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM INSTALLATION_TIME : 02/16/2009 22:27 ============================================================ ca-uajm-server ============================================================ NAME : ca-uajm-server VERSION : INSTALLATION_PATH : /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM INSTALLATION_TIME : 02/16/2009 22:27 ======================================================

Autosys unisrvcntr
Autosys Command - unisrvcntr
unisrvcntr Usage: start [-h | -?] [-v | -q] [-X] [--restore=<store file>] [all | <service(s)>] -h , -? -f -v -q -X Outputs this Usage information Log File location Turns on verbose mode. Turns off verbose mode. Exclude this service from the start list (i.e. only start its required services) Start the list of services that were stopped prior to stopping this service, based on the of the <store file>. <store file> File must be created from the command "unisrvcntr stop --store=<store file> <service>".

--restore contents

all <service(s)>

Start all Main Services Start the requested CA Service(s) (and any required services)

shutdown|stop [-h | -?] [-v | -q] [-X] [--store=<store file>] [all | <service(s)>] -h , -? -f -v -q -X Outputs this Usage information Log File location Turns on verbose mode. Turns off verbose mode. Exclude this service from the shutdown list (i.e. only shutdown services which require it) Save the list of services that were stopped prior to stopping this service. Store file to be use only with --store option. File must be retained for "unisrvcntr start --restore=<store file>



<store file> User-determined filename to be used to maintain which services are stopped during a shutdown. all <service(s)> Shutdown all Subscribed Unisrvcntr Services Shutdown the requested Unisrvcntr Service(s) (and any services which require it)

cycle|restart [-h | -?] [-v | -q] [all | <service(s)>] -h , -? -f -v -q all <service(s)> required) Outputs this Usage information Log File location Turns on verbose mode. Turns off verbose mode. Cycle all Subscribed Unisrvcntr Services Cycle the requested Unisrvcntr Service(s) (and any services which require it or are

register [-h | -?] Outputs this Usage information

register [--with=<MainService[:MainService...]> [-ReqStop] ] [--StartInit=<level(s)>] [--StopInit=<level(s)>] <service> register --copy [--with=<MainService[:MainService...]> [-ReqStop] ] [--StartInit=<level(s)>] [--StopInit=<level(s)>] <file> --with Service(s). colon (:). Register this service with the following Main Multiple Main Services must be separated by a The Main Service must be specified within the main configuration file with Main_Service_Entry. Registering with this Main Service means that will start when the Main Service is started. When this service is registered with Main it should also be automatically stopped when Service(s) are stopped. the This is normally NOT

this service the Main 5) 5) If this the Service levels) --copy Service Center levels) --StopInit Init Levels --ReqStop Service(s),

--StartInit Init Levels

recommended behavior for Shared Components. Bootstrap START this service at the specified (these are not separated; e.g. 35 means 3 and (If NULL is passed, it removes all bootstrap Bootstrap STOP this service at the specified (these are not separated; e.g. 35 means 3 and (If NULL is passed, it removes all bootstrap Copy the full path-specified file to the directory before performing the registration. parameter is not supplied, the file must exist Center directory.

register -d <service(s)> -d Service(s) which are requested.) register -D <service(s)> De-Register this service (Remove from bootstrap area and from any Main

-D Services, and

De-Register and Fully Remove this Service. (Remove from bootstrap area, all Main delete Entry in Service Center Area.)

status [-h | -?] [-v | -q] [ <service(s)> ] -h , -? -f -v -q <service(s)> service(s) and all CA services). Outputs this Usage information Log File location Turns on verbose mode. Turns off verbose mode. Get status information for just the specified services it depends upon (default is to get

test <service(s)> Validation for service names. Returns 0 for success, and non-zero for

the number

of services which failed. Valid comps are: CA-CCS CA-cauwvdmn CA-cci CA-diadna uajm_agent uajm_sched.TGD uajm_server.TGD


To determine the status of all the CA services that are installed on a machine ABTGPDB, run the following command:
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/bin unisrvcntr status CA Services Status Report Component Name Pid Status ------------------------------------ -------------------CA-UAJM Application Server (PRD) 3551 running CA-UAJM Agent 13258 running CA-uwccuiframework Server 18962 running CA-uwccsched Server 18758 running CA-uwccmonitor Server 18500 running CA-uwcclauncher Server 18230 running CA-uwccjscservant Server 18044 running CA-uwccjsc Server 17837 running CA-uwccha Server 17626 running CA-uwccevent Server 17422 running CA-uwccconfig Server 17162 running CA-UAJM Scheduler (PRD) 4506 running /opt/CA/SharedComponents/ccs/cci/bin/caiccid does not exist

To determine the status of all the CA services that are installed on a machine ABTGPOSS1, run the following command:
o o cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/bin unisrvcntr status

o o o o o o

CA Services Status Report Component Name ------------------------------------------------CA-UAJM Agent Pid ------20505 Status running

To determine the status of all the CA services that are installed on a machine ABTGQDB , run the following command:
o o o o o o o o o cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/bin unisrvcntr status

CA Services Status Report Component Name ------------------------------------------------CA-diadna Server CA-UAJM Agent sudo unisrvcntr stop all Executed "/opt/CA/SharedComponents/bin/unishutdown nsm3x"........OK WV status Server is not running Executed CA-cauwvdmn stop........................................OK Stopping cci daemon. CAICCI_S_0046 Command completed successfully Executed CA-cci stop.............................................OK Stopping CA-diadna Stopping DIA DNA daemon... DIA DNA daemon stopped Executed CA-diadna stop..........................................OK sudo unisrvcntr start all Starting DIA DNA daemon... DIA DNA daemon started Executed CA-diadna start.........................................OK Executed CA-cci start............................................OK Executed CA-cauwvdmn start.......................................OK Executed "/opt/CA/SharedComponents/bin/unistart nsm3x"...........OK sudo unisrvcntr status Pid ------709 1270 Status running running

Stop all services

o o o o o o o o o o o o

Start all services

o o o o o o o o

Check all services


Autosys astail
Autosys Command - astail
Usage: astail [-f filename] [-x]

Autosys Manual Monitoring Autosys Jobs

Check Job status
autorep -j <box/job>

autorep -w -j box_TGPROD_MRIBCG_generation Job Name Last Start Last End ST Run Pri/Xit _______________________________________________________________ _ ____________________ ____________________ __ _______ ___ box_TGPROD_MRIBCG_generation 09/03/2009 06:16:20 09/03/2009 06:39:47 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_db_counter_before_hhif 09/03/2009 06:16:25 09/03/2009 06:16:26 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_db_counter_after_hhif 09/03/2009 06:34:42 09/03/2009 06:34:54 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_hhif_counter_after_hhif 09/03/2009 06:34:55 09/03/2009 06:34:56 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_db_counter_partial 09/03/2009 06:37:47 09/03/2009 06:37:48 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_mri_counter_after_consolidation 09/03/2009 06:38:04 09/03/2009 06:38:05 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_compare_hhif_counter 09/03/2009 06:34:57 09/03/2009 06:34:57 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_compare_mri_counter 09/03/2009 06:38:06 09/03/2009 06:38:06 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_db_track_log_start 09/03/2009 06:16:23 09/03/2009 06:16:24 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_db_track_log_stop 09/03/2009 06:38:09 09/03/2009 06:38:09 SU 554727/1 1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_update_reads_for_partial_rounds 09/03/2009 06:34:58 09/03/2009 06:37:46 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_cleanup 09/03/2009 06:38:07 09/03/2009 06:38:08 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_consolidate 09/03/2009 06:37:49 09/03/2009 06:38:03 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_generate_file 09/03/2009 06:16:28 09/03/2009 06:34:40 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_archive_file 09/03/2009 06:38:11 09/03/2009 06:38:11 SU 554727/1 fw_TGPROD_MRIBCG_file 09/03/2009 06:38:12 09/03/2009 06:39:13 SU 554727/1 job_TGPROD_MRIBCG_archive_reports 09/03/2009 06:39:14 09/03/2009 06:39:46 SU 554727/1

Get List of Jobs

autorep -d -j %TGPROD% | grep ^box_ | awk '{print $1}' > autosys_jobs.txt autorep -d -j %TGPROD% | grep ^job_ | awk '{print $1}' >> autosys_jobs.txt cat autosys_jobs.txt | sort -u -i -f

Boxes and Jobs

box_TGPROD_archive box_TGPROD_archive_ftp box_TGPROD_archive_stmt box_TGPROD_bankrupt_credit box_TGPROD_bankrupt_current box_TGPROD_cafe box_TGPROD_caledon_tracker_load box_TGPROD_chk_unclosed_batches box_TGPROD_cl_notic_work_management box_TGPROD_cognos box_TGPROD_collection_agency box_TGPROD_create_ptj_for_live_smart box_TGPROD_create_schedule box_TGPROD_CSS_gas_odour_rpt box_TGPROD_CSS_meter_exchanges_rpt box_TGPROD_daily_back_office_forecasting box_TGPROD_davox_complaints box_TGPROD_Davox_extract box_TGPROD_Davox_upload box_TGPROD_days_delay_correction box_TGPROD_device_status box_TGPROD_device_status_upload box_TGPROD_direct_debit box_TGPROD_dispute_drop_premises_extract box_TGPROD_DP_monitoring box_TGPROD_energy_CIS_users box_TGPROD_epost_audit box_TGPROD_epost_MDR box_TGPROD_epost_unfunded box_TGPROD_EPP_review box_TGPROD_IB_adjusted_usage box_TGPROD_IB_allocations box_TGPROD_IB_health_reports box_TGPROD_IB_heat box_TGPROD_IB_hec box_TGPROD_IB_temp box_TGPROD_IB_usage box_TGPROD_IB_usage_check box_TGPROD_incorrect_meter_pressure box_TGPROD_invoicing_reconnection_charges box_TGPROD_in_lieu box_TGPROD_ip_pool_price_loader

box_TGPROD_large_customers_with_high_consumption box_TGPROD_late_payments box_TGPROD_lmdispatch_cancelled box_TGPROD_load_MREBCG box_TGPROD_load_MREBCH box_TGPROD_load_MRE_post box_TGPROD_load_Remittance_files box_TGPROD_load_RMF_files box_TGPROD_lockoffs_and_reconnects box_TGPROD_mdd_appointments box_TGPROD_mdd_ftp_out box_TGPROD_mdd_in_progress box_TGPROD_mdd_pdf_gen box_TGPROD_mdd_to_reload box_TGPROD_monthly_batch box_TGPROD_monthly_caledon_statistical_data box_TGPROD_monthly_HEC_SLA box_TGPROD_monthly_IVR_report box_TGPROD_monthly_KM_1 box_TGPROD_monthly_KM_2 box_TGPROD_monthly_print box_TGPROD_monthly_stat box_TGPROD_monthly_weekend_batch box_TGPROD_MRIBCG_generation box_TGPROD_MRIBCH_generation box_TGPROD_MRI_ftp box_TGPROD_MRI_rename box_TGPROD_ODS_extract box_TGPROD_pending_referral_audit_report box_TGPROD_post_dp_batch box_TGPROD_prem_stops_to_work_this_week box_TGPROD_pre_dp_batch box_TGPROD_pulled_statements box_TGPROD_recall_and_meter_compliance box_TGPROD_refunds box_TGPROD_remove_OMR_readings box_TGPROD_resequencerounds box_TGPROD_SAP_MMS_Devices box_TGPROD_set_environment box_TGPROD_statement_check box_TGPROD_statement_in box_TGPROD_statement_out box_TGPROD_tar_archive box_TGPROD_tests box_TGPROD_track_statements_audit box_TGPROD_triggers_check box_TGPROD_TriStar_survey box_TGPROD_weekly_batch box_TGPROD_weekly_terasen_epost


job_TGPROD_business_days job_TGPROD_calc_avg_factors job_TGPROD_check_FTP_ccp_to_print_out_logs job_TGPROD_ed_consbill_workaround job_TGPROD_ed_FTP_get_CCP_From_Inbox_file job_TGPROD_ed_monitor job_TGPROD_ed_monitor_and_ftp_files job_TGPROD_ed_run job_TGPROD_magic_mail_MP_finished job_TGPROD_mdd_log_archive job_TGPROD_mdd_monitor_and_ftp_files job_TGPROD_mdd_pool_old_ptjs job_TGPROD_mdd_post_apply_cons_main job_TGPROD_mdd_run_completions job_TGPROD_monthly_r_adebsum2 job_TGPROD_monthly_r_deposit job_TGPROD_monthly_r_mrevlist job_TGPROD_NGV_quarterly_extract job_TGPROD_OMR_manual_readings_required_report job_TGPROD_r_synergee job_TGPROD_work_management_fieldwork job_TGPROD_work_management_weekly

Monitoring TGPROD Logs


tail -f /opt/CA/SharedComponents/Csam/SockAdapter/log/csam.log

How You Can Back Up Definitions
Autosys recommends that you back up the following definitions periodically so you have files to restore from in the event of a system failure:

Calendar definitions Job definitions Machine definitions Monitor and report definitions Global variables

Use the following process to back up your definitions:

Use the autocal_asc command to back up calendar definitions. Use the autorep command to back up job and machine definitions. Use the monbro command to back up monitor and report definitions. Use the autorep command to back up global variables.

Back Up Calendar Definitions

You should back up your calendar definitions periodically so youhave files to restore from in the event of a system failure.

To back up calendar definitions, run each of the following commands from an instance command prompt:
autocal_asc E /directory/autosys.ecal e ALL autocal_asc E /directory/autosys.ccal c ALL autocal_asc E /directory/autosys.scal s ALL

where: directory is your local directory outside of the Unicenter AutoSys JM directory structure.

Backup All Job Definitions

To backup all your jobs with _TGPROD_ designation use:

autorep -j %_TGPROD_% -q > /directory/TGPROD_<date>.jil

where: directory is your local directory

Backup All Machine Definitions

To backup all your machine definitions use:

autorep -M ALL > /directory/MACHINE_<date>.jil

where: directory is your local directory

Autosys time0
Autosys Command - time0
Unicenter AutoSys JM Time0 Utility USAGE: time0 [-A Autotime(int)] | [-T Date ] | [-S] [-O Date Format] [-x] [-?] WHERE: -A Autotime -T Date Format hh:mm" time -S -O Date Format -x -? The internal AutoSys time Converts date and time specified "MM/dd/yyyy (remember to quote it)into internal AutoSys Shows the internal AutoSys time structure (changes the formats expected for -A,-T) Overrides format with specified date format Returns version information Help

NOTE: Use time0 with no Args to print the current autotime

time0 -S CAUAJM_I_50096 Current AutoTime(internal): 1253307810

tm_sec = 30 tm_min = 3 tm_hour = 14 tm_mday = 18 tm_mon = 8 tm_year = 2009 tm_wday = 5 tm_yday = 260 tm_isdst = 1 time0 -T "09/19/2009" CAUAJM_I_50099 Autotime(internal): 1253343600 time0 -A 1253343600 CAUAJM_I_50097 External Time: 09/19/2009 00:00:00 time0 -x

Autosys autoflags
Autosys Command - autoflags
Unicenter AutoSys JM Autoflags Utility USAGE: autoflags -a|i|o|d|v|x|r|h|n|? WHERE:-a -i -o -d -v -x -r -h -n -? ALL information Displays Tape id # of the AutoSys Instance Displays Operating system of Application Server Displays Database Provider Used Displays AutoSys version # Displays AutoSys full version # Displays AutoSys release # Displays Hostid Displays Hostname Help

Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 SP2 Build Number

The build number for Unicenter AutoSys JM r11 SP2 is 73. You can verify the build number by executing the command, autoflags i . Your installation or upgrade is successful if the command returns 73.

autoflags -a 73 SOLAR ANY 11.0 0 84413a5a abtgpdb autoflags -x autoflags -o

SOLAR autoflags -d ANY autoflags -h -n 84413a5a abtgpdb

Autosys autoping
Autosys Command - autoping
Unicenter AutoSys JM Autoping Utility USAGE: autoping [-m Machine|ALL] [-A] [-D] [-x] [-?] WHERE: -m Machine|ALL -D Application Server -A -x -? Machine name to ping, or ALL for ALL machines Checks the Database connections from Sends an ALARM if there are problems Returns version information Help

Verify that both client and server are correctly configured
autoping -m ALL -A -D CAUAJM_I_50023 AutoPinging Machine [absgpdb] CAUAJM_I_50028 AND checking the Agent's DB Access. CAUAJM_I_50025 AutoPing WAS SUCCESSFUL! CAUAJM_I_50023 AutoPinging Machine [absgpqftp] CAUAJM_I_50028 AND checking the Agent's DB Access. CAUAJM_I_50025 AutoPing WAS SUCCESSFUL! CAUAJM_I_50023 AutoPinging Machine [abtgpdb] CAUAJM_I_50028 AND checking the Agent's DB Access. CAUAJM_I_50025 AutoPing WAS SUCCESSFUL! CAUAJM_I_50023 AutoPinging Machine [abtgpftp] CAUAJM_I_50028 AND checking the Agent's DB Access. CAUAJM_I_50025 AutoPing WAS SUCCESSFUL! CAUAJM_I_50023 AutoPinging Machine [abtgposs1] CAUAJM_I_50028 AND checking the Agent's DB Access. CAUAJM_I_50025 AutoPing WAS SUCCESSFUL! CAUAJM_I_50023 AutoPinging Machine [abtgpstmt] CAUAJM_I_50028 AND checking the Agent's DB Access. CAUAJM_I_50025 AutoPing WAS SUCCESSFUL! CAUAJM_I_50023 AutoPinging Machine [abtgqdb] CAUAJM_I_50028 AND checking the Agent's DB Access.


Autosys autosyslog
Autosys Command - autosyslog
Unicenter AutoSys JM log Utility USAGE: autosyslog [-e | -s | -j Job_Name ] [-p] [-?] WHERE -e [ monitor (tail -f) the event scheduler output file. ] -s [ monitor (tail -f) the application server output file. ] -j job_name [ Inspect the latest remote agent output file for job_name ] -p Include the output from the environment if available (RemoteProFile) -? Help

Monitoring CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler
autosyslog -e Monitoring CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler Log: /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM/autouser.TGD/out/event_demon .TGD *** To break out type control-c (^c) *** [01/09/2009 17:29:57] <Event was Scheduled based on Job Definition.> [01/09/2009 17:29:57] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: box_TG_load_Remittance_files [01/09/2009 17:29:58] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: STARTING JOB: job_TG_FTP_get_Remittance_file_c [01/09/2009 17:29:58] CAUAJM_I_10082 [ connected for job_TG_FTP_get_Remittance_file_c 508.328.1] [01/09/2009 17:29:59] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: job_TG_FTP_get_Remittance_file_c [01/09/2009 17:30:00] ---------------------------------------[01/09/2009 17:30:00] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: FAILURE JOB: job_TG_FTP_get_Remittance_file_c EXITCODE: 1 [01/09/2009 17:31:00] ---------------------------------------[01/09/2009 17:32:00] ---------------------------------------[01/09/2009 17:33:00] ---------------------------------------[01/09/2009 18:27:02] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: FORCE_STARTJOB JOB: box_TG_tests [01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: box_TG_tests

[01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_E_90015 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent [2AJR] - License Failure. Please contact your account representative to obtain a new license. [01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: STARTING JOB: job_TG_test_FTP_server [01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: STARTING JOB: job_TG_test_DB_server [01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: STARTING JOB: job_TG_test_STMT_server [01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_I_10082 [SGDDB connected for job_TG_test_DB_server 480.329.1] [01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_I_10082 [ connected for job_TG_test_FTP_server 481.329.1] [01/09/2009 18:27:04] CAUAJM_I_10082 [SGDDB connected for job_TG_test_STMT_server 482.329.1] [01/09/2009 18:27:04] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: job_TG_test_DB_server [01/09/2009 18:27:05] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: SUCCESS JOB: job_TG_test_DB_server EXITCODE: 0 [01/09/2009 18:27:05] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: job_TG_test_STMT_server [01/09/2009 18:27:05] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: job_TG_test_FTP_server [01/09/2009 18:27:05] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: SUCCESS JOB: job_TG_test_STMT_server EXITCODE: 0 [01/09/2009 18:27:05] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: SUCCESS JOB: job_TG_test_FTP_server EXITCODE: 0 [01/09/2009 18:27:06] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: SUCCESS JOB: box_TG_tests [01/09/2009 18:28:00] ---------------------------------------[01/09/2009 18:29:00] ----------------------------------------

Monitoring application server output

autosyslog -s Monitoring application server output file: /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM/autouser.PRD/out/as_server.P RD *** To break out type control-c (^c) *** [04/26/2009 22:07:02] CAUAJM_W_10632 Attempting to reconnect to database <TGPROD>. Attempt number [3]. [04/26/2009 22:07:04] CAUAJM_I_10633 Reconnection attempt for database <TGPROD> succeeded. [04/26/2009 22:25:11] CAUAJM_I_40262 SIGTERM signal caught! - shutting down [04/26/2009 22:25:12] CAUAJM_I_30004 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server shutdown complete... [04/26/2009 22:25:12] CAUAJM_I_30000 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server exiting!

CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server Log [04/26/2009 22:25:16] Time Message -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[04/26/2009 22:25:16] CAUAJM_I_30001 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server startup complete... [04/26/2009 22:25:16] CAUAJM_I_10655 System is running in single server mode. Event server: TGPROD.

Autosys chase
Autosys Command - chase
Unicenter AutoSys JM Chase Utility USAGE: chase [-A] [-E] [-x] [-?] WHERE: -A -E -x -? Send Alarms if any Job is in STARTING/RUNNING state Send Restart/Status Events Returns version information Help

cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/bin chase _______________________________________________________________ ______________ CAUAJM_I_50154 Running the Chase Process. CAUAJM_I_50156 There are no Jobs in a STARTING or RUNNING state! CAUAJM_I_50157 Chase is successful. _______________________________________________________________ ______________

Autosys chk_auto_up
Autosys Command - chk_auto_up
Check if event processor and DB are both up


chk_auto_up _______________________________________________________________ _______________ CAUAJM_I_50054 Attempting (1) to Connect with Database: TGPROD CAUAJM_I_50055 *** Have Connected successfully with Database: TGPROD. *** _______________________________________________________________ _______________

CAUAJM_I_50128 Connected with Event Server: TGPROD _______________________________________________________________ _______________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________ CAUAJM_I_50038 Checking CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler on Machine: abtgpdb CAUAJM_I_50044 Primary Scheduler is RUNNING on machine: abtgpdb _______________________________________________________________ _______________

Autosys as_info
Autosys Command - as_info Example
startup: Y installation: Y system startup: Y installation: Y startup: Y Set Scheduler service to start at system Set the Application Server to start at Start the Scheduler service following as_info [-a] [-c] [-d] [-f] [-i] [-l] [-p] [-s] [-v]

Gathering information. Please wait... _______________________________________________________________ ________________ Unicenter AutoSys Job Management _______________________________________________________________ ________________ Product Version: Install Time: 02/16/2009 22:27 Install Directory: /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM Install Logs: /opt/CA/installer/log/UnicenterAutoSysJM.install.log /opt/CA/installer/log/UnicenterAutoSysJM. Patches.log /opt/CA/installer/log/UnicenterAutoSysJM. Oracle.mdbupdate.log Install Flags: installation: Y Set the Agent service to start at system Start the Application Server following Type: Custom Start the Agent service following

DSA Information:

Enable secure communications: N Communications Multiplexing Port: 7163

Installed Components: Scheduler Application Server Client Agent SDK Documentation Configured Instances: PRD Database Information: Database Type: Oracle Oracle Service Name: TGPROD Database Name: mdb Database User Name: autosys Oracle Admin User: dkhrissa mdb Admin User: mdbadmin Tablespace Information: Name: mdb Location: <Enter Data Directory> MDB Data Tablespace: Size MB: 400 MDB Index Tablespace: Size MB: 100 /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM/autosys/bin/as_info: unifstat: not found

Autosys cron2jil
Autosys Command - cron2jil

usage: cron2jil -f cronFile [ -d outputDirectory ] [ -i includeFile ] [ -m machine ] [ -p prefix]


Create file from cron

o o crontab -l > cron_energyop.txt cron2jil -f cron_energyop.txt -p "job_TG_" -m "TGDB"

Convert cron file to jil file

Autosys JIL
Autosys Command - jil

To insert a job directly into the DB

o o o o o jil <CR> insert_job: job_type: c machine: machine_name command: echo testing jil

[exit | go | ;] (depending on the DB you are using) Template example:

o /* ----------------- template ----------------- */ insert_job: template job_type: c box_name: box1 command: ls -l machine: localhost owner: lyota01@TANT-A01 permission: gx,ge,wx,we,mx,me date_conditions: 1 days_of_week: all start_times: "15:00, 14:00" run_window: "14:00 - 6:00" condition: s (job1) description: "description field" n_retrys: 12 term_run_time: 60 box_terminator: 1 job_terminator: 1 std_out_file: /tmp/std_out std_err_file: /tmp/std_err min_run_alarm: 5 max_run_alarm: 10 alarm_if_fail: 1 max_exit_success: 2 chk_files: /tmp 2000 profile: /tmp/.profile job_load: 25 priority: 1 auto_delete: 12


Insert Box using JIL

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o jil jil>>01> insert_job: box_TG_cafe job_type: b jil>>02> owner: autosys jil>>03> permission: gx,wx,mx jil>>04> date_conditions: 1 jil>>05> days_of_week: sa jil>>06> start_times: "16:00" jil>>07> condition: s(box_TG_post_dp_batch) jil>>08> description: "CAFE Extract" jil>>09> alarm_if_fail: 0 jil>>10> group: TG_cafe jil>>11> exit _________________________________________________________ _____________________ CAUAJM_I_50204 Inserting/Updating Job: box_TG_cafe CAUAJM_I_10122 Job 'box_TG_cafe' scheduled: 01/10/2009 16:00:00

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

CAUAJM_I_50205 Database Change WAS Successful! _________________________________________________________ _____________________

Insert Command using JIL

jil jil>>01> insert_job: job_TG_extract_customer_premise_info job_type: c jil>>02> box_name: box_TG_cafe jil>>03> command: sudo -u energyop -i $$ {CISSOURCE}/CAFE/ $$ENV jil>>04> machine: TGDB jil>>05> owner: autosys jil>>06> permission: jil>>07> condition: jil>>08> description: "extract_customer_premise_info" jil>>09> std_out_file: $$ {CISAUTOLOGS}/extract_customer_premise_info_out.log jil>>10> std_err_file: $$ {CISAUTOLOGS}/extract_customer_premise_info_err.log jil>>11> alarm_if_fail: 0 jil>>12> group: TG_cafe jil>>13> exit _________________________________________________________ _____________________ CAUAJM_I_50204 Inserting/Updating Job: job_TG_extract_customer_premise_info CAUAJM_I_50205 Database Change WAS Successful! _________________________________________________________ _____________________ jil

Insert File Watcher using JIL

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o jil>>01> insert_job: fw_TG_CW27505_Extract_Premise job_type: f jil>>02> box_name: box_TG_cafe jil>>03> machine: TGFTP jil>>04> owner: energyop jil>>05> permission: jil>>06> condition: s(job_TG_extract_customer_premise_info) jil>>07> description: "CW27505_Extract_Premise_yyyy-mmdd.dat.gz file watcher" jil>>08> watch_file: $$ {CISFTPFTP}/CAFE/out/CW27505_Extract_Premise_$$ {DATEA}.dat.gz jil>>09> watch_interval: 60 jil>>10> alarm_if_fail: 0 jil>>11> group: TG_cafe jil>>12> exit _________________________________________________________ _____________________ CAUAJM_I_50204 Inserting/Updating Job: fw_TG_CW27505_Extract_Premise CAUAJM_I_50205 Database Change WAS Successful! _________________________________________________________ _____________________

Examples on tgdap01
ls -lrt /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM/autosys/test/jil -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam delete_machines.jil -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam external_instance -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam group_application -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam -r--r--r-1 tgteam 2781 2910 1753 1767 2695 1367 1405 1449 1833 4290 1739 1844 2151 2052 1629 1214 1787 Aug Aug Aug Jul Aug Aug Jul Jul Aug Aug Aug Jan Aug Aug Jul Aug Jan 11 11 11 20 11 11 20 27 11 11 11 30 11 11 21 30 30 2003 2003 2003 2006 2003 2003 2006 2006 2003 2003 2003 2006 2003 2003 2006 2006 2006 ab alarms appl_retry auto_hold boxkill box_status bro_all_events chase_test cond_que cond_test cond_test2 custom_cal.jil date_time date_time2 daylite_time

1516 Aug 11 1503 Aug 11 389 Jul 25 1687 1532 1800 2012 1544 1393 1347 1697 117247 1228 1477 1429 1429 2654 5713 5623 2635 6392 1282 1307 1307 1305 1367 1498 1275 2617 Aug Jul Jul Jul Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Jul Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Jul Jul Aug Aug 11 21 28 25 11 11 11 11 11 11 27 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 26 26 11 11

2003 everymin 2003 exclude 2006 2003 file_watch 2006 file_watch_kill 2006 glob_blob 2006 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2006 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2006 2006 2003 2003 heartbeat job_features job_kill_inbox kill_all_kids lots_jobs machine_list machines machines.vplato machines.vtibet man many many.1 many2 many.que mon_alarm mon_all_events mon_all_status mon_on_ice mon_status Notification pars peter


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

tgteam tgteam tgteam tgteam tgteam tgteam tgteam tgteam tgteam tgteam tgteam tgteam tgteam tgteam tgteam tgteam

2888 2198 3211 1319 1919 2143 1298 1230 1527 1294 1289 2002 1394 1210 1392 5587

Jul Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Jul Aug Aug Jul Aug Aug Oct Aug

21 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 31 11 11 21 11 30 13 11

2006 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2006 2003 2003 2006 2003 2006 2006 2003

Pyramid que que2 que_add resource run_csh secure ServiceDesk sleep sleep2 sleep.jil std_files test_install tmp

Autosys autocal_asc
Autosys Command - autocal_asc
Menu Usage
autocal_asc AutoSys Calendar Utility Please select from the following options: [1] Administer Standard Calendar. [2] Administer Extended Calendar. [3] Administer Cycle. [4] List all Calendars. [5] List all Cycles. [0] Exit AutoSys Calendar Utility. > 1 Administer AutoSys Standard Calendar Please select from the following options: [1] Create a Calendar. [2] Add dates to Calendar. [3] Delete Calendar dates. [4] Delete an entire Calendar. [5] List dates for a Calendar. [6] List all Standard Calendars. [9] Exit from "Administer AutoSys Standard Calendar" menu. [0] Exit AutoSys Calendar Utility. > 2

Administer AutoSys Extended Calendar Please select from the following options:

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [0] > 3

Create an Extended Calendar. Modify an Extended Calendar. Delete an Extended Calendar. List an Extended Calendar definition. Preview an Extended Calendar. Regenerate an Extended Calendar. List all Extended Calendars. Exit from "Administer AutoSys Extended Calendar" menu. Exit AutoSys Calendar Utility.

Administer AutoSys Cycles Please select from the following options: [1] Create a Cycle. [2] Add periods to Cycle. [3] Delete a Cycle. [4] List dates for Cycle. [5] List all Cycles. [9] Exit from "Administer AutoSys Cycles" menu. [0] Exit AutoSys Calendar Utility. > 4

Existing Calendars: -------------------------------cal_Business_Days cal_Incorrect_Meter_pressure cal_MRI_Free_Days cal_Monthly_Batch cal_Monthly_Weekend_Batch cal_Natural_Gas_Vehicle cal_SAP_MMS_Device

Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar

Command Line Usage

Unicenter AutoSys JM Calendar Utility USAGE: autocal_asc [-D|-E export_filename] [-c cycle_name|-e extcal|s stdcal] | -I import_filename | -l | -l[c|e|s] | -x | - | -? WHERE: -D -E export_filename file -c cycle_name | ALL -e extcal | ALL -s stdcal | ALL -I import_filename file -l -lc -le deletes a calendar or cycle exports calendars or cycles to the given specifies cycle for -D or -E specifies extended calendar for -D or -E specifies standard calendar for -D or -E imports calendars or cycles from the given lists all standard and extended calendars lists all cycles lists all extended calendars

-ls -x -?

lists all standard calendars prints version information reads menu selections from standard input prints this message

NOTE: -E exports all calendars of the given type when the ALL keyword is used.

Back Up Calendar Definitions

You should back up your calendar definitions periodically so you have files to restore from in the event of a system failure. To back up calendar definitions, run each of the following commands from an instance command prompt:
autocal_asc E autosys.EXTENDED_CAL e ALL autocal_asc E autosys.CYCLES c ALL autocal_asc E autosys.STANDARD_CAL s ALL

Show all standard calendars
autocal_asc -ls Existing Calendars: -------------------------------cal_Business_Days cal_Incorrect_Meter_pressure cal_MRI_Free_Days cal_Monthly_Batch cal_Monthly_Weekend_Batch cal_Natural_Gas_Vehicle cal_SAP_MMS_Device cal_Tar_Archive_Files

Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar Calendar

Delete Calendar
autocal_asc -D -s cal_Business_Days CAUAJM_I_50438 Delete Successful for Calendar: cal_Business_Days CAUAJM_W_10119 Job 'job_TG_business_days' uses a custom calendar that does not resolve to any valid dates. CAUAJM_W_10120 This job was not scheduled to run! autocal_asc -D -s cal_Incorrect_Meter_pressure CAUAJM_I_50438 Delete Successful for Calendar: cal_Incorrect_Meter_pressure CAUAJM_W_10119 Job 'box_TG_incorrect_meter_pressure' uses a custom calendar that does not resolve to any valid dates. CAUAJM_W_10120 This job was not scheduled to run! autocal_asc -D -s cal_MRI_Free_Days

CAUAJM_I_50438 Delete Successful for Calendar: cal_MRI_Free_Days CAUAJM_I_10122 Job 'box_TG_MRIBCG_generation' scheduled: 02/25/2009 05:30:00 CAUAJM_I_10122 Job 'box_TG_MRIBCH_generation' scheduled: 02/25/2009 05:00:00 autocal_asc -D -s autocal_asc -D -s cal_Monthly_Batch CAUAJM_I_50438 Delete Successful for Calendar: cal_Monthly_Batch CAUAJM_W_10119 Job 'box_TG_monthly_batch' uses a custom calendar that does not resolve to any valid dates. CAUAJM_W_10120 This job was not scheduled to run! CAUAJM_W_10119 Job 'box_TG_monthly_print' uses a custom calendar that does not resolve to any valid dates. CAUAJM_W_10120 This job was not scheduled to run! CAUAJM_W_10119 Job 'box_TG_monthly_HEC_SLA' uses a custom calendar that does not resolve to any valid dates. CAUAJM_W_10120 This job was not scheduled to run! CAUAJM_W_10119 Job 'box_TG_monthly_IVR_report' uses a custom calendar that does not resolve to any valid dates. CAUAJM_W_10120 This job was not scheduled to run! autocal_asc -D -s cal_Monthly_Weekend_Batch CAUAJM_I_50438 Delete Successful for Calendar: cal_Monthly_Weekend_Batch CAUAJM_W_10119 Job 'box_TG_monthly_weekend_batch' uses a custom calendar that does not resolve to any valid dates. CAUAJM_W_10120 This job was not scheduled to run! CAUAJM_W_10119 Job 'box_TG_monthly_stat' uses a custom calendar that does not resolve to any valid dates. CAUAJM_W_10120 This job was not scheduled to run! CAUAJM_W_10119 Job 'box_TG_ODS_extract' uses a custom calendar that does not resolve to any valid dates. CAUAJM_W_10120 This job was not scheduled to run! CAUAJM_W_10119 Job 'job_TG_calc_avg_factors' uses a custom calendar that does not resolve to any valid dates. CAUAJM_W_10120 This job was not scheduled to run! autocal_asc -D -s cal_Natural_Gas_Vehicle CAUAJM_I_50438 Delete Successful for Calendar: cal_Natural_Gas_Vehicle CAUAJM_W_10119 Job 'job_TG_NGV_quarterly_extract' uses a custom calendar that does not resolve to any valid dates. CAUAJM_W_10120 This job was not scheduled to run! autocal_asc -D -s cal_SAP_MMS_Device CAUAJM_I_50438 Delete Successful for Calendar: cal_SAP_MMS_Device CAUAJM_W_10119 Job 'box_TG_SAP_MMS_Devices' uses a custom calendar that does not resolve to any valid dates. CAUAJM_W_10120 This job was not scheduled to run!

Import calendar

autocal_asc -I cal_STANDARD CAUAJM_I_50430 Insert Successful for Calendar: cal_Incorrect_Meter_pressure CAUAJM_I_10122 Job 'box_TG_incorrect_meter_pressure' scheduled: 03/01/2009 12:00:00 CAUAJM_I_50430 Insert Successful for Calendar: cal_MRI_Free_Days CAUAJM_I_10122 Job 'box_TG_MRIBCG_generation' scheduled: 02/25/2009 05:30:00 CAUAJM_I_10122 Job 'box_TG_MRIBCH_generation' scheduled: 02/25/2009 05:00:00 CAUAJM_I_50430 Insert Successful for Calendar: cal_Natural_Gas_Vehicle CAUAJM_I_10122 Job 'job_TG_NGV_quarterly_extract' scheduled: 04/15/2009 08:05:00 CAUAJM_I_50430 Insert Successful for Calendar: cal_SAP_MMS_Device CAUAJM_I_10122 Job 'box_TG_SAP_MMS_Devices' scheduled: 05/02/2009 16:00:00 CAUAJM_I_50430 Insert Successful for Calendar: cal_Business_Days CAUAJM_I_10122 Job 'job_TG_business_days' scheduled: 12/15/2009 08:00:00 CAUAJM_I_50430 Insert Successful for Calendar: cal_Monthly_Batch CAUAJM_I_10122 Job 'box_TG_monthly_batch' scheduled: 03/01/2009 02:00:00 CAUAJM_I_10122 Job 'box_TG_monthly_print' scheduled: 03/01/2009 06:00:00 CAUAJM_I_10122 Job 'box_TG_monthly_HEC_SLA' scheduled: 03/01/2009 12:00:00 CAUAJM_I_10122 Job 'box_TG_monthly_IVR_report' scheduled: 03/01/2009 15:00:00

Make backup of Standard calendar

autocal_asc -E cal_STANDARD -s ALL -rw-rw-r-1 aczaszyn tgteam cal_STANDARD 2702 Feb 24 12:03

Check calendars
cat cal_STANDARD calendar: cal_Business_Days 12/15/2009 00:00 calendar: cal_Incorrect_Meter_pressure 02/01/2009 00:00 03/01/2009 00:00 04/05/2009 00:00 05/03/2009 00:00 06/07/2009 00:00

07/05/2009 00:00 08/02/2009 00:00 09/06/2009 00:00 10/04/2009 00:00 11/01/2009 00:00 12/06/2009 00:00 01/03/2010 00:00 calendar: cal_MRI_Free_Days 02/01/2009 00:00 02/02/2009 00:00 02/08/2009 00:00 02/09/2009 00:00 02/15/2009 00:00 02/16/2009 00:00 02/22/2009 00:00 02/23/2009 00:00 02/25/2009 00:00 03/01/2009 00:00 03/02/2009 00:00 03/08/2009 00:00 03/09/2009 00:00 03/15/2009 00:00 03/16/2009 00:00 03/22/2009 00:00 03/23/2009 00:00 03/26/2009 00:00 03/29/2009 00:00 03/30/2009 00:00 04/05/2009 00:00 04/06/2009 00:00 04/10/2009 00:00 04/12/2009 00:00 04/13/2009 00:00 04/19/2009 00:00 04/20/2009 00:00 04/26/2009 00:00 04/27/2009 00:00 05/03/2009 00:00 05/04/2009 00:00 05/10/2009 00:00 05/11/2009 00:00 05/17/2009 00:00 05/18/2009 00:00 05/24/2009 00:00 05/25/2009 00:00 05/27/2009 00:00 05/31/2009 00:00 06/01/2009 00:00 06/07/2009 00:00 06/08/2009 00:00 06/14/2009 00:00 06/15/2009 00:00

06/21/2009 06/22/2009 06/25/2009 06/28/2009 06/29/2009 07/01/2009 07/05/2009 07/06/2009 07/12/2009 07/13/2009 07/19/2009 07/20/2009 07/25/2009 07/26/2009 07/27/2009 08/02/2009 08/03/2009 08/09/2009 08/10/2009 08/16/2009 08/17/2009 08/23/2009 08/24/2009 08/26/2009 08/30/2009 08/31/2009 09/06/2009 09/07/2009 09/13/2009 09/14/2009 09/20/2009 09/21/2009 09/25/2009 09/27/2009 09/28/2009 10/04/2009 10/05/2009 10/11/2009 10/12/2009 10/18/2009 10/19/2009 10/25/2009 10/26/2009 10/27/2009 11/01/2009 11/02/2009 11/08/2009 11/09/2009 11/11/2009 11/15/2009 11/16/2009 11/22/2009

00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00 00:00

11/23/2009 00:00 11/26/2009 00:00 11/29/2009 00:00 11/30/2009 00:00 12/06/2009 00:00 12/07/2009 00:00 12/13/2009 00:00 12/14/2009 00:00 12/20/2009 00:00 12/21/2009 00:00 12/25/2009 00:00 12/27/2009 00:00 12/28/2009 00:00 01/01/2010 00:00 01/03/2010 00:00 01/04/2010 00:00 01/10/2010 00:00 01/11/2010 00:00 01/17/2010 00:00 01/18/2010 00:00 01/24/2010 00:00 01/25/2010 00:00 01/31/2010 00:00 calendar: cal_Monthly_Batch 02/01/2009 00:00 03/01/2009 00:00 04/01/2009 00:00 05/01/2009 00:00 06/01/2009 00:00 07/01/2009 00:00 08/01/2009 00:00 09/01/2009 00:00 10/01/2009 00:00 11/01/2009 00:00 12/01/2009 00:00 01/01/2010 00:00 calendar: cal_Monthly_Weekend_Batch 02/07/2009 00:00 03/07/2009 00:00 04/04/2009 00:00 05/02/2009 00:00 06/06/2009 00:00 07/04/2009 00:00 08/02/2009 00:00 09/05/2009 00:00 10/03/2009 00:00 11/07/2009 00:00 12/05/2009 00:00 01/02/2010 00:00 calendar: cal_Natural_Gas_Vehicle 04/15/2009 00:00 07/15/2009 00:00

10/15/2009 00:00 01/15/2010 00:00 calendar: cal_SAP_MMS_Device 05/02/2009 00:00 07/18/2009 00:00 10/03/2009 00:00 11/14/2009 00:00

Autosys sendevent
Autosys Commands - sendevent
Sendevents to AutoSys for a variety of purposes, including starting or stopping AutoSys jobs, stopping the Event processor, and putting a job on hold. This command is also used to set AutoSys global variables or cancel a scheduled event.
Unicenter AutoSys JM Sendevent Utility USAGE: sendevent -E EVENT [-S AUTOSERV] [-A Alarm] [-J JobName] [-B GroupName] [-I ApplicationName] [-s Status] [-P Event Priority] [-M Max Send Trys ] [-q Job Queue Priority] [-G Global=Value] [-C Comment] [-U (Un-SENDEVENT)] [-T Time of Event] [-K Signal(s)] [-N Machine] [-x] [-?] WHERE: -E -A -J -B -I -s -S -P -M event Event Alarm JobName GroupName ApplicationName Status AUTOSERV Event Priority Max Send Trys

AutoSys instance name Assigns a priority to the event Number of attempts to be made to send

and event

in case of failure -q Job Queue Priority Assigns new queue priority to the job -G Global=Value Sets value to the global variable -C Comment Sends a comment ( Can be alphanumeric -U (Un-SENDEVENT) should not exceed 255 characters) Cancels the last event specified by -E Processes the event on specified date in "MM/dd/[yy]yy hh:mm" format Sends a signal to a running Job Real Machine name to send MACH_OFFLINE MACH_ONLINE events Returns version information Help Event [-E] is required. [-s status] should be used with -E CHANGE_STATUS [-G Global=value] should be used with -E SET_GLOBAL If both [-B GroupName] and [-I ApplicationName]

-T Time of Event and time -K Signal(s) -N Machine and -x -? NOTE: 1. 2. 3. 4.

attributes are specified this is treated as an AND condition 5. [-J JobName] and [-B GroupName or -I ApplicationName] are mutually exclusive.


The following list contains all available event names in alphabetical order:




The job status when the event is CHANGE_STATUS. The following list contains all possible states for the CHANGE_STATUS event in alphabetical order:

Set Global Dates
sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent %m-01`" sendevent %m`" sendevent %d`" sendevent %m`" -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E SET_GLOBAL SET_GLOBAL SET_GLOBAL SET_GLOBAL SET_GLOBAL SET_GLOBAL SET_GLOBAL SET_GLOBAL -G -G -G -G -G -G -G -G "DATEA=`date "DATEB=`date "DATEC=`date "DATED=`date "DATEE=`date "DATEF=`date "DATEM=`date "DATEN=`date +%Y-%m-%d`" +%Y%m%d`" +%y%m%d`" +%m%d%Y`" +%Y%b%d`" +%Y%m`" +%Y-%m-01`" -d '1 month ago' +%Y-

-E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATEO=`date -d '1 month ago' +%Y-E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATEP=`date -d '1 day ago' +%Y%m -E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATER=`date -d '1 month ago' +%Y

Set Globals in TGQA

sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "APIINBOX=/CISSupport/tgqa/interfaces/inbox"

sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "APIOUTBOX=/CISSupport/tgqa/interfaces/outbox" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "AUTOBACKUP=/export/home/autosys/AUTOSYS/backup" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "CISADAPTERS=/CISSupport/tgqa/source/ADAPTERS" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "CISAUTOLOGS=/CISSupport/tgqa/autosys/current" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "CISAUTOSYS=/CISSupport/tgqa/autosys" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "CISFTP=/CISSupport/tgqa/ftp" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "CISFTPFTP=/CISSupport/tg/ftp/tgqa" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "CISFTPSOURCE=/CISSupport/tg/ftp/tgqa/source" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "CISLOGS=/CISSupport/tgqa/logs" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "CISREPORTS=/CISSupport/tgqa/reports" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "CISSOURCE=/CISSupport/tgqa/source" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATELIB=/usr/local/bin" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATEA=`/usr/local/bin/date +%Y-%m%d`" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATEB=`/usr/local/bin/date +%Y%m %d`" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATEC=`/usr/local/bin/date +%y%m %d`" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATED=`/usr/local/bin/date +%m%d %Y`" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATEE=`/usr/local/bin/date +%Y%b %d`" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATEF=`/usr/local/bin/date +%Y%m`" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATEM=`/usr/local/bin/date +%Y-%m01`" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATEN=`/usr/local/bin/date -d '1 month ago' +%Y-%m-01`" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATEO=`/usr/local/bin/date -d '1 month ago' +%Y-%m`" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATEP=`/usr/local/bin/date -d '1 day ago' +%Y%m%d`" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "DATER=`/usr/local/bin/date -d '1 month ago' +%Y%m`" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "ENERGYPRINT=/export/home/energyop/print/peace8.04_tgqa1" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "ENV=tgqa" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "HOME=/export/home/energyop" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "KM1_ENDDATE=2009-01-30" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "KM1_STARTDATE=2009-01-24" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "KM2_ENDDATE=2009-01-31" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "KM2_STARTDATE=2009-01-25" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "MRIBCG_READDATE=2009-01-07" sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "MRIBCH_READDATE=2009-01-07"

Check Global Variable

autostatus -G DATEA

autostatus autostatus autostatus autostatus autostatus autostatus autostatus autostatus

-G -G -G -G -G -G -G -G


Start Box jobs

sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent sendevent -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E -E FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB FORCE_STARTJOB -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J -J box_TG_archive box_TG_set_environment box_TG_tests box_TG_post_dp_batch box_TG_pre_dp_batch box_TG_weekly_batch box_TG_monthly_batch box_TG_monthly_weekend_batch box_TG_load_Remittance_files box_TG_load_RMF_files box_TG_cafe box_TG_cognos box_TG_energy_CIS_users box_TG_Davox_extract box_TG_Davox_upload box_TG_weekly_terasen_epost box_TG_SAP_MMS_Devices box_TG_monthly_stat box_TG_ODS_extract box_TG_TriStar_survey box_TG_direct_debit box_TG_workorder_out box_TG_workorder_in box_TG_workorder_consolidate box_TG_ip_pool_price_loader box_TG_IB_allocations box_TG_IB_hec box_TG_IB_usage box_TG_IB_heat box_TG_IB_temp box_TG_MRIBCG_generation box_TG_MRIBCH_generation box_TG_MRI_ftp box_TG_load_MREBCG box_TG_load_MREBCH

Start Single jobs

sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_business_days sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_davox_complaints

sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_work_management sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_work_management_fieldwork sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_track_statements_audit sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_bankrupt_credit sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_bankrupt_current sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_chk_unclosed_batches sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_epost_retrieve_weekly_unfunded sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_incorrect_meter_pressure sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_invoicing_reconnection_charges sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_mdd_in_progress sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_remove_OMR_readings sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_mdd_run_completions sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_mdd_to_reload sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_mdd_pdf_gen sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_mdd_appointments sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_CSS_gas_odour_rpt sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_caledon_tracker_load sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_CSS_meter_exchanges_rpt sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_check_calorific_values sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_check_tc_values sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_check_temperature sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_daily_back_office_forecasting sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_refunds_processing_debtors_and_divisions sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_epost_audit_extract sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_IB_adjusted_usage sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_IB_health_reports sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_days_delay_correction sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_resequencerounds sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_epost_retrieve_MDR sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_epost_retrieve_daily_unfunded sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_epost_unpack_ifile sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_mdd_pool_old_ptjs sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_device_status sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_device_status_upload sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_NGV_quarterly_extract sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_OMR_manual_readings_required_report sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_check_statement_loading sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J job_TG_monthly_reads_stat sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J

Change Status

sendevent -E CHANGE_STATUS -s SUCCESS -J fw_TG_WeeklyTerasenUnfunded

Autosys autodwp
Autosys Command - autodwp
autodwp -? Unicenter AutoSys JM Dynamic Workload Placement Assistant Utility USAGE: autodwp -n <vm name> p] [-q] [-u] [-x] [-?] -f <machine conditions file> [-

WHERE: -n Virtual machine name -f Machine conditions file -p Prints the name of the virtual machine -q Runs the command in quiet mode -u Updates the machine list in the virtual machine -x Returns version information -? Help abtgqdb /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM/autos

Autosys archive_events
Autosys Command - archive_events

Archive Evens in DB which are older than x days to prevent DB from becoming full
archive_events -? Unicenter AutoSys JM Archive Events Utility USAGE: archive_events [-j Num_days|-l Num_days|-n Num_days|-r Num_days] [-A] [-B Batch_size] [-C Delimiter] [-d Directory_name] [-D Datasource|TNSname] [-I Idletime] [x] [-?] WHERE: -n Num_days -j Num_days -l Num_days -r Num_days information -A -B Batch_size at a time -C Delimiter (Default is ","(comma)) -d Directory_name specified directory Deletes Deletes Deletes Deletes events older than num_days ujo_job_runs information autotracking information ujo_chkpnt_rstart

Archives data to file Archives specified number of events Archive file field delimiter Stores the archived data in the

-D Datasource archive events -I Idletime -x -? ERROR: Number Number Number Number of of of of Days Days Days Days for for for for

Uses specified datasource/TNSName to Waits number of seconds specified before timing out the SQL connection Returns version information Help EVENTS [-n] OR JOB RUNS [-j] OR AUTOTRACK Log [-l] OR CHECKPOINT RESTART [-r] IS REQUIRED.

Autosys autoaggr
Autosys Command - autoaggr
output autoaggr -? Unicenter AutoSys JM Aggregator Utility USAGE: autoaggr [-d] [-h] [-m] [-w] [-r] [-x] [-?] WHERE: -d -h -m -w -r Collects and aggregates daily data Collects and aggregates hourly data Collects and aggregates monthly data Collects and aggregates weekly data Deletes the current aggregated data and reaggregates

data -x Returns the autoaggr version number to standard -? Help

Autosys autotrack
Autosys Command - autotrack
Unicenter AutoSys JM Autotrack Utility USAGE: autotrack level autotrack level autotrack info autotrack information autotrack help WHERE: [-D DataSource] -u 0|1|2 [-D DataSource] -l : Update autotrack : Query autotrack

[-D DataSource] [<Query Options>] : Query autotrack [-D DataSource] [-x] [-D DataSource] [-?] : Version : autotrack Usage

Query Options: [-v] [-F <MM/dd/yyyyHH:MM>] [-T <MM/dd/yyyyHH:MM>] [-U userid] [-m machine] [-J <job name>] [-t <AutoTrack Type>]

: : : : : : :

verbose after (From) time before (To) time by user by machine by job by AutoTrack Type

AutoTrack Types: -t A -t B -t C -t J -t M -t O -t S -t T

: : : : : : : :

autosys_secure call monbro definition change calendar definition change job definition change machine definition change override definition change sendevent call autotrack call

Autosys clean_files
Autosys Command - clean_files
Unicenter AutoSys JM Clean Files Utility USAGE: clean_files -d Num_days [-x] [-?] WHERE: -d -x -? Num_days Number of Days to keep files for. Returns version information Help

Clean agent log files older than 1 day

clean_files -d 1
Machines: TGQAFTP abtgpdb abtgposs1 abtgpstmt abtgqdb CAUAJM_I_50065 Cleaning log files on machine: TGQAFTP... CAUAJM_E_50066 Could not clean files on machine: TGQAFTP! CAUAJM_I_50065 Cleaning log files on machine: abtgpdb... CAUAJM_I_10082 [abtgpdb connected for Unicenter AutoSys JM CleanFiles] CAUAJM_I_50067 Removed 12 of 24 total log files on machine abtgpdb. CAUAJM_I_50065 Cleaning log files on machine: abtgposs1... CAUAJM_I_10082 [abtgposs1 connected for Unicenter AutoSys JM CleanFiles] CAUAJM_I_50067 Removed 0 of 0 total log files on machine abtgposs1. CAUAJM_I_50065 Cleaning log files on machine: abtgpstmt... CAUAJM_I_10082 [abtgpstmt connected for Unicenter AutoSys JM CleanFiles] CAUAJM_I_50067 Removed 0 of 0 total log files on machine abtgpstmt. CAUAJM_I_50065 Cleaning log files on machine: abtgqdb... CAUAJM_I_10082 [abtgqdb connected for Unicenter AutoSys JM CleanFiles] CAUAJM_I_50067 Removed 0 of 0 total log files on machine abtgqdb.

Autosys xql

Autosys Command - xql

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

xql -? Usage: xql -U User Name -P Password -S Server Name [-D Database Name] [-C Command] [-f file path] [-d Delimiter] [-w column width] [-T timeout] [-h] [-x] [-?] WHERE: -U Database -P Database -S -D -f -C on Server used -d Delimiter -T timeout is 60 sec) -h -w Column Width -x -? User Name Password Server Name Database Name File Path Command User Name to connect to the Password to connect to the Server Instance (MSSQL/Sybase) Database name Input file path Command or Query to be executed -C will be ignored if -f is also Delimiter or Column Separator XQL Timeout in seconds (default Header off Define the column width XQL Version Information Help

Autosys zql
Autosys Command - zql

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o zql -? zql utility Usage: zql -U User Name -P Password -S Server Name [-c Command] [-f Input File] [-d Delimiter] [-b Batch] [-q] [-Q] [-h] [-x] [-?] WHERE: -U User Name User Name to connect to the Database -P Password Password to connect to the Database -S Server Name Database Server Name -f File Name Path to the Input File -c Command Query to be executed. -c will be ignored if -f is also specified -d Delimiter Delimiter or Column Separator -b Batch Batch to execute -q Display error messages -Q Do not display error messages -h Off -x zql Version Information -? Help

Autosys autosys_secure
Autosys Command - autosys_secure

AutoSys Security Utility

o o o o o o o o o o o

autosys_secure AutoSys Security Utility Please select from the following options: [1] Activate EIAM instance security. [2] Manage EDIT/EXEC superusers. [3] Change AutoSys database password. [4] Change AutoSys remote authentication method. [5] Manage AutoSys User@Host users. [6] Get Encrypted Password. [0] Exit AutoSys Security Utility.

Autosys autotimezone
Autosys Command - autotimezone

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

autotimezone "-h" Unicenter AutoSys JM Autotimezone Utility USAGE: autotimezone [-a Alias Timezone] [-c City Timezone] [-t Timezone] [-d Alias | City] [-q Alias | City | Timezone | sql_pattern] [-l] [-x] [-?] WHERE: -a timezone -c timezone -t -d or city -q specified Alias Timezone City Timezone Timezone Alias|City Associates alias to a Associates city to a Adds a timezone entry Deletes associated alias Queries database for the timezone or sql_pattern Lists all timezone entries Returns version Help

Alias|City|Timezone alias, city |Sql_pattern (Wildcards % or_) -l -x information -?


List all time zones

o o o o o

autotimezone -l autotimezone -q Vancouver CAUAJM_I_50089 Timezones: Entry Zone Type

Vancouver time zone

o o

------------------------------------------------------Vancouver Canada/Pacific autotimezone -q Calgary CAUAJM_I_50089 Timezones: Entry Zone ------------------------------------------------------Calgary Canada/Mountain


Calgary time zone

o o o o o o

Type -----City

Autosys monbro
Autosys Command - monbro

Run monitor or report that has already been defined, using JIL or the monitor/browser editor

monbro -h Unicenter AutoSys JM Monitor Browser Utility USAGE: monbro -N Name [-P Polling frequency] [-D DataSource] [q] [-x] [-?] WHERE: -N Name -P Poll frequency interval -D Datasource specified information -q format -x -? Runs specified Monitor or Report Polls the database at the specified (in seconds) Uses datasource to search the Displays monbro definitions in JIL Returns version information Help

monbro -N failure_monitor monbro -N ALL -q insert_monbro: error mode: b all_events: N alarm: N all_status: N running: N success: N failure: Y

terminated: Y starting: N restart: N job_filter: a currun: Y insert_monbro: running mode: b all_events: N alarm: N all_status: N running: Y success: N failure: N terminated: N starting: N restart: N job_filter: a currun: Y

Autosys autosyslog
Autosys Command - autosyslog
Unicenter AutoSys JM log Utility USAGE: autosyslog [-e | -s | -j Job_Name ] [-p] [-?] WHERE -e [ monitor (tail -f) the event scheduler output file. ] -s [ monitor (tail -f) the application server output file. ] -j job_name [ Inspect the latest remote agent output file for job_name ] -p Include the output from the environment if available (RemoteProFile) -? Help

Monitoring CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler
autosyslog -e Monitoring CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler Log: /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM/autouser.TGD/out/event_demon .TGD *** To break out type control-c (^c) *** [01/09/2009 17:29:57] <Event was Scheduled based on Job Definition.> [01/09/2009 17:29:57] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: box_TG_load_Remittance_files [01/09/2009 17:29:58] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: STARTING JOB: job_TG_FTP_get_Remittance_file_c [01/09/2009 17:29:58] CAUAJM_I_10082 [ connected for job_TG_FTP_get_Remittance_file_c 508.328.1] [01/09/2009 17:29:59] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: job_TG_FTP_get_Remittance_file_c

[01/09/2009 17:30:00] ---------------------------------------[01/09/2009 17:30:00] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: FAILURE JOB: job_TG_FTP_get_Remittance_file_c EXITCODE: 1 [01/09/2009 17:31:00] ---------------------------------------[01/09/2009 17:32:00] ---------------------------------------[01/09/2009 17:33:00] ---------------------------------------[01/09/2009 18:27:02] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: FORCE_STARTJOB JOB: box_TG_tests [01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: box_TG_tests [01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_E_90015 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent [2AJR] - License Failure. Please contact your account representative to obtain a new license. [01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: STARTING JOB: job_TG_test_FTP_server [01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: STARTING JOB: job_TG_test_DB_server [01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: STARTING JOB: job_TG_test_STMT_server [01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_I_10082 [SGDDB connected for job_TG_test_DB_server 480.329.1] [01/09/2009 18:27:03] CAUAJM_I_10082 [ connected for job_TG_test_FTP_server 481.329.1] [01/09/2009 18:27:04] CAUAJM_I_10082 [SGDDB connected for job_TG_test_STMT_server 482.329.1] [01/09/2009 18:27:04] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: job_TG_test_DB_server [01/09/2009 18:27:05] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: SUCCESS JOB: job_TG_test_DB_server EXITCODE: 0 [01/09/2009 18:27:05] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: job_TG_test_STMT_server [01/09/2009 18:27:05] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: RUNNING JOB: job_TG_test_FTP_server [01/09/2009 18:27:05] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: SUCCESS JOB: job_TG_test_STMT_server EXITCODE: 0 [01/09/2009 18:27:05] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: SUCCESS JOB: job_TG_test_FTP_server EXITCODE: 0 [01/09/2009 18:27:06] CAUAJM_I_40245 EVENT: CHANGE_STATUS STATUS: SUCCESS JOB: box_TG_tests [01/09/2009 18:28:00] ---------------------------------------[01/09/2009 18:29:00] ----------------------------------------

Monitoring application server output

autosyslog -s Monitoring application server output file:



*** To break out type control-c (^c) *** [04/26/2009 22:07:02] CAUAJM_W_10632 Attempting to reconnect to database <TGPROD>. Attempt number [3]. [04/26/2009 22:07:04] CAUAJM_I_10633 Reconnection attempt for database <TGPROD> succeeded. [04/26/2009 22:25:11] CAUAJM_I_40262 SIGTERM signal caught! - shutting down [04/26/2009 22:25:12] CAUAJM_I_30004 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server shutdown complete... [04/26/2009 22:25:12] CAUAJM_I_30000 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server exiting! CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server Log [04/26/2009 22:25:16] Time Message -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[04/26/2009 22:25:16] CAUAJM_I_30001 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Application Server startup complete... [04/26/2009 22:25:16] CAUAJM_I_10655 System is running in single server mode. Event server: TGPROD.

Autosys job_depends
Autosys Command - job_depends
USAGE: job_depends [-B Group] [-c|-d|-t] [-D Data_server] [-F From_date/time][-I Application] [-J Job_name] [-L Print_level] [-e] [-s] [-T To_date/time] [-w] [-x] [-?] WHERE: -J Job_name -B Group -I Application -c

Returns Current status of the job and job dependencies -d Display job dependencies -e Generates all start times between -F and -T -t Display time dependencies -F From_date/time Defines From date-time for report in format: "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm" -T To_date/time Defines the End date-time for report in Format: "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm" -L Print_level Specifies the number of levels of the box -D Data_server -s hierarchy to be retrieved Uses specified Datasource for connection Sorts in the order of the job's next start Widens the display columns Returns version information Help



-w -x -?

NOTE: 1. If both [-B Group] and [-I Application] options are specified, this is treated as an AND condition. 2. The [ -J Job_name] and [-B Group or -I Application]

options are mutually exclusive. 3. The -s and -e options are valid only with the -t option

-- T T s(job_TGQA_monthly_r_deposit) SUCCESS T _______________________________________________________________ _______________ s(box_TGQA_monthly_batch) s(box_TGQA_monthly_KM_2) SUCCESS SUCCESS job_depends -t -w -J ALL -F "02/21/2009" job_depends -c -j box_TGQA_monthly_print _______________________________________________________________ _______________ Start Dependent Job Name Cond? Jobs? -------------------box_TGQA_monthly_print 06:00:00 Yes No

Status -----SUCCESS

Date Cond? --------------09/01/2009

Condition: s(box_TGQA_monthly_batch) & s(box_TGQA_monthly_KM_2) & s(job_TGQA_monthly_r_deposit) Atomic Condition ---------------Current Status --------------


Autosys autorep
Autosys Command - autorep
Unicenter AutoSys JM Autorep Utility USAGE: autorep [-J [-B [-X [-R [-z [-G WHERE: -J -I -B -o -X -Y -z -G JobName] [-d | -s | -q | -o OverRide # | -a | -w] GroupName] [-I ApplicationName] [-t] ExternalInstanceName] [-Y JobType] Run_num] [-L PrintLevel] [-N Retry] [-x] GlobalBlobName] [-f BlobDownloadDirectory] GlobalName] [-M MachineName] [-D DataSource] [-?]

JobName ApplicationName GroupName Overnum ExternalInstance JobType GlobalBlobName GlobalName

-M MachineName -d -s -q -w machine name conditions -t -R Run_num -L PrintLevel will be for error -D DataSource DataSource -f BlobDownloadDirectory downloaded to -a text -x -? NOTE: Effect. -N Retry

Generates a detail report Generates a summary report Generates a query report (Jil format) Reports untruncated job name and and uses the long form of job Includes the timezone in the report Generates the report for the job run specified in run_num Generated Box Job hierarchy report limited to level specified Attempts to connect to the database number of times before generating an Generates report from specified Location on disk where blob data is Download blob data to file as ASCII Returns version information Help

1. -J OR -M OR -B OR -I OR -X OR -Y are required parameters. 2. If OverRide# = 0, it will display OverRide Currently in

3. If both [-B GroupName] and [-I ApplicationName] attributes are specified, this is treated as an AND condition. 4. [-J JobName] and [-B GroupName or -I ApplicationName][-X] are mutually exclusive. 5. The [-a] and/or [-f] attributes are valid with the attribute pair [-J JobName] and [-q] or with the [-z GlobalBlobName] attribute

View Machines
autorep -M ALL Machine Name O/S Status _____________________________ ___________ ______ abtgpdb Unix Online abtgpftp Unix Online abtgposs1 Unix Online abtgpstmt Unix Online TGPRODDB.abtgpdb Unix Online Max Load Current Load Factor

__________ ____________ _______ --------------------1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ----

TGPRODFTP.abtgposs1 Unix Online TGPRODSTMT.abtgpstmt Unix Online abtgqdb Unix Online TGQADB.abtgqdb Unix Online TGQAFTP.abtgqdb Unix Online TGQASTMT.abtgqdb Unix Online



------1.00 ----------

View Global Variables

autorep -G %TGPROD% Global Name Value Last Changed ____________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________ TGPROD_APIINBOX /CISSupport/tgprod/interfaces/inbox 03/02/2009 16:44:09 TGPROD_APIOUTBOX /CISSupport/tgprod/interfaces/outbox 03/02/2009 16:44:09 TGPROD_AUTOBACKUP /CISSupport/tgprod/reports/current 06/12/2009 11:00:50 TGPROD_AUTOBIN /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM/autosys/bin 03/02/2009 16:44:09 TGPROD_CISADAPTERS /CISSupport/tgprod/source/ADAPTERS 03/02/2009 16:44:09 TGPROD_CISAUTOLOGS /CISSupport/tgprod/autosys/current 03/02/2009 16:44:09 TGPROD_CISAUTOSYS /CISSupport/tgprod/autosys 03/02/2009 16:44:09 TGPROD_CISFTP /CISSupport/tgprod/ftp 03/02/2009 16:44:09 TGPROD_CISFTPFTP /CISSupport/tg/ftp/tgprod 03/02/2009 16:44:09 TGPROD_CISFTPSOURCE /CISSupport/tg/ftp/tgprod/source 03/02/2009 16:44:09 TGPROD_CISLOGS /CISSupport/tgprod/logs 03/02/2009 16:44:09 TGPROD_CISREPORTS /CISSupport/tgprod/reports 03/02/2009 16:44:09 TGPROD_CISSOURCE /CISSupport/tgprod/source 03/02/2009 16:44:09 TGPROD_DATEA 2009-09-18 09/18/2009 00:01:04 TGPROD_DATEB 20090918 09/18/2009 00:01:04 TGPROD_DATEC 090918 09/18/2009 00:01:04 TGPROD_DATED 09182009 09/18/2009 00:01:04

TGPROD_DATEE 2009Sep18 09/18/2009 00:01:05 TGPROD_DATEF 200909 09/18/2009 00:01:06 TGPROD_DATEG 2009-09 09/18/2009 00:01:06 TGPROD_DATEH 20090916 09/18/2009 00:01:06 TGPROD_DATEL 2009-06-01 09/18/2009 00:01:06 TGPROD_DATELIB /usr/local/bin 03/02/2009 16:45:14 TGPROD_DATEM 2009-09-01 09/18/2009 00:01:04 TGPROD_DATEN 2009-08-01 09/18/2009 00:01:04 TGPROD_DATEO 2009-08 09/18/2009 00:01:04 TGPROD_DATEP 20090917 09/18/2009 00:01:05 TGPROD_DATER 200908 09/18/2009 00:01:06 TGPROD_DD_DATE 18-SEP-09 09/18/2009 04:06:40 TGPROD_DE_DATE 2009-09-18 09/18/2009 04:06:34 TGPROD_DP_DATE 2009-09-18 09/18/2009 04:06:32 TGPROD_END_PREV_MONTH_DATE 2009-08-31 09/18/2009 00:01:06 TGPROD_ENERGYPRINT /export/home/energyop/print/peace8.04_tgprod1 03/02/2009 16:45:14 TGPROD_ENV tgprod 03/02/2009 16:46:49 TGPROD_HOME /export/home/energyop 03/02/2009 16:46:49 TGPROD_KM1_ENDDATE 2009-08-21 08/21/2009 22:58:41 TGPROD_KM1_STARTDATE 2009-08-01 08/21/2009 22:58:35 TGPROD_KM2_ENDDATE 2009-08-31 08/31/2009 20:21:12 TGPROD_KM2_STARTDATE 2009-08-22 08/31/2009 20:21:06 TGPROD_MRIBCG_READDATE 2009-09-23 09/18/2009 20:11:03 TGPROD_MRIBCH_READDATE 2009-09-23 09/18/2009 20:11:11 TGPROD_PREV_DP_DATEA 2009-09-17 09/18/2009 04:06:36 TGPROD_PREV_DP_DATEB 20090917 09/18/2009 04:06:37 TGPROD_R_MREVLIST_ENDDATE 2009-08-31 09/01/2009 04:36:30



Backup Global Variables

autorep -G ALL > AUTOSYS_GLOBAL_2009-01-16

Backup ALL JIL's

autorep -J ALL -q > AUTOSYS_ALL_2009-01-16.jil

First Level reporting

autorep -w -J ALL -L0

autorep -w -J %TGPROD% -L0 |sort Job Name Last Start Last End ST Run Pri/Xit _______________________________________________________________ _ ____________________ ____________________ __ _______ ___ box_TGPROD_CSS_gas_odour_rpt 09/18/2009 06:10:00 09/18/2009 06:36:52 SU 634449/1 box_TGPROD_CSS_meter_exchanges_rpt 09/18/2009 09:15:00 09/18/2009 09:30:32 SU 635198/1 box_TGPROD_DP_monitoring 09/17/2009 20:40:17 09/18/2009 04:06:37 OH 632953/1 box_TGPROD_Davox_extract 09/18/2009 09:45:00 09/18/2009 09:49:49 SU 635318/1 box_TGPROD_Davox_upload 09/18/2009 19:20:00 09/18/2009 19:32:05 SU 637661/1 box_TGPROD_EPP_review 09/12/2009 08:19:57 09/12/2009 13:04:04 SU 603642/1 box_TGPROD_IB_adjusted_usage 09/18/2009 08:02:00 09/18/2009 08:02:31 SU 634879/1 box_TGPROD_IB_allocations 09/18/2009 18:00:00 09/18/2009 18:02:03 SU 637351/1 box_TGPROD_IB_health_reports 09/18/2009 08:00:00 09/18/2009 08:01:11 SU 634869/1 box_TGPROD_IB_heat 09/18/2009 17:05:00 09/18/2009 17:06:12 SU 637148/1 box_TGPROD_IB_hec 09/18/2009 15:00:00 09/18/2009 15:02:15 SU 636636/1 box_TGPROD_IB_temp 09/18/2009 10:05:00 09/18/2009 10:06:20 SU 635404/1 box_TGPROD_IB_usage 09/18/2009 05:30:00 09/18/2009 07:18:28 SU 634347/1 box_TGPROD_IB_usage_check 09/18/2009 07:00:00 09/18/2009 07:00:12 SU 634620/1 box_TGPROD_MRIBCG_generation 09/18/2009 05:43:53 09/18/2009 06:03:40 SU 634382/1

box_TGPROD_MRIBCH_generation 09/18/2009 05:00:00 09/18/2009 05:43:53 box_TGPROD_MRI_ftp 09/18/2009 06:00:00 09/18/2009 06:02:12 box_TGPROD_MRI_rename 09/14/2009 08:00:00 09/14/2009 08:00:03 box_TGPROD_ODS_extract 09/01/2009 12:37:21 09/01/2009 14:28:55 box_TGPROD_SAP_MMS_Devices 07/18/2009 16:00:00 07/18/2009 16:04:25 box_TGPROD_TriStar_survey 09/18/2009 18:00:00 09/18/2009 18:08:03 box_TGPROD_archive 09/18/2009 19:33:03 09/18/2009 19:36:59 box_TGPROD_archive_ftp 09/17/2009 23:40:00 09/17/2009 23:40:18 box_TGPROD_archive_stmt 09/17/2009 23:40:00 09/17/2009 23:40:11 box_TGPROD_bankrupt_credit 09/14/2009 12:00:00 09/14/2009 12:00:49 box_TGPROD_bankrupt_current 09/14/2009 12:10:00 09/14/2009 12:10:06 box_TGPROD_cafe 09/12/2009 15:00:00 09/12/2009 15:18:49 box_TGPROD_caledon_tracker_load 09/18/2009 10:30:00 09/18/2009 10:30:38 box_TGPROD_chk_unclosed_batches 09/18/2009 11:00:00 09/18/2009 11:00:05 box_TGPROD_cl_notic_work_management 09/18/2009 03:30:02 09/18/2009 09:02:35 box_TGPROD_cognos 09/12/2009 16:00:00 09/12/2009 16:08:05 box_TGPROD_collection_agency 09/12/2009 06:00:00 09/12/2009 07:34:27 box_TGPROD_create_ptj_for_live_smart --------box_TGPROD_create_schedule --------box_TGPROD_daily_back_office_forecasting 09/18/2009 06:10:00 09/18/2009 06:27:14 box_TGPROD_davox_complaints 09/18/2009 08:05:00 09/18/2009 08:05:22 box_TGPROD_days_delay_correction 09/18/2009 07:10:00 09/18/2009 07:10:10 box_TGPROD_device_status 09/18/2009 18:30:00 09/18/2009 18:33:55 box_TGPROD_device_status_upload 09/18/2009 07:30:00 09/18/2009 07:31:18 box_TGPROD_direct_debit 09/18/2009 04:06:38 09/18/2009 05:32:32 box_TGPROD_dispute_drop_premises_extract 09/17/2009 18:00:00 09/17/2009 18:33:48 box_TGPROD_energy_CIS_users 09/12/2009 16:15:00 09/12/2009 16:16:17 box_TGPROD_epost_MDR 09/18/2009 15:05:00 09/18/2009 15:06:17

SU 634260/1 SU 634421/1 SU 614700/1 SU 546128/1 SU 264955/1 SU 637350/1 SU 637708/1 SU 633409/1 SU 633408/1 SU 615713/1 SU 615755/1 SU 605285/1 SU 635511/1 SU 635637/1 SU 634011/1 SU 605531/1 SU 603069/1 OH 0/0 OH 0/0 SU 634448/1 SU 634893/1 SU 634664/1 SU 637470/1 SU 634743/1 SU 634105/1 SU 632351/1 SU 605595/1 SU 636663/1

box_TGPROD_epost_audit 09/18/2009 08:00:00 09/18/2009 08:01:19 SU 634866/1 box_TGPROD_epost_unfunded 09/18/2009 08:15:00 09/18/2009 08:16:17 SU 634941/1 box_TGPROD_in_lieu --------OH 0/0 box_TGPROD_incorrect_meter_pressure 09/06/2009 12:00:00 09/06/2009 12:00:24 SU 571751/1 box_TGPROD_invoicing_reconnection_charges 09/13/2009 19:20:00 09/13/2009 19:20:04 SU 611784/1 box_TGPROD_ip_pool_price_loader 09/05/2009 06:12:04 09/05/2009 06:13:13 SU 564817/1 box_TGPROD_large_customers_with_high_consumption 07/16/2009 09:12:30 07/16/2009 09:16:33 SU 252990/1 box_TGPROD_late_payments 07/16/2009 09:22:14 07/16/2009 09:46:28 SU 253033/1 box_TGPROD_lmdispatch_cancelled 09/18/2009 06:01:00 09/18/2009 06:17:33 SU 634423/1 box_TGPROD_load_MREBCG 09/18/2009 17:40:00 09/18/2009 17:50:23 SU 637271/1 box_TGPROD_load_MREBCH 09/18/2009 17:50:24 09/18/2009 18:05:49 SU 637311/1 box_TGPROD_load_MRE_post 09/18/2009 18:05:50 09/18/2009 18:07:53 SU 637371/1 box_TGPROD_load_RMF_files 09/18/2009 17:30:00 09/18/2009 17:32:51 SU 637229/1 box_TGPROD_load_Remittance_files 09/18/2009 16:30:00 09/18/2009 17:52:26 SU 637018/1 box_TGPROD_lockoffs_and_reconnects 08/20/2009 10:51:57 08/20/2009 11:10:19 SU 482313/1 box_TGPROD_mdd_appointments 09/17/2009 23:00:00 09/17/2009 23:00:14 SU 633313/1 box_TGPROD_mdd_ftp_out 09/18/2009 20:26:00 ----RU 637900/1 box_TGPROD_mdd_in_progress 09/13/2009 18:50:00 09/13/2009 18:50:52 SU 611664/1 box_TGPROD_mdd_pdf_gen 09/18/2009 20:10:00 09/18/2009 20:11:09 SU 637845/1 box_TGPROD_mdd_to_reload 09/18/2009 19:45:00 09/18/2009 19:45:39 SU 637752/1 box_TGPROD_monthly_HEC_SLA 09/01/2009 12:00:00 09/01/2009 12:00:12 SU 545968/1 box_TGPROD_monthly_IVR_report --------OH 0/0 box_TGPROD_monthly_KM_1 08/22/2009 06:20:59 08/22/2009 07:35:59 SU 491438/1 box_TGPROD_monthly_KM_2 09/01/2009 08:43:40 09/01/2009 09:39:00 SU 545214/1 box_TGPROD_monthly_batch 09/01/2009 03:07:52 09/01/2009 08:58:48 SU 543913/1 box_TGPROD_monthly_caledon_statistical_data --------OH 0/0 box_TGPROD_monthly_print 09/01/2009 09:39:01 09/02/2009 10:57:33 SU 545391/1 box_TGPROD_monthly_stat 09/01/2009 10:20:44 09/01/2009 10:30:29 SU 545539/1

box_TGPROD_monthly_weekend_batch 09/05/2009 11:00:00 09/05/2009 14:14:59 SU 565993/1 box_TGPROD_pending_referral_audit_report 09/12/2009 07:34:28 09/12/2009 07:37:21 SU 603454/1 box_TGPROD_post_dp_batch 09/18/2009 04:06:38 09/18/2009 07:20:22 SU 634107/1 box_TGPROD_pre_dp_batch 09/18/2009 19:38:55 09/18/2009 20:24:21 SU 637727/1 box_TGPROD_prem_stops_to_work_this_week 09/13/2009 15:00:00 09/13/2009 15:00:10 SU 610792/1 box_TGPROD_pulled_statements 09/18/2009 15:12:05 09/18/2009 15:13:22 SU 636694/1 box_TGPROD_recall_and_meter_compliance --------OH 0/0 box_TGPROD_refunds 09/18/2009 09:00:00 09/18/2009 09:02:34 SU 635129/1 box_TGPROD_remove_OMR_readings 09/13/2009 13:00:00 09/13/2009 13:03:47 SU 610334/1 box_TGPROD_resequencerounds 09/18/2009 07:01:00 09/18/2009 07:03:23 SU 634625/1 box_TGPROD_set_environment 09/18/2009 00:01:00 09/18/2009 00:01:32 SU 633465/1 box_TGPROD_statement_check 09/18/2009 07:20:23 09/18/2009 07:20:51 SU 634705/1 box_TGPROD_statement_in 09/18/2009 11:15:00 09/18/2009 12:08:35 SU 635704/1 box_TGPROD_statement_out 09/18/2009 05:00:00 09/18/2009 07:46:52 SU 634258/1 box_TGPROD_tar_archive 09/06/2009 11:00:00 09/06/2009 11:07:47 SU 571519/1 box_TGPROD_tests 08/20/2009 15:57:49 08/20/2009 15:57:51 SU 483592/1 box_TGPROD_track_statements_audit 09/18/2009 07:50:00 09/18/2009 07:50:04 SU 634825/1 box_TGPROD_triggers_check 09/18/2009 04:06:38 09/18/2009 04:07:52 SU 634106/1 box_TGPROD_weekly_batch 09/12/2009 09:00:00 09/12/2009 10:46:56 SU 603805/1 box_TGPROD_weekly_terasen_epost 09/14/2009 08:30:00 09/14/2009 08:31:04 SU 614837/1 job_TGPROD_NGV_quarterly_extract 07/15/2009 08:05:01 07/15/2009 08:05:05 SU 247540/1 job_TGPROD_OMR_manual_readings_required_report --------OH 0/0 job_TGPROD_as_inactive_evening 09/18/2009 16:20:01 09/18/2009 16:20:04 SU 636978/1 job_TGPROD_business_days 07/02/2009 14:48:13 07/02/2009 14:48:15 SU 179961/1 job_TGPROD_calc_avg_factors 09/01/2009 12:27:55 09/01/2009 13:19:15 SU 546087/1 job_TGPROD_check_FTP_ccp_to_print_out_logs 09/18/2009 18:00:01 09/18/2009 18:00:01 SU 637347/1 job_TGPROD_ed_FTP_get_CCP_From_Inbox_file 09/18/2009 20:15:01 09/18/2009 20:15:12 SU 637863/1 job_TGPROD_ed_consbill_workaround 09/16/2009 05:30:01 09/16/2009 05:34:48 SU 624215/1

job_TGPROD_ed_monitor 09/18/2009 19:00:01 09/18/2009 19:00:01 job_TGPROD_ed_monitor_and_ftp_files 09/18/2009 20:28:01 09/18/2009 20:28:01 job_TGPROD_ed_run 09/18/2009 20:28:01 09/18/2009 20:28:05 job_TGPROD_magic_mail_MP_finished 09/01/2009 08:34:22 09/01/2009 08:34:23 job_TGPROD_mdd_log_archive 09/18/2009 20:10:01 09/18/2009 20:10:02 job_TGPROD_mdd_monitor_and_ftp_files 09/18/2009 20:28:01 09/18/2009 20:28:01 job_TGPROD_mdd_pool_old_ptjs 09/18/2009 18:55:01 09/18/2009 18:55:01 job_TGPROD_mdd_post_apply_cons_main 09/18/2009 20:28:01 09/18/2009 20:28:01 job_TGPROD_mdd_run_completions 09/18/2009 16:20:01 09/18/2009 16:20:36 job_TGPROD_monthly_r_adebsum2 09/01/2009 05:12:54 09/01/2009 05:26:21 job_TGPROD_monthly_r_deposit 09/01/2009 05:28:42 09/01/2009 06:10:28 job_TGPROD_monthly_r_mrevlist 09/01/2009 04:40:04 09/01/2009 05:00:11 job_TGPROD_r_synergee --------job_TGPROD_work_management_fieldwork 09/18/2009 17:01:01 09/18/2009 17:01:09 job_TGPROD_work_management_weekly 09/13/2009 20:00:01 09/13/2009 20:03:13

SU 637585/1 SU 637909/1 SU 637911/1 SU 545191/1 SU 637843/1 SU 637908/1 IN 637563/1 SU 637910/1 1 SU 636976/1 SU 544390/1 SU 544451/1 SU 544265/1 OH 0/0 SU 637134/1 SU 611937/1

Second Level reporting

autorep -J ALL -L1

Detail info about the job execution

autorep -w -J box_TGPROD_weekly_batch -d

What is currently running

autorep -d -m ALL

Job Status
autorep -J <box/job>

Job Definition
autorep -J <box/job> -q

Status Abbreviation

The following table lists the abbreviations used in the ST (status) column of the autorep report, and gives the status for each abbreviation.

Current Jobs TGPROD environment

autorep -w -j %TGPROD% | cut -c1-60 | sort Job Name ____________________________________________________________ box_TGPROD_CSS_gas_odour_rpt box_TGPROD_CSS_meter_exchanges_rpt box_TGPROD_DP_monitoring box_TGPROD_Davox_extract box_TGPROD_Davox_upload box_TGPROD_EPP_review box_TGPROD_IB_adjusted_usage box_TGPROD_IB_allocations box_TGPROD_IB_health_reports box_TGPROD_IB_heat box_TGPROD_IB_hec box_TGPROD_IB_temp box_TGPROD_IB_usage box_TGPROD_IB_usage_check box_TGPROD_MRIBCG_generation box_TGPROD_MRIBCH_generation box_TGPROD_MRI_ftp box_TGPROD_MRI_rename box_TGPROD_ODS_extract box_TGPROD_SAP_MMS_Devices box_TGPROD_TriStar_survey box_TGPROD_archive box_TGPROD_archive_ftp box_TGPROD_archive_stmt box_TGPROD_bankrupt_credit box_TGPROD_bankrupt_current box_TGPROD_cafe box_TGPROD_caledon_tracker_load box_TGPROD_chk_unclosed_batches box_TGPROD_cl_notic_work_management box_TGPROD_cognos box_TGPROD_collection_agency box_TGPROD_create_ptj_for_live_smart

box_TGPROD_create_schedule box_TGPROD_daily_back_office_forecasting box_TGPROD_davox_complaints box_TGPROD_days_delay_correction box_TGPROD_device_status box_TGPROD_device_status_upload box_TGPROD_direct_debit box_TGPROD_dispute_drop_premises_extract box_TGPROD_energy_CIS_users box_TGPROD_epost_MDR box_TGPROD_epost_audit box_TGPROD_epost_unfunded box_TGPROD_in_lieu box_TGPROD_incorrect_meter_pressure box_TGPROD_invoicing_reconnection_charges box_TGPROD_ip_pool_price_loader box_TGPROD_large_customers_with_high_consumption box_TGPROD_late_payments box_TGPROD_lmdispatch_cancelled box_TGPROD_load_MREBCG box_TGPROD_load_MREBCH box_TGPROD_load_MRE_post box_TGPROD_load_RMF_files box_TGPROD_load_Remittance_files box_TGPROD_lockoffs_and_reconnects box_TGPROD_mdd_appointments box_TGPROD_mdd_ftp_out box_TGPROD_mdd_in_progress box_TGPROD_mdd_pdf_gen box_TGPROD_mdd_to_reload box_TGPROD_monthly_HEC_SLA box_TGPROD_monthly_IVR_report box_TGPROD_monthly_KM_1 box_TGPROD_monthly_KM_2 box_TGPROD_monthly_batch box_TGPROD_monthly_caledon_statistical_data box_TGPROD_monthly_print box_TGPROD_monthly_stat box_TGPROD_monthly_weekend_batch box_TGPROD_pending_referral_audit_report box_TGPROD_post_dp_batch box_TGPROD_pre_dp_batch box_TGPROD_prem_stops_to_work_this_week box_TGPROD_pulled_statements box_TGPROD_recall_and_meter_compliance box_TGPROD_refunds box_TGPROD_remove_OMR_readings box_TGPROD_resequencerounds box_TGPROD_set_environment box_TGPROD_statement_check box_TGPROD_statement_in box_TGPROD_statement_out

box_TGPROD_tar_archive box_TGPROD_tests box_TGPROD_track_statements_audit box_TGPROD_triggers_check box_TGPROD_weekly_batch box_TGPROD_weekly_terasen_epost job_TGPROD_NGV_quarterly_extract job_TGPROD_OMR_manual_readings_required_report job_TGPROD_as_inactive_evening job_TGPROD_business_days job_TGPROD_calc_avg_factors job_TGPROD_check_FTP_ccp_to_print_out_logs job_TGPROD_ed_FTP_get_CCP_From_Inbox_file job_TGPROD_ed_consbill_workaround job_TGPROD_ed_monitor job_TGPROD_ed_monitor_and_ftp_files job_TGPROD_ed_run job_TGPROD_magic_mail_MP_finished job_TGPROD_mdd_log_archive job_TGPROD_mdd_monitor_and_ftp_files job_TGPROD_mdd_pool_old_ptjs job_TGPROD_mdd_post_apply_cons_main job_TGPROD_mdd_run_completions job_TGPROD_monthly_r_adebsum2 job_TGPROD_monthly_r_deposit job_TGPROD_monthly_r_mrevlist job_TGPROD_r_synergee job_TGPROD_work_management_fieldwork job_TGPROD_work_management_weekly

Autosys autostatus
Autosys Command - autostatus
Unicenter AutoSys JM Autostatus Utility USAGE: autostatus [-J JobName | -G GlobalName] [-S AUTOSERV] [-x] [-?] WHERE: -J jobname -G globalname -S instance options -x -? Displays status of the Job Displays Global Variable's value AutoSys instance to be queried for -J or -G Returns version information Help

Status of the job
autostatus -J job_TGPROD_IB_prem_stopped_accounts SUCCESS

Status of the global variable

autostatus -G TGPROD_CISSOURCE /CISSupport/tgprod/source

Autosys monbro
Autosys Command - monbro

Run monitor or report that has already been defined, using JIL or the monitor/browser editor

monbro -h Unicenter AutoSys JM Monitor Browser Utility USAGE: monbro -N Name [-P Polling frequency] [-D DataSource] [q] [-x] [-?] WHERE: -N Name -P Poll frequency interval -D Datasource specified information -q format -x -? Runs specified Monitor or Report Polls the database at the specified (in seconds) Uses datasource to search the Displays monbro definitions in JIL Returns version information Help

monbro -N failure_monitor monbro -N ALL -q insert_monbro: error mode: b all_events: N alarm: N all_status: N running: N success: N failure: Y terminated: Y starting: N restart: N job_filter: a currun: Y insert_monbro: running mode: b all_events: N alarm: N all_status: N

running: Y success: N failure: N terminated: N starting: N restart: N job_filter: a currun: Y

Autosys Command - eventor

Start Event Demon

o eventor

Scheduler started. *********************************************************** *** Monitoring Log file: /opt/CA/UnicenterAutoSysJM/autouser.TGD/out/event_demon.TGD... ^c to Break out. *** *********************************************************** [01/16/2009 21:46:00] ---------------------------------------[01/16/2009 21:47:00] ---------------------------------------CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler Log [01/16/2009 21:47:13] Time Message -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[01/16/2009 21:47:13] CAUAJM_E_90010 Unable to load libemsdk < cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory>. [01/16/2009 21:47:13] CAUAJM_E_00131 An unrecoverable error has occurred or the maximum number of allowable errors has been exceeded. Unicenter Event Management messaging has been disabled. [01/16/2009 21:47:13] CAUAJM_I_10655 System is running in single server mode. Event server: TG8. [01/16/2009 21:47:15] CAUAJM_I_40218 **** Time offset between the Scheduler and Event Server A is 3 seconds. **** [01/16/2009 21:47:15] CAUAJM_I_50407 Reading external instance information [01/16/2009 21:47:15] CAUAJM_I_50408 No external instance information available. [01/16/2009 21:47:15] CAUAJM_I_40246 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler startup complete [01/16/2009 21:47:15] CAUAJM_I_40356 SNMP trap generation : DISABLED. [01/16/2009 21:47:15] CAUAJM_I_40211 Using TZ = America/New_York [01/16/2009 21:47:15] _____________________________________________________________________ _________ [01/16/2009 21:47:15] CAUAJM_I_50154 Running the Chase Process. [01/16/2009 21:47:15] CAUAJM_I_50156 There are no Jobs in a STARTING or RUNNING state! [01/16/2009 21:47:15] CAUAJM_I_50157 Chase is successful.

[01/16/2009 21:47:15] _____________________________________________________________________ _________ [01/16/2009 21:47:15] CAUAJM_E_90015 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler [2AJS] - License Failure. Please contact your account representative to obtain a new license. [01/16/2009 21:47:15] CAUAJM_E_90015 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Agent [2AJR] - License Failure. Please contact your account representative to obtain a new license. [01/16/2009 21:47:20] CAUAJM_E_00165 The Primary Scheduler is already running on machine: tgdap01, Startup aborted. [01/16/2009 21:47:20] CAUAJM_I_40247 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler processing of events complete. [01/16/2009 21:47:20] CAUAJM_I_40248 CA Unicenter AutoSys JM Scheduler shutdown complete. Exiting. [01/16/2009 21:48:00] ----------------------------------------

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